The results of Democrat policy...

Guarantee you, written in stone right here, right now - the left will propose this in America within the next 20 years. There is simply no way around it.

It's the only option available when you refuse to look at history, results, and fact. If you insist on forging ahead with ideology above any rational thought (like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Debbie Waserman-Shultz, and Barack Obama do), you eventually hit a point where government force in every facet of life has been such a spectacular failure, that you can no longer deny it. When that happens, your only choice is to force business to sell products at the price you dictate so that you can temporarily declare your policies "successful".

Of course, that only last so long before businesses go can no longer afford to stay in business and the entire thing collapses. But even at the very moment - you'll never hear the Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi's of the world acknowledge that their ideology is failed ideology. They will still blame capitalism. They will say that if the "greedy" business owners had just accepted losing money and stayed in business, products would still be available and people would still have jobs. This happened in the former U.S.S.R. and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Cuba and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Cambodia and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Vietnam and the Democrats didn't learn. This is currently happening in Greece, Spain, and France and the Demcorats haven't learned. And now Venezuela has offered itself up as yet another case study in the failure of left-wing policy - and the Demcorats still will not learn. :bang3:

"Maduro has said he will use the expanded powers, which last for one year, to impose caps on private sector profits and crack down on speculators."

Venezuela parliament backs Maduro rule by decree bid


It saddens me how little most people really know about economic history, or for that matter any history that isn't military history/

You mean like NIXXON imposed on the people of the USA back in the early 70's?

Read this, Rottie...educate yourself. You're too smart to be so ignorant

Nixonomics, a portmanteau of the words “Nixon” and “economics”, refers to U.S. President Richard Nixon's economic performance. Also Nixon is first president to have his surname combined with the word "Economics".
Nixon inherited a weak economy from President Lyndon B. Johnson, who didn’t follow the advice of his economists. In 1969, a tax bill passed that held several Nixon ideas, including a repeal of the investment tax credit and removal of two million of the nation's poor from the tax rolls. After a year it was becoming obvious that the plan wasn’t working. Nixon gave his budget plan to congress in 1971 in which he was to use a $11.6 billion deficit. Nixon then publicly agreed with Keynesian economic principles which stated that government expenditure could take the nation out of their recession, which was a considerably unusual view for a Republican president.

Arthur Burns, Nixon's appointee to chair the Federal Reserve, shifted away from a tight-money policy because the nation’s unemployment was sharply rising as was inflation. In the early months of 1971, Nixon started criticizing the growing wages in the steel industry, so he created the Tripartite Committee to keep a closer watch on the construction industry. Treasury Secretary John Connally announced that the government would need to start taking new measures. Despite this, unemployment had reached 6 percent.
In August the government had made a new plan for the economy with rather extreme measures, measures which would later be dubbed “Nixon Shocks”. The plan was announced on August 15, 1971 in a national televised address. Nixon declared that the gold window would be closed and that gold would no longer be transferable to US dollars. This created an 8 percent devaluation to the dollar, as compared to other of the times major currencies, stimulating American exports and the domestic economy. A 90 day freeze on wages and prices and the establishment of the cost-of-living council was also announced. Unfortunately he neglected to inform any allies beforehand, causing some more than minor problems between the countries.

When 1972 came around, unemployment had continued to rise, with 2 million more Americans out of jobs than in 1969. The administration decided it was time to stimulate the economy with a $25.2 billion budget. In the election year, the money supply was expanded by 9 percent. This caused many to accuse Nixon and Burns of making a deal so that Nixon could win the upcoming election and Burns to keep his government position. Both men denied the accusation.

