The results of Democrat policy...

Ya know, Rotty. I am really losing my patience with these left wing idiots. They are incapable or logical rational thinking and are nothing but parrots for failed liberal politics.

Since they represent between 45 and 55% of the country, maybe secession is the only answer. Its really sad what this country is becoming.

Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.

Ok, great. the united states of libtardia will consist of california (fiscally broke), the northeast(fiscally and morally bankrupt), and you can have michigan.

the united states of freedom will take the south, the mid west, and the mountain states.

you get NY, Philly, Newark, Detroit, Cleveland, LA and San frangayo.

we get atlanta, charlotte, new orleans, houston, dallas, phoenix and denver.

we get the energy producers and you get the energy consumers---don't worry we will sell you energy at a fair price after we book a reasonable profit on it.

go to work, start drafting it up.

Ya know, the truth is that there is currently no succesful nation in the world--liberal or conservative. Every country has fiscal problems, every government is trying to do too much, every government has robbed the people of their basic freedoms in a failed attempt to make everyone "equal".

its world wide lunacy, and its contagious.

I agree. No nation is perfect. But some are certainly better off than others. I've pointed out examples of nations that are doing many things right. You've named Nothing, nada, zilch from countries today that are doing anything correctly.

Why can't you even just say "I think blank country has a good policy on blank"?

I named a successful conservative nation. Just look at Andrew Jackson's reign. The world now is filled wig people who want others to work for them and place a strain on economies. I cannot name a current successful conservative nation because you are looking for a conservative utopia. No such thing exists. But neither does a liberal help everybody all the time and ask nothing in return country.

I'm not looking for a utopia. I've said as much. If you don't have an answer say so.
Rottweiler needs a court jester hat for an avatar...since he relies on laughy faces so much to try to make any point

I agree. No nation is perfect. But some are certainly better off than others. I've pointed out examples of nations that are doing many things right. You've named Nothing, nada, zilch from countries today that are doing anything correctly.

Why can't you even just say "I think blank country has a good policy on blank"?

I named a successful conservative nation. Just look at Andrew Jackson's reign. The world now is filled wig people who want others to work for them and place a strain on economies. I cannot name a current successful conservative nation because you are looking for a conservative utopia. No such thing exists. But neither does a liberal help everybody all the time and ask nothing in return country.

I'm not looking for a utopia. I've said as much. If you don't have an answer say so.

I'm having trouble discerning how there is any room of doubt of me answering your question. I have addressed each of your points in turn but you keep looking for more answers. I have provided over the course of several posts any answer you have requested.
I named a successful conservative nation. Just look at Andrew Jackson's reign. The world now is filled wig people who want others to work for them and place a strain on economies. I cannot name a current successful conservative nation because you are looking for a conservative utopia. No such thing exists. But neither does a liberal help everybody all the time and ask nothing in return country.

I'm not looking for a utopia. I've said as much. If you don't have an answer say so.

I'm having trouble discerning how there is any room of doubt of me answering your question. I have addressed each of your points in turn but you keep looking for more answers. I have provided over the course of several posts any answer you have requested.

Any of the "conservative red states" being made out to be successful is false other then a few fossil fuel states like Texas.....because they all take in more federal tax money then they give. That is not successful.

If you want to point out energy states like Texas and Wyoming...yes, due to Fossil Fuels, they are, at least Giver/Taker status-wise, successful....however Texas certainly has issues with income inequality and poverty, and by other measures is not successful.
I named a successful conservative nation. Just look at Andrew Jackson's reign. The world now is filled wig people who want others to work for them and place a strain on economies. I cannot name a current successful conservative nation because you are looking for a conservative utopia. No such thing exists. But neither does a liberal help everybody all the time and ask nothing in return country.

I'm not looking for a utopia. I've said as much. If you don't have an answer say so.

I'm having trouble discerning how there is any room of doubt of me answering your question. I have addressed each of your points in turn but you keep looking for more answers. I have provided over the course of several posts any answer you have requested.

