The Republicans Control the House, and the GOP now own the Deficit

Cult memo says, spin everything away from trump.
Not trumps fault, blame someone else.

"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL." djt.
Not my premise, it’s the premise of the OP.

He is blaming the speaker for the deficit despite him voting against the current budget, and passing nothing that has added to the debt/deficit since becoming speaker.

Facts always trigger you single digit IQ Dimtards.
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

Post all the spending bills McCarthy has passed that became law and added to the deficit, Simp.

The Banker
Post all the spending bills McCarthy has passed that became law and added to the deficit, Simp.
Regardless of what the banker and you have discussed, go on the record and state your version of fact....... who is responsible for the deficit?

Your answer will predictably be...... I already did. LOLLOLLLOLL
Regardless of what the banker and you have discussed, go on the record and state your version of fact....... who is responsible for the deficit?

Your answer will predictably be...... I already did. LOLLOLLLOLL
So, you have nothing either.
I just think it's fair for you to state who you believe is responsible for the deficit?

Are you afraid to state your beliefs?
I think McCarthy has nothing to do with this deficit because he voted against the bill.

This one is on Democrats.
Horseshit. Of course. The House GOP is the entity trying to rein it in. Your President is the opponent. Ergo, Potato owns it.

Horseshit. Trump and Republicans ran up the debt $9 trillion, and exploded the deficit over $2 trillion.

Biden cut the deficit $1.7 trillion his first two years in.

The 'ol we gotta cut spending scam isn't working for you turds anymore. The only thing that is going to get cut are billionaire tax cuts for the last 40 years.

You should start preparing yourself for the billionaire class to start paying more taxes. A lot more. And if that hurts your feelings. Please be sure to send your favorite billionaire a check at the end of the month with a note pledging your undying loyalty.
Horseshit. Trump and Republicans ran up the debt $9 trillion, and exploded the deficit over $2 trillion.

Biden cut the deficit $1.7 trillion his first two years in.

The 'ol we gotta cut spending scam isn't working for you turds anymore. The only thing that is going to get cut are billionaire tax cuts for the last 40 years.

You should start preparing yourself for the billionaire class to start paying more taxes. A lot more. And if that hurts your feelings. Please be sure to send your favorite billionaire a check at the end of the month with a note pledging your undying loyalty.
Omfg. You are such a tool.

If anything you just said we’re of any value (and it never is when it comes from a jerkoff like you, skrewed), all you’d have to do is explain why that disgraceful Alzheimer victim in the White House won’t agree to the perfectly reasonable preconditions being proffered by the House.

But you can’t.

So, fuck off. And tell the Potato to fuck off too. You have absolutely no credibility and no chance f ever having any.
Post the bill that you say they passed.
I'd like to read it.
Don't deflect, just post the bill they passed.
Pretty simple.
Your ignorance isn't my problem. In fact, it's my entertainment.
Tbe GO
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

The GOP controlled the House, too, didn't they, while Democrats were running their 'For Ukraine' Ponzi scheme, lining their pockets with tax payer dollars?!

So I guess that means you blame the GOP for the Dems' Ponzi scheme, too?!

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