the right is starting to hit the streets !

in DC and other major cities patriotic protesters are hitting the streets in mass! and they are angry about the suspected mass fraud in the election ! we need to audit the machines and verify mail in ballots signatures in the swing states that have been in question ! for the good of the nation we have to audit the election ! no matter if massive fraud is found or not ! half the country believes they have had their votes nullified do to fraud ! put it to rest ! verify signatures and audit the voting machines while its not too late ! Thousands of pro-Trump supporters rally again in DC, clashes ensue with counter-protesters | WTOP
Patriots? More like a bunch of brain dead racist *****.
The leftwingers made a huge mistake in picking ole Pedo Joe to be their candidate....people might have acceppted a decent democratic candidate....but to try and foist a senile morally corrupted old guy who cannot put two sentences together and had to hide in his basement with the liberal media covering for him??? The people saw through that charade...and will never accept biden as our President.

If they had a decent leader they would not have been forced to cheat.
All of them were far left wackos.

Pedo Joe accidentally tells the truth.........

“We have put together The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

The media glossed right over it. Ignored it. Waiting for the Left’s “He misspoke” “You are taking it out of context” bullshit.

Nothing can mask this statement.

Until you hear the whole thing. Then you are shown to be full of BS, Rumpster.
The real tragedy yesterday was that not enough protestors showed up to drive the vermin out of Washington.

With a few thousand more the mission could actually have been accomplished.......not to mention many of the capitol police were co-operating.

Anyhow....the fight is just beginning and after American really sees what Pedo Joe does....millions will join in next time.

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in DC and other major cities patriotic protesters are hitting the streets in mass! and they are angry about the suspected mass fraud in the election ! we need to audit the machines and verify mail in ballots signatures in the swing states that have been in question ! for the good of the nation we have to audit the election ! no matter if massive fraud is found or not ! half the country believes they have had their votes nullified do to fraud ! put it to rest ! verify signatures and audit the voting machines while its not too late ! Thousands of pro-Trump supporters rally again in DC, clashes ensue with counter-protesters | WTOP
Patriots? More like a bunch of brain dead racist *****.

As has been shown we are all racists.....should America commit group suicide since we are all evil waycists?

Should we give back all the land to the indians?

You talk the talk but will you walk the walk.

I am sure some poor Indian down on the razorvation would be willing to assist you whilst you move out of your house and let him have it.

Irregardless Real Americans are mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore.

As said this fight will continue and the next time the Patriots will be better organized .....battles will occur all across this nation....until Pedo Joe is tossed out....he will be impeached within 6 months if he does not die before that.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America.

Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch.

The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America.

Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch.

The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.

The Triumph of the evil will only continue if good men do nothing.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America. Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch. The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.
I agree with your last statement; that's why Biden won. Calling him a pedo just makes you look like a fool.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America. Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch. The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.
I agree with your last statement; that's why Biden won. Calling him a pedo just makes you look like a fool.

Even back in his college days biden was known to be a pedo.

His roomate spilled the beans on him years ago....also well known in D.C. that he is a perverted liar.

Anyhow he will not be around for long...kamel toe is bucking in her stall to get loose and go on a morons have no comprehension of what is coming down the pike.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America. Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch. The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.
I agree with your last statement; that's why Biden won. Calling him a pedo just makes you look like a fool.
Anyone who would elect such a demented (litereally) idiot and make them CiC of the most deadly nuclear weapons in existence takes "fool" to a whole new level.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America. Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch. The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.
I agree with your last statement; that's why Biden won. Calling him a pedo just makes you look like a fool.
Even back in his college days biden was known to be a pedo. His roomate spilled the beans on him years ago....also well known in D.C. that he is a perverted liar. Anyhow he will not be around for long...kamel toe is bucking in her stall to get loose and go on a morons have no comprehension of what is coming down the pike.
You're a loon willing to spread any lies that pop into your head without remorse, i.e. a typical Trumpista traitor.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America. Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch. The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.
I agree with your last statement; that's why Biden won. Calling him a pedo just makes you look like a fool.
Even back in his college days biden was known to be a pedo. His roomate spilled the beans on him years ago....also well known in D.C. that he is a perverted liar. Anyhow he will not be around for long...kamel toe is bucking in her stall to get loose and go on a morons have no comprehension of what is coming down the pike.
You're a loon willing to spread any lies that pop into your head without remorse, i.e. a typical Trumpista traitor.
Decent Americans are praying that the Lord strikes down the pedo before he can do serious damage to America. Even those of you who lack the courage to get involved to save America and participate in this do not even have to get off your couch. The Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.
I agree with your last statement; that's why Biden won. Calling him a pedo just makes you look like a fool.
Even back in his college days biden was known to be a pedo. His roomate spilled the beans on him years ago....also well known in D.C. that he is a perverted liar. Anyhow he will not be around for long...kamel toe is bucking in her stall to get loose and go on a morons have no comprehension of what is coming down the pike.
You're a loon willing to spread any lies that pop into your head without remorse, i.e. a typical Trumpista traitor.


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