This thread was meant to highlight a foreign nation that is "liberal" as being a failure. My point was that nobody could point out a successful current day nation built upon the conservative principles advocated by present day american Republicans... And more specifically Tea party Republicans. Even highlighting specific conservative policies being used successfully in other countries would be a good start.

For instance you could say.... The healthcare system in Russia is a conservative system and is successful. (Obviously this is a made up example)
Are you suggesting being right wing reduces poverty? Considering every other developed nation on Earth has some form of universal healthcare I really have a hard time believing this.

History has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that free markets reduces poverty. History has also proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that government-controlled markets drastically increases poverty.

Furthermore, every other developed nation which has far inferior healthcare to the United States (far inferior). So much for that "wonderful" healthcare in that "developed" nation of Canada, eh? :lol:

Canadian PM has heart surgery -- in the U.S.

History has proven no such thing, since there's never been a true "free market" economy in the history of the world.

And if "every other developed nation" has "far inferior" healthcare compared to us, why are the people in those countries so much happier with their healthcare than we are?

My Aunt and Cousin both work in the Canadian health care system....they both say it sucks. My Aunts best friends husband is here in Houston receiving cancer treatment right now following her advice to come to Houston because we have the best cancer center in the world.
History has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that free markets reduces poverty. History has also proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that government-controlled markets drastically increases poverty.

Furthermore, every other developed nation which has far inferior healthcare to the United States (far inferior). So much for that "wonderful" healthcare in that "developed" nation of Canada, eh? :lol:

Canadian PM has heart surgery -- in the U.S.

History has proven no such thing, since there's never been a true "free market" economy in the history of the world.

And if "every other developed nation" has "far inferior" healthcare compared to us, why are the people in those countries so much happier with their healthcare than we are?

My Aunt and Cousin both work in the Canadian health care system....they both say it sucks. My Aunts best friends husband is here in Houston receiving cancer treatment right now following her advice to come to Houston because we have the best cancer center in the world.

If you can afford it.

But thanks for the cute story.
I'm not looking for a utopia. I've said as much. If you don't have an answer say so.

I'm having trouble discerning how there is any room of doubt of me answering your question. I have addressed each of your points in turn but you keep looking for more answers. I have provided over the course of several posts any answer you have requested.

Any of the "conservative red states" being made out to be successful is false other then a few fossil fuel states like Texas.....because they all take in more federal tax money then they give. That is not successful.

If you want to point out energy states like Texas and Wyoming...yes, due to Fossil Fuels, they are, at least Giver/Taker status-wise, successful....however Texas certainly has issues with income inequality and poverty, and by other measures is not successful.

And the fact that blue states in their infinite "green energy" ignorance are not willing to harvest their energy is just another glaring example of failed liberal policy.

Sorry my friend, you can swallow the liberal propaganda all you want, but the fact is conservative states are flourishing and liberal states are bankrupt and jobless.

It's how liberal policy (ie communism) always ends.
History has proven no such thing, since there's never been a true "free market" economy in the history of the world.

And if "every other developed nation" has "far inferior" healthcare compared to us, why are the people in those countries so much happier with their healthcare than we are?

My Aunt and Cousin both work in the Canadian health care system....they both say it sucks. My Aunts best friends husband is here in Houston receiving cancer treatment right now following her advice to come to Houston because we have the best cancer center in the world.

If you can afford it.

But thanks for the cute story.

So you admit RDD that liberal policy creates inferior results? :lol:

I don't know about you, but I want the very best of everything. Especially my healthcare.
My Aunt and Cousin both work in the Canadian health care system....they both say it sucks. My Aunts best friends husband is here in Houston receiving cancer treatment right now following her advice to come to Houston because we have the best cancer center in the world.

If you can afford it.

But thanks for the cute story.

So you admit RDD that liberal policy creates inferior results? :lol:

I don't know about you, but I want the very best of everything. Especially my healthcare.

The Canadian population does not warrant the plethora of sub-specialties that the US has.
A good deal of advancements within the medical world in the US is also due to the RUGS aspect of Medicare.
I'm not looking for a utopia. I've said as much. If you don't have an answer say so.

