The Republicans (RINOs) are going to completely screw us again with the senate border bill


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

From Senator Mike Lee:

"Earlier today, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that, after four months of secrecy, The Firm™? plans to release the text of the $106 billion supplemental aid / border-security package—possibly as soon as tomorrow.

Wasting no time, she then asked, “if you get the bill by tomorrow, will you be ready to vote on it by Tuesday?”

The words “hell no” escaped my mouth before I could stop them. Those are strong words where I come from. (Sorry, Mom).

The reporter immediately understood that my frustration was not directed at her.

Rather, it was directed at the Law Firm of Schumer & McConnell (“The Firm™?”), which is perpetually trying to normalize a corrupt approach to legislating—in which The Firm™?

(1) spends months drafting legislation in complete secrecy,

(2) aggressively markets that legislation based not on its details and practical implications (good and bad), but only on its broadest, least-controversial objectives,

(3) lets members see bill text for the first time only a few days (sometimes a few hours) before an arbitrary deadline imposed by The Firm™? itself, always with a contrived sense of urgency, and then

(4) forces a vote on the legislation on or before that deadline, denying senators any real opportunity to read, digest, and debate the measure on its merits, much less introduce, consider, and vote on amendments to fix any perceived problems with the bill or otherwise improve it.

Whenever The Firm™? engages in this practice, it largely excludes nearly every senator from the constitutionally prescribed process in which all senators are supposed to participate.

By so doing, The Firm™? effectively disenfranchises hundreds of millions of Americans—at least for purposes relevant to the legislation at hand—and that’s tragic.

It’s also unAmerican, uncivil, uncollegial, and really uncool.

So why does The Firm™? do it?

Every time The Firm™? utilizes this approach and the bill passes—and it nearly always does—The Firm™? becomes more powerful.

The high success rate is largely attributable to the fact that The Firm™? has become very adept at (a) enlisting the help of the (freakishly cooperative) news media, (b) exerting peer pressure in a way that makes what you experienced in middle school look mild by comparison, and (c) rewarding those who consistently vote with The Firm™? with various privileges that The Firm™? is uniquely capable of offering (committee assignments, help with campaign fundraising, and a whole host of other widely coveted things that The Firm™? is free to distribute in any manner it pleases).

It’s through this process that The Firm™? passes most major spending legislation.

It’s through this process that The Firm™? likely intends to pass the still-secret, $106 billion supplemental aid / border-security package, which The Firm™? has spent four months negotiating, with the luxury of obsessing over every sentence, word, period, and comma.

I still don’t know exactly what’s in this bill, although I have serious concerns with it based on the few details The Firm™? has been willing to share.

But under no circumstances should this bill — which would fund military operations in three distant parts of the world and make massive, permanent changes to immigration law — be passed next week.

Nor should it be passed until we have had adequate time to read the bill, discuss it with constituents, debate it, offer amendments, and vote on those amendments.

There’s no universe in which those things will happen by next week.

Depending on how long it is and the complexity of its provisions, the minimum period of time we should devote to this bill after it’s released should be measured in weeks or months, not days or hours."

I'm not a fan but at least Mike Lee laid out how the swamp is the swamp. And why everyday Americans and even the people we elect, really have no say in Washington.....The Firm is a fine name for it.

And Eye Patch McCain has nothing to say about the House Border Security bill, HR2, being buried under the senate building by Chuck Schumer for the last eight months. Schumer has sat on a border security bill since May of last year. Go fuck yourself, Eye Patch.
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I'm not a fan but at least Mike Lee laid out how the swamp is the swamp. And why everyday Americans and even the people we elect, really have no say in Washington.....The Firm is a fine name for it.

And Eye Patch McCain has nothing to say about the House Border Security bill, HR2, being buried under the senate building by Chuck Schumer for the last eight months. Schumer has sat on a border security bill since May of last year. Go fuck yourself, Eye Patch.

Wow, now you guys are turning on your own war heroes for not being as hateful as you are.

You have a border bill that will at least do something, that the senate will pass and the president will sign. Is this a crisis or not?

From Senator Mike Lee:

"Earlier today, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that, after four months of secrecy, The Firm™? plans to release the text of the $106 billion supplemental aid / border-security package—possibly as soon as tomorrow.

Wasting no time, she then asked, “if you get the bill by tomorrow, will you be ready to vote on it by Tuesday?”

The words “hell no” escaped my mouth before I could stop them. Those are strong words where I come from. (Sorry, Mom).

The reporter immediately understood that my frustration was not directed at her.

Rather, it was directed at the Law Firm of Schumer & McConnell (“The Firm™?”), which is perpetually trying to normalize a corrupt approach to legislating—in which The Firm™?

(1) spends months drafting legislation in complete secrecy,

(2) aggressively markets that legislation based not on its details and practical implications (good and bad), but only on its broadest, least-controversial objectives,

(3) lets members see bill text for the first time only a few days (sometimes a few hours) before an arbitrary deadline imposed by The Firm™? itself, always with a contrived sense of urgency, and then

(4) forces a vote on the legislation on or before that deadline, denying senators any real opportunity to read, digest, and debate the measure on its merits, much less introduce, consider, and vote on amendments to fix any perceived problems with the bill or otherwise improve it.

Whenever The Firm™? engages in this practice, it largely excludes nearly every senator from the constitutionally prescribed process in which all senators are supposed to participate.

By so doing, The Firm™? effectively disenfranchises hundreds of millions of Americans—at least for purposes relevant to the legislation at hand—and that’s tragic.

It’s also unAmerican, uncivil, uncollegial, and really uncool.

