The results of Democrat policy...

But I haven't done that. Again, you're lying. Do you make a habit of being a liar?

My proof that conservative policies don't work is supported by the fact that you absolutely refuse to (ie. can't) name a single successful modern day conservative country. You're all the proof I need.

RDD - you're the liar (and everything is posted here for people to see). You're entire narrative has been "Spain, Greece, France, Cuba, etc. aren't using conservative policies, so that means conservative policy sucks". Well those nations have all collapsed or are on the verge of collapse stupid! So you're literally proving that the conservative policy is the SOLUTION!

My God are you DUMB! :eusa_doh:

Ya know, Rotty. I am really losing my patience with these left wing idiots. They are incapable or logical rational thinking and are nothing but parrots for failed liberal politics.

Since they represent between 45 and 55% of the country, maybe secession is the only answer. Its really sad what this country is becoming.

Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.
But I haven't done that. Again, you're lying. Do you make a habit of being a liar?

My proof that conservative policies don't work is supported by the fact that you absolutely refuse to (ie. can't) name a single successful modern day conservative country. You're all the proof I need.

RDD - you're the liar (and everything is posted here for people to see). You're entire narrative has been "Spain, Greece, France, Cuba, etc. aren't using conservative policies, so that means conservative policy sucks". Well those nations have all collapsed or are on the verge of collapse stupid! So you're literally proving that the conservative policy is the SOLUTION!

My God are you DUMB! :eusa_doh:

You're either insane or a liar. Or both. I have never said or implied anything remotely close to this.

Oh my God - that's EXACTLY what you've said!!! Go back and read it for God's sakes!!! Since the rest of the world (all of which have trailed the United States in prosperity) doesn't use conservative policy, your position is that somehow "proves" that conservative policy is no good. But those same nations have collapsed NOT using conservative policy. If you want the opposite result of collapsing (prosperity), you need the opposite of the liberal policy which caused the collapse (conservative policy).

This is not rocket science chief... And if you can't follow your own posts, much less the entire discussion, then please go play with your dolls and leave the adults to discuss.
RDD - you're the liar (and everything is posted here for people to see). You're entire narrative has been "Spain, Greece, France, Cuba, etc. aren't using conservative policies, so that means conservative policy sucks". Well those nations have all collapsed or are on the verge of collapse stupid! So you're literally proving that the conservative policy is the SOLUTION!

My God are you DUMB! :eusa_doh:

Ya know, Rotty. I am really losing my patience with these left wing idiots. They are incapable or logical rational thinking and are nothing but parrots for failed liberal politics.

Since they represent between 45 and 55% of the country, maybe secession is the only answer. Its really sad what this country is becoming.

Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.

You mean like Detroit [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Hey Joe, every state or city in America run by Dumbocrats is failing miserably. Nearly every state or city in America run by conservatives is flourishing (even in the collapsed economy Obama created).

Liberal California? Bankrupt! Can't even keep the power on... :lol:

Conservative Texas? Flourishing!

Liberal Detroit? Bankrupt! Looks like a 3rd world country

Conservative South Carolina? Flourishing! In fact, Boeing is moving their operations to South Carolina and Obama's NLRB is trying to block them!

But hey, you're a liberal - so you won't let these FACTS get in the way of your ideology.... :eusa_doh:
Well, at least you bring spelling to the table. Everything else, not so much. Oh, and BTW, once again I missed all of those wonderful conservative policy success stories.

Exactly - so you point to FAILED nations utilizing FAILED liberal policy in the absence of any nation failing under conservative policy.

You're basically saying "when you are dying of cancer, inject yourself with a lot more cancer"... :lmao:

Failed... JFC you are so blinded by ideology it's a wonder anyone will even try to engage you.

The Canadian PM coming to the US for surgery is a testiment to the skill of our medical professionals and of course if price is no object (meaning the fucking bean counters aren't mucking things up), they can perform miracles. Those miracles are for the most part priced out of our health care system.

Germany: Have you pulled your head out of your ass since WWII? A lot has changed since then. They're kicking butt in just about every conceivable way these days.