I'm having trouble discerning how there is any room of doubt of me answering your question. I have addressed each of your points in turn but you keep looking for more answers. I have provided over the course of several posts any answer you have requested.

This thread was meant to highlight a foreign nation that is "liberal" as being a failure. My point was that nobody could point out a successful current day nation built upon the conservative principles advocated by present day american Republicans... And more specifically Tea party Republicans. Even highlighting specific conservative policies being used successfully in other countries would be a good start.

For instance you could say.... The healthcare system in Russia is a conservative system and is successful. (Obviously this is a made up example)

Which goes back to my original point that you somehow believe pointing to failed liberal policy in other nations which are NOT utilizing conservative policy is somehow "proof" that conservative policy sucks and you're better off with the failed liberal policy... :cuckoo:
History has proven no such thing, since there's never been a true "free market" economy in the history of the world.

And if "every other developed nation" has "far inferior" healthcare compared to us, why are the people in those countries so much happier with their healthcare than we are?

My Aunt and Cousin both work in the Canadian health care system....they both say it sucks. My Aunts best friends husband is here in Houston receiving cancer treatment right now following her advice to come to Houston because we have the best cancer center in the world.

If you can afford it.

But thanks for the cute story.

Must suck to be you....
At least he has an option. Screw up our health care and millions die. True story dumb fuck.
If you can afford it.

But thanks for the cute story.

So you admit RDD that liberal policy creates inferior results? :lol:

I don't know about you, but I want the very best of everything. Especially my healthcare.

The Canadian population does not warrant the plethora of sub-specialties that the US has.
A good deal of advancements within the medical world in the US is also due to the RUGS aspect of Medicare.

Oh so they deserve substandard health care in Canada? Because there are fewer of them they're shit out of luck huh?
And thats what you want for the U.S.? Really?
If you can afford it.

But thanks for the cute story.

So you admit RDD that liberal policy creates inferior results? :lol:

I don't know about you, but I want the very best of everything. Especially my healthcare.

The Canadian population does not warrant the plethora of sub-specialties that the US has.
A good deal of advancements within the medical world in the US is also due to the RUGS aspect of Medicare.

Well apparently it also doesn't "warrant" even the most basic of vital healthcare - like cardiology... :lmao:

The Checkup - Canadian official has heart surgery -- in the U.S.

(One thing a liberal always has a plethora of is excuses)
So you admit RDD that liberal policy creates inferior results? :lol:

I don't know about you, but I want the very best of everything. Especially my healthcare.

The Canadian population does not warrant the plethora of sub-specialties that the US has.
A good deal of advancements within the medical world in the US is also due to the RUGS aspect of Medicare.

Oh so they deserve substandard health care in Canada? Because there are fewer of them they're shit out of luck huh?
And thats what you want for the U.S.? Really?

Can you specify in my posting where I wrote what you just replied to?
I'm having trouble discerning how there is any room of doubt of me answering your question. I have addressed each of your points in turn but you keep looking for more answers. I have provided over the course of several posts any answer you have requested.

Any of the "conservative red states" being made out to be successful is false other then a few fossil fuel states like Texas.....because they all take in more federal tax money then they give. That is not successful.

If you want to point out energy states like Texas and Wyoming...yes, due to Fossil Fuels, they are, at least Giver/Taker status-wise, successful....however Texas certainly has issues with income inequality and poverty, and by other measures is not successful.

And the fact that blue states in their infinite "green energy" ignorance are not willing to harvest their energy is just another glaring example of failed liberal policy.

Sorry my friend, you can swallow the liberal propaganda all you want, but the fact is conservative states are flourishing and liberal states are bankrupt and jobless.

It's how liberal policy (ie communism) always ends.

Aren't willing to harvest...? Everyone harvest it as much as they can, except maybe Alaska. There are drilling activities in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, even California.

They can drill all they want, they won't turn into an energy state the likes of Texas, Wyoming, North Dakota and Alaska are....simply because of the physical, undeniable fact that enough of the stuff isn't there.

