The results of Democrat policy...

What the hell are Conservatives muttering about?
NYS is about the only State that hasn't allowed Fracking.
And to be quite honest about it, I'm all for drilling and fracking as long as the pollution output to the locality is kept to a minimum.

Well of course you do - you're an "independent", right? :lmao:

Oops... (Libtards always pretend to be something else but inevitably give it away)
Another failed thread from another RINO.

"Failed thread"? All I did was share a TRUE story about left-wing policy in Venezuela. And exactly as I predicted, you closed your eyes to the facts and went unhinged trying to deny reality in favor of the ideology. Nobody proved this thread more accurate than you. :lol:

The only thing "failed" is the Dumbocrat policy you support.


:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Oh my God, if I have to listen to one more USMB Dumbocrat asshole try to rewrite history and convince the world that the southern Democrats were "conservatives" my head might explode.

It was Republican Abraham Lincoln and the conservative Republicans which ended slavery. It was the racist, hateful liberals that attacked their own nation to ensure that blacks remained slaves (even as far back as the 1800's liberals were too fuck'n lazy to work and support themselves :eusa_whistle:).

And in the 1960's it was the conservative Republicans who lead the Civil Rights movement and the racist, hateful liberal Dumbocrats who vehemently opposed the movement.

How many conservatives were proud members of the KKK while serving 5 decades in the Senate like liberal Dumbocrat Senator Byrd from West Virginia? Oh that's right - NONE.

Dude - the history is well documented. You can't rewrite it on USMB... :eusa_doh:

oh please...Party name does not denote conservative/liberal agenda. If the Southern Democrats were so "Liberal" then why nowadays does the South overwhelmingly support Republicans?

It's been 150 years since the Civil War genius - hundreds of millions have died. Hundreds of millions have been born. Hundreds of millions moved away. Hundreds of millions moved in. In the 1860's, nobody retired to Florida. Now millions do every year that previously never lived there before.

You do realize the Civil War was not last year, right? :eusa_doh:

So suddenly the south was the liberal part of the, the same "liberals" that pushed for equality suddenly were slave holders....equality...slave holders...equality...slave holders....ummm...problem?

The vast majority of the south didn't just move away, if anyone moved away it was the liberal african americans who went to northern big cities. The south was conservative in 1860, it was conservative in 1960, and it s most certainly conservative hasn't changed. There is absolutely nothing about the south's history that suggests the smallest amount of liberalism. The entire beginning premise for liberalism was change against the ruling classes, the elites, the nobility. Why the hell would liberals who are pushing for change against a ruling class defend and support slavery...that has to be the most ass-backwards, idiotic, brainless notion I've ever heard. You're talking out your behind and then put some smiley face next to it.....dude, just stop.
Last edited:
oh please...Party name does not denote conservative/liberal agenda. If the Southern Democrats were so "Liberal" then why nowadays does the South overwhelmingly support Republicans?

It's been 150 years since the Civil War genius - hundreds of millions have died. Hundreds of millions have been born. Hundreds of millions moved away. Hundreds of millions moved in. In the 1860's, nobody retired to Florida. Now millions do every year that previously never lived there before.

You do realize the Civil War was not last year, right? :eusa_doh:

So suddenly the south was the liberal part of the, the same "liberals" that pushed for equality suddenly were slave holders....equality...slave holders...equality...slave holders....ummm...problem?

Wow [MENTION=45320]Nyvin[/MENTION] - the liberal propaganda machine really owns you, doesn't it? When did liberals ever push for "equality"?!? They vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's genius and that is well documented. Senator Byrd was a proud member of the KKK chief. You are the party of hate and racism. Deal with it. Be a big boy and own it. If you're ashamed by it, then change it. But don't attempt to play Nazi and rewrite history. It's pathetic and it just makes you look ignorant.

The staple of the libtard - eschew all facts and reality for the ideology... :eusa_doh:
So let's sum up modern day conservative politics.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one successful conservative nation.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one conservative policy that is a resounding success from just one other nation in the world.

