The Right Are Falling Into Kamala Harris's Trap

There is no open border.
IIlegal Immigrnts are not sucking up government benefits.
The housing problem has nothing to do with them.
They are not committing more crime.
They aren't taking jobs from blckms.
Terrorists and spies are not freely crossin our border.

commie blue haired menace.jpg
The “eating the pets” was plain fucking stupid thing by Trump

The problem is that our government is importing them and treating them like royalty
Harris not only stole some of Trump's policy ideas, she has stolen pages from Trump's playbook. She has spouted off falsehoods about Trump, triggering him and then the media backs her up by not only not fact checking her, but plastering Trump's ravings all over the place nonstop so that that is the only message getting out and Harris doesn't have to talk about the issues which really matter to the voter.
She doesn't want to talk about the top issues facing our country today, the issues which really matter to the American voters, mainly because her and Biden are the cause of everything which has gone wrong and have no plans other than to continue on this same course that only 25% of Americans think is the right direction for the country.

So, in order to not talk about it because it would make her look bad, she has masterfully turned the tables and have the right running around like chickens with their heads cut off talking about Haitians eating pets and other such nonsense, instead of the top issues Americans really care about. The right are spending all of their time trying to prove that Haitians really are eating pets instead of talking about the economy, jobs, inflation, the open border, crime, and being involved in endless wars. Don't let her do that!
Harris is not making up stories of Haten immigrants in Ohio eating cats and swans.
It's not the dems putting up the distractions, and THAT's what makes the maga posters and the Old Weird Guy and his mini me ..... hilarious ... so far.

Vance and Trump both claimed that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are eating pets — a move that has alarmed some Republicans who want the campaign to focus on their opponent Harris and the state of the economy, a top issue for both parties ahead of November.

“They need to get their heads out of their asses and get dead-set focused on the swing voters,” GOP strategist Ryan Horn said. “And stop paying attention to what their base is saying online.”
Harris not only stole some of Trump's policy ideas, she has stolen pages from Trump's playbook. She has spouted off falsehoods about Trump, triggering him and then the media backs her up by not only not fact checking her, but plastering Trump's ravings all over the place nonstop so that that is the only message getting out and Harris doesn't have to talk about the issues which really matter to the voter.
But I'm curious. All pols lie about their policies. But has Harris lied about trump's ethnicity? Has she questioned Melania's religion? What's your gripe about her triggering Trump's lack of cool and his embrace of Hatens eatin cats in Ohio? LOL
If it's really a trap, why is it that the drive-by media is falling all over themselves to "debunk" the story, in the face of dozens of civilian phone videos, pictures, and police reports?

l don't think that there's much better of an illustration of the massive purposeful border fuckery (it's not "failure") of the Pedo Peter/Kumdumpster regime.

There are NO police reports. Anybody can fake anything on YouTube or TikTok.

I don't think there is a better illustration of the basic dishonesty and hate fuelled rhetoric on the part of Trump, Vance and the Republican media.

Posting faked videos and then making wild claims about them is a Republican stock in trade. Just ask Ruby Freeman, Taylor Swift, Jim Accosta, Nancy Pelosi, and others.
Harris is not making up stories of Haten immigrants in Ohio eating cats and swans.

No, just regurgitating debunked quotes in a nationally televised debate about her opponent to continue the brainwashing of her followers (Charlottesville) and perhaps lead to additional assassination attempts.
she has masterfully turned the tables and have the right running around like chickens with their heads cut off talking about Haitians eating pets and other such nonsense

She did that? I thought Trump brought that up! And he did so in a national debate where, quite frankly, he sounded like a crazy kook, a conspiracy theorist, and while I had heard the story, even today, I still don't know if it is true because you cannot trust the media. So far I've heard:
  1. Voodoo Haitians taking over Springfield.
  2. City counsel deny it.
  3. Video of a woman eating a cat arrested by police (presumably in Springfield).
  4. People yelling at city counsel.
  5. Now one of the women who formerly complained has recanted her story.
Thing is, it just made Trump sound crazy, and I want to believe him, but he has no documentation nor proof yet presented it as fact instead of possible hearsay. The story is not even out anywhere except in fringe media. Now with all the really important issues facing us, both Trump and Vance are doubling down on the voodoo story making themselves look exactly like the tinfoil hat-wearing crackpots the left have claimed they are! They've fallen right in with the Mike Lindell crowd--- a whole lotta claims but no proof to back it up.

When I saw Trump ranting about this out of thin air at the debate, going off on a wild tangent, all I could think is "what the hell is Trump doing?" Trump could have simply presented it as: "Now there are STORIES out there even suggesting immigrants are eating geese and pets." But the way he presented it, all I could think of were the millions of people watching that thinking: "Can we trust this guy with the nuclear codes? Will he launch a nuclear strike at China because they are eating ducks?"

Both he and Vance better get their shit together. If there is any trap-falling, it is by them as Harris sits back and just waits for Trump to trip himself up. Worse, after starting off fairly composed at the debate, Trump increasingly started looking crazy ranting and yelling at the moderators. What Trump /should/ have been ranting about, was the fact that one of the mods was personal friends with Kammy while the head of ABC introduced her to her husband.
All the Dems and the press do is interview and talk with the people in charge, i.e. the ones who failed their constituents and have the most to gain from denying anything is wrong.

The People" The government isn't doing their job!"
The press asks the government "are you doing your job"
The government "sure we are, everything's fine!"
A Terminal Nation Has Its Terms Defined by Hype

All these self-appointed experts given prestige despite massive failures are also what the media consult for verification. The whole stinking pit of the Successpool is no different from a governing body if it controls and pollutes our minds.
I don't think you're any more independent that Harris Faulkner.
I don't give a shit what you think. My post was clearly strongly suggesting to the right that they quit this eating pets thing and talk about the issues Harris can't win on.

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