The results of Democrat policy...

So according to you, Susan B Anthony and other sufferegists (sp?) were conservatives?

You really want to go with that line of reasoning?

Would you please tell us again CC how the Dumbocrats supported the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? That's my favorite fictional story! :lmao:

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you tell us how the Dumbocrats are for women again?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist

Now, since the facts prove that the Dumbocrats look at you as a worthless cum-dumpster for which to pull votes from while laughing at you, and you know the links prevent you from denying it again, why don't you resort to your standard operating procedure and post the electoral college results from the ONE election you won while running away with your tail between your legs [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]? Meanwhile, I post the election results from the 232 elections that we won (giving us the power to shut down the government while all Obama could do is cry about it).



Still applauding Al Queda you piece of shit?


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Still applauding liberals RAPING women? Keep voting for them as they rape you, stupid... :lol:
Still applauding Al Queda you piece of shit?

I think someone has realized she's nothing but a cum-dumpster to her own party and is only useful for raping and votes... :eusa_whistle:

Tell me [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION], which do you find more frustrating - the fact that the president pays women less in his White House because he looks at you as inferior piece of shit who should be serving him pies, or the fact that the vice president believes in slapping you across the face when he doesn't like the pie you served him? :lmao:

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

RAPES in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist
So according to you, Susan B Anthony and other sufferegists (sp?) were conservatives?

You really want to go with that line of reasoning?

Would you please tell us again CC how the Dumbocrats supported the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? That's my favorite fictional story! :lmao:

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you tell us how the Dumbocrats are for women again?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist

Now, since the facts prove that the Dumbocrats look at you as a worthless cum-dumpster for which to pull votes from while laughing at you, and you know the links prevent you from denying it again, why don't you resort to your standard operating procedure and post the electoral college results from the ONE election you won while running away with your tail between your legs [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]? Meanwhile, I post the election results from the 232 elections that we won (giving us the power to shut down the government while all Obama could do is cry about it).



Still applauding Al Queda you piece of shit?

"Failed thread"? All I did was share a TRUE story about left-wing policy in Venezuela. And exactly as I predicted, you closed your eyes to the facts and went unhinged trying to deny reality in favor of the ideology. Nobody proved this thread more accurate than you. :lol:

The only thing "failed" is the Dumbocrat policy you support.

Everything about you is a failure. It's not limited to this thread. It extends to everything you pretend to believe in and your view of the world. All failures. It's why you have to lie to try and make a point and your weak arguments are exposed as hypocritical and selfish. And this failure I'm am more than sure extends to your personal life which undoubtedly has been an utter failure that I am sure is "all the fault of the government and liberals" who have been the reason you have failed so miserably in life.

But go ahead, post your cute animated gif and call it a day.

And yet only one of us begs the government to provide for us [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] (and it sure as hell isn't me!) :lol:

Sure it is. That describes you exactly. "Don't touch my medicare!" "Don't mess with my social security!"

You're a hypocritical selfish asshole who loves government assistance when it directly benefits you.
Do you know where the definition of "Left Wing" came from? It was from the French Revolution. The branch of the Estates General that represented the people and not the nobility or clergy sat on the left of the president.

The ones who pushed for equal rights for the lower classes were the "left". That is where the term left wing comes from....representing the lower classes and pushing for equality. And now you're saying that those same "liberals" were the ones owning slaves and denying women their idiot.

So now that U.S. history has proven you were wrong and the Dumbocrats were the party of racists who tried their damnedest to keep black oppressed, your new narrative is going to be about French history?!? Really?!? :lmao:

I honestly have no idea what went on in France's history. But I do know American history inside and out. And it proves that you are a willfully ignorant blind partisan hack lapdog to the party (probably because of the table scraps they feed you). now you're switching from "liberal" to "democrat" thinking the two are identical. They aren't. Liberals supported women's rights, liberals ended slavery, liberals push for equality, Republicans used to be the liberal party, southern democrats were conservative.

I never said anything about the democrats not opposing civil rights or anything, they did. They were called "southern democrats" (dixiecrats) and they were conservative. I've said this like 20 times now.
Do you know where the definition of "Left Wing" came from? It was from the French Revolution. The branch of the Estates General that represented the people and not the nobility or clergy sat on the left of the president.

The ones who pushed for equal rights for the lower classes were the "left". That is where the term left wing comes from....representing the lower classes and pushing for equality. And now you're saying that those same "liberals" were the ones owning slaves and denying women their idiot.

Save your breath. These people are not educated and have no interest in opening their warped minds. They're ok with flat out lying and only care about themselves and the opportunity to post catchy images and cute little animated gifs. These are not people of substance or value.

Hey, Rottweiler is a proud graduate of Glenn Beck University. Who says conservatives are not educated?
Do you know where the definition of "Left Wing" came from? It was from the French Revolution. The branch of the Estates General that represented the people and not the nobility or clergy sat on the left of the president.

The ones who pushed for equal rights for the lower classes were the "left". That is where the term left wing comes from....representing the lower classes and pushing for equality. And now you're saying that those same "liberals" were the ones owning slaves and denying women their idiot.

So now that U.S. history has proven you were wrong and the Dumbocrats were the party of racists who tried their damnedest to keep black oppressed, your new narrative is going to be about French history?!? Really?!? :lmao:

I honestly have no idea what went on in France's history. But I do know American history inside and out. And it proves that you are a willfully ignorant blind partisan hack lapdog to the party (probably because of the table scraps they feed you). now you're switching from "liberal" to "democrat" thinking the two are identical. They aren't. Liberals supported women's rights, liberals ended slavery, liberals push for equality, Republicans used to be the liberal party, southern democrats were conservative.

