The results of Democrat policy...

So your best example is almost a hundred years ago and ended with the worst economic crash our country has ever seen.

That's your best example?

Point proven.

The crash was due to over extensions of credit by the population. You wanted conservative policies. No policy caused the crash, the market did.

Now look at Texas. Best economy in the states. This is with the border being so close and the problems that occur from that.

Now look at California. Broke.

Detroit. Broke.

Chicago. Broke.

Here are some modern examples of policies and their effects.

Yeah, I wanted examples of conservative success stories from around the world and your best response was from 100 years ago. Talk about living in the past.

You point out people ignoring a portion of your post yet ignore mine.
You have to love RDD and his nonsensical, desperate spin to support that which he knows he cannot support.

First of all, which countries are free from failed liberal policy? Bankrupted Greece? NOPE! Collapsing France? NOPE! The now defunct U.S.S.R.? NOPE! The destitute Spain? NOPE! How can you ask me to provide success cases of conservative policy when every nation (that I'm aware of) at some point has been corrupted (because laziness is human nature due to how EASY it is) by failed liberal policy.

Second, can you give me an example of a flourishing nation with liberal policy in action? A nation with no debt? Wide spread freedom? Nobody living in poverty? Come on chief - you can talk the talk, now back it up. Answer you own question! :eusa_whistle:

No nation is perfect, but I can certainly point to plenty of nations with policies that are more liberal than we have here and are also successful.

Since it's obvious you can't name a successful conservative nation, how about just some individual examples of successful conservative policies from other countries. You can do that much at least, can't you? Of course you can't, but I'll enjoy watching you change topics again and post the dancing man gif while pretending you've won something....And go!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

First of all, if you cant point to "plenty of nations" that are successful under liberal policy, why didn't you?!?! :lol:

Second, the fact that you have to preface your belief in liberalism with "nothing is perfect" is glaring proof that you don't even have the actual faith in liberalism that you feign! :lmao:

Of course there is no perfect nation. You have to be an idiot to think Utopia exists. It never has and never will. If you feel the need to try and argue that point then there is no point in discussing any further...not that you've ever actually answered the question I asked.
Last edited:
You have to love RDD and his nonsensical, desperate spin to support that which he knows he cannot support.

First of all, which countries are free from failed liberal policy? Bankrupted Greece? NOPE! Collapsing France? NOPE! The now defunct U.S.S.R.? NOPE! The destitute Spain? NOPE! How can you ask me to provide success cases of conservative policy when every nation (that I'm aware of) at some point has been corrupted (because laziness is human nature due to how EASY it is) by failed liberal policy.

Second, can you give me an example of a flourishing nation with liberal policy in action? A nation with no debt? Wide spread freedom? Nobody living in poverty? Come on chief - you can talk the talk, now back it up. Answer you own question! :eusa_whistle:

No nation is perfect, but I can certainly point to plenty of nations with policies that are more liberal than we have here and are also successful.

Since it's obvious you can't name a successful conservative nation, how about just some individual examples of successful conservative policies from other countries. You can do that much at least, can't you? Of course you can't, but I'll enjoy watching you change topics again and post the dancing man gif while pretending you've won something....And go!!

Why are you so focused on "other countries"? Because they have all collapsed under the weight of liberalism and you think that somehow proves conservative policies don't work? Because you KNOW I can prove that conservative policy has been a resounding success in America - and the ONLY policies which have flourished in America?

Here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

LOL. You've lost. Face it. Conservative policies are not used ANYWHERE in the world because they don't work. Unless of course you consider the stance on gay marriage adopted by Iran a rousing success. Be proud! Be a hypocrite! Be a conservative!
The crash was due to over extensions of credit by the population. You wanted conservative policies. No policy caused the crash, the market did.

Now look at Texas. Best economy in the states. This is with the border being so close and the problems that occur from that.

Now look at California. Broke.

Detroit. Broke.

Chicago. Broke.

Here are some modern examples of policies and their effects.

Yeah, I wanted examples of conservative success stories from around the world and your best response was from 100 years ago. Talk about living in the past.

You point out people ignoring a portion of your post yet ignore mine.

Your post talks about states within the U.S. Pretty sure that's not what I asked for. I'm happy to discuss the U.S. but this thread was highlighting "failed liberalism" in other countries, so I am asking for successful conservatism in other countries.

You can't point it out, because it doesn't exist.
No nation is perfect, but I can certainly point to plenty of nations with policies that are more liberal than we have here and are also successful.