That about sum it up?

Conservatism is such a rousing success, there are literally no examples of its success in action.


If you're female, "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

If you're a minority, "I'm waiting on my pie, serve it to me."

If you're poor, "This is my pie. Get your own and don't ask me for crumbs."

If you're non Christian, "We have the best pie...because we say so."

This is racism and sexism. Conservatives voted for the 14th amendment. Liberals did not.

Conservatives pushed for women's suffrage. Liberals did not.

In the media your definition of conservative would resound with applause. But please don't shout propaganda like it's some kind of universal fact.

So according to you, Susan B Anthony and other sufferegists (sp?) were conservatives?

You really want to go with that line of reasoning?
oh please...Party name does not denote conservative/liberal agenda. If the Southern Democrats were so "Liberal" then why nowadays does the South overwhelmingly support Republicans? Did the South just suddenly see the light and go from being Liberal to Conservative...? Did we see mass social programs in the south back in the days of southern democrats? That's nonsense. The south was conservative ever since it's foundation.

You trying to paint the Southern Democrats as liberals just makes you look as goofy as a court jester with a bell-ringing hat that has to post laughy faces on everything for confidence.

Of course in your pea-brained mind all you can comprehend is

Republican = Conservative

Democrat = Liberal

Texas at one time was full of dems. I grew up during those times and happily watched the transition to Conservative politics.

They switched because the dem party went full retard on em with this progressive bullshit.

Thanks for backing up my point.

Party name does not denote Conservative / Liberal agenda.

It does for the most part.
I would hardly call what we have today "The Democrat party" anyway.
JFK sure as hell wouldnt be considered a dem by todays standards.
The party changed not the people. Dems use to have a backbone and they stood for something. Nowadays it's all about wealth redistribution and gov control.
Something southern dems dont go in for.
It's been 150 years since the Civil War genius - hundreds of millions have died. Hundreds of millions have been born. Hundreds of millions moved away. Hundreds of millions moved in. In the 1860's, nobody retired to Florida. Now millions do every year that previously never lived there before.

You do realize the Civil War was not last year, right? :eusa_doh:

So suddenly the south was the liberal part of the, the same "liberals" that pushed for equality suddenly were slave holders....equality...slave holders...equality...slave holders....ummm...problem?

Wow [MENTION=45320]Nyvin[/MENTION] - the liberal propaganda machine really owns you, doesn't it? When did liberals ever push for "equality"?!? They vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's genius and that is well documented. Senator Byrd was a proud member of the KKK chief. You are the party of hate and racism. Deal with it. Be a big boy and own it. If you're ashamed by it, then change it. But don't attempt to play Nazi and rewrite history. It's pathetic and it just makes you look ignorant.

The staple of the libtard - eschew all facts and reality for the ideology... :eusa_doh:

Liberals...from the beginning, push for change against the ruling class....that's practically the definition of liberalism....having the name "Democrat" does not make you a liberal. Liberals did not oppose the Civil Rights movement, it was a liberal movement. You're really just desperate here and if you faced any professional with this nonsense they'd laugh at you.
Another failed thread from another RINO.

"Failed thread"? All I did was share a TRUE story about left-wing policy in Venezuela. And exactly as I predicted, you closed your eyes to the facts and went unhinged trying to deny reality in favor of the ideology. Nobody proved this thread more accurate than you. :lol:

The only thing "failed" is the Dumbocrat policy you support.

Everything about you is a failure. It's not limited to this thread. It extends to everything you pretend to believe in and your view of the world. All failures. It's why you have to lie to try and make a point and your weak arguments are exposed as hypocritical and selfish. And this failure I'm am more than sure extends to your personal life which undoubtedly has been an utter failure that I am sure is "all the fault of the government and liberals" who have been the reason you have failed so miserably in life.