And as RDD has suggested, the scandinavian countries are probably the happiest countries on the planet. You (and all the similarly miserable cons out there) would hate it.

BTW, still waiting for those examples of conserative policy success.

You notice that they will do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid naming not only a successful conservative nation, but any successful nation. This way, they figure they don't have to commit to anything and can feel free to just criticize without having ANY substance to the bullshit they claim.

They are substance-less, uneducated rednecks who are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country.
What "attack"? What was "uncivil"? Did I tell you to go fuck yourself? Did I hurl personal insults at you? Good grief, are you a bit sensitive? What exactly did I do?

Again, if wages stayed the same, the worker has nobody to blame but themselves. Under Reagan, taxes were lowered and restrictions were removed. Freeing up the market frees up the worker. The sky was the limit for them. If they were not paid what they felt was fair, why didn't they take their skill set and go somewhere else? :dunno:

What do you mean work somewhere else? They couldn't strike with Reagan blowing up unions left and right, there were no other jobs because of the low minimum wage. It is not possible to simply say "If they were not paid what they was fair...go somewhere else".:eusa_boohoo:

You mean Reagan made coercion and extortion difficult? Gasp!

Did Bill Gates need a union? He created his own job.

Did Steve Jobs need a union? He created his own job.

Did Michael Dell need a union? He created his own job.

They didn't sit around whining like little bitches and blaming someone else for their own life. They were too busy pursuing excellence.

People like you? Too busy making excuses and asking government to provide everything for you.

Most people aren't as lucky as Gates, Jobs, and Dell.

BTW, I'm pretty sure those 3 are or were pretty liberal in their politics.
RDD - you're the liar (and everything is posted here for people to see). You're entire narrative has been "Spain, Greece, France, Cuba, etc. aren't using conservative policies, so that means conservative policy sucks". Well those nations have all collapsed or are on the verge of collapse stupid! So you're literally proving that the conservative policy is the SOLUTION!

My God are you DUMB! :eusa_doh:

Ya know, Rotty. I am really losing my patience with these left wing idiots. They are incapable or logical rational thinking and are nothing but parrots for failed liberal politics.

Since they represent between 45 and 55% of the country, maybe secession is the only answer. Its really sad what this country is becoming.

Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.

Ok, great. the united states of libtardia will consist of california (fiscally broke), the northeast(fiscally and morally bankrupt), and you can have michigan.

the united states of freedom will take the south, the mid west, and the mountain states.

you get NY, Philly, Newark, Detroit, Cleveland, LA and San frangayo.

we get atlanta, charlotte, new orleans, houston, dallas, phoenix and denver.

we get the energy producers and you get the energy consumers---don't worry we will sell you energy at a fair price after we book a reasonable profit on it.

go to work, start drafting it up.
RDD - you're the liar (and everything is posted here for people to see). You're entire narrative has been "Spain, Greece, France, Cuba, etc. aren't using conservative policies, so that means conservative policy sucks". Well those nations have all collapsed or are on the verge of collapse stupid! So you're literally proving that the conservative policy is the SOLUTION!

My God are you DUMB! :eusa_doh:

You're either insane or a liar. Or both. I have never said or implied anything remotely close to this.

Oh my God - that's EXACTLY what you've said!!! Go back and read it for God's sakes!!! Since the rest of the world (all of which have trailed the United States in prosperity) doesn't use conservative policy, your position is that somehow "proves" that conservative policy is no good. But those same nations have collapsed NOT using conservative policy. If you want the opposite result of collapsing (prosperity), you need the opposite of the liberal policy which caused the collapse (conservative policy).

This is not rocket science chief... And if you can't follow your own posts, much less the entire discussion, then please go play with your dolls and leave the adults to discuss.

I named examples of what I would consider successful modern day nations. Where are your examples? Name ANY successful modern day countries and you STILL can't do it. :eusa_shhh:

Game over chump. You've been annihilated completely.
Ya know, Rotty. I am really losing my patience with these left wing idiots. They are incapable or logical rational thinking and are nothing but parrots for failed liberal politics.

Since they represent between 45 and 55% of the country, maybe secession is the only answer. Its really sad what this country is becoming.

Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.

You mean like Detroit [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Hey Joe, every state or city in America run by Dumbocrats is failing miserably. Nearly every state or city in America run by conservatives is flourishing (even in the collapsed economy Obama created).

Liberal California? Bankrupt! Can't even keep the power on... :lol:

Conservative Texas? Flourishing!

Liberal Detroit? Bankrupt! Looks like a 3rd world country

Conservative South Carolina? Flourishing! In fact, Boeing is moving their operations to South Carolina and Obama's NLRB is trying to block them!

But hey, you're a liberal - so you won't let these FACTS get in the way of your ideology.... :eusa_doh:

You are wrong.

Jerry Brown has turned around California after 8 years of the Terminator.

They are reducing their deficit and the economy out there is improving.

I live in Georgia, so I know about South Carolina. First thing you will notice about South Carolina when you cross the state border is how bad the roads are. Their schools are among the worst in the nation.

I wouldn't call that flourishing. You should see the poverty in that shithole of a state.
You're either insane or a liar. Or both. I have never said or implied anything remotely close to this.

Oh my God - that's EXACTLY what you've said!!! Go back and read it for God's sakes!!! Since the rest of the world (all of which have trailed the United States in prosperity) doesn't use conservative policy, your position is that somehow "proves" that conservative policy is no good. But those same nations have collapsed NOT using conservative policy. If you want the opposite result of collapsing (prosperity), you need the opposite of the liberal policy which caused the collapse (conservative policy).

This is not rocket science chief... And if you can't follow your own posts, much less the entire discussion, then please go play with your dolls and leave the adults to discuss.

I named examples of what I would consider successful modern day nations. Where are your examples? Name ANY successful modern day countries and you STILL can't do it. :eusa_shhh:

Game over chump. You've been annihilated completely.

Is the USA prior to 1960 considered modern day? I gave you several examples in post #98 but you refused to address them.
Oh my God - that's EXACTLY what you've said!!! Go back and read it for God's sakes!!! Since the rest of the world (all of which have trailed the United States in prosperity) doesn't use conservative policy, your position is that somehow "proves" that conservative policy is no good. But those same nations have collapsed NOT using conservative policy. If you want the opposite result of collapsing (prosperity), you need the opposite of the liberal policy which caused the collapse (conservative policy).

This is not rocket science chief... And if you can't follow your own posts, much less the entire discussion, then please go play with your dolls and leave the adults to discuss.

I named examples of what I would consider successful modern day nations. Where are your examples? Name ANY successful modern day countries and you STILL can't do it. :eusa_shhh:

Game over chump. You've been annihilated completely.

Is the USA prior to 1960 considered modern day? I gave you several examples in post #98 but you refused to address them.

Hahahahahahahahaah. 50+ years ago is not modern day. Holy fucking fail.

Modern Day, Current, Present, Now, Today.

Take your pick.
Last edited:
Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.

You mean like Detroit [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Hey Joe, every state or city in America run by Dumbocrats is failing miserably. Nearly every state or city in America run by conservatives is flourishing (even in the collapsed economy Obama created).

Liberal California? Bankrupt! Can't even keep the power on... :lol:

Conservative Texas? Flourishing!

Liberal Detroit? Bankrupt! Looks like a 3rd world country

Conservative South Carolina? Flourishing! In fact, Boeing is moving their operations to South Carolina and Obama's NLRB is trying to block them!

But hey, you're a liberal - so you won't let these FACTS get in the way of your ideology.... :eusa_doh:

You are wrong.

Jerry Brown has turned around California after 8 years of the Terminator.

They are reducing their deficit and the economy out there is improving.

I live in Georgia, so I know about South Carolina. First thing you will notice about South Carolina when you cross the state border is how bad the roads are. Their schools are among the worst in the nation.

I wouldn't call that flourishing. You should see the poverty in that shithole of a state.

have you been to east LA or the tenderloin in SFO? poverty, crime, hopelessness, drugs, murders---------a real liberal utopia.
Ya know, Rotty. I am really losing my patience with these left wing idiots. They are incapable or logical rational thinking and are nothing but parrots for failed liberal politics.