Since it's obvious you can't name a successful conservative nation, how about just some individual examples of successful conservative policies from other countries. You can do that much at least, can't you? Of course you can't, but I'll enjoy watching you change topics again and post the dancing man gif while pretending you've won something....And go!!

Why are you so focused on "other countries"? Because they have all collapsed under the weight of liberalism and you think that somehow proves conservative policies don't work? Because you KNOW I can prove that conservative policy has been a resounding success in America - and the ONLY policies which have flourished in America?

Here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

LOL. You've lost. Face it. Conservative policies are not used ANYWHERE in the world because they don't work. Unless of course you consider the stance on gay marriage adopted by Iran a rousing success. Be proud! Be a hypocrite! Be a conservative!

But Greece, Spain, Cambodia, the former U.S.S.R., France, Cuba, etc. which have all collapsed are "proof" that liberalism works? :lmao:

Dude - WTF? Your entire argument is - "since we've collapsed nations around the world with liberalism, that is proof that conservatism doesn't work" :bang3:

By the way, the most prosperous nation in world history - the United States - still incorporates massive amounts of conservative policy (though, sadly, less and less every day). The fact that you have to point to failed liberal nations and ignore the United States (utilizing conservatism) at all costs is PROOF that you know you've lost the battle.

But you're scared you might have to give up the gravy train and actually support yourself some day.:eusa_shhh:
Yeah, I wanted examples of conservative success stories from around the world and your best response was from 100 years ago. Talk about living in the past.

You point out people ignoring a portion of your post yet ignore mine.

Your post talks about states within the U.S. Pretty sure that's not what I asked for. I'm happy to discuss the U.S. but this thread was highlighting "failed liberalism" in other countries, so I am asking for successful conservatism in other countries.

You can't point it out, because it doesn't exist.

Again, it's NOT used... :bang3:

How can I point out conservatisms success in collapsed nations like Greece when it is NOT used in Greece!?!? :bang3:

You are literally admitting that liberalism is a FAILURE and you KNOW it! You're entire argument is - see theses failed nations, they don't use conservatism, so conservatism sucks... :cuckoo:
The results of Democrat policy...

OBL is dead
GM is alive


Hey [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION], I noticed you were conspicuously absent from USMB when the Tea Party shut down the government and rendered Obama impotent (because you dropped out of high school and missed civics class, you still don't understand that the president has no Constitutional power - he can't make legislation, he doesn't control the purse strings, etc. :lol:).

Detroit is dead
Al Qaeda is alive (and well)


Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

You have to love RDD and his nonsensical, desperate spin to support that which he knows he cannot support.

First of all, which countries are free from failed liberal policy? Bankrupted Greece? NOPE! Collapsing France? NOPE! The now defunct U.S.S.R.? NOPE! The destitute Spain? NOPE! How can you ask me to provide success cases of conservative policy when every nation (that I'm aware of) at some point has been corrupted (because laziness is human nature due to how EASY it is) by failed liberal policy.

Second, can you give me an example of a flourishing nation with liberal policy in action? A nation with no debt? Wide spread freedom? Nobody living in poverty? Come on chief - you can talk the talk, now back it up. Answer you own question! :eusa_whistle:

No nation is perfect, but I can certainly point to plenty of nations with policies that are more liberal than we have here and are also successful.

Since it's obvious you can't name a successful conservative nation, how about just some individual examples of successful conservative policies from other countries. You can do that much at least, can't you? Of course you can't, but I'll enjoy watching you change topics again and post the dancing man gif while pretending you've won something....And go!!

And yet he STILL hasn't named ONE nation... :lmao:

Admit it RDD, as always, you've lost this debate. Watching you flail around wildly is comical. You're entire argument is "see these nations we've collapsed with liberalism - well NONE of them used conservatism, so that proves it sucks" :lmao:
Guarantee you, written in stone right here, right now - the left will propose this in America within the next 20 years. There is simply no way around it.

It's the only option available when you refuse to look at history, results, and fact. If you insist on forging ahead with ideology above any rational thought (like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Debbie Waserman-Shultz, and Barack Obama do), you eventually hit a point where government force in every facet of life has been such a spectacular failure, that you can no longer deny it. When that happens, your only choice is to force business to sell products at the price you dictate so that you can temporarily declare your policies "successful".