So why does The Firm™? do it?

Every time The Firm™? utilizes this approach and the bill passes—and it nearly always does—The Firm™? becomes more powerful.

The high success rate is largely attributable to the fact that The Firm™? has become very adept at (a) enlisting the help of the (freakishly cooperative) news media, (b) exerting peer pressure in a way that makes what you experienced in middle school look mild by comparison, and (c) rewarding those who consistently vote with The Firm™? with various privileges that The Firm™? is uniquely capable of offering (committee assignments, help with campaign fundraising, and a whole host of other widely coveted things that The Firm™? is free to distribute in any manner it pleases).

It’s through this process that The Firm™? passes most major spending legislation.

It’s through this process that The Firm™? likely intends to pass the still-secret, $106 billion supplemental aid / border-security package, which The Firm™? has spent four months negotiating, with the luxury of obsessing over every sentence, word, period, and comma.

I still don’t know exactly what’s in this bill, although I have serious concerns with it based on the few details The Firm™? has been willing to share.

But under no circumstances should this bill — which would fund military operations in three distant parts of the world and make massive, permanent changes to immigration law — be passed next week.

Nor should it be passed until we have had adequate time to read the bill, discuss it with constituents, debate it, offer amendments, and vote on those amendments.

There’s no universe in which those things will happen by next week.

Depending on how long it is and the complexity of its provisions, the minimum period of time we should devote to this bill after it’s released should be measured in weeks or months, not days or hours."

I'm not a fan but at least Mike Lee laid out how the swamp is the swamp. And why everyday Americans and even the people we elect, really have no say in Washington.....The Firm is a fine name for it.

And Eye Patch McCain has nothing to say about the House Border Security bill, HR2, being buried under the senate building by Chuck Schumer for the last eight months. Schumer has sat on a border security bill since May of last year. Go fuck yourself, Eye Patch.

Democrats have the nerve to control the immigration issue allowing 8 million into the country under Joe Biden and then blame the GOP for the issue is what democrat-controlled propaganda is all about.
Wow, now you guys are turning on your own war heroes for not being as hateful as you are.

You have a border bill that will at least do something, that the senate will pass and the president will sign. Is this a crisis or not?
These MAGAs don’t know what they want. The border bill will alleviate the border crisis but because they are sheeple, they mindlessly follow what Trump says, and oppose it. Most congressional members know the border bill is good for the country, but MAGAs put loyalty to Trump before the nation. So, what else is new.
Wow, now you guys are turning on your own war heroes for not being as hateful as you are.
You have a border bill that will at least do something, that the senate will pass and the president will sign. Is this a crisis or not?
It is a national security crisis that Biden created.
No money until the border is sealed.
We can't trust democrats with any other deal.
Naive war heroes just don't get it.
These MAGAs don’t know what they want. The border bill will alleviate the border crisis but because they are sheeple, they mindlessly follow what Trump says, and oppose it. Most congressional members know the border bill is good for the country, but MAGAs put loyalty to Trump before the nation. So, what else is new.
WRONG. The border needs to be sealed. Letting in more migrants is a non-starter.
It is a national security crisis that Biden created.
No money until the border is sealed.
We can't trust democrats with any other deal.
Naive war heroes just don't get it.
Biden didn't create this crisis.
Trump created it by not reforming immigration laws 7 years go.

These people are going to come whether we want them to or not.
Because even with the most draconian laws, what they are running from is far worse than what they are running towards
WRONG. The border needs to be sealed. Letting in more migrants is a non-starter.
You really think that people who travelled hundreds of miles to get here are going to be deterred by a fence?
These MAGAs don’t know what they want. The border bill will alleviate the border crisis but because they are sheeple, they mindlessly follow what Trump says, and oppose it. Most congressional members know the border bill is good for the country, but MAGAs put loyalty to Trump before the nation. So, what else is new.
You gaslighing assclowns told everyone there was no crisis, for over two years.
You gaslighing assclowns told everyone there was no crisis, for over two years.
because there isn't one, except in your head.

Now Biden has a bill that will address your concerns, and you guys want to kill it so Trump will have something to talk about other than his 91 felony counts and how he's not really as rich as he says he is.
Biden didn't create this crisis.
Trump created it by not reforming immigration laws 7 years go.

These people are going to come whether we want them to or not.
Because even with the most draconian laws, what they are running from is far worse than what they are running towards

Why is Biden welding open the gates of the border wall then?
If the deal includes a massive wall extended the US-Mexico border, I'd say its worth considering. Otherwise, no fucking way.

The Republicans should be willing to negotiate for the name of the wall. Maybe instead of naming it Trump's Wall, they can name it after a RINO the left loves. Maybe the Chris Christie Memorial Fortification?
You really think that people who travelled hundreds of miles to get here are going to be deterred by a fence?
Walls and fences help impede entrance into an area, which is why Biden welded the border fence open.

Tomorrow we will learn men can't have babies.
because there isn't one, except in your head.

Now Biden has a bill that will address your concerns, and you guys want to kill it so Trump will have something to talk about other than his 91 felony counts and how he's not really as rich as he says he is.
That is all Prog lies. Like the congresswoman crying about the Walgreens closing. Progs with their agendas are mostly cause and effect.
You gaslighing assclowns told everyone there was no crisis, for over two years.
The border has been a problem for years. As far as telling everyone there was no crisis, Obama was not known as the deporter in chief for nothing. Republicans themselves have enabled illegals by turning a blind eye to employers hiring them. But be that as it may, the border bill is what is needed to start the fix. Opposing it does nothing. The fact is Trump would sign the bill if he is elected than boast about it later.
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