The results of Democrat policy...

I don't get posted a picture of a Dumbocrat. What's your point? Oh geez... what am I saying? When has RDD ever had a legitimate point?

Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

LOL, it is photoshopped. Look at her left hand. :lol::lol::lol::eusa_boohoo:

Holy shit, you're right! And look at her right hand....only 4 fingers on that hand. OBVIOUS PHOTOSHOP.

Look at what your argument is reduced to.

How sad.
It's funny you only list a bunch of authoritarian regimes that have absolutely no relations to the USA, but never mention places like Scandinavia or even Canada where a lot of "socialist" policies are actually quite successful.

Greece and Spain are both falling apart from rampant capitalism if anything. They had easy borrowing capability from the stronger EU nations and went on a debt-driven boom-mega-bust cycle. Prior to 2008 everyone was talking about how Spain was a "true example of the success of capitalism" and all the typical talk with it's major housing developments, business friendly policies and so forth. Greece has been a mess economically for as long as it's been independent, just now it's tied to a monetary union with the rest of Europe so it's more pronounced publicly.

Cuba's economy was almost exclusively tied to the USSR...oil, food, military, everything. When the Soviets went down, so did Cuba, with our trade embargo still intact.

Your assertion that Greece and Sprain are both falling apart from rampant capitalism is false and only exposes your ignorance. Spain and Greece are crumbling because they had a national debt that was 200% of their GDP. The only reason we're not hearing about Ireland is the UK is keeping them afloat, their annual debt is near 400% of their GDP. Doesn't matter how you slice it or try to rationalize it, it is simply unsustainable.

Government spending that is out of control and out of balance with a nations' economy is what brings countries down. We are headed in that direction as we are currently at 104% of our GDP.

With Greece you have a point, but Greece has never had any economic stability so there's nothing to compare it to. That is, there never was a "buildup" of government debt, they've always just had huge amounts of it. You can't run a national economy on Gambling, Prostitution, and Olive Oil. In other words, Greece has always been a basket case, and it will continue to be a basket case. The part that's unique about their 2008 fallout is they are now a part of the Eurozone, so it effects everyone.

Spain on the other Definitely rampant capitalism. For most of the 10 year period between 1996-2006 Spain was among the fastest growing economies in Europe. I think the figure was like 75% of all new jobs in Europe were found in Spain? It had huge housing construction, huge transportation buildup, was most definitely a very robust economy by any measure possible. Unfortunately all that buildup and boom cycle was fueled by huge debt and bad mortgages. All made possible by easy lending from being in the Eurozone. I think they're healthcare spending was below Italy's and France's...and they had a much smaller welfare state as well.

You can't just take a country that fell apart economically and say "Hey look!!! their government spends money on welfare and universal healthcare!!! THAT'S why they fell apart!!!" There's virtually always more to the story then that. If you take that approach it's easy to blame "any" economic meltdown on a welfare state....since umm...yeah...governments do spend money on people here and there.
I don't get posted a picture of a Dumbocrat. What's your point? Oh geez... what am I saying? When has RDD ever had a legitimate point?

Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

LOL, it is photoshopped. Look at her left hand. :lol::lol::lol::eusa_boohoo:


you can google these signs everywhere....type in "don't touch my medicare" in google, then look at images...there's literally dozens of them.....why would you BOTHER photoshopping something that's readily available?
Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

LOL, it is photoshopped. Look at her left hand. :lol::lol::lol::eusa_boohoo:

Holy shit, you're right! And look at her right hand....only 4 fingers on that hand. OBVIOUS PHOTOSHOP.

Look at what your argument is reduced to.

How sad.

its not the fingers, even though they are too small for that woman, the problem is that unless she is part ape they are too low on the sign.
Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

LOL, it is photoshopped. Look at her left hand. :lol::lol::lol::eusa_boohoo:


you can google these signs everywhere....type in "don't touch my medicare" in google, then look at images...there's literally dozens of them.....why would you BOTHER photoshopping something that's readily available?

to put the person in a group that he or she was not part of. To change the context. The technology has gotten very good, its hard to tell the real from the fakes, but those two are clearly fakes.
LOL, it is photoshopped. Look at her left hand. :lol::lol::lol::eusa_boohoo:

Holy shit, you're right! And look at her right hand....only 4 fingers on that hand. OBVIOUS PHOTOSHOP.

