The results of Democrat policy...

What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

You failed to answer my question. Try again.


I answered you question thoroughly and flawlessly. So much so, that you're running away instead of having an honest debate.

Ruuuuuun Forrest Ruuuuuun!

Want to try again [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? :lmao:
By the way [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - I love your typical Dumbocrat nonsensical avatar.

Because God gave people free will, in your mind, there was never supposed to be consequences from the decisions made as a result of that free will?!? :eusa_doh:

That is every bit astoundingly stupid as the liberals who declare "if conservatives hate government so much, how come none of them burn their Social Security card" <insert applaud from equally ignorant Dumbocrats here>.

Well....lets see... against my will, you've stolen more than 50% of my money my entire life. Now is my chance to get some of that back. If you were to give me ALL of my money back and allow me to opt out of Social Security, I will burn my Social Security card on national television tomorrow. But a liberal is so absurd, they believe they should get to take all of your money and you should not want to recoup ANY of that... :cuckoo:

Only a liberal could conceive an argument so nonsensical as "if you don't allow us to take all of your money, and then pass up every small benefit that results from stealing your money, then you are not a real conservative" :cuckoo:
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

You failed to answer my question. Try again.

Remember when I said in my opening post that Dumbocrats refuse to learn from history, and ignore facts for ideology? How they close their eyes and force ahead even when the data proves there policy has taken the train completely off of the tracks?

Well, with RDD's post here, I rest my case.... :eusa_whistle:
[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

You failed to answer my question. Try again.


I answered you question thoroughly and flawlessly. So much so, that you're running away instead of having an honest debate.

Ruuuuuun Forrest Ruuuuuun!

Want to try again [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Let me look again.....nope, you still haven't told me which countries are good examples of conservatives policies in action today.

Try again?
[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

You failed to answer my question. Try again.

Remember when I said in my opening post that Dumbocrats refuse to learn from history, and ignore facts for ideology? How they close their eyes and force ahead even when the data proves there policy has taken the train completely off of the tracks?

Well, with RDD's post here, I rest my case.... :eusa_whistle:

Why didn't you highlight the rest of my question? You know...the part you refused to answer.

But please, pat yourself on the back some more. It's all you have left at this point.
us - 1920

So your best example is almost a hundred years ago and ended with the worst economic crash our country has ever seen.

That's your best example?

Point proven.

The crash was due to over extensions of credit by the population. You wanted conservative policies. No policy caused the crash, the market did.

Now look at Texas. Best economy in the states. This is with the border being so close and the problems that occur from that.

Now look at California. Broke.

Detroit. Broke.

Chicago. Broke.

Here are some modern examples of policies and their effects.

Yeah, I wanted examples of conservative success stories from around the world and your best response was from 100 years ago. Talk about living in the past.
You failed to answer my question. Try again.

Remember when I said in my opening post that Dumbocrats refuse to learn from history, and ignore facts for ideology? How they close their eyes and force ahead even when the data proves there policy has taken the train completely off of the tracks?

Well, with RDD's post here, I rest my case.... :eusa_whistle:

Why didn't you highlight the rest of my question? You know...the part you refused to answer.

But please, pat yourself on the back some more. It's all you have left at this point.

Because I focused on the first and ONLY important part of your question. We're talking POLICY - and I just handed you policy.

It proved you WRONG so you ran like a little girl.

As far as other countries, I'm not aware of another country which is not bogged down with failed liberal policy - so how can I provide you with a name of a country that is 100% conservative when none exists (that I'm aware of)? Spain? Crushed by failed liberal socialism. France? Bankrupted by failed liberal socialism. Greece? Collapsed (and rioting) under failed liberal socialism.

At this point, you have NOTHING left. You've been thoroughly defeated with FACTS (and you know it).

Yeah, I wanted examples of conservative success stories from around the world and your best response was from 100 years ago. Talk about living in the past.

You're so nonsensical in every post, it defies logic.

What happened 100 years ago RDD? Oh wait, that's right, the rise of LIBERALISM! Which has collapsed everything it has touched over the past 100 years.

So basically you collapse everything with liberalism over the past 100 years and then you want me to point to conservatism (which was NOT used) being a success during that same span where liberalism was employed... :cuckoo:
Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

You have to love RDD and his nonsensical, desperate spin to support that which he knows he cannot support.