Since they represent between 45 and 55% of the country, maybe secession is the only answer. Its really sad what this country is becoming.

Sounds like a good idea. You keep your ignorant, backwater hell holes, and we'll keep our forward thinking areas where a future might be built.

Ok, great. the united states of libtardia will consist of california (fiscally broke), the northeast(fiscally and morally bankrupt), and you can have michigan.

the united states of freedom will take the south, the mid west, and the mountain states.

you get NY, Philly, Newark, Detroit, Cleveland, LA and San frangayo.

we get atlanta, charlotte, new orleans, houston, dallas, phoenix and denver.

we get the energy producers and you get the energy consumers---don't worry we will sell you energy at a fair price after we book a reasonable profit on it.

go to work, start drafting it up.

No, you guys get the deep south and Texas (sorry Austin, them's the breaks). The rest of the country is neither as ignorant nor staunchly conservative as those areas.
You mean like Detroit [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Hey Joe, every state or city in America run by Dumbocrats is failing miserably. Nearly every state or city in America run by conservatives is flourishing (even in the collapsed economy Obama created).

Liberal California? Bankrupt! Can't even keep the power on... :lol:

Conservative Texas? Flourishing!

Liberal Detroit? Bankrupt! Looks like a 3rd world country

Conservative South Carolina? Flourishing! In fact, Boeing is moving their operations to South Carolina and Obama's NLRB is trying to block them!

But hey, you're a liberal - so you won't let these FACTS get in the way of your ideology.... :eusa_doh:

You are wrong.

Jerry Brown has turned around California after 8 years of the Terminator.

They are reducing their deficit and the economy out there is improving.

I live in Georgia, so I know about South Carolina. First thing you will notice about South Carolina when you cross the state border is how bad the roads are. Their schools are among the worst in the nation.

I wouldn't call that flourishing. You should see the poverty in that shithole of a state.

have you been to east LA or the tenderloin in SFO? poverty, crime, hopelessness, drugs, murders---------a real liberal utopia.

There is a shithole and ghetto in every single major city in this country. No state is immune. Holy shit your arguments degrade quickly.
I named examples of what I would consider successful modern day nations. Where are your examples? Name ANY successful modern day countries and you STILL can't do it. :eusa_shhh:

Game over chump. You've been annihilated completely.

Is the USA prior to 1960 considered modern day? I gave you several examples in post #98 but you refused to address them.

Hahahahahahahahaah. 50+ years ago is not modern day. Holy fucking fail.

liberalism has taken hold, capitalism has been pushed downwards, the USA is no longer what it used to be.

China and Russia used to be the models of socialism and now after that failed they are moving towards capitalism, they will pass us by if we continue to enbrace the failure that is liberalism.

the USA deserves what it votes for.

as for "game over", that will be what the USA has to declare when the debt consumes the entire federal budget, and that WILL happen unless some changes are made.

you fuckers want liberalism, you are getting it, and its coming up your asses using sand filled vaseline.
Exactly - so you point to FAILED nations utilizing FAILED liberal policy in the absence of any nation failing under conservative policy.

You're basically saying "when you are dying of cancer, inject yourself with a lot more cancer"... :lmao:

Failed... JFC you are so blinded by ideology it's a wonder anyone will even try to engage you.

The Canadian PM coming to the US for surgery is a testiment to the skill of our medical professionals and of course if price is no object (meaning the fucking bean counters aren't mucking things up), they can perform miracles. Those miracles are for the most part priced out of our health care system.

Germany: Have you pulled your head out of your ass since WWII? A lot has changed since then. They're kicking butt in just about every conceivable way these days.

And as RDD has suggested, the scandinavian countries are probably the happiest countries on the planet. You (and all the similarly miserable cons out there) would hate it.

BTW, still waiting for those examples of conserative policy success.

You notice that they will do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid naming not only a successful conservative nation, but any successful nation. This way, they figure they don't have to commit to anything and can feel free to just criticize without having ANY substance to the bullshit they claim.

They are substance-less, uneducated rednecks who are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country.

Very true. You'll never get them to see it either. They don't need no education or smarts. They got 'common sense'.
You are wrong.