But go ahead, post your cute animated gif and call it a day.
Do you know where the definition of "Left Wing" came from? It was from the French Revolution. The branch of the Estates General that represented the people and not the nobility or clergy sat on the left of the president.

The ones who pushed for equal rights for the lower classes were the "left". That is where the term left wing comes from....representing the lower classes and pushing for equality. And now you're saying that those same "liberals" were the ones owning slaves and denying women their idiot.

If you're female, "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

If you're a minority, "I'm waiting on my pie, serve it to me."

If you're poor, "This is my pie. Get your own and don't ask me for crumbs."

If you're non Christian, "We have the best pie...because we say so."

This is racism and sexism. Conservatives voted for the 14th amendment. Liberals did not.

Conservatives pushed for women's suffrage. Liberals did not.

In the media your definition of conservative would resound with applause. But please don't shout propaganda like it's some kind of universal fact.

So according to you, Susan B Anthony and other sufferegists (sp?) were conservatives?

You really want to go with that line of reasoning?

Would you please tell us again CC how the Dumbocrats supported the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? That's my favorite fictional story! :lmao:

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you tell us how the Dumbocrats are for women again?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist

Now, since the facts prove that the Dumbocrats look at you as a worthless cum-dumpster for which to pull votes from while laughing at you, and you know the links prevent you from denying it again, why don't you resort to your standard operating procedure and post the electoral college results from the ONE election you won while running away with your tail between your legs [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]? Meanwhile, I post the election results from the 232 elections that we won (giving us the power to shut down the government while all Obama could do is cry about it).


Do you know where the definition of "Left Wing" came from? It was from the French Revolution. The branch of the Estates General that represented the people and not the nobility or clergy sat on the left of the president.

The ones who pushed for equal rights for the lower classes were the "left". That is where the term left wing comes from....representing the lower classes and pushing for equality. And now you're saying that those same "liberals" were the ones owning slaves and denying women their idiot.

Save your breath. These people are not educated and have no interest in opening their warped minds. They're ok with flat out lying and only care about themselves and the opportunity to post catchy images and cute little animated gifs. These are not people of substance or value.
This is racism and sexism. Conservatives voted for the 14th amendment. Liberals did not.

Conservatives pushed for women's suffrage. Liberals did not.

In the media your definition of conservative would resound with applause. But please don't shout propaganda like it's some kind of universal fact.

So according to you, Susan B Anthony and other sufferegists (sp?) were conservatives?

You really want to go with that line of reasoning?

Would you please tell us again CC how the Dumbocrats supported the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? That's my favorite fictional story! :lmao:

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you tell us how the Dumbocrats are for women again?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist

Now, since the facts prove that the Dumbocrats look at you as a worthless cum-dumpster for which to pull votes from while laughing at you, and you know the links prevent you from denying it again, why don't you resort to your standard operating procedure and post the electoral college results from the ONE election you won while running away with your tail between your legs [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]? Meanwhile, I post the election results from the 232 elections that we won (giving us the power to shut down the government while all Obama could do is cry about it).



Like I was just saying. Point proven.
Do you know where the definition of "Left Wing" came from? It was from the French Revolution. The branch of the Estates General that represented the people and not the nobility or clergy sat on the left of the president.

The ones who pushed for equal rights for the lower classes were the "left". That is where the term left wing comes from....representing the lower classes and pushing for equality. And now you're saying that those same "liberals" were the ones owning slaves and denying women their idiot.

So now that U.S. history has proven you were wrong and the Dumbocrats were the party of racists who tried their damnedest to keep black oppressed, your new narrative is going to be about French history?!? Really?!? :lmao:

I honestly have no idea what went on in France's history. But I do know American history inside and out. And it proves that you are a willfully ignorant blind partisan hack lapdog to the party (probably because of the table scraps they feed you).
So according to you, Susan B Anthony and other sufferegists (sp?) were conservatives?

You really want to go with that line of reasoning?