First of all, which countries are free from failed liberal policy? Bankrupted Greece? NOPE! Collapsing France? NOPE! The now defunct U.S.S.R.? NOPE! The destitute Spain? NOPE! How can you ask me to provide success cases of conservative policy when every nation (that I'm aware of) at some point has been corrupted (because laziness is human nature due to how EASY it is) by failed liberal policy.

Second, can you give me an example of a flourishing nation with liberal policy in action? A nation with no debt? Wide spread freedom? Nobody living in poverty? Come on chief - you can talk the talk, now back it up. Answer you own question! :eusa_whistle:
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

Ladies & Gentlemen - this was worth a second look. RDD asked for an "example of conservative policy success". I provided it - hard core data in black & white straight from his beloved government - the IRS!

And what did he do? Closed his eyes and ran like a little girl. No real discussion. No acknowledgement of the facts. Ideology over reality at all costs. :eusa_doh:
Remember when I said in my opening post that Dumbocrats refuse to learn from history, and ignore facts for ideology? How they close their eyes and force ahead even when the data proves there policy has taken the train completely off of the tracks?

Well, with RDD's post here, I rest my case.... :eusa_whistle:

Why didn't you highlight the rest of my question? You know...the part you refused to answer.

But please, pat yourself on the back some more. It's all you have left at this point.

Because I focused on the first and ONLY important part of your question. We're talking POLICY - and I just handed you policy.

It proved you WRONG so you ran like a little girl.
Bahahahahah. You admit you ignored half of the question and still think you've proven something? Typical RINO conservative. Be proud.

As far as other countries, I'm not aware of another country which is not bogged down with failed liberal policy - so how can I provide you with a name of a country that is 100% conservative when none exists (that I'm aware of)? Spain? Crushed by failed liberal socialism. France? Bankrupted by failed liberal socialism. Greece? Collapsed (and rioting) under failed liberal socialism.

At this point, you have NOTHING left. You've been thoroughly defeated with FACTS (and you know it).


So what you're saying is that conservative policies aren't in place anywhere in the world and showing success? Thanks for proving my point. Your ideas are preposterous and aren't applicable to the real world, hence why you can't pick out a single example. Thanks for confirming.

Game. Set. Match.
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

Canada moved away from liberal polices in the 90's

Countries that are doing well with conservative polices

Hong Kong SAR, China
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Australia just elected Conservatives

Switzerland is moving away from gov. run health care to the private sector.

Thanks for the list. So you called out Canada specifically. What conservative policies in particular have they adopted in Canada that you feel have been effective?

They privatized various government services. These government services included a number of state-owned corporations including Canada Post, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and Petro Canada.
They adopted free trade.
They cut taxes on citizens and businesses.
They cut back on several social services.
They did spending cuts and focused on deficit reduction.
So what you're saying is that conservative policies aren't in place anywhere in the world and showing success? Thanks for proving my point. Your ideas are preposterous and aren't applicable to the real world, hence why you can't pick out a single example. Thanks for confirming.

So you're "proof" that conservative policy doesn't work is illustrating FAILED liberal policy from around the world?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Game. Set. Match chief. You lose!
Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

You have to love RDD and his nonsensical, desperate spin to support that which he knows he cannot support.

First of all, which countries are free from failed liberal policy? Bankrupted Greece? NOPE! Collapsing France? NOPE! The now defunct U.S.S.R.? NOPE! The destitute Spain? NOPE! How can you ask me to provide success cases of conservative policy when every nation (that I'm aware of) at some point has been corrupted (because laziness is human nature due to how EASY it is) by failed liberal policy.

Second, can you give me an example of a flourishing nation with liberal policy in action? A nation with no debt? Wide spread freedom? Nobody living in poverty? Come on chief - you can talk the talk, now back it up. Answer you own question! :eusa_whistle:

No nation is perfect, but I can certainly point to plenty of nations with policies that are more liberal than we have here and are also successful.

Since it's obvious you can't name a successful conservative nation, how about just some individual examples of successful conservative policies from other countries. You can do that much at least, can't you? Of course you can't, but I'll enjoy watching you change topics again and post the dancing man gif while pretending you've won something....And go!!
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

Ladies & Gentlemen - this was worth a second look. RDD asked for an "example of conservative policy success". I provided it - hard core data in black & white straight from his beloved government - the IRS!