Jerry Brown has turned around California after 8 years of the Terminator.

They are reducing their deficit and the economy out there is improving.

I live in Georgia, so I know about South Carolina. First thing you will notice about South Carolina when you cross the state border is how bad the roads are. Their schools are among the worst in the nation.

I wouldn't call that flourishing. You should see the poverty in that shithole of a state.

have you been to east LA or the tenderloin in SFO? poverty, crime, hopelessness, drugs, murders---------a real liberal utopia.

There is a shithole and ghetto in every single major city in this country. No state is immune. Holy shit your arguments degrade quickly.

why do they exist in the liberals bastions of our big liberal northeast cities?, I thought liberalism would eliminate poverty, crime, and hopelessness.

the truth is that liberalism makes all of those things worse. Detroit is the perfect example---50 years of liberal rule and unions. now that once great city is a bankrupt dump.
Is the USA prior to 1960 considered modern day? I gave you several examples in post #98 but you refused to address them.

Hahahahahahahahaah. 50+ years ago is not modern day. Holy fucking fail.

liberalism has taken hold, capitalism has been pushed downwards, the USA is no longer what it used to be.

China and Russia used to be the models of socialism and now after that failed they are moving towards capitalism, they will pass us by if we continue to enbrace the failure that is liberalism.

the USA deserves what it votes for.

as for "game over", that will be what the USA has to declare when the debt consumes the entire federal budget, and that WILL happen unless some changes are made.

you fuckers want liberalism, you are getting it, and its coming up your asses using sand filled vaseline.

AGAIN, name ONE current nation that you consider successful. Just one.

Your blatant fucking hypocrisy is being exposed for everyone to see. I mean, I knew it all along, but now even your conservative buddies are laughing at how pathetic you are.
Exactly - so you point to FAILED nations utilizing FAILED liberal policy in the absence of any nation failing under conservative policy.

You're basically saying "when you are dying of cancer, inject yourself with a lot more cancer"... :lmao:

Failed... JFC you are so blinded by ideology it's a wonder anyone will even try to engage you.

The Canadian PM coming to the US for surgery is a testiment to the skill of our medical professionals and of course if price is no object (meaning the fucking bean counters aren't mucking things up), they can perform miracles. Those miracles are for the most part priced out of our health care system.

Germany: Have you pulled your head out of your ass since WWII? A lot has changed since then. They're kicking butt in just about every conceivable way these days.

And as RDD has suggested, the scandinavian countries are probably the happiest countries on the planet. You (and all the similarly miserable cons out there) would hate it.

BTW, still waiting for those examples of conserative policy success.

You notice that they will do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid naming not only a successful conservative nation, but any successful nation. This way, they figure they don't have to commit to anything and can feel free to just criticize without having ANY substance to the bullshit they claim.

They are substance-less, uneducated rednecks who are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country.

Ya know, the truth is that there is currently no succesful nation in the world--liberal or conservative. Every country has fiscal problems, every government is trying to do too much, every government has robbed the people of their basic freedoms in a failed attempt to make everyone "equal".

its world wide lunacy, and its contagious.
have you been to east LA or the tenderloin in SFO? poverty, crime, hopelessness, drugs, murders---------a real liberal utopia.

There is a shithole and ghetto in every single major city in this country. No state is immune. Holy shit your arguments degrade quickly.

why do they exist in the liberals bastions of our big liberal northeast cities?, I thought liberalism would eliminate poverty, crime, and hopelessness.

the truth is that liberalism makes all of those things worse. Detroit is the perfect example---50 years of liberal rule and unions. now that once great city is a bankrupt dump.

Wonder where the poorest cities are. What about the richest. Like I said. Shit holes are everywhere....ESPECIALLY in the south.

Top 5 Richest, Poorest US Cities - San Jose and Brownsville, Texas, lead their respective lists

The poorest five metro areas and their median household incomes:

Brownsville, Texas, $30,953
Dalton, Ga., $32,858
McAllen, Texas, $33,761
Gadsden, Ala., $34,264
Lake Havasu City-Kingman, Ariz., $34,445

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