Look at what your argument is reduced to.

How sad.

its not the fingers, even though they are too small for that woman, the problem is that unless she is part ape they are too low on the sign.

If you're going to photo shop a blank white protest sign you don't need to alter the sign itself, you just erase what was on the sign and write in whatever you want to.

Further, no they aren't, you could easily hold the sign like that. Her arm would come down to her waist like any other person.
Holy shit, you're right! And look at her right hand....only 4 fingers on that hand. OBVIOUS PHOTOSHOP.

Look at what your argument is reduced to.

How sad.

its not the fingers, even though they are too small for that woman, the problem is that unless she is part ape they are too low on the sign.

If you're going to photo shop a blank white protest sign you don't need to alter the sign itself, you just erase what was on the sign and write in whatever you want to.

Further, no they aren't, you could easily hold the sign like that. Her arm would come down to her waist like any other person.

OK, just for drill, lets assume that the signs are real.

What exactly is wrong with people objecting to the government screwing around with social security or medicare that they have paid into their entire lives?

ACA is not comparable to either SS or medicare, I realize that liberals need to try to make that comparison in order to attack conservatives, but its a failed argument.
its not the fingers, even though they are too small for that woman, the problem is that unless she is part ape they are too low on the sign.

If you're going to photo shop a blank white protest sign you don't need to alter the sign itself, you just erase what was on the sign and write in whatever you want to.

Further, no they aren't, you could easily hold the sign like that. Her arm would come down to her waist like any other person.

OK, just for drill, lets assume that the signs are real.

What exactly is wrong with people objecting to the government screwing around with social security or medicare that they have paid into their entire lives?

ACA is not comparable to either SS or medicare, I realize that liberals need to try to make that comparison in order to attack conservatives, but its a failed argument.

"Keep Government out of My Medicare" is an oxymoron. Medicare is a tax funded government "is" the government. How can you keep the government out of something that is only possible through the government?
If you're going to photo shop a blank white protest sign you don't need to alter the sign itself, you just erase what was on the sign and write in whatever you want to.

Further, no they aren't, you could easily hold the sign like that. Her arm would come down to her waist like any other person.

OK, just for drill, lets assume that the signs are real.

What exactly is wrong with people objecting to the government screwing around with social security or medicare that they have paid into their entire lives?

ACA is not comparable to either SS or medicare, I realize that liberals need to try to make that comparison in order to attack conservatives, but its a failed argument.

"Keep Government out of My Medicare" is an oxymoron. Medicare is a tax funded government "is" the government. How can you keep the government out of something that is only possible through the government?

That sound you just heard was his head exploding.

I don't get posted a picture of a Dumbocrat. What's your point? Oh geez... what am I saying? When has RDD ever had a legitimate point?

Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

Am I missing something [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? Is there like invisible ink on the photo's? Is there a secret decoder ring required? I've yet to see you post ANYTHING that identifies anyone in these pictures as a conservative. I've yet to see a Tea Party sign, or a Republican t-shirt, or a libertarian logo. Further still, even if I have missed these hidden clues, not one picture you posted is of me... :eusa_whistle:

Leave it to RDD to post pictures of liberals as proof of what conservatives do... :cuckoo:

(After all, this is the same jack-ass who cites nations such as Greece and Spain failing under liberal policy as "proof" of why conservative policy sucks because these nations are not using conservative policy :cuckoo:)
Heritage expert Daren Bakst has explained that Obamacare’s menu labeling regulation will be costly and time-consuming for businesses and that the government has no evidence that it would have any benefits. On top of those negatives, why is Obamacare trying to regulate what people are eating?

“The FDA tries to justify the rule by claiming that consumers make misinformed decisions at restaurants,” Bakst wrote. As usual, Obamacare assumes that big government knows best. In fact, Bakst says the FDA is using the rule as a power grab to regulate grocery stores, convenience stores, and other businesses that have little to do with restaurants.

Atlas Shrugged
And sometimes, when things like this are constantly bombarding the small businesses of America, it’s just too much. And you think, “Why am I doing this?” and “What am I doing here?” - Mary Lynne Carraway

What would it mean for each of her stores to have to install such a menu board? A cost of about $5,000 per store—and that hits the managers and employees of each store. (And yet Dumbocrats can't figure out why unemployment is so high when they've created costly regulations and the highest corporate taxes in the world :bang3:)

How Obamacare Will Try to Control What You Eat
On a side note here [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION] - remember when I owned you in that thread about how Obama and the Dumbocrats rigged the election (and you made the best case for voter fraud when you mentioned how Obama "magically" won Paul Ryan's own district :lol:)? Well, just thought this was another interesting tidbit to add to the ass-kicking you took on that debate...

