The "Resistance" Democrats Are A Terrorist Party

Ashley Kroetsch spear heads these activities of #Resist under the guise of social activism. She is actually a former (perhaps present) employee of Obama's activist movements hence why they mention Resist is trained & assisted by Moveon org which is financed by Billionaire aggitator manipulator George Soros.
#Resist uses the social network called Meetup Group which openly comments & supports this by placing it in all cities
Meetup Groups Lists.
By doing so they utilize spaming everyone their propaganda and aggitator schedules, and Politicians contact info which they admit to pestering and attacking, many which have failed miserably like the intended 1000 rally week which saw only 4-5 poor turn out ones.
To combat this, I have people placing counter propaganda commentary in the groups to educate the unsuspected people of what they are joining, who's behind it, and their intentions. Also to counter lies in the discussion.
Maybe there is a need for a
EXPOSE THE COUP Meetup Groups Where the email lists can be utilized to inform people what liberal media refuses to note and tell them.
My insiders keep me informed of their ploys, that's how I found out they were an arm of Obamas MoveOn org. And now Hillary is trying to brag that she's also behind Resist.
If it acts like a coup and is run by the major opponents and admits being a coup then it's a Coup. Trump should set up a meeting for Hillary with Erdogan, in Turkey. Trade, arrest his accused coup perp here in PA for ours being arrested in Turkey=criss cross.
Ashley Kroetsch spear heads these activities of #Resist under the guise of social activism. She is actually a former (perhaps present) employee of Obama's activist movements hence why they mention Resist is trained & assisted by Moveon org which is financed by Billionaire aggitator manipulator George Soros.
#Resist uses the social network called Meetup Group which openly comments & supports this by placing it in all cities
Meetup Groups Lists.
By doing so they utilize spaming everyone their propaganda and aggitator schedules, and Politicians contact info which they admit to pestering and attacking, many which have failed miserably like the intended 1000 rally week which saw only 4-5 poor turn out ones.
To combat this, I have people placing counter propaganda commentary in the groups to educate the unsuspected people of what they are joining, who's behind it, and their intentions. Also to counter lies in the discussion.
Maybe there is a need for a
EXPOSE THE COUP Meetup Groups Where the email lists can be utilized to inform people what liberal media refuses to note and tell them.
My insiders keep me informed of their ploys, that's how I found out they were an arm of Obamas MoveOn org. And now Hillary is trying to brag that she's also behind Resist.
If it acts like a coup and is run by the major opponents and admits being a coup then it's a Coup. Trump should set up a meeting for Hillary with Erdogan, in Turkey. Trade, arrest his accused coup perp here in PA for ours being arrested in Turkey=criss cross.
True dat...
The Resistance! And after The Resistance the Purge! And after The Purge the Ganga! And after The Ganga the Doritos! And after The Doritos the Road Trip!

Retrospective Soundtrack - For lovers of movies and the music that made them. The hammer and sickle are added just to piss off whackjobs. Turn it up to 11 and break the knob off! And check out the beauty of the American landscape.
Last edited:
Democratic Party Image Dips, GOP Ratings Stable

Next year Democrats will have a chance to change their minority party status in the federal midterm elections. Midterm elections are often a [URL='']referendum on the president
, so Democrats' prospects for a strong showing are enhanced by Trump's low approval ratings. However, if Democrats cannot improve their party's image between now and November 2018, it may hinder their ability to regain some measure of power in Washington.[/URL]
Party's Image lol...



See a black ninja kick ass and rip their mask off ...
Dems are giving Republicans and Independent opponents to much footage for their campaign and comparison ads to be able to win.
For an opponent to win it will only take a vision for their region that resonates and a good video editor producer that has saved these clips and archived them.
Pussycrats got taken over by the rabid/alt left-wing/ilk and they need a good old fixen...

The Democrats have committed to overthrowing our government.
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The left’s endgame is a totalitarian state. Its “moderates” pursue one by peaceful means only so long as they are allowed to hijack the system. When an election fails to go their way, the radicals brandish it as proof that the system has failed and that violent revolution is the only answer.

But what was once the obscure behavior of a deranged political fringe has become the mainstream politics of the Democrats. The Resistance theme shows that the radicals have won. The Democrats haven’t just fallen to the left. They have fallen to the radical left which believes in overthrowing our system of government through conflict and confrontation rather than covertly engineering change.

The Democrats have become a terrorist party. And their commitment to a radical revolution has plunged our political system into chaos. The left is now exactly where it wanted to be.

And a civil war has begun.

The “Resistance” Democrats are a Terrorist Party

YOU'RE a terrorist you stupid fucking snowflake.
Pussycrats got taken over by the rabid/alt left-wing/ilk and they need a good old fixen...