Soon in the fall, the economy began to improve. Unemployment was finally dropping and inflation was staying relatively in control. America had temporarily gotten out of the recession. Unfortunately inflation soon increased after the election. When the failed wage and price controls were lifted, other problems took their toll on the American economy. An expanded money supply, the effects of increased deficits and the rising price of oil all left their mark on the American economy. By 1973 inflation increased 8.8 percent, then 12.2 percent in the following year.
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Am I missing something [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? Is there like invisible ink on the photo's? Is there a secret decoder ring required? I've yet to see you post ANYTHING that identifies anyone in these pictures as a conservative. I've yet to see a Tea Party sign, or a Republican t-shirt, or a libertarian logo. Further still, even if I have missed these hidden clues, not one picture you posted is of me... :eusa_whistle:

Leave it to RDD to post pictures of liberals as proof of what conservatives do... :cuckoo:

(After all, this is the same jack-ass who cites nations such as Greece and Spain failing under liberal policy as "proof" of why conservative policy sucks because these nations are not using conservative policy :cuckoo:)

This coming from the guy who cites Iran and Pakistan as good example of countries that are run by conservative policies. You must be so proud!

:lmao: You do realize this game of yours is not working, don't you? :lmao:

People know me and are reading this thread. They know the idiocy you have spewed (like the fact that conservative policy "sucks" because you can't find a failing nation that is using it - they are all using liberal policies and collapsing because of it). So please, keep lying! You're only killing yourself chief :lol:

Of course people know you. They know you're a liar and hypocrite. And you've made it perfectly clear that the best examples of conservative policies in action are in countries such as Iran and Pakistan. Face it, your ideas are wrong and your arguments have been trounced thoroughly. Everyone can see it.

Embrace who you are. A liar and someone who shares a worldview with the leadership in Iran.
You know both party's historical policies (including the GOP aligned Tea Party) are loaded with failures or failures waiting to happen. They are out-of-touch with Main Street America. Thus fact we have a e weakened and shrinking Middle Class.
Guarantee you, written in stone right here, right now - the left will propose this in America within the next 20 years. There is simply no way around it.

It's the only option available when you refuse to look at history, results, and fact. If you insist on forging ahead with ideology above any rational thought (like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Debbie Waserman-Shultz, and Barack Obama do), you eventually hit a point where government force in every facet of life has been such a spectacular failure, that you can no longer deny it. When that happens, your only choice is to force business to sell products at the price you dictate so that you can temporarily declare your policies "successful".

Of course, that only last so long before businesses go can no longer afford to stay in business and the entire thing collapses. But even at the very moment - you'll never hear the Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi's of the world acknowledge that their ideology is failed ideology. They will still blame capitalism. They will say that if the "greedy" business owners had just accepted losing money and stayed in business, products would still be available and people would still have jobs. This happened in the former U.S.S.R. and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Cuba and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Cambodia and the Democrats didn't learn. This happened in Vietnam and the Democrats didn't learn. This is currently happening in Greece, Spain, and France and the Demcorats haven't learned. And now Venezuela has offered itself up as yet another case study in the failure of left-wing policy - and the Demcorats still will not learn. :bang3:

"Maduro has said he will use the expanded powers, which last for one year, to impose caps on private sector profits and crack down on speculators."

Venezuela parliament backs Maduro rule by decree bid


It saddens me how little most people really know about economic history, or for that matter any history that isn't military history/

You mean like NIXXON imposed on the people of the USA back in the early 70's?

Read this, Rottie...educate yourself. You're too smart to be so ignorant

Nixonomics, a portmanteau of the words “Nixon” and “economics”, refers to U.S. President Richard Nixon's economic performance. Also Nixon is first president to have his surname combined with the word "Economics".
Nixon inherited a weak economy from President Lyndon B. Johnson, who didn’t follow the advice of his economists. In 1969, a tax bill passed that held several Nixon ideas, including a repeal of the investment tax credit and removal of two million of the nation's poor from the tax rolls. After a year it was becoming obvious that the plan wasn’t working. Nixon gave his budget plan to congress in 1971 in which he was to use a $11.6 billion deficit. Nixon then publicly agreed with Keynesian economic principles which stated that government expenditure could take the nation out of their recession, which was a considerably unusual view for a Republican president.

