The Republicans’ war on science and reason

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The Republicans’ war on science and reason - The Washington Post

Last month, Washington Post columnist Steve Pearlstein wrote that if you wanted to come up with a bumper sticker that defined the Republican Party’s platform it would be this: “Repeal the 20th century. Vote GOP.” With their unrelenting attempts to slash Social Security, end Medicare and Medicaid and destroy the social safety net, Republicans are, indeed, on a quest of reversal. But they have set their sights on an even bolder course than Pearlstein acknowledges in his column: It’s not just the 20th century they have targeted for repeal; it’s the 18th and 19th too.

The 18th century was defined, in many ways, by the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement based on the idea that reason, rational discourse and the advancement of knowledge, were the critical pillars of modern life. The leaders of the movement inspired the thinking of Charles Darwin, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin; its tenets can be found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. But more than 200 years later, those basic tenets — the very notion that facts and evidence matter — are being rejected, wholesale, by the 21st-century Republican Party.

I never understood this obsession to deny and distort the reality of science.
Wow the WaPost hates Republicans.

Never thought I'd live to see the day when a steady, reliable ally like the WaPost would turn against us.

I guess we had it coming what with our hatred for science and our war on wimmen and chillun
Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

Tell me the Republican positions of global warming/climate change? Do they believe it or not believe it? Romney is the instigator of fictitious wars, like his false accusation waging war against women, :rolleyes:
Wow the WaPost hates Republicans.

Never thought I'd live to see the day when a steady, reliable ally like the WaPost would turn against us.

I guess we had it coming what with our hatred for science and our war on wimmen and chillun

Nice ad-hominem attack, the Bass loves watching Republitards mke jackasses out of themselves by attacking what they can't refute.
I'm sorry, but the last Space Shuttle was on the back of an airplane on its way to retirement and it flew right overhead, so I couldn't hear what was being said in the opening post. Could you repeat it for me please? Whose war on science?

Howzabout a war on the term "war on"?


Indeed. Statists are having a 'Dream within a dream' which is turning out to be a nughtmare for them...and they realize it.

Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

I think they are just trying to accuse us of things they like doing hoping it will stick if they yell long enough.

This so many others is bourne out of frustration as the left sees they're going to lose.

All there is to it.

They think no one is going to see through it either. obama has been a complete disaster. His whole administration is disintegrating around him. He has nothing to offer but more phonied up wars that he believes someone else is going to fight for him.
The 20th century was a century of mass murderers, totalitarianism, cruelty, wars and all sorts of barbarities. Everything made in the name of science. :)

The 19th century, on the other hand, was a century of high technological progress, of political moderation and reason. The religious wars were over. Slavery was abolished.

If I had to choose beetween the 2, I'd stay with the 19th century. :)
Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

Tell me the Republican positions of global warming/climate change? Do they believe it or not believe it? Romney is the instigator of fictitious wars, like his false accusation waging war against women, :rolleyes:

What are you babbling on about Charlie? The left accused the GOP of 'waging a war on women' (they aren't).... Romney had jack shit to do with it... try not to be a twit.
A democrat bumper sticker would be "blinders on and a condom in every wallet". It's easy to blame republicans if you are stupid enough to listen to left wing propaganda. Social Security needs to be fixed and medicare/medicaid needs to be fixed because ....say it together lefties....they are going broke. Now Obama wants to pile on another gigantic federal bureaucracy that threatens to put you in jail if you don't buy a product. The world is upside down to liberals.
Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

Tell me the Republican positions of global warming/climate change? Do they believe it or not believe it? Romney is the instigator of fictitious wars, like his false accusation waging war against women, :rolleyes:

Everyone, even the idiot left knows global climate fluctuates. Drastically at times. It's partially caused by the tilt of the earths axis. It wobbles and as such causes irregularities in the climate. Then you have the NATURAL ebb and flow of the earths ice sheets which affects ocean temperature which in turn changes the air temperature. You also have massive solar eruptions that mess with our magnetic shield.

I'm a republican and i knew all that from the top of my head. What i don't know is if the hundred years or so that we've been industrialized had had an impact or not. The earth is billions of years old after all. But hey if you like being a bandwagon sucker go for it. Get off your ass and plant a fucking tree or something.

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