The return of the Poll Tax

It's all in the past we are told.

The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida
By The Editorial Board

A Republican proposal would condition the right to vote on the payment of all outstanding court fines and fees.

Florida voters approved a ballot measure in November to restore voting rights to up to 1.4 million people with felony convictions who have served their sentences and thus paid their debt to society. The passage of Amendment 4, which went into effect in January, righted 150 years of injustice.

But Republican lawmakers in the state immediately went to work to undermine that progress. On March 19, a state House panel on criminal justice approved, along party lines, a measure that would erect new roadblocks for the Floridians who just regained the right to vote.

The new proposal would require those who want their voting rights restored to first pay all outstanding court fees and costs arising from their prior convictions — a move that one Democratic lawmaker denounced as an unconstitutional poll tax.

Under Amendment 4, “any disqualification from voting arising from a felony conviction shall terminate and voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence including parole or probation.”

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

Opinion | The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida


If the terms of the sentence included payment of fees and fines, what's your fucking problem?


It is a poll tax. That aside, your side of the aisle are fools.

Let's consider you get a parking ticket, and choose to protest it. The protest takes time, and during that period an election occurs and you are sent away without the ability to vote.

Wow,, great little strawman, did you bother to read the OP, completion of a sentence is required to restore rights. If fees and fines are part of that sentence, it is not completed until they are paid. A fucking parking ticket, pending or not will not cause the loss of voting rights.


So you say. It that clear in the bill?

How about on an appeal, convicted, sentenced and awaiting the appeal to be decided by the appellate court, en banc?

A conviction is a conviction until a court says otherwise. You're just not very smart, are ya? LMAO

It's all in the past we are told.

The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida
By The Editorial Board

A Republican proposal would condition the right to vote on the payment of all outstanding court fines and fees.

Florida voters approved a ballot measure in November to restore voting rights to up to 1.4 million people with felony convictions who have served their sentences and thus paid their debt to society. The passage of Amendment 4, which went into effect in January, righted 150 years of injustice.

But Republican lawmakers in the state immediately went to work to undermine that progress. On March 19, a state House panel on criminal justice approved, along party lines, a measure that would erect new roadblocks for the Floridians who just regained the right to vote.

The new proposal would require those who want their voting rights restored to first pay all outstanding court fees and costs arising from their prior convictions — a move that one Democratic lawmaker denounced as an unconstitutional poll tax.

Under Amendment 4, “any disqualification from voting arising from a felony conviction shall terminate and voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence including parole or probation.”

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

Opinion | The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida

You do your best to try to leave out the fact this bill is meant to target the FELONS Socialist Democrats have given back the right to vote (in an attempt to gain their vote).

Illegals, felons...I am just waiting for the Libs' bill emancipating pets - giving them full rights as was done with illegals - to include the right to vote ... Soon followed by a bill allowing DEAD PEOPLE to vote (allowing 'next of kin' / friends to cast a vote the deceased would have if they were alive).

This way, their decades of illegals, felons, dead people, and pets voting will finally be legal..



I left nothing out and your last line has been proven untrue.

So YOU say...LINK?


No it isn't you stupid bitch.

How many times do we have to tell you that? GOD-DAMN but you people are fucking STUPID

We go through this exercise every other Month. VOTING IS NOT A RIGHT. It is a PRIVILEGE

Freedom of speech and religion? Check. Right to bear arms? Roger. But not voting.

On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down a stunning but predictable decision in Husted v. Randolph, the case about the state of Ohio purging thousands of voters from the voter rolls. Stunning because it gives state legislatures unprecedented powers to prevent eligible voters from voting. Predictable because, contrary to popular assumption, the US Constitution actually does not guarantee citizens a right to vote.
it is more like Republicans making it so they can vote in more criminals.
Totally stupid

Criminals are going to vote for Democrats because they are also criminals. That's why they want felons to vote.

So you are a democrat and so is Trump.
:abgg2q.jpg:More stupidity

If i was a Democrat I would be advocating for criminals and foreign nationals to vote.

You really need to recant your comments because republicans are using them to win elections.
Another example of what your kids will sound like if they become Democrats. Don't let your kids be dumb.

If that was true democrats wouldn't be advocating for felons to vote.

Democrats are advocating for child molesters and murderers to vote.
If the terms of the sentence included payment of fees and fines, what's your fucking problem?


It is a poll tax. That aside, your side of the aisle are fools.

Let's consider you get a parking ticket, and choose to protest it. The protest takes time, and during that period an election occurs and you are sent away without the ability to vote.

Wow,, great little strawman, did you bother to read the OP, completion of a sentence is required to restore rights. If fees and fines are part of that sentence, it is not completed until they are paid. A fucking parking ticket, pending or not will not cause the loss of voting rights.


So you say. It that clear in the bill?

voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence


IM2 posted this also:

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

No, it would not allow people to vote who have not completed all the terms of their sentence. Just like the amendment says. BTW, the requirement to pay fines and fees, as part of a sentence, are not unique to FL. Looks to me that the legislature is just passing laws to implement the amendment, as intended.

It's all in the past we are told.

The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida
By The Editorial Board

A Republican proposal would condition the right to vote on the payment of all outstanding court fines and fees.