I never said anything about the democrats not opposing civil rights or anything, they did. They were called "southern democrats" (dixiecrats) and they were conservative. I've said this like 20 times now.

The point isn't going in at the right angle. It's missing the brain.

Everything about you is a failure. It's not limited to this thread. It extends to everything you pretend to believe in and your view of the world. All failures. It's why you have to lie to try and make a point and your weak arguments are exposed as hypocritical and selfish. And this failure I'm am more than sure extends to your personal life which undoubtedly has been an utter failure that I am sure is "all the fault of the government and liberals" who have been the reason you have failed so miserably in life.

But go ahead, post your cute animated gif and call it a day.

And yet only one of us begs the government to provide for us [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] (and it sure as hell isn't me!) :lol:

Sure it is. That describes you exactly. "Don't touch my medicare!" "Don't mess with my social security!"

You're a hypocritical selfish asshole who loves government assistance when it directly benefits you.

His only goal here is to pick a fight and get someone to talk to him since he can't do it in real life.
Everything about you is a failure. It's not limited to this thread. It extends to everything you pretend to believe in and your view of the world. All failures. It's why you have to lie to try and make a point and your weak arguments are exposed as hypocritical and selfish. And this failure I'm am more than sure extends to your personal life which undoubtedly has been an utter failure that I am sure is "all the fault of the government and liberals" who have been the reason you have failed so miserably in life.

But go ahead, post your cute animated gif and call it a day.

And yet only one of us begs the government to provide for us [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] (and it sure as hell isn't me!) :lol:

Sure it is. That describes you exactly. "Don't touch my medicare!" "Don't mess with my social security!"

You're a hypocritical selfish asshole who loves government assistance when it directly benefits you.

RDD - you do realize the more you lie, the more it just illustrates you as being the fuck'n asshole that you are - don't you?

I've never said "don't touch my Medicare". I find Medicare absolutely appalling. I've never said "don't mess with my Social Security".

I'm on record all over USMB stating both should be shut down (after every penny is returned to those who paid into them). Everybody here knows me - you're not fooling anyone by LYING. You're just destroying your own credibility.

Any more lies you want to shoot for today? I'm all ears. I love watching Dumbocrats self-destruct in a fury over indisputable facts (like your failed policies) :lol:
And yet only one of us begs the government to provide for us [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] (and it sure as hell isn't me!) :lol:

Sure it is. That describes you exactly. "Don't touch my medicare!" "Don't mess with my social security!"

You're a hypocritical selfish asshole who loves government assistance when it directly benefits you.

His only goal here is to pick a fight and get someone to talk to him since he can't do it in real life.

:lmao: Says the woman who lives alone with 7 cats :lmao:

Watching the anger that stems in you from facts I provide - and which you realize you cannot dispute - as priceless.

Venezuela has been utilizing 100% libtard Dumbocrat policy since Chavez assumed power. What do they have to show for that? More poverty. More misery. More failure. And now what are they doing since their policies are causing the economy to collapse? Now they are going to force companies to sell products at the price the liberal dictators decide. Mmm...liberalism and force. Where have I heard that before [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]?

It's funny you only list a bunch of authoritarian regimes that have absolutely no relations to the USA, but never mention places like Scandinavia or even Canada where a lot of "socialist" policies are actually quite successful.

Greece and Spain are both falling apart from rampant capitalism if anything. They had easy borrowing capability from the stronger EU nations and went on a debt-driven boom-mega-bust cycle. Prior to 2008 everyone was talking about how Spain was a "true example of the success of capitalism" and all the typical talk with it's major housing developments, business friendly policies and so forth. Greece has been a mess economically for as long as it's been independent, just now it's tied to a monetary union with the rest of Europe so it's more pronounced publicly.

Cuba's economy was almost exclusively tied to the USSR...oil, food, military, everything. When the Soviets went down, so did Cuba, with our trade embargo still intact.

Your assertion that Greece and Sprain are both falling apart from rampant capitalism is false and only exposes your ignorance. Spain and Greece are crumbling because they had a national debt that was 200% of their GDP. The only reason we're not hearing about Ireland is the UK is keeping them afloat, their annual debt is near 400% of their GDP. Doesn't matter how you slice it or try to rationalize it, it is simply unsustainable.

Government spending that is out of control and out of balance with a nations' economy is what brings countries down. We are headed in that direction as we are currently at 104% of our GDP.
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And yet only one of us begs the government to provide for us [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] (and it sure as hell isn't me!) :lol:

Sure it is. That describes you exactly. "Don't touch my medicare!" "Don't mess with my social security!"

You're a hypocritical selfish asshole who loves government assistance when it directly benefits you.

RDD - you do realize the more you lie, the more it just illustrates you as being the fuck'n asshole that you are - don't you?

I've never said "don't touch my Medicare". I find Medicare absolutely appalling. I've never said "don't mess with my Social Security".

I'm on record all over USMB stating both should be shut down (after every penny is returned to those who paid into them). Everybody here knows me - you're not fooling anyone by LYING. You're just destroying your own credibility.

Any more lies you want to shoot for today? I'm all ears. I love watching Dumbocrats self-destruct in a fury over indisputable facts (like your failed policies) :lol:

The hypocrite tries to defend his hypocrisy. Pathetic.

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