The Democrats have committed to overthrowing our government.
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The left’s endgame is a totalitarian state. Its “moderates” pursue one by peaceful means only so long as they are allowed to hijack the system. When an election fails to go their way, the radicals brandish it as proof that the system has failed and that violent revolution is the only answer.

But what was once the obscure behavior of a deranged political fringe has become the mainstream politics of the Democrats. The Resistance theme shows that the radicals have won. The Democrats haven’t just fallen to the left. They have fallen to the radical left which believes in overthrowing our system of government through conflict and confrontation rather than covertly engineering change.

The Democrats have become a terrorist party. And their commitment to a radical revolution has plunged our political system into chaos. The left is now exactly where it wanted to be.

And a civil war has begun.

The “Resistance” Democrats are a Terrorist Party

YOU'RE a terrorist you stupid fucking snowflake.

Snowflake/Crybaby's are an exclusive of the dumbocrats/libtarts...


Pussycrats got taken over by the rabid/alt left-wing/ilk and they need a good old fixen...

The Democrats have committed to overthrowing our government.
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The left’s endgame is a totalitarian state. Its “moderates” pursue one by peaceful means only so long as they are allowed to hijack the system. When an election fails to go their way, the radicals brandish it as proof that the system has failed and that violent revolution is the only answer.

But what was once the obscure behavior of a deranged political fringe has become the mainstream politics of the Democrats. The Resistance theme shows that the radicals have won. The Democrats haven’t just fallen to the left. They have fallen to the radical left which believes in overthrowing our system of government through conflict and confrontation rather than covertly engineering change.

The Democrats have become a terrorist party. And their commitment to a radical revolution has plunged our political system into chaos. The left is now exactly where it wanted to be.

And a civil war has begun.

The “Resistance” Democrats are a Terrorist Party

YOU'RE a terrorist you stupid fucking snowflake.

Snowflake/Crybaby's are an exclusive of the dumbocrats/libtarts...


What about the trumptard snowflakes:

Pussycrats got taken over by the rabid/alt left-wing/ilk and they need a good old fixen...

The Democrats have committed to overthrowing our government.
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The left’s endgame is a totalitarian state. Its “moderates” pursue one by peaceful means only so long as they are allowed to hijack the system. When an election fails to go their way, the radicals brandish it as proof that the system has failed and that violent revolution is the only answer.

But what was once the obscure behavior of a deranged political fringe has become the mainstream politics of the Democrats. The Resistance theme shows that the radicals have won. The Democrats haven’t just fallen to the left. They have fallen to the radical left which believes in overthrowing our system of government through conflict and confrontation rather than covertly engineering change.

The Democrats have become a terrorist party. And their commitment to a radical revolution has plunged our political system into chaos. The left is now exactly where it wanted to be.

And a civil war has begun.

The “Resistance” Democrats are a Terrorist Party

YOU'RE a terrorist you stupid fucking snowflake.

Snowflake/Crybaby's are an exclusive of the dumbocrats/libtarts...


What about the trumptard snowflakes:

Is that all ya got, you'd better get to work stupid rabbit, by the way I saw a bunch of masked obongo/soros pricks like you in that video...
Pussycrats got taken over by the rabid/alt left-wing/ilk and they need a good old fixen...

The Democrats have committed to overthrowing our government.
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The left’s endgame is a totalitarian state. Its “moderates” pursue one by peaceful means only so long as they are allowed to hijack the system. When an election fails to go their way, the radicals brandish it as proof that the system has failed and that violent revolution is the only answer.

But what was once the obscure behavior of a deranged political fringe has become the mainstream politics of the Democrats. The Resistance theme shows that the radicals have won. The Democrats haven’t just fallen to the left. They have fallen to the radical left which believes in overthrowing our system of government through conflict and confrontation rather than covertly engineering change.

The Democrats have become a terrorist party. And their commitment to a radical revolution has plunged our political system into chaos. The left is now exactly where it wanted to be.

And a civil war has begun.

The “Resistance” Democrats are a Terrorist Party

YOU'RE a terrorist you stupid fucking snowflake.

Snowflake/Crybaby's are an exclusive of the dumbocrats/libtarts...


What about the trumptard snowflakes:

Is that all ya got, you'd better get to work stupid rabbit, by the way I saw a bunch of masked obongo/soros pricks like you in that video...

I can post pics of alt-right nazis all day if you want. You might see yourself in one!
Pussycrats got taken over by the rabid/alt left-wing/ilk and they need a good old fixen...

The Democrats have committed to overthrowing our government.
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The left’s endgame is a totalitarian state. Its “moderates” pursue one by peaceful means only so long as they are allowed to hijack the system. When an election fails to go their way, the radicals brandish it as proof that the system has failed and that violent revolution is the only answer.