I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election
Like I was just saying. Point proven.

I provided links backing up everything I said. You provide your ignorant opinion and cannot back it up with any documentation [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION].

Game. Set. Match.

I don't see anything that proves anything. I'm sure YOU see them, but no one with an ounce of common sense sees anything in your post that's worth an ounce of shit.

And now we've gone full circle back to the original post about how Dumbocrats (like RDD here) close their eyes to FACTS when the facts threaten the ideology.

RDD - the articles are there for everyone to read and they cannot be denied. As always, you lose buddy...
I provided links backing up everything I said. You provide your ignorant opinion and cannot back it up with any documentation [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION].

Game. Set. Match.

I don't see anything that proves anything. I'm sure YOU see them, but no one with an ounce of common sense sees anything in your post that's worth an ounce of shit.

And now we've gone full circle back to the original post about how Dumbocrats (like RDD here) close their eyes to FACTS when the facts threaten the ideology.

RDD - the articles are there for everyone to read and they cannot be denied. As always, you lose buddy...

And the US still provides a military for the safe transport of US corporate products made in China to the US; to the tune of how many billions per year?
I don't get posted a picture of a Dumbocrat. What's your point? Oh geez... what am I saying? When has RDD ever had a legitimate point?

Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

Am I missing something [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? Is there like invisible ink on the photo's? Is there a secret decoder ring required? I've yet to see you post ANYTHING that identifies anyone in these pictures as a conservative. I've yet to see a Tea Party sign, or a Republican t-shirt, or a libertarian logo. Further still, even if I have missed these hidden clues, not one picture you posted is of me... :eusa_whistle:

Leave it to RDD to post pictures of liberals as proof of what conservatives do... :cuckoo:

(After all, this is the same jack-ass who cites nations such as Greece and Spain failing under liberal policy as "proof" of why conservative policy sucks because these nations are not using conservative policy :cuckoo:)

This coming from the guy who cites Iran and Pakistan as good example of countries that are run by conservative policies. You must be so proud!
I don't see anything that proves anything. I'm sure YOU see them, but no one with an ounce of common sense sees anything in your post that's worth an ounce of shit.

And now we've gone full circle back to the original post about how Dumbocrats (like RDD here) close their eyes to FACTS when the facts threaten the ideology.

RDD - the articles are there for everyone to read and they cannot be denied. As always, you lose buddy...

And the US still provides a military for the safe transport of US corporate products made in China to the US; to the tune of how many billions per year?

Hey, you're the party of corporate welfare. That idiot twat Candycorn keeps ignorantly crowing "GM is alive" because she thinks it makes Obama look good :lmao:

Every corporation shipping products internationally should provide their own fucking security out of their own fucking pocket. Barack Obama is the commander-in-chief pal, so I don't want to hear it.
Guess this is a democrat rally too?


Oops! Now what? Let me guess....Photoshop accusation in 3, 2, 1.......

Am I missing something [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? Is there like invisible ink on the photo's? Is there a secret decoder ring required? I've yet to see you post ANYTHING that identifies anyone in these pictures as a conservative. I've yet to see a Tea Party sign, or a Republican t-shirt, or a libertarian logo. Further still, even if I have missed these hidden clues, not one picture you posted is of me... :eusa_whistle:

Leave it to RDD to post pictures of liberals as proof of what conservatives do... :cuckoo:

(After all, this is the same jack-ass who cites nations such as Greece and Spain failing under liberal policy as "proof" of why conservative policy sucks because these nations are not using conservative policy :cuckoo:)

This coming from the guy who cites Iran and Pakistan as good example of countries that are run by conservative policies. You must be so proud!

:lmao: You do realize this game of yours is not working, don't you? :lmao:

People know me and are reading this thread. They know the idiocy you have spewed (like the fact that conservative policy "sucks" because you can't find a failing nation that is using it - they are all using liberal policies and collapsing because of it). So please, keep lying! You're only killing yourself chief :lol:

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