The Republicans Control the House, and the GOP now own the Deficit

Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

Bullshit. All biden's fault.
Not if you have a lick of sense!
Trump inherited a $587B/yr deficit form Obama, he then passed multi-year, multi-trillion dollar spending bills and doubled the annual deficit pre-covid.

Can you even accept and admit this.
I doubt it, so everything you say is all bull shit anyways.

You can't even admit documented fact.

Trump inherited a $587B deficit and he doubled that pre-covid, by passing massive spending bills, like the $4.7 Trillion bill in 2017. Accept and deal with it.
Then Trump tripled it post covid and begged the Congress and the FED for even more.

GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew it up with massive spending bills...

You can't even admit these facts, because they show how terrible the GOP has been, and how the debt is theirs, caused by their policy.

Kevin McCarthy has been speaker for 2 months, the future is his, he owns it.

Get back to us when you can admit facts
I brought the actual numbers proving you are a liar, Simp.
Trump inherited a $587B/yr deficit form Obama, he then passed multi-year, multi-trillion dollar spending bills and doubled the annual deficit pre-covid.

Can you even accept and admit this.
I doubt it, so everything you say is all bull shit anyways.
Trump inherited a $587B/yr deficit form Obama, he then passed multi-year, multi-trillion dollar spending bills and doubled the annual deficit pre-covid.

Can you even accept and admit this.
I doubt it, so everything you say is all bull shit anyways.
Barry Hussein’s last deficit was $665.7 Billion, liar.
I brought the actual numbers proving you are a liar, Simp.
no you didn't.

You posted spin and lies
Official US data:
Obama had $587B/yr deficit in his last year

Trump went on to double almost that, putting up $987B/yr deficit in 2019.

Trump passed mega spending bills and blew up the deficit.
Trump gave us 25% of out total debt in just 4 years.
no you didn't.

You posted spin and lies
Official US data:
Obama had $587B/yr deficit in his last year

Trump went on to double almost that, putting up $987B/yr deficit in 2019.

Trump passed mega spending bills and blew up the deficit.
Trump gave us 25% of out total debt in just 4 years.
You fucking moron, FY 2017 is Barry’s last budget.
no matter how you spin.
Trump increased it substantially every year, and this is fact that you just can't admit
The first two years with a Republican House deficits were $779B and $983 B. Last two years when Nazi Piglosi was Speaker the deficits were $3.132 TRILLION and $2.775 TRILLION.

Rememeber the premise of your thread, Simp? It’s that deficits are the fault of the Speaker.

Cant wait for your pathetic spin…….
Facts aren’t spin, Dipsqueeze.
US budget deficit by year:

2017: $665B
2018: $780B
2019: $987
2020 predicted precovid: $1.3T, but came in at $3.3T
2021: $2.8 Trillion
2022: $1.3T

Trump jacked up the deficit massively every year, because he kept on passing massive spending bills.

Biden lowered the deficit because his big spending bill had offsetting cuts and tax increases on the wealthy, like Bill Clinton did.
The first two years with a Republican House deficits were $779B and $983 B. Last two years when Nazi Piglosi was Speaker the deficits were $3.132 TRILLION and $2.775 TRILLION.

Rememeber the premise of your thread, Simp? It’s that deficits are the fault of the Speaker.

Cant wait for your pathetic spin…….
hey retard go re-read the OP, then maybe you'll get it...

The president sets the agenda and budget.
Bill Clinton gave us the balanced budget
GW Bush gave us mega debt and deficits
Trump gave us mega deficits and debt
Biden has lowered the Trump debt

The president sets the agenda, and the GOP presidents have been a disaster that caused the bulk of our debt and deficit
hey retard go re-read the OP, then maybe you'll get it...

The president sets the agenda and budget.
Bill Clinton gave us the balanced budget
GW Bush gave us mega debt and deficits
Trump gave us mega deficits and debt
Biden has lowered the Trump debt

The president sets the agenda, and the GOP presidents have been a disaster that caused the bulk of our debt and deficit
Biden lowered the Trump debt?


What a moron.:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Biden lowered the Trump debt?


What a moron.:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
2020: $3.1T
2021: $2.85T
2022: $1.3T

You are void of fact, its so easy to destroy you

Thanks Joe, great job lowering the massive Trump deficit that ruined America. If Trump were president the debt would be at $4T/yr
2020: $3.1T
2021: $2.85T
2022: $1.3T

You are void of fact, its so easy to destroy you

Thanks Joe, great job lowering the massive Trump deficit that ruined America. If Trump were president the debt would be at $4T/yr
Cool story.

Now back up your claim Tater lowered the debt
the numbers proove my story

like i said, I am the ing of facts

Biden offset spending increases with cuts and tax inc on the wealthy
The only thing you proved was that you are so fucking stupid You don’t know the difference between deficits and the debt.

Moron. :abgg2q.jpg:
The only thing you proved was that you are so fucking stupid You don’t know the difference between deficits and the debt.

Moron. :abgg2q.jpg:
nice reply, too bad you fail again

Enjoy the Trump deficits caused by his failed policy, good thing Biden has lowered those
nice reply, too bad you fail again

Enjoy the Trump deficits caused by his failed policy, good thing Biden has lowered those
Get back to me when you grow a brain and learn the difference between debt and deficit, Simp.
Rememeber the premise of your thread, Simp? It’s that deficits are the fault of the Speaker.

Cant wait for your pathetic spin…….
Cult memo says, spin everything away from trump.
Not trumps fault, blame someone else.

"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL." djt.

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