The results of Democrat policy...

Failed... JFC you are so blinded by ideology it's a wonder anyone will even try to engage you.

The Canadian PM coming to the US for surgery is a testiment to the skill of our medical professionals and of course if price is no object (meaning the fucking bean counters aren't mucking things up), they can perform miracles. Those miracles are for the most part priced out of our health care system.

Germany: Have you pulled your head out of your ass since WWII? A lot has changed since then. They're kicking butt in just about every conceivable way these days.

And as RDD has suggested, the scandinavian countries are probably the happiest countries on the planet. You (and all the similarly miserable cons out there) would hate it.

BTW, still waiting for those examples of conserative policy success.

You notice that they will do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid naming not only a successful conservative nation, but any successful nation. This way, they figure they don't have to commit to anything and can feel free to just criticize without having ANY substance to the bullshit they claim.

They are substance-less, uneducated rednecks who are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country.

Ya know, the truth is that there is currently no succesful nation in the world--liberal or conservative. Every country has fiscal problems, every government is trying to do too much, every government has robbed the people of their basic freedoms in a failed attempt to make everyone "equal".

its world wide lunacy, and its contagious.

I agree. No nation is perfect. But some are certainly better off than others. I've pointed out examples of nations that are doing many things right. You've named Nothing, nada, zilch from countries today that are doing anything correctly.

Why can't you even just say "I think blank country has a good policy on blank"?
I guess the hater dupes think it's great the Walmart heirs have more money than 40 per cent of the people in the country, and the rich poor gap has NEVER been bigger, even than the robber barons and the gilded age. Great JOB, hater dupes....
So let's sum up modern day conservative politics.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one successful conservative nation.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one conservative policy that is a resounding success from just one other nation in the world.

That about sum it up?

Conservatism is such a rousing success, there are literally no examples of its success in action.


If you're female, "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

If you're a minority, "I'm waiting on my pie, serve it to me."

If you're poor, "This is my pie. Get your own and don't ask me for crumbs."

If you're non Christian, "We have the best pie...because we say so."

This is racism and sexism. Conservatives voted for the 14th amendment. Liberals did not.

Conservatives pushed for women's suffrage. Liberals did not.

In the media your definition of conservative would resound with applause. But please don't shout propaganda like it's some kind of universal fact.
RDD - you're the liar (and everything is posted here for people to see). You're entire narrative has been "Spain, Greece, France, Cuba, etc. aren't using conservative policies, so that means conservative policy sucks". Well those nations have all collapsed or are on the verge of collapse stupid! So you're literally proving that the conservative policy is the SOLUTION!

My God are you DUMB! :eusa_doh:

Ya know, Rotty. I am really losing my patience with these left wing idiots. They are incapable or logical rational thinking and are nothing but parrots for failed liberal politics.

Since they represent between 45 and 55% of the country, maybe secession is the only answer. Its really sad what this country is becoming.

Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.

Like Chicago, Detroit, or California.
I guess the hater dupes think it's great the Walmart heirs have more money than 40 per cent of the people in the country, and the rich poor gap has NEVER been bigger, even than the robber barons and the gilded age. Great JOB, hater dupes....

Hater dupes is back! Yes tee wealth gap is terrible and I agree with the first fact you've posted.

However, the answer is not tax the rich at 60% so that welfare can hand out more food stamps that don't fully support a family of four. People on welfare have more children do they can get more welfare. Then the more welfare doesn't pay enough for the extra child.

I'm not trying to say that this is 100% the case but there are plenty examples of this and if you watch TV or get on the internet I know you've seen them.
You notice that they will do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid naming not only a successful conservative nation, but any successful nation. This way, they figure they don't have to commit to anything and can feel free to just criticize without having ANY substance to the bullshit they claim.

They are substance-less, uneducated rednecks who are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country.

Ya know, the truth is that there is currently no succesful nation in the world--liberal or conservative. Every country has fiscal problems, every government is trying to do too much, every government has robbed the people of their basic freedoms in a failed attempt to make everyone "equal".

its world wide lunacy, and its contagious.

I agree. No nation is perfect. But some are certainly better off than others. I've pointed out examples of nations that are doing many things right. You've named Nothing, nada, zilch from countries today that are doing anything correctly.

Why can't you even just say "I think blank country has a good policy on blank"?

I named a successful conservative nation. Just look at Andrew Jackson's reign. The world now is filled wig people who want others to work for them and place a strain on economies. I cannot name a current successful conservative nation because you are looking for a conservative utopia. No such thing exists. But neither does a liberal help everybody all the time and ask nothing in return country.
So let's sum up modern day conservative politics.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one successful conservative nation.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one conservative policy that is a resounding success from just one other nation in the world.

That about sum it up?

Conservatism is such a rousing success, there are literally no examples of its success in action.


If you're female, "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

If you're a minority, "I'm waiting on my pie, serve it to me."

If you're poor, "This is my pie. Get your own and don't ask me for crumbs."

If you're non Christian, "We have the best pie...because we say so."

This is racism and sexism. Conservatives voted for the 14th amendment. Liberals did not.

Conservatives pushed for women's suffrage. Liberals did not.

In the media your definition of conservative would resound with applause. But please don't shout propaganda like it's some kind of universal fact.


What the heck are you talking about? Conservatives rejected the 14th amendment whole heartedly. Do you think that since the supporters were Republicans they were conservatives???
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If you're female, "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

If you're a minority, "I'm waiting on my pie, serve it to me."

If you're poor, "This is my pie. Get your own and don't ask me for crumbs."

If you're non Christian, "We have the best pie...because we say so."

This is racism and sexism. Conservatives voted for the 14th amendment. Liberals did not.

Conservatives pushed for women's suffrage. Liberals did not.