Arthur Burns, Nixon's appointee to chair the Federal Reserve, shifted away from a tight-money policy because the nation’s unemployment was sharply rising as was inflation. In the early months of 1971, Nixon started criticizing the growing wages in the steel industry, so he created the Tripartite Committee to keep a closer watch on the construction industry. Treasury Secretary John Connally announced that the government would need to start taking new measures. Despite this, unemployment had reached 6 percent.
In August the government had made a new plan for the economy with rather extreme measures, measures which would later be dubbed “Nixon Shocks”. The plan was announced on August 15, 1971 in a national televised address. Nixon declared that the gold window would be closed and that gold would no longer be transferable to US dollars. This created an 8 percent devaluation to the dollar, as compared to other of the times major currencies, stimulating American exports and the domestic economy. A 90 day freeze on wages and prices and the establishment of the cost-of-living council was also announced. Unfortunately he neglected to inform any allies beforehand, causing some more than minor problems between the countries.

When 1972 came around, unemployment had continued to rise, with 2 million more Americans out of jobs than in 1969. The administration decided it was time to stimulate the economy with a $25.2 billion budget. In the election year, the money supply was expanded by 9 percent. This caused many to accuse Nixon and Burns of making a deal so that Nixon could win the upcoming election and Burns to keep his government position. Both men denied the accusation.

Soon in the fall, the economy began to improve. Unemployment was finally dropping and inflation was staying relatively in control. America had temporarily gotten out of the recession. Unfortunately inflation soon increased after the election. When the failed wage and price controls were lifted, other problems took their toll on the American economy. An expanded money supply, the effects of increased deficits and the rising price of oil all left their mark on the American economy. By 1973 inflation increased 8.8 percent, then 12.2 percent in the following year.

Wow! Talk about ignorant [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION]. Is it your official position that Richard Nixon was a good president whose policies we should follow?!? :lmao:

Jesus - I don't know a single conservative who would make that argument... :lol:

Here's the bottom line [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION] - it is profoundly ignorant to say that you have the right, the power, or even the wisdom to tell the world how much a product should cost. If you feel that product "X" should cost $25 dollars, then get up off of your fat, lazy, worthless fucking ass, manufacture product "X" and sell it for $25...

See how simple that is, stupid?
You know both party's historical policies (including the GOP aligned Tea Party) are loaded with failures or failures waiting to happen. They are out-of-touch with Main Street America. Thus fact we have a e weakened and shrinking Middle Class.

Which is exactly why we need to have a small government with limited powers. You my friend just made the strongest case for conservatism ever made.

Both the liberal Republicans (George W. Bush) and the marxist Dumbocrats (Barack Hussein Obama) have fucked this nation. And they were only able to do that because people like RDD and Candycorn traded rights, freedom, and power to the federal government in exchange for table scraps that meant they wouldn't have to actually get out of bed in the morning and go to a job... :eusa_doh:

I don't get posted a picture of a Dumbocrat. What's your point? Oh geez... what am I saying? When has RDD ever had a legitimate point?

Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

It's comical isn't it?
I don't get posted a picture of a Dumbocrat. What's your point? Oh geez... what am I saying? When has RDD ever had a legitimate point?

Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

Am I missing something [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? Is there like invisible ink on the photo's? Is there a secret decoder ring required? I've yet to see you post ANYTHING that identifies anyone in these pictures as a conservative. I've yet to see a Tea Party sign, or a Republican t-shirt, or a libertarian logo. Further still, even if I have missed these hidden clues, not one picture you posted is of me... :eusa_whistle:

Leave it to RDD to post pictures of liberals as proof of what conservatives do... :cuckoo:

(After all, this is the same jack-ass who cites nations such as Greece and Spain failing under liberal policy as "proof" of why conservative policy sucks because these nations are not using conservative policy :cuckoo:)

The complaints about getting government out of medicare refer to the millions of dollars taken from medicare to support obamacare.
This coming from the guy who cites Iran and Pakistan as good example of countries that are run by conservative policies. You must be so proud!

:lmao: You do realize this game of yours is not working, don't you? :lmao:

People know me and are reading this thread. They know the idiocy you have spewed (like the fact that conservative policy "sucks" because you can't find a failing nation that is using it - they are all using liberal policies and collapsing because of it). So please, keep lying! You're only killing yourself chief :lol:

Of course people know you. They know you're a liar and hypocrite. And you've made it perfectly clear that the best examples of conservative policies in action are in countries such as Iran and Pakistan. Face it, your ideas are wrong and your arguments have been trounced thoroughly. Everyone can see it.

