The Return Of The Teal Pumpkins

Or - a parent can simply go thru the candy and pick put what they are allergic to afterwards.

Make that 1002 ways to make a generation spoiled rotten with "everyone is special" - you just need to find your special group.
Because I'm not a liberal, so I don't expect the entire world to bend to my issues/maladies/victimhood/whatever.

We always bought candy that was safe for our son, to swap out with the peanut candy. That was OUR responsibility, not those of our neighbors.
Because I'm not a liberal, so I don't expect the entire world to bend to my issues/maladies/victimhood/whatever.

We always bought candy that was safe for our son, to swap out with the peanut candy. That was OUR responsibility, not those of our neighbors.

Conservative America

Why should I be inconvenienced by YOUR problem
Kid shows up at your door with a known peanut allergy and you say……
Fuk em, not my problem
Conservative America

Why should I be inconvenienced by YOUR problem
Kid shows up at your door with a known peanut allergy and you say……
Fuk em, not my problem

Allergies we see at school:

Red Dye

You go for it and buy all that candy for all those kids, and pretend to be Mr. Compassionate while we all see how you really are. Sure.
Conservative America

Why should I be inconvenienced by YOUR problem
Kid shows up at your door with a known peanut allergy and you say……
Fuk em, not my problem

Conservative America - it is a parents job to protect their child with a very simple solution.

Liberal America - let's make everything complicated so we can keep the virtue signaling going and keep finding new ways to proclaim how awesome we are.
I don’t have to show consideration for anyone.

No one has to.

I am more inclined to show consideration to those who don't demand it.

Never take for granted the empathy, respect, or consideration of others.

Those things are earned, not compulsory.
Plus I’m sure many people (like myself until reading this thread) just don’t know that teal colored pumpkin buckets mean anything at all. I’d have unknowingly thrown some peanut butter cups in a teal bucket for sure

If anything, it seems dangerous for parents to just assume people know such an obscure factoid.

Knowing this, They’ll probably have to go through the kids candy haul anyway, so it seems kinda pointless.
Even regular trick-or-treaters have their problems.

Because I'm not a liberal, so I don't expect the entire world to bend to my issues/maladies/victimhood/whatever.

We always bought candy that was safe for our son, to swap out with the peanut candy. That was OUR responsibility, not those of our neighbors.
OH! I see!

This is one of those "I didn't get it so nobody else should either" things like the student debt relief.

Basically just garden variety conservative jealousy.
Conservative America - it is a parents job to protect their child with a very simple solution.

Liberal America - let's make everything complicated so we can keep the virtue signaling going and keep finding new ways to proclaim how awesome we are.
Liberal America - let's do our best to help these folks so kids don't accidentally get hurt. After all, it's the christian thing to do.
I am a liberal Damn it!!
I NEED to virtue signal!! I have no basis for my morality so I have to keep finding ways to show others how good of a person I am!!
Always hilarious when a conservative talks about morality.
I am a liberal Damn it!!
I NEED to virtue signal!! I have no basis for my morality so I have to keep finding ways to show others how good of a person I am!!

Liberal……Oh? You have a peanut allergy? Here is a Hershey Bar

Conservative…….Oh? You are allergic to peanuts? Have a Peanut Butter Cup……HA…..HA….HA
Again, why can't it be the parent's job to sort it all out? Why should it be the job of other people? Also if you're that worried about it don't take your child trick-or-treating. It's that simple.
My youngest Grandson has a peanut allergy. He is completely aware of the consequences, but when he sees something that he really wants he will eat it or hide it for later. Because it's just that simple. He's a kid.
My youngest Grandson has a peanut allergy. He is completely aware of the consequences, but when he sees something that he really wants he will eat it or hide it for later. Because it's just that simple. He's a kid.

Again, so other people are just supposed to cater to him?

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