The Rest of the Videos

"Nobody forms and executes a (true) insurrection without a plan.......Had anyone planned anything, the Capitol Police would have been powerless......."

If anyone had planned anything?
Well, for context we have Seditious Conspiracy convictions ranging from 15 to 22 years in prison

  • "Six men convicted at trial of seditious conspiracy, and three more who pleaded guilty to the crime, are members of the Oath Keepers,"
  • "four men convicted of seditious conspiracy at a trial in May and one who had pleaded guilty in October are from the Proud Boys"
So, and correct me if wrong, but.......but ain't the heart of 'conspiracy' is a plan to work together to commit a crime?

Jus' sayin'..


The iNsUrReCtIOn narrative is now DESTROYED!!!!

Well, I'm not so sure.
True, that seems to be the opinion of the prolific poster Sea7..... a private individual using a fake name and posting anonymously on an America social media gossip-board. Duly noted.

On the other hand, we have a court judge who has seen the evidence, heard the prosecutor's arguments and the defense's. And that judge, after all that exposure to facts, details and testimony came up with this:

"...a judge, having heard evidence and conducted a hearing under section 3 of the 14th Amendment, has stated unequivocally that Donald Trump committed an “insurrection against the Constitution.”
As Judge Sarah Wallace puts it in her 102-page decision: “The court finds that . . .Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, and that the First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech.”

So, it is sort of a U-Pick-Em: Go with some anonymous guy posting an opinion under a fake name.......or.......a judge who has immersed the court in a trial and details on what happened and who did it.

Well, I think the judge has a better claim on credibility and veracity....than the fake-named guy.

But, you be you.
Shit poster Chillicothe is currently in denial, but will not be able to make the revelation of the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE go away.
So sad.
Suck it up, buttercup.
Fuck you Nostra.

The HOURS of actual violence committed
by J^6 cult members can NEVER be Dismissed.
Okay....all you have to do is produce the voting records of those violent MAGA Trump Supporters and you'll have an open and shut case.

But if you can't prove what their actual political leanings are, or who they voted for, you're full of horse dung.

You're guilty of jumping to a false conclusion. What's worse....that false conclusion was fed to you by a corrupt Democrat Party that specializes in fraud and deception to win elections and gain political power.
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Shit poster Chillicothe is currently in denial, but will not be able to make the revelation of the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE go away.
So sad.
Suck it up, buttercup.
Leftists don't care what the truth is anymore.
Any evidence that doesn't fit into their ideology is dismissed as Russian misinformation.
MAGA seems to think that selectively posting videos of police letting protesters through the Capitol in an orderly fashion is somehow their proof that the whole event was staged, fake news, or whatever new conspiracy they can come up with by the hour. The obvious and rational explanation is, of course, that those videos are from early in the day before any violence had begun and the Capitol Police had no reason to be concerned by the initial people entering the building. A second grader can understand that.

The problems started later.

MAGA knows this, of course. They continue to push their lies and conspiracies because that is exactly who these people are.

I also recall these guys clearly walking through the airport peacefully on 9/11.

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I thought you said a second grader could understand it....but you still don't??
I thought you said a second grader could understand it....but you still don't??
its comical that nut job leftists talk about "conspiracies" when there video of Trump TELLING PEOPLE TO BE PEACEFUL.....yet leftists create a conspiracy of Trump causing the problem?

completely dishonest, lying, morally corrupt, POS democrats.

nuff said.
its comical that nut job leftists talk about "conspiracies" when there video of Trump TELLING PEOPLE TO BE PEACEFUL.....yet leftists create a conspiracy of Trump causing the problem?

completely dishonest, lying, morally corrupt, POS democrats.

nuff said.
And beware of kook leftists wearing independent clothing.....
Illegally locking people up is criminal
So is illegally storming the capitol.

The difference is your claims of people being illegally locked up are unsubstantiated and fantasy and our claims of storming the capitol are well documented on video.
So is illegally storming the capitol.

The difference is your claims of people being illegally locked up are unsubstantiated and fantasy and our claims of storming the capitol are well documented on video.
A thousand people didn't storm anything the tapes are out dipshit.

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