The results of Democrat policy...

:lame2: but your surrender is accepted. no examples of liberalism or socialism being successful anywhere in the history of the world. as we expected.

Sure, I could name some. I haven't yet. But I could. But at least I didn't feel the need to lie and pretend like I did. Can't say the same for you.

So where does that leave us, neither of us have named any, yet only you have lied about it.

I named several in post #98, because liberalism has now taken over those once successful countries does not invalidate that they were very successful under capitalism.

You said you could name some successful liberal countries, past or present, please do so, or STFU and go away.

You mean to tell me there isn't one conservative nation on the planet today? Not one?

Surely, there must be an example of the ideal conservative healthcare system?
Perhaps you can give me an example of the ideal conservative tax system?
Perhaps you can give me an example of the ideal conservative nation when it comes to social issues.
Perhaps you can point out the ideal conservative nation when it comes to entitlements.

Just show me one example of a conservative policy that is thriving somewhere in the world outside of our country. Just one. Use your brain and think for yourself, give it a shot. I know it's a new concept.
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Redfish - Pick an issue. I'll name a modern day country that I think has a good policy on that topic and you do the same. I'll let you pick the topic and any country you think is a good example of conservative policy. Deal?
So for the record, you are pointing at China and Russia as examples of modern day Conservative success stories? Is this what you are saying?

not what I said. maybe a reading comprehension class at your local Jr college would be a good thing for you.

So then you still have yet to point out a single example of successful conservative policies in action around the world. Got it.

Fail again.

But you have pointed out many examples of liberal policy in action being a spectacular failure around the world! And we thank you for that... :lol:
Redfish - Pick an issue. I'll name a modern day country that I think has a good policy on that topic and you do the same. I'll let you pick the topic and any country you think is a good example of conservative policy. Deal?

How come you can't name ONE nation (out of hundreds) that has been successful utilizing liberal policy? All you've done is point out who failed nations don't use conservative policy (no shit - that's exactly why they are failing :lol:).
not what I said. maybe a reading comprehension class at your local Jr college would be a good thing for you.

So then you still have yet to point out a single example of successful conservative policies in action around the world. Got it.

Fail again.

But you have pointed out many examples of liberal policy in action being a spectacular failure around the world! And we thank you for that... :lol:

I haven't done that either. What is it with you people and flat out lying? I mean, it's not like we can't reread the thread and see that you're telling a flat out lie? Do you think everyone is as lazy as you are that they can't go back and look that you're just making shit up.
Redfish - Pick an issue. I'll name a modern day country that I think has a good policy on that topic and you do the same. I'll let you pick the topic and any country you think is a good example of conservative policy. Deal?

How come you can't name ONE nation (out of hundreds) that has been successful utilizing liberal policy? All you've done is point out who failed nations don't use conservative policy (no shit - that's exactly why they are failing :lol:).

So instead of answering my question, again, you'll change the topic again. I'm letting you pick the topic and pick any nation. I'll do the same. What's so hard about that?
Anyone remember reagonomics? I sure hope not, because that is a nightmare I don't want to live through.

Trickle down didn't happen. It flooded places like China, India.....and the jobs went with it.

Yep - Dumbocrat policy of punish hard working success and reward the lazy has sent jobs overseas.

The FACT is, nobody would ever spend more money to move jobs overseas if it were cheaper to do business here... :cuckoo:
Anyone remember reagonomics? I sure hope not, because that is a nightmare I don't want to live through.

Trickle down didn't happen. It flooded places like China, India.....and the jobs went with it.

Yep - Dumbocrat policy of punish hard working success and reward the lazy has sent jobs overseas.

The FACT is, nobody would ever spend more money to move jobs overseas if it were cheaper to do business here... :cuckoo:

25% goes to China to build up their military
24/7 workforce
Low wages
No health or other benefits.

Yep, Asia is looking better every day.
''Were're all socialists now...''- Finland PM when O-care passed.

Too bad hater dupe ugly American cold war dinosaurs hate socialism, since they're programmed to think communism, immediately....only such people in the world, AGAIN lol.
In another country? I don't think so.

your refusal to acknowledge the multiple responses to your simple question coupled with your inability to respond to an equally simple one is noted and verifies that you are in fact a brain dead libtardian fool.

Just because you fools can't answer a very simple question and instead like you answer something I didn't not my fault.

Your flawed way of thinking has been exposed for everyone to see. Embrace the fact that you believe in something that doesn't exist ANYWHERE.

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - you've been owned here (and you know it). From your very first post where you requested proof of successful conservative policy which I then provided and you ran from like a little girl.

