The results of Democrat policy...

One other thing. We aren't 'any other country' either. We are America, with a truly unique healthcare system. I cannot stand conformists, especially eurocentric liberals to boot.

I don't think I'd qualify as a "euro-centric" anything.

But "unique" doesn't mean "good", let alone "best".

Our healthcare system is based around a multi-billion dollar industry of middlemen. One of the largest private sectors in this country exists only to take people's money, then give some of it to doctors.

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The results of Democratic policy.....

Victory in World War II, the Berlin Air Lift, peace between Egypt and Israel, victory in the Balkans War, the capture of Bin Laden, saving us from another Great Depression.

Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare, which is keeping my father alive. And now we have the Affordable Care Act which is already helping millions of people.

The results of Republican policy.....

George Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government to try to defund the Affordable Care Act and threatened the country with default.
While we are at it lets make everyone a CEO/EXEC, that's not how life works.

I agree with you 100% - not everyone is capable of being an executive. So those people should accept the fact that they are not worthy of an executive salary and learn to be happy with their lives instead of demanding the same salary while producing 1/1000 of the effort and 1/1000 of the results of the CEO. The average billionaire puts in 18 hours per day. The average factory worker puts in less than 8 hours per day. Sorry chief, that's a massive disparity there. And therefore, there should be a massive disparity in their salaries.

The point is these men made themselves successful but at the cost of others, that's the name of the game.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did not build success "at the cost of others". Nobody had a gun put to their head and were told they must work for Microsoft or Apple. Anyone who did, did so voluntarily (and were damn blessed to be gainfully employed by such strong companies which provided them with other perks and benefits such as health insurance - well beyond just their salary).

The game should be fairer(metaphorically speaking).

Please tell me two critical things:

1.) What is "unfair" about giving everyone FREEDOM to do what they want? :eusa_doh: I'm sorry, but I can't even begin to imagine anything more fair than not having an oppressive government telling you what to do. A factory worker unhappy is FREE to leave that job and go somewhere else. To quit that job and become a freaking painter or author if they want. I'm dumbfounded by the lefts position that freedom is somehow "unfair"...

2.) Who gets to decide what is "fair"? You? Barack Obama? George Bush? The next Adolf Hitler? No, really Xarm, who is the omnipotent altruistic deity who gets to decide for the rest of civilization what is "fair"? :bang3:

You have a very idealistic view of life where everyone can just pick themselves up and become happy.

Oh that's rich - the side which thinks they can build the "fair" UTOPIA is accusing me of being "idealistic"?!? Everyone can be happy. 100% of the population can be happy my friend. The problem is, people on the left believe happiness comes from mass quantities of little green paper bills printed by governments. Some of the happiest people in world history lived in poverty and some of the most miserable people in world history were filthy rich. How can that possibly be? Because happiness doesn't come from money.

"If you can't be happy without money, you'll never be happy with money"

Human nature in a civil society creates competition and competition breeds deceitfulness and corruption.

Completely and totally false. Competition does not create "corruption". If it did, there would be zero corruption in government (the U.S. government has no competition - they have a monopoly on government). And we all know there is more corruption in government in one day than there is in 100 years of the private sector.

Competition creates better products at lower prices - period. Horrible people who lack integrity is what creates corruption my friend.

A French philosopher by the name Jean Jacque Rousseau once mentioned that "the fruits are everyone's, and the earth no one's". The planet is not something to privatize, it is something to be shared. If we cannot support those who live in our own country how can we even begin to intervene outside of our country?

Who said anything about the planet? I'm happy to share that. Unfortunately, what you want to share is the wealth that someone else earned.
The OP made a throw-away comment on the Canadian PM coming to the US for surgery. I responded to his throw-away comment with one of my own.

Other than that, no one in this thread has been discussing health care at all.

"Throw away"?!? I'm offended by that! I thought my comment was on point and highly relevant!
The results of Democratic policy.....

Victory in World War II, the Berlin Air Lift, peace between Egypt and Israel, victory in the Balkans War, the capture of Bin Laden, saving us from another Great Depression.

Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare, which is keeping my father alive. And now we have the Affordable Care Act which is already helping millions of people.

The results of Republican policy.....

George Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government to try to defund the Affordable Care Act and threatened the country with default.

Chris caught lying as usual

The results of Dumbocrat policy: 5 million people out of health insurance, 95 million people out of a job, a collapsed housing market (Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Reinvestment Act), a collapsed economy, a bankrupt city (Detroit), a bankrupt state (California), and a bankrupt nation (U.S. $17 trillion in debt - worst in the entire world), and worst of all - a collapsed U.S. Constitution in favor of the "we are all in this together so start goose-stepping in the same direction like the Nazi's did" ideology. Oh yeah, Dumbocrats opposed freeing the slaves and the vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement.

The results of conservative policy (notice I said conservative and not liberal Republican policy): the greatest nation ever created, the wealthiest nation ever created, freed the slaves, Civil Rights, Constitutional rights, opportunity, personal responsibility, choice, and FREEDOM.
The results of Democratic policy.....

Victory in World War II, the Berlin Air Lift, peace between Egypt and Israel, victory in the Balkans War, the capture of Bin Laden, saving us from another Great Depression.

Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare, which is keeping my father alive. And now we have the Affordable Care Act which is already helping millions of people.

The results of Republican policy.....

George Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government to try to defund the Affordable Care Act and threatened the country with default.

Chris caught lying as usual

The results of Dumbocrat policy: 5 million people out of health insurance, 95 million people out of a job, a collapsed housing market (Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Reinvestment Act), a collapsed economy, a bankrupt city (Detroit), a bankrupt state (California), and a bankrupt nation (U.S. $17 trillion in debt - worst in the entire world), and worst of all - a collapsed U.S. Constitution in favor of the "we are all in this together so start goose-stepping in the same direction like the Nazi's did" ideology. Oh yeah, Dumbocrats opposed freeing the slaves and the vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement.