Pennsylvania used to be the energy state of the country way back in the day, but nowadays all the wells have gone dry. They can drill baby drill till the cows come home, they won't make much out of it.

Unemployment isn't a red state/blue state divide, it's actually quite diverse. There's states like Illinois and Georgia who both have high unemployment, then there's states like Hawaii and Nebraska that have low unemployment. There's WAY more that goes on in unemployment than mere politics.

List of U.S. states by unemployment rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And until the red states start giving more tax money then they take, there's no talk of "bankrupt". Oh did I mention California is running a surplus this year?
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Yes, the liberal Republicans who won the civil war against the conservative Democrats who fought for slavery.

The liberal Republicans who posted fliers hating women's right to vote and the Conservative Democrats who voted it as law.

The liberal Republicans who enforced the Crow laws and the conservative Democrats who didn't segregate schools.

Or is all this history rewritten to make liberals justify their current positions regardless of facts?

Yes, the Democrats, more specifically the southern Democrats, were conservative. The Republicans were Liberal. The Republicans were in control of congress in 1919, and they were the ones who passed the 19th amendment during that time. They were the liberal party at this time as well, at least in comparison to the southern Democrats (dixiecrats) Some northern Democrats were starting to be more liberal then the Repubs however, this would culminate with the election of FDR in 1932."conservatives" pushed for the end of slavery??? "conservatives" pushed for women's suffrage???? What are you getting at? You're not making any sense here.

Oh my God, if I have to listen to one more USMB Dumbocrat asshole try to rewrite history and convince the world that the southern Democrats were "conservatives" my head might explode.

It was Republican Abraham Lincoln and the conservative Republicans which ended slavery. It was the racist, hateful liberals that attacked their own nation to ensure that blacks remained slaves (even as far back as the 1800's liberals were too fuck'n lazy to work and support themselves :eusa_whistle:).

And in the 1960's it was the conservative Republicans who lead the Civil Rights movement and the racist, hateful liberal Dumbocrats who vehemently opposed the movement.

How many conservatives were proud members of the KKK while serving 5 decades in the Senate like liberal Dumbocrat Senator Byrd from West Virginia? Oh that's right - NONE.

Dude - the history is well documented. You can't rewrite it on USMB... :eusa_doh:
Any of the "conservative red states" being made out to be successful is false other then a few fossil fuel states like Texas.....because they all take in more federal tax money then they give. That is not successful.

If you want to point out energy states like Texas and Wyoming...yes, due to Fossil Fuels, they are, at least Giver/Taker status-wise, successful....however Texas certainly has issues with income inequality and poverty, and by other measures is not successful.

And the fact that blue states in their infinite "green energy" ignorance are not willing to harvest their energy is just another glaring example of failed liberal policy.

Sorry my friend, you can swallow the liberal propaganda all you want, but the fact is conservative states are flourishing and liberal states are bankrupt and jobless.

It's how liberal policy (ie communism) always ends.

Aren't willing to harvest...? Everyone harvest it as much as they can, except maybe Alaska. There are drilling activities in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, even California.

They can drill all they want, they won't turn into an energy state the likes of Texas, Wyoming, North Dakota and Alaska are....simply because of the physical, undeniable fact that enough of the stuff isn't there.

Pennsylvania used to be the energy state of the country way back in the day, but nowadays all the wells have gone dry. They can drill baby drill till the cows come home, they won't make much out of it.

Unemployment isn't a red state/blue state divide, it's actually quite diverse. There's states like Illinois and Georgia who both have high unemployment, then there's states like Hawaii and Nebraska that have low unemployment. There's WAY more that goes on in unemployment than mere politics.

List of U.S. states by unemployment rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And until the red states start giving more tax money then they take, there's no talk of "bankrupt". Oh did I mention California is running a surplus this year?

California is also issuing out an incredibly high rate of citations, cutting back expenses, and has very high taxes. Congrats for playing catch up on years of bad policies California.

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