And what did he do? Closed his eyes and ran like a little girl. No real discussion. No acknowledgement of the facts. Ideology over reality at all costs. :eusa_doh:

His silence is defeaning (and he is soooo pissed I proved him wrong - he just sent me a scathing e-mail for answering his question with facts and leaving him no where to go with his narrative)... :lol:
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

Ladies & Gentlemen - this was worth a second look. RDD asked for an "example of conservative policy success". I provided it - hard core data in black & white straight from his beloved government - the IRS!

And what did he do? Closed his eyes and ran like a little girl. No real discussion. No acknowledgement of the facts. Ideology over reality at all costs. :eusa_doh:

Says the guy who admitted to ignoring the second half of the question. If you can't answer the entire question, why bother at all? You just look foolish. But you obviously don't care about that.
Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

You have to love RDD and his nonsensical, desperate spin to support that which he knows he cannot support.

First of all, which countries are free from failed liberal policy? Bankrupted Greece? NOPE! Collapsing France? NOPE! The now defunct U.S.S.R.? NOPE! The destitute Spain? NOPE! How can you ask me to provide success cases of conservative policy when every nation (that I'm aware of) at some point has been corrupted (because laziness is human nature due to how EASY it is) by failed liberal policy.

Second, can you give me an example of a flourishing nation with liberal policy in action? A nation with no debt? Wide spread freedom? Nobody living in poverty? Come on chief - you can talk the talk, now back it up. Answer you own question! :eusa_whistle:

No nation is perfect, but I can certainly point to plenty of nations with policies that are more liberal than we have here and are also successful.

Since it's obvious you can't name a successful conservative nation, how about just some individual examples of successful conservative policies from other countries. You can do that much at least, can't you? Of course you can't, but I'll enjoy watching you change topics again and post the dancing man gif while pretending you've won something....And go!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

First of all, if you cant point to "plenty of nations" that are successful under liberal policy, why didn't you?!?! :lol:

Second, the fact that you have to preface your belief in liberalism with "nothing is perfect" is glaring proof that you don't even have the actual faith in liberalism that you feign! :lmao:
You failed to answer my question. Try again.


I answered you question thoroughly and flawlessly. So much so, that you're running away instead of having an honest debate.

Ruuuuuun Forrest Ruuuuuun!

Want to try again [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Let me look again.....nope, you still haven't told me which countries are good examples of conservatives policies in action today.

Try again?

Let me look again....nope, you still haven't told me which countries are not collapsing under the weight of failed, ignorant, liberal policy!

Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

You have to love RDD and his nonsensical, desperate spin to support that which he knows he cannot support.

First of all, which countries are free from failed liberal policy? Bankrupted Greece? NOPE! Collapsing France? NOPE! The now defunct U.S.S.R.? NOPE! The destitute Spain? NOPE! How can you ask me to provide success cases of conservative policy when every nation (that I'm aware of) at some point has been corrupted (because laziness is human nature due to how EASY it is) by failed liberal policy.

Second, can you give me an example of a flourishing nation with liberal policy in action? A nation with no debt? Wide spread freedom? Nobody living in poverty? Come on chief - you can talk the talk, now back it up. Answer you own question! :eusa_whistle:

No nation is perfect, but I can certainly point to plenty of nations with policies that are more liberal than we have here and are also successful.

Since it's obvious you can't name a successful conservative nation, how about just some individual examples of successful conservative policies from other countries. You can do that much at least, can't you? Of course you can't, but I'll enjoy watching you change topics again and post the dancing man gif while pretending you've won something....And go!!

Why are you so focused on "other countries"? Because they have all collapsed under the weight of liberalism and you think that somehow proves conservative policies don't work? Because you KNOW I can prove that conservative policy has been a resounding success in America - and the ONLY policies which have flourished in America?

Here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report
Canada moved away from liberal polices in the 90's

Countries that are doing well with conservative polices

Hong Kong SAR, China
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Australia just elected Conservatives

Switzerland is moving away from gov. run health care to the private sector.

Thanks for the list. So you called out Canada specifically. What conservative policies in particular have they adopted in Canada that you feel have been effective?

They privatized various government services. These government services included a number of state-owned corporations including Canada Post, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and Petro Canada.
They adopted free trade.
They cut taxes on citizens and businesses.
They cut back on several social services.
They did spending cuts and focused on deficit reduction.

Thanks for being the only one to actually answer the question.

Canada as we know has universal healthcare, tight gun control laws, extensive social programs and spends less than 1.5% of it's GDP on the military.

Do you still consider that a conservative nation? I am all for these things and if you want to call this a conservative nation, then I am on board. Let's go conservative!

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