The Republicans are such losers

Hitler was a fascist. Putin is a fascist, and Trump and the gop are election denying fascists.
Fascist-a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.
OK, so you know nothing, got it. Because me as an anti big gov right winger, love planet are you on? I love it when they force me to take a vax, I love it when people burn down cities with the help of politicians, you know stuff you and your fellow democrats do all the time.
OK, so you know nothing, got it. Because me as an anti big gov right winger, love planet are you on? I love it when they force me to take a vax, I love it when people burn down cities with the help of politicians, you know stuff you and your fellow democrats do all the time.
Fascist - “ or has extreme right wing views”
Thats the definition. Deal with it.
Republicans will be LOSERS as long as they support ZIONISM and not FISCAL CONSERVATISM
So progressives now completely control the literary world ? Where is the rock you live under ?
I don't think the definition of fascism comes under the domain of literature. History, politics and economics are not liturature.
I don't think the definition of fascism comes under the domain of literature. History, politics and economics are not liturature.
Oh contrary. A dictionary is a literary device use by writers in every field. You don’t think they are concerned with word meanings ? All books of superior nature are general literature, even text books. Literature-written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit:

Geesus, you don’t even know what the word “literature” means. A classic dictionary, text book or anything of superior nature, like Trump conviction summary, would be literature.
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He is a smug dick. I hope he learned his lesson. Can’t wait for Jordan to go after Fauci, Biden and co.

Never gonna happen. Jordan has NO POWER. No one will give him the time of day.

Just the fact that YOU think it's a good idea to do this shows was an ignorant fool you truly are. Jim Jordan is a laughingstock in the rest of the world. His failure to show up at the January 6th Hearing means nobody will show up for his dog and pony shows.
Oh contrary. A dictionary is a literary device use by writers in every field. You don’t think they are concerned with word meanings ? All books of superior nature are general literature, even text books. Literature-written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit:

Geesus, you don’t even know what the word “literature” means. A classic dictionary, text book or anything of superior nature, like Trump conviction summary, would be literature.
A book about physics or economics is not literature, moron.

Where does this definition use the term "right-wing?



fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Never gonna happen. Jordan has NO POWER. No one will give him the time of day.

Just the fact that YOU think it's a good idea to do this shows was an ignorant fool you truly are. Jim Jordan is a laughingstock in the rest of the world. His failure to show up at the January 6th Hearing means nobody will show up for his dog and pony shows.
You live in a world of delusion.
Never gonna happen. Jordan has NO POWER. No one will give him the time of day.

Just the fact that YOU think it's a good idea to do this shows was an ignorant fool you truly are. Jim Jordan is a laughingstock in the rest of the world. His failure to show up at the January 6th Hearing means nobody will show up for his dog and pony shows.
He has subpoena power. Prove me wrong.

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