Of course, that only last so long before businesses go can no longer afford to stay in business and the entire thing collapses. But even at the very moment - you'll never hear the Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi's of the world acknowledge that their ideology is failed ideology. They will still blame capitalism. They will say that if the "greedy" business owners had just accepted losing money and stayed in business, products would still be available and people would still have jobs. This happened in the former U.S.S.R. and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Cuba and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Cambodia and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Vietnam and the Democrats didn't learn. This is currently happening in Greece, Spain, and France and the Demcorats haven't learned. And now Venezuela has offered itself up as yet another case study in the failure of left-wing policy - and the Demcorats still will not learn. :bang3:

"Maduro has said he will use the expanded powers, which last for one year, to impose caps on private sector profits and crack down on speculators."

Venezuela parliament backs Maduro rule by decree bid

Atlas Shrugged proven correct once again.
The results of Democrat policy...

OBL is dead
GM is alive


Hey [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION], I noticed you were conspicuously absent from USMB when the Tea Party shut down the government and rendered Obama impotent (because you dropped out of high school and missed civics class, you still don't understand that the president has no Constitutional power - he can't make legislation, he doesn't control the purse strings, etc. :lol:).

Detroit is dead
Al Qaeda is alive (and well)



Nice to see you're dancing over Al Queda being alive and well. We knew you had it in you...cheering for terrorist that killed 3,000 Americans.

You really are a piece of shit.
The results of Democrat policy...

OBL is dead
GM is alive


Intel that obama killed got OBL

The UAW is alive because the taxpayers bailed out GM

Obama won, the country lost.


Meanwhile back in reality my 401k is doing great, paying off my student loans as I pay cash for new training, my assistant can keep her special needs child on her insurance for a few more years, the ACA is moving forward, the GOP is becoming a bad memory (for the time being at least)....

OBL is dead, GM is alive (record quarters in some sectors if memory serves).

America and Obama won by sending Romney back to where ever he was from (did he flip flop on that too)?

332-206 baby.:lol:
OBL is dead
GM is alive


Intel that obama killed got OBL

The UAW is alive because the taxpayers bailed out GM

Obama won, the country lost.


Meanwhile back in reality my 401k is doing great, paying off my student loans as I pay cash for new training, my assistant can keep her special needs child on her insurance for a few more years, the ACA is moving forward, the GOP is becoming a bad memory (for the time being at least)....

OBL is dead, GM is alive (record quarters in some sectors if memory serves).

America and Obama won by sending Romney back to where ever he was from (did he flip flop on that too)?

332-206 baby.:lol:

Do you have any idea how much GM still owes US?

celebrate your libtardian victory while you can, fluke. It will be the last one you see for many years. The american people have woken up and they are pissed.
You point out people ignoring a portion of your post yet ignore mine.

Your post talks about states within the U.S. Pretty sure that's not what I asked for. I'm happy to discuss the U.S. but this thread was highlighting "failed liberalism" in other countries, so I am asking for successful conservatism in other countries.

You can't point it out, because it doesn't exist.

Again, it's NOT used... :bang3:

How can I point out conservatisms success in collapsed nations like Greece when it is NOT used in Greece!?!? :bang3:

You are literally admitting that liberalism is a FAILURE and you KNOW it! You're entire argument is - see theses failed nations, they don't use conservatism, so conservatism sucks... :cuckoo:

I never limited you to Greece. I've never talked about any particular nation. I'm asking you. Pick any nation that has successful conservative policies. Just one. Why can't you do that?
OBL is dead
GM is alive


Hey [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION], I noticed you were conspicuously absent from USMB when the Tea Party shut down the government and rendered Obama impotent (because you dropped out of high school and missed civics class, you still don't understand that the president has no Constitutional power - he can't make legislation, he doesn't control the purse strings, etc. :lol:).

Detroit is dead
Al Qaeda is alive (and well)



Nice to see you're dancing over Al Queda being alive and well. We knew you had it in you...cheering for terrorist that killed 3,000 Americans.

You really are a piece of shit.

Nice spin baby, but the dancing is over the fact that the Tea Party now wields massive power and shut down the government while your little Obama has finally been rendered the impotent man he was intended to be.

Love the fact that you're pissed off that the Constitution (temporarily) won! Imagine how unhinged you're going to be when the American people take back this country and once again demand Constitutional, lawful, government... :)
Your post talks about states within the U.S. Pretty sure that's not what I asked for. I'm happy to discuss the U.S. but this thread was highlighting "failed liberalism" in other countries, so I am asking for successful conservatism in other countries.