But what was once the obscure behavior of a deranged political fringe has become the mainstream politics of the Democrats. The Resistance theme shows that the radicals have won. The Democrats haven’t just fallen to the left. They have fallen to the radical left which believes in overthrowing our system of government through conflict and confrontation rather than covertly engineering change.

The Democrats have become a terrorist party. And their commitment to a radical revolution has plunged our political system into chaos. The left is now exactly where it wanted to be.

And a civil war has begun.

The “Resistance” Democrats are a Terrorist Party

YOU'RE a terrorist you stupid fucking snowflake.

Snowflake/Crybaby's are an exclusive of the dumbocrats/libtarts...


What about the trumptard snowflakes:

Is that all ya got, you'd better get to work stupid rabbit, by the way I saw a bunch of masked obongo/soros pricks like you in that video...

I can post pics of alt-right nazis all day if you want. You might see yourself in one!

Go ahead get to work stupid rabbit, it'll keep ya busy for about 5 min. I do it the easy way - alt left. and here are the violent soros/obongo c/s...
Pussycrats got taken over by the rabid/alt left-wing/ilk and they need a good old fixen...

The Democrats have committed to overthrowing our government.
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The left’s endgame is a totalitarian state. Its “moderates” pursue one by peaceful means only so long as they are allowed to hijack the system. When an election fails to go their way, the radicals brandish it as proof that the system has failed and that violent revolution is the only answer.

But what was once the obscure behavior of a deranged political fringe has become the mainstream politics of the Democrats. The Resistance theme shows that the radicals have won. The Democrats haven’t just fallen to the left. They have fallen to the radical left which believes in overthrowing our system of government through conflict and confrontation rather than covertly engineering change.

The Democrats have become a terrorist party. And their commitment to a radical revolution has plunged our political system into chaos. The left is now exactly where it wanted to be.

And a civil war has begun.

The “Resistance” Democrats are a Terrorist Party
Obama and Hillary are traitors. I will dance on their graves!
Democratic Party Image Dips, GOP Ratings Stable

Next year Democrats will have a chance to change their minority party status in the federal midterm elections. Midterm elections are often a
referendum on the president, so Democrats' prospects for a strong showing are enhanced by Trump's low approval ratings. However, if Democrats cannot improve their party's image between now and November 2018, it may hinder their ability to regain some measure of power in Washington.
Party's Image lol...



See a black ninja kick ass and rip their mask off ...
Liberals depend on voter fraud, illegal alien votes, dead people votes, rigged elections and such to win these days. If we ever get universal voter ID, there will likely never be another liberal President.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
June 14, 2017
Bernie fan narrowly thwarted in attempt to mow down GOP Congressional baseball team
By Thomas Lifson

A gunman now identified as James Hodgkinson attempted a massacre of members of the GOP Congressional Baseball Team, practicing for a planned charity game against the Congressional Democrats Thursday night. The only reason the entire contingent of reps and aides were not slaughtered was the presence of a security detail of the Capitol Police, guarding a member to the majority leadership. Their armed response, which wounded both, staved off Hodgkinson’s intended killing spree (he shot more than 50 rounds), presumably pinning him down until police arrived a reported few minutes later.


According to the UK Telegraph:

Hodgkinson was vociferous on social media about his dislike for Donald Trump and reportedly volunteered on political campaigns for Bernie Sanders.

Charles Orear, 50, a restaurant manager from St Louis, told the Washington Post he met him during a campaign in Iowa.

“He was this union tradesman, pretty stocky, and we stayed up talking politics,” he said. “He was more on the really progressive side of things.”

So we can conclude that a rabid progressive, perhaps inspired by the level of hate and the sanctioning of violence against President Trump in art and in the media, found a chance to act out his hatred in a big way.




Read more: Blog: Bernie fan narrowly thwarted in attempt to mow down GOP Congressional baseball team
The media are orchestrating a bloodless coup, but they're perfectly content to have their shock troops pursue a bloody coup.
June 15, 2017

Ann Coulter

The explosion of violence against conservatives across the country is being intentionally ginned up by Democrats, reporters, TV hosts, late-night comedians and celebrities, who compete with one another to come up with the most vile epithets for Trump and his supporters.

They go right up to the line, trying not to cross it, by, for example, vamping with a realistic photo of a decapitated Trump or calling the president a "piece of s---" while hosting a show on CNN.

The media are orchestrating a bloodless coup, but they're perfectly content to have their low-IQ shock troops pursue a bloody coup.


In CNN's most fevered dreams about a violent uprising of Trump supporters, they never could have conceived of the level of actual violence being perpetrated by Americans who refuse to accept Trump's win. (See Hate Map.)


Did reporters think they could keep that information from us forever?

The fake news insists that Trump's White House is in "chaos." No, the country is in chaos. But just like Kathy Griffin and her Trump decapitation performance art -- the perpetrators turn around in doe-eyed innocence and blame Trump.


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