Embrace who you are. A liar and someone who shares a worldview with the leadership in Iran. RDD scared out of his mind that the American people are going to wake up to the indisputable failures of Dumbocrat policy and cut off the gravy train?

We can actually hear the anger and fear in your posts that you might have to provide for yourself after the debacle known as Barack Obama. It has proven the incompetence of the Dumbocrats and their party. For that matter, so has Greece, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Spain, France, England, and on and on and on...
Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

Am I missing something [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? Is there like invisible ink on the photo's? Is there a secret decoder ring required? I've yet to see you post ANYTHING that identifies anyone in these pictures as a conservative. I've yet to see a Tea Party sign, or a Republican t-shirt, or a libertarian logo. Further still, even if I have missed these hidden clues, not one picture you posted is of me... :eusa_whistle:

Leave it to RDD to post pictures of liberals as proof of what conservatives do... :cuckoo:

(After all, this is the same jack-ass who cites nations such as Greece and Spain failing under liberal policy as "proof" of why conservative policy sucks because these nations are not using conservative policy :cuckoo:)

The complaints about getting government out of medicare refer to the millions of dollars taken from medicare to support obamacare.

ie. Blatant hypocrisy by the people who advocate smaller government. Thanks for confirming nutjob.
:lmao: You do realize this game of yours is not working, don't you? :lmao:

People know me and are reading this thread. They know the idiocy you have spewed (like the fact that conservative policy "sucks" because you can't find a failing nation that is using it - they are all using liberal policies and collapsing because of it). So please, keep lying! You're only killing yourself chief :lol:

Of course people know you. They know you're a liar and hypocrite. And you've made it perfectly clear that the best examples of conservative policies in action are in countries such as Iran and Pakistan. Face it, your ideas are wrong and your arguments have been trounced thoroughly. Everyone can see it.

Embrace who you are. A liar and someone who shares a worldview with the leadership in Iran. RDD scared out of his mind that the American people are going to wake up to the indisputable failures of Dumbocrat policy and cut off the gravy train?

We can actually hear the anger and fear in your posts that you might have to provide for yourself after the debacle known as Barack Obama. It has proven the incompetence of the Dumbocrats and their party. For that matter, so has Greece, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Spain, France, England, and on and on and on...

As much as you want the U.S. to become the next Iran, it just isn't going to happen. I realize that they've created your conservative Utopia but the good thing is that most Americans don't share your desire to recreate Iran on U.S. soil. Perhaps it's time for you to make the move to your conservative Utopia in Iran and finally get to live the life you feel you should be living.
Of course people know you. They know you're a liar and hypocrite. And you've made it perfectly clear that the best examples of conservative policies in action are in countries such as Iran and Pakistan. Face it, your ideas are wrong and your arguments have been trounced thoroughly. Everyone can see it.

Embrace who you are. A liar and someone who shares a worldview with the leadership in Iran. RDD scared out of his mind that the American people are going to wake up to the indisputable failures of Dumbocrat policy and cut off the gravy train?

We can actually hear the anger and fear in your posts that you might have to provide for yourself after the debacle known as Barack Obama. It has proven the incompetence of the Dumbocrats and their party. For that matter, so has Greece, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Spain, France, England, and on and on and on...

As much as you want the U.S. to become the next Iran, it just isn't going to happen. I realize that they've created your conservative Utopia but the good thing is that most Americans don't share your desire to recreate Iran on U.S. soil. Perhaps it's time for you to make the move to your conservative Utopia in Iran and finally get to live the life you feel you should be living.

You are really freaked out that your masters aren't going to be allowed to throw you their table scraps any more, aren't you? Are you really that freaked out at the thought of having to get a job and provide for yourself in life?

Come RDD - once you do it, you'll be shocked at how good it feels to actually get off of your couch and accomplish something! Plus, you want be responisble for collapsing the U.S. like Greece and Cuba with your parasite ways! It's a win-win!

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