Florida voters approved a ballot measure in November to restore voting rights to up to 1.4 million people with felony convictions who have served their sentences and thus paid their debt to society. The passage of Amendment 4, which went into effect in January, righted 150 years of injustice.

But Republican lawmakers in the state immediately went to work to undermine that progress. On March 19, a state House panel on criminal justice approved, along party lines, a measure that would erect new roadblocks for the Floridians who just regained the right to vote.

The new proposal would require those who want their voting rights restored to first pay all outstanding court fees and costs arising from their prior convictions — a move that one Democratic lawmaker denounced as an unconstitutional poll tax.

Under Amendment 4, “any disqualification from voting arising from a felony conviction shall terminate and voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence including parole or probation.”

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

Opinion | The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida


I have ALWAYS had a problem with the phrase, "Paid his debt to society'' because -- It's bullshit.

How do you UN-BREAK A LAW? How do you UN-MURDER someone? How do you UN-ROB a Bank??

All an ex-con has done is served his time. That POS has NOT repaid anything. He has actually COST us money to incarcerate.his sorry ass.

The ONLY reason that this is an issue is that dimocrap FILTH think they can pick up a few million votes from scum of the Earth criminals. Since virtually all criminals are dimocrap scum, they would be correct.

That's all that's going on here, people. dimocrap FILTH are trying to steal some votes.

People who have lost their PRIVILEGE to vote (it is NOT a right, it is a privilege) need to be judged on a one-at-a-time basis. And the bar needs to be set high.

We are NOT a democracy. No democracy has ever worked or survived. We are a REPUBLIC.

Republics have a rules. And one of them is -- Voting is a privilege, NOT a right.

"Voting is a privilege, NOT a right."


Yep, and it's reserved for citizens who haven't had their right taken away thorough due process.

It is a poll tax. That aside, your side of the aisle are fools.

Let's consider you get a parking ticket, and choose to protest it. The protest takes time, and during that period an election occurs and you are sent away without the ability to vote.

Wow,, great little strawman, did you bother to read the OP, completion of a sentence is required to restore rights. If fees and fines are part of that sentence, it is not completed until they are paid. A fucking parking ticket, pending or not will not cause the loss of voting rights.


So you say. It that clear in the bill?

voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence


IM2 posted this also:

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

No, it would not allow people to vote who have not completed all the terms of their sentence. Just like the amendment says. BTW, the requirement to pay fines and fees, as part of a sentence, are not unique to FL. Looks to me that the legislature is just passing laws to implement the amendment, as intended.


The Legislature has little if any power at all.
It's all in the past we are told.

The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida
By The Editorial Board

A Republican proposal would condition the right to vote on the payment of all outstanding court fines and fees.

Florida voters approved a ballot measure in November to restore voting rights to up to 1.4 million people with felony convictions who have served their sentences and thus paid their debt to society. The passage of Amendment 4, which went into effect in January, righted 150 years of injustice.

But Republican lawmakers in the state immediately went to work to undermine that progress. On March 19, a state House panel on criminal justice approved, along party lines, a measure that would erect new roadblocks for the Floridians who just regained the right to vote.

The new proposal would require those who want their voting rights restored to first pay all outstanding court fees and costs arising from their prior convictions — a move that one Democratic lawmaker denounced as an unconstitutional poll tax.

Under Amendment 4, “any disqualification from voting arising from a felony conviction shall terminate and voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence including parole or probation.”

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

Opinion | The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida


ummm, that's not a poll tax, nimrod.
Wow,, great little strawman, did you bother to read the OP, completion of a sentence is required to restore rights. If fees and fines are part of that sentence, it is not completed until they are paid. A fucking parking ticket, pending or not will not cause the loss of voting rights.


So you say. It that clear in the bill?

voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence


IM2 posted this also:

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

No, it would not allow people to vote who have not completed all the terms of their sentence. Just like the amendment says. BTW, the requirement to pay fines and fees, as part of a sentence, are not unique to FL. Looks to me that the legislature is just passing laws to implement the amendment, as intended.


The Legislature has little if any power at all.

LMAO, due tell.

It's all in the past we are told.

The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida
By The Editorial Board

A Republican proposal would condition the right to vote on the payment of all outstanding court fines and fees.

Florida voters approved a ballot measure in November to restore voting rights to up to 1.4 million people with felony convictions who have served their sentences and thus paid their debt to society. The passage of Amendment 4, which went into effect in January, righted 150 years of injustice.

But Republican lawmakers in the state immediately went to work to undermine that progress. On March 19, a state House panel on criminal justice approved, along party lines, a measure that would erect new roadblocks for the Floridians who just regained the right to vote.

The new proposal would require those who want their voting rights restored to first pay all outstanding court fees and costs arising from their prior convictions — a move that one Democratic lawmaker denounced as an unconstitutional poll tax.

Under Amendment 4, “any disqualification from voting arising from a felony conviction shall terminate and voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence including parole or probation.”

But Florida Republicans want “completion” of a sentence to include “a financial obligation arising from a felony conviction” — such as the court costs and fines that Florida is notorious for imposing on top of criminal sentences. This would, in effect, suppress the votes of people who are too poor to pay.

Opinion | The Return of the Poll Tax in Florida

Would you be happy if only white parolees had to pay?

Another dumb ass question that will not be answered.
I can dumb down the question for you-but I think we ALL know YOUR answer. I still think you are white.

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