In the media your definition of conservative would resound with applause. But please don't shout propaganda like it's some kind of universal fact.


What the heck are you talking about? Conservatives rejected the 14th amendment whole heartedly. Do you think cause the supporters were Republicans they were conservatives???

Yes, the liberal Republicans who won the civil war against the conservative Democrats who fought for slavery.

The liberal Republicans who posted fliers hating women's right to vote and the Conservative Democrats who voted it as law.

The liberal Republicans who enforced the Crow laws and the conservative Democrats who didn't segregate schools.

Or is all this history rewritten to make liberals justify their current positions regardless of facts?
I guess the hater dupes think it's great the Walmart heirs have more money than 40 per cent of the people in the country, and the rich poor gap has NEVER been bigger, even than the robber barons and the gilded age. Great JOB, hater dupes....

Hater dupes is back! Yes tee wealth gap is terrible and I agree with the first fact you've posted.

However, the answer is not tax the rich at 60% so that welfare can hand out more food stamps that don't fully support a family of four. People on welfare have more children do they can get more welfare. Then the more welfare doesn't pay enough for the extra child.

I'm not trying to say that this is 100% the case but there are plenty examples of this and if you watch TV or get on the internet I know you've seen them.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

I'd say 40 per cent, with 45 percent over a million....NOBODY said anything about 60...they tripled their wealth and more while the country went to hell...and corporations used to pay 35 percent of taxes, now 10 per cent- I'd say double that ...
I guess the hater dupes think it's great the Walmart heirs have more money than 40 per cent of the people in the country, and the rich poor gap has NEVER been bigger, even than the robber barons and the gilded age. Great JOB, hater dupes....

Hater dupes is back! Yes tee wealth gap is terrible and I agree with the first fact you've posted.

However, the answer is not tax the rich at 60% so that welfare can hand out more food stamps that don't fully support a family of four. People on welfare have more children do they can get more welfare. Then the more welfare doesn't pay enough for the extra child.

I'm not trying to say that this is 100% the case but there are plenty examples of this and if you watch TV or get on the internet I know you've seen them.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

I'd say 40 per cent, with 45 percent over a million....NOBODY said anything about 60...they tripled their wealth and more while the country went to hell...and corporations used to pay 35 percent of taxes, now 10 per cent- I'd say double that ...

If our tax rate were competitive enough to bring in businesses back from overseas then we might see some jobs for the victims. I'm not saying social circumstances are close to acceptable. Our tax system should be fair for everyone. Fair enough to bring jobs that will employ people that can pay taxes in order to raise revenues for the government.

Of course I'm complaining about people using the welfare system improperly. But you know what they're not? Victims. Those people who use the system are leeches draining funds away from what could he good programs.

And yes, I'm an a hole. Everybody informs me if this. But I try to be a nice a hole. At least pudding you off improved your grammar! Raise more points like this instead of using hater dupes. If you really want to see what political positions I favor I will start a thread that points those out.

I've been stuck in this thread arguing for Republicans and it's irritating the crap out if me. Wait a few minutes and I will show you why the a hole isn't such a bad guy, or an idiot.
Norway is about as successful as you can get as a nation. By almost any measure possible.

I won't say they're not. But a liberal nation they are not.

How are they not? No capital punishment, Abortions are supported, Gay marriage legalized, Total universal healthcare, HUGE (and I mean fricking HUGE) welfare state....

How can you possibly say they "aren't" liberal????

After doing some research I concede your point. However, I would argue that while these countries have the requirements that I'm just learning define a country as liberal that these countries are able to succeed at this for one reason: they aren't America.

By this I mean if you look at the responsibilities America has placed upon itself we would be completely bankrupt as we are currently striving to achieve. With my current level of knowledge so low on this region of the world I am unable to refute your claim of these countries being successful liberal states.
NOBODY WANTS TO be unemployed or on welfare. People like to have a little dignity- the GOP seems to want them to cry nonstop...but thanks for the depression and blocking a recovery with phony crises...

Every modern country is more liberal than us, and were FINE before the Pub world depression...just like our most of our UE and welfare recipients.......
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Alright, I'll go first and end this debate once and for all. Since I KNOW you won't answer even once I do. Any of the Scandinavian countries are what I would consider pretty successful countries.


Norway.... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

"As you can see, the numbers are astronomical. This madness is not sustainable long-term, but those in power don’t really seem to worry too much about that. After all, they are given lavish salaries and extravagant pension plans which are out of reach for the average Norwegian taxpayer. So it’s full steam ahead until we all go over the cliff."

Immigration Will Bankrupt Norway | Gates of Vienna

Norway is considered one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Press Releases

So, I posted mine, where are yours???

Sure they are. With 1/4 of GDP coming from oil, they are as prosperous as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE... except, Norwegians dont have mentality of sucking out from system like we do, they got around 3.5% unemployment rate, so almost everyone works. Try to do that in US, where entitlements are becoming way of living.
Yes, the liberal Republicans who won the civil war against the conservative Democrats who fought for slavery.

The liberal Republicans who posted fliers hating women's right to vote and the Conservative Democrats who voted it as law.

The liberal Republicans who enforced the Crow laws and the conservative Democrats who didn't segregate schools.

Or is all this history rewritten to make liberals justify their current positions regardless of facts?

Yes, the Democrats, more specifically the southern Democrats, were conservative. The Republicans were Liberal. The Republicans were in control of congress in 1919, and they were the ones who passed the 19th amendment during that time. They were the liberal party at this time as well, at least in comparison to the southern Democrats (dixiecrats) Some northern Democrats were starting to be more liberal then the Repubs however, this would culminate with the election of FDR in 1932."conservatives" pushed for the end of slavery??? "conservatives" pushed for women's suffrage???? What are you getting at? You're not making any sense here.

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