Sorry chief - every nation you can point to with liberal policy has either collapsed or is on the verge of collapse. It's a simple fact. And you know it too - which is why you are so angry.
So let's sum up modern day conservative politics.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one successful conservative nation.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one conservative policy that is a resounding success from just one other nation in the world.

That about sum it up?

Conservatism is such a rousing success, there are literally no examples of its success in action.

So let's sum up modern day liberal politics [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]

They're so successful, yet they can't name one successful liberal nation.

They're so successful, yet they can't name one liberal policy that is a resounding success from just one other nation in the world.

They're so successful, yet they point to failed liberal nation after failed liberal nation NOT using conservative policies as "proof" that conservative policies are no good... :lmao:

That about sum it up?

Liberalism is such a rousing success, there are literally hundreds of examples of it collapsing cities (Detroit), states (California), nations (Greece).

Game. Set. Match.

EVERY other modern country in the world is liberal and socialist, and THEY DIDN'T start the SECOND Pub Great World DEPRESSION,

And they're all richer and happier than us at this point, after 30 years of Reaganism ruining our nonrich and the country- SEE SIG PARA 1....course they don't have our natural resources, but then again they don't have the stupidest, greediest, most hateful party in the modern world, the GOP.
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[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] can you explain to us how pointing to failed liberal nations who have collapsed under liberal policy and are not using conservative policy somehow "proves" that conservative policy doesn't work? :lmao:

How desperate does one have to be to point to the failures of their own policies - in the absence of the policies they oppose - as "proof" that the policies they oppose are no good? :cuckoo:
your refusal to acknowledge the multiple responses to your simple question coupled with your inability to respond to an equally simple one is noted and verifies that you are in fact a brain dead libtardian fool.

Just because you fools can't answer a very simple question and instead like you answer something I didn't not my fault.

Your flawed way of thinking has been exposed for everyone to see. Embrace the fact that you believe in something that doesn't exist ANYWHERE.

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - you've been owned here (and you know it). From your very first post where you requested proof of successful conservative policy which I then provided and you ran from like a little girl.

Sorry chief - every nation you can point to with liberal policy has either collapsed or is on the verge of collapse. It's a simple fact. And you know it too - which is why you are so angry.

Let's try this instead.

Name one currently successful nation....liberal, conservative, I don't care. Any nation that you would consider a success, right now.

When you don't answer this question, what will your excuse be?
[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION], can you provide even ONE example ANYWHERE in the world (including the U.S.) where liberal policy has been a success?

Obamacare? ROTFLMFAO!!! Liberals can't even make a website function properly after 4 years and they've forced 5 million Americans out of their health insurance.

Medicare? ROTFLMFAO!!! The Dumbocrats declared that it is bankrupt and that they must control the costs of healthcare in the private market - hence the need for Obamacare (see failure above).

Medicaid? ROTFLMFAO!!! The Dumbocrats declared that it is bankrupt and that they must control the costs of healthcare in the private market - hence the need for Obamacare (see failure above).

Social Security? ROTFLMFAO!!! The Dumbocrats declared that it is bankrupt and thus the reason they need to raise taxes (again) on the American people.

Canada's government run healthcare? ROTFLMFAO!!! Canadian P.M. Brian Williams flew to the United States for his heart surgery (ever see a U.S. president or high ranking cabinet member fly to Canada for surgery?!?! :lmao:)

England's government run healthcare? ROTFLMFAO!!! You mean the healthcare system which is bankrupt and which they are desperately trying to decentralize as we speak?

Anything in Cuba?

Anything in the former U.S.S.R.?

Anything in Venezuela?

Anything in Cambodia?
[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] can you explain to us how pointing to failed liberal nations who have collapsed under liberal policy and are not using conservative policy somehow "proves" that conservative policy doesn't work? :lmao:

How desperate does one have to be to point to the failures of their own policies - in the absence of the policies they oppose - as "proof" that the policies they oppose are no good? :cuckoo:

But I haven't done that. Again, you're lying. Do you make a habit of being a liar?

My proof that conservative policies don't work is supported by the fact that you absolutely refuse to (ie. can't) name a single successful modern day conservative country. You're all the proof I need.
Just because you fools can't answer a very simple question and instead like you answer something I didn't not my fault.

Your flawed way of thinking has been exposed for everyone to see. Embrace the fact that you believe in something that doesn't exist ANYWHERE.

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - you've been owned here (and you know it). From your very first post where you requested proof of successful conservative policy which I then provided and you ran from like a little girl.

Sorry chief - every nation you can point to with liberal policy has either collapsed or is on the verge of collapse. It's a simple fact. And you know it too - which is why you are so angry.

Let's try this instead.

Name one currently successful nation....liberal, conservative, I don't care. Any nation that you would consider a success, right now.

When you don't answer this question, what will your excuse be?

You first! Ready? Go!

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