Would you please tell us again CC how the Dumbocrats supported the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? That's my favorite fictional story! :lmao:

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you tell us how the Dumbocrats are for women again?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist

Now, since the facts prove that the Dumbocrats look at you as a worthless cum-dumpster for which to pull votes from while laughing at you, and you know the links prevent you from denying it again, why don't you resort to your standard operating procedure and post the electoral college results from the ONE election you won while running away with your tail between your legs [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]? Meanwhile, I post the election results from the 232 elections that we won (giving us the power to shut down the government while all Obama could do is cry about it).



Like I was just saying. Point proven.

I provided links backing up everything I said. You provide your ignorant opinion and cannot back it up with any documentation [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION].

Game. Set. Match.
Would you please tell us again CC how the Dumbocrats supported the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? That's my favorite fictional story! :lmao:

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you tell us how the Dumbocrats are for women again?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist

Now, since the facts prove that the Dumbocrats look at you as a worthless cum-dumpster for which to pull votes from while laughing at you, and you know the links prevent you from denying it again, why don't you resort to your standard operating procedure and post the electoral college results from the ONE election you won while running away with your tail between your legs [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]? Meanwhile, I post the election results from the 232 elections that we won (giving us the power to shut down the government while all Obama could do is cry about it).



Like I was just saying. Point proven.

I provided links backing up everything I said. You provide your ignorant opinion and cannot back it up with any documentation [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION].

Game. Set. Match.

I don't see anything that proves anything. I'm sure YOU see them, but no one with an ounce of common sense sees anything in your post that's worth an ounce of shit.
All that this thread has proven is that there are no nations in the world that are running on successful conservative policies while there are many nations that are prosperous and seeing great success while being run on a foundation of liberal policies.
This is racism and sexism. Conservatives voted for the 14th amendment. Liberals did not.

Conservatives pushed for women's suffrage. Liberals did not.

In the media your definition of conservative would resound with applause. But please don't shout propaganda like it's some kind of universal fact.

So according to you, Susan B Anthony and other sufferegists (sp?) were conservatives?

You really want to go with that line of reasoning?

Would you please tell us again CC how the Dumbocrats supported the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? That's my favorite fictional story! :lmao:

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you tell us how the Dumbocrats are for women again?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Biden: 'This Isn't Your Garden-Variety Slap across the Face' | National Review Online

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps - ABC News

NYPD Says Occupy Wall Street Protester Was Raped By Fellow Protester Near South Street Seaport: Gothamist

Now, since the facts prove that the Dumbocrats look at you as a worthless cum-dumpster for which to pull votes from while laughing at you, and you know the links prevent you from denying it again, why don't you resort to your standard operating procedure and post the electoral college results from the ONE election you won while running away with your tail between your legs [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]? Meanwhile, I post the election results from the 232 elections that we won (giving us the power to shut down the government while all Obama could do is cry about it).



332-206 courtesy of the women's vote.​

:dance: :lol: :dance:
:dance: :lol: :dance: :lol: :dance:

Enjoy your single digit approval've earned it.

Still applauding Al Queda you piece of shit?
Another failed thread from another RINO.

"Failed thread"? All I did was share a TRUE story about left-wing policy in Venezuela. And exactly as I predicted, you closed your eyes to the facts and went unhinged trying to deny reality in favor of the ideology. Nobody proved this thread more accurate than you. :lol:

The only thing "failed" is the Dumbocrat policy you support.

Everything about you is a failure. It's not limited to this thread. It extends to everything you pretend to believe in and your view of the world. All failures. It's why you have to lie to try and make a point and your weak arguments are exposed as hypocritical and selfish. And this failure I'm am more than sure extends to your personal life which undoubtedly has been an utter failure that I am sure is "all the fault of the government and liberals" who have been the reason you have failed so miserably in life.

But go ahead, post your cute animated gif and call it a day.

And yet only one of us begs the government to provide for us [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] (and it sure as hell isn't me!) :lol:

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