The results of conservative policy (notice I said conservative and not liberal Republican policy): the greatest nation ever created, the wealthiest nation ever created, freed the slaves, Civil Rights, Constitutional rights, opportunity, personal responsibility, choice, and FREEDOM.

Plus the doubling of welfare recipients in five years.
The results of Democratic policy.....

Victory in World War II, the Berlin Air Lift, peace between Egypt and Israel, victory in the Balkans War, the capture of Bin Laden, saving us from another Great Depression.

Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare, which is keeping my father alive. And now we have the Affordable Care Act which is already helping millions of people.

The results of Republican policy.....

George Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government to try to defund the Affordable Care Act and threatened the country with default.

Chris caught lying as usual

The results of Dumbocrat policy: 5 million people out of health insurance, 95 million people out of a job, a collapsed housing market (Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Reinvestment Act), a collapsed economy, a bankrupt city (Detroit), a bankrupt state (California), and a bankrupt nation (U.S. $17 trillion in debt - worst in the entire world), and worst of all - a collapsed U.S. Constitution in favor of the "we are all in this together so start goose-stepping in the same direction like the Nazi's did" ideology. Oh yeah, Dumbocrats opposed freeing the slaves and the vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement.

The results of conservative policy (notice I said conservative and not liberal Republican policy): the greatest nation ever created, the wealthiest nation ever created, freed the slaves, Civil Rights, Constitutional rights, opportunity, personal responsibility, choice, and FREEDOM.

Plus the doubling of welfare recipients in five years.

Great point! Oh, and lets not forget the highest number of people on food stamps in U.S. history! Yeah for Dumbocrat policy! Force everyone out of prosperity and into rationed government table scraps... :bang3:
It's very hard to get people who are in denial to really accept facts.

It just like addicts who are in denial and use excuses or thief's who refuse to accept they stole something even though that something they stole in in their hands.

They won't accept that the social countries like Canada and many other countries had to reform their liberal social polices and become more conservative.
Denial is a very hard thing to overcome.
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?
Chris caught lying as usual

The results of Dumbocrat policy: 5 million people out of health insurance, 95 million people out of a job, a collapsed housing market (Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Reinvestment Act), a collapsed economy, a bankrupt city (Detroit), a bankrupt state (California), and a bankrupt nation (U.S. $17 trillion in debt - worst in the entire world), and worst of all - a collapsed U.S. Constitution in favor of the "we are all in this together so start goose-stepping in the same direction like the Nazi's did" ideology. Oh yeah, Dumbocrats opposed freeing the slaves and the vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement.

The results of conservative policy (notice I said conservative and not liberal Republican policy): the greatest nation ever created, the wealthiest nation ever created, freed the slaves, Civil Rights, Constitutional rights, opportunity, personal responsibility, choice, and FREEDOM.

Plus the doubling of welfare recipients in five years.

Great point! Oh, and lets not forget the highest number of people on food stamps in U.S. history! Yeah for Dumbocrat policy! Force everyone out of prosperity and into rationed government table scraps... :bang3:

Today I learned that - Everyone was in prosperity when Obama became president.
Plus the doubling of welfare recipients in five years.

Great point! Oh, and lets not forget the highest number of people on food stamps in U.S. history! Yeah for Dumbocrat policy! Force everyone out of prosperity and into rationed government table scraps... :bang3:

Today I learned that - Everyone was in prosperity when Obama became president.

No, but there were less strains on our welfare programs. Loopholes in the system have been spread out under this administration in order for more people to enroll. All the instructions you need to get free money are on YouTube.
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

Canada moved away from liberal polices in the 90's

Countries that are doing well with conservative polices

Hong Kong SAR, China
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Australia just elected Conservatives

Switzerland is moving away from gov. run health care to the private sector.
Plus the doubling of welfare recipients in five years.

Great point! Oh, and lets not forget the highest number of people on food stamps in U.S. history! Yeah for Dumbocrat policy! Force everyone out of prosperity and into rationed government table scraps... :bang3:

Today I learned that - Everyone was in prosperity when Obama became president.

The numbers don't lie RDD - everything (unemployment, poverty, national debt, etc.) has gotten exponentially worse since Barack Obama took office.

Why are you so unwilling to accept the numbers?
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

[MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] - here is a glaring and painfully obvious example of conservative policy being a resounding success and - at the same time - liberal policy being a spectacular failure. These numbers come straight from the IRS (can't blame this on "conservative media"). Now, are you willing to have an honest conversation about policy or will you be one of the immature partisan hacks on USMB? I'm all ears my friend....

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

You failed to answer my question. Try again.
What's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

Canada moved away from liberal polices in the 90's

Countries that are doing well with conservative polices

Hong Kong SAR, China
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Australia just elected Conservatives

Switzerland is moving away from gov. run health care to the private sector.

Thanks for the list. So you called out Canada specifically. What conservative policies in particular have they adopted in Canada that you feel have been effective?
what's an example of conservative policy success? Which countries would you consider as examples to point to of conservative policies in action?

us - 1920

So your best example is almost a hundred years ago and ended with the worst economic crash our country has ever seen.

That's your best example?

Point proven.

The crash was due to over extensions of credit by the population. You wanted conservative policies. No policy caused the crash, the market did.

Now look at Texas. Best economy in the states. This is with the border being so close and the problems that occur from that.

Now look at California. Broke.

Detroit. Broke.

Chicago. Broke.

Here are some modern examples of policies and their effects.

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