You can't point it out, because it doesn't exist.

Again, it's NOT used... :bang3:

How can I point out conservatisms success in collapsed nations like Greece when it is NOT used in Greece!?!? :bang3:

You are literally admitting that liberalism is a FAILURE and you KNOW it! You're entire argument is - see theses failed nations, they don't use conservatism, so conservatism sucks... :cuckoo:

I never limited you to Greece. I've never talked about any particular nation. I'm asking you. Pick any nation that has successful conservative policies. Just one. Why can't you do that?

Because they've all collapsed under liberalism. Why can't you name ONE successful nation which employed liberalism? Just one?

Again, you're entire premise is, conservatism sucks because liberalism has been a spectacular failure world-wide... :cuckoo:

China, Russia, ALL of Europe, Canada, etc. all are almost exclusively utilizing left-wing policy and all have either collapsed or on the verge of collapse. It's fact that you eschew for ideology. Which is why you can't name one successful nation that is largely utilizing left-wing policy.

But despite a heavy dose of radical left-wing policy, I can name a country which has still managed to flourish thanks to conservative policy bailing it out again and again: the United States.
Your post talks about states within the U.S. Pretty sure that's not what I asked for. I'm happy to discuss the U.S. but this thread was highlighting "failed liberalism" in other countries, so I am asking for successful conservatism in other countries.

You can't point it out, because it doesn't exist.

Again, it's NOT used... :bang3:

How can I point out conservatisms success in collapsed nations like Greece when it is NOT used in Greece!?!? :bang3:

You are literally admitting that liberalism is a FAILURE and you KNOW it! You're entire argument is - see theses failed nations, they don't use conservatism, so conservatism sucks... :cuckoo:

I never limited you to Greece. I've never talked about any particular nation. I'm asking you. Pick any nation that has successful conservative policies. Just one. Why can't you do that?

The United States of America until around the mid 1950s. England before WW2. Germany before Hitler. Japan before WW2. Italy before Mussolini. Canada prior to the 1950s.
OBL is dead
GM is alive


Intel that obama killed got OBL

The UAW is alive because the taxpayers bailed out GM

Obama won, the country lost.


Meanwhile back in reality my 401k is doing great, paying off my student loans as I pay cash for new training, my assistant can keep her special needs child on her insurance for a few more years, the ACA is moving forward, the GOP is becoming a bad memory (for the time being at least)....

OBL is dead, GM is alive (record quarters in some sectors if memory serves).

America and Obama won by sending Romney back to where ever he was from (did he flip flop on that too)?

332-206 baby.:lol:

Listening to [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION] desperate lies is priceless! 95 million Americans out of work under Obama. $17 trillion in DEBT under Obama. 5 million LOST their insurance through no fault of their own under Obama. More citizens on food stamps than any time in U.S. history under Obama. Detroit files bankruptcy under Obama. California $132 billion in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy under Obama. Longest period of 8+% unemployment (sans the Great Depression) in U.S. history under Obama.

Now come on, pretending America is "winning" because you're a parasite who is living off of the government table scraps that Obama is feeding you... :cuckoo:
Again, it's NOT used... :bang3:

How can I point out conservatisms success in collapsed nations like Greece when it is NOT used in Greece!?!? :bang3:

You are literally admitting that liberalism is a FAILURE and you KNOW it! You're entire argument is - see theses failed nations, they don't use conservatism, so conservatism sucks... :cuckoo:

I never limited you to Greece. I've never talked about any particular nation. I'm asking you. Pick any nation that has successful conservative policies. Just one. Why can't you do that?

Because they've all collapsed under liberalism. Why can't you name ONE successful nation which employed liberalism? Just one?

Again, you're entire premise is, conservatism sucks because liberalism has been a spectacular failure world-wide... :cuckoo:

China, Russia, ALL of Europe, Canada, etc. all are almost exclusively utilizing left-wing policy and all have either collapsed or on the verge of collapse. It's fact that you eschew for ideology. Which is why you can't name one successful nation that is largely utilizing left-wing policy.

But despite a heavy dose of radical left-wing policy, I can name a country which has still managed to flourish thanks to conservative policy bailing it out again and again: the United States.

So every country in the world has collapsed? That seems a bit ridiculous, don't you think.

What's one country in your opinion that is doing well? Let's start there.

The more you avoid answering the easiest of questions, the more foolish you look. But go ahead and declare you've won again.

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