"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

Now point out how many people were shot yesterday. Mkay?

Apparently wherever there were weapons on display the Antifa assholes decided not to attack anyone.

Regardless of what weapon was used, a person was murdered yesterday. If no one had any weapons or protective gear, there would have been less violence and passions would not have risen to the level that hey did. Most likely no one would have been killed.

Wow! What utter nonsense. You think that this is the first time there's been violence at a protest?

Obviously this was not the first time there has been violence at protests.

That is why the police should confiscate any weapons or protective gear. If needed tey should arrest people who are armed, and if neede they should disperse the protest entirely.

Any reasonable cause for the police believing that a protest will turn violent should justify action by the police - or National Guard if needed.

2nd Amendment. the have a right to be armed. A protest doesn't become violent simply because someone is carrying.

Why does our state, which has liberal gun laws, prohibit concealed carry at protests?

Does it? Hmm...I have been an outlaw then. I will continue to be so.
Like he wasn't Muslim so, duh it couldn't be terrorism?
You think only muslims commit terrorism? Jeezs, youre kind of stupid. :laugh:

He is held on suspision of 2nd degree murder and 5 counts of agg. battery, so probably no terrorism charges. Vanguard America seems to disavow him; as for Facebook, there is a different man with the same name. Facebook no doubt removed his page quickly, it is evidence.
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees:

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

When watching the videos of yesterday's protest and counter protest, a large number of the people at the protest were armed - many had helmets and shields as well as various weapons ranging from clubs to pepper spray to guns.

It's apparent that these people were at best anticipating violence, and may have intended to incite violence.
The Constitution does NOT have a right to violent protest. It does note cite a right to gather as an armed mob.

The violence at yesterdays protest would probably have been a whole lot less if no one on either side had weapons of any type, and if they did not any protective gear.

Even wearing protective gear shows that they are anticipating violence. Anyone who foes to a protest while anticipating violence has no right to go to that protest.

It seems that protest groups go far beyond their Constitutional right - if they intend to incite violence or even anticipate violence, they are no longer within their Constitutional rights.

In the future, if anyone shows up at a protest or counter protest with weapons or protective gear, they should immediately be arrested. If a sizable number have weapons or protective gear, the police should use whatever means necessary to end the protest!
Now point out how many people were shot yesterday. Mkay?

Apparently wherever there were weapons on display the Antifa assholes decided not to attack anyone.

"Antifa assholes"

do you people ever listen to yourselves?

Anti-Facism means being against fascism, and in this scenario/context, it mean being against RACISM, WHITE NATIONALISM, and WHITE PRIDE.

If you are not against those things, then what the fuck are you doing in this country?

There's a reason their leader, organizer of the pig parade was booed off the stage, chased down and tackled.

We do not tolerate INTOLERANCE AND HATE.

The driver of the car was triggered because the he hates liberals.
Yeah, well, have to say it is hard not to hate the venomous fucks trying to destroy your country and take down the man you elected president. But you go on right ahead, you hateful pigs. Impeach President Trump. Tear down those statues of Robert E. Lee. Pretend not to notice the genocidal efforts of George Soros. Then squeal at the backlash
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees:

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

When watching the videos of yesterday's protest and counter protest, a large number of the people at the protest were armed - many had helmets and shields as well as various weapons ranging from clubs to pepper spray to guns.

It's apparent that these people were at best anticipating violence, and may have intended to incite violence.
The Constitution does NOT have a right to violent protest. It does note cite a right to gather as an armed mob.

The violence at yesterdays protest would probably have been a whole lot less if no one on either side had weapons of any type, and if they did not any protective gear.

Even wearing protective gear shows that they are anticipating violence. Anyone who foes to a protest while anticipating violence has no right to go to that protest.

It seems that protest groups go far beyond their Constitutional right - if they intend to incite violence or even anticipate violence, they are no longer within their Constitutional rights.

In the future, if anyone shows up at a protest or counter protest with weapons or protective gear, they should immediately be arrested. If a sizable number have weapons or protective gear, the police should use whatever means necessary to end the protest!
Now point out how many people were shot yesterday. Mkay?

Apparently wherever there were weapons on display the Antifa assholes decided not to attack anyone.

"Antifa assholes"

do you people ever listen to yourselves?

Anti-Facism means being against fascism, and in this scenario/context, it mean being against RACISM, WHITE NATIONALISM, and WHITE PRIDE.

If you are not against those things, then what the fuck are you doing in this country?

There's a reason their leader, organizer of the pig parade was booed off the stage, chased down and tackled.

We do not tolerate INTOLERANCE AND HATE.

We do not tolerate INTOLERANCE AND HATE.

and you show that, with INTOLERANCE and HATE
Now point out how many people were shot yesterday. Mkay?

Apparently wherever there were weapons on display the Antifa assholes decided not to attack anyone.

If no one, White supremacists or anti-fascists had weapons or protective gear, the worse that would happen would be fist fights.

Are you saying that white supremacists are such a bunch of pussies that can't handle a fist fight with a bunch of liberals?

No one has a constitutional right to gather as an armed mob - regardless of which side they're on.
Wasn't the driver of the car triggered by someone throwing a rock?
I don't know, but a report on an a British site, possibly "The Mirror" said so. I linked it in a post yesterday. Never heard anything else about it. But from the video, even if he was hit by a rock, he sure went a long way to ram those people.

The driver of the car was triggered because the he hates liberals. Hates them so much he wanted to kill them. It's called "terrorism".
Thank you Doctor Brothers.

and, do you have anything but your opinion to back this up?

I love how when it's a Muslim terrorist you can't wait to call it terrorism but when it is obvious white supremacist hate, like the Batist Church terrorist, the Portland train stabbings, you deny the terrorist label.

Hate drives all terrorism. Hatred of Americans drives Middle East based terrorism. It has nothing to do with Muslim, and everything to do with hating Americans. Quite frankly, if you'd stayed the hell out of the Middle East in the first place, you wouldn't have a terrorism problem. No guarantees on the refugee problem but a good likelihood that no problem there either. It all goes back to the Shah of Iran.
If no one, White supremacists or anti-fascists had weapons or protective gear, the worse that would happen would be fist fights.

Are you saying that white supremacists are such a bunch of pussies that can't handle a fist fight with a bunch of liberals?

No one has a constitutional right to gather as an armed mob - regardless of which side they're on.
Wasn't the driver of the car triggered by someone throwing a rock?
I don't know, but a report on an a British site, possibly "The Mirror" said so. I linked it in a post yesterday. Never heard anything else about it. But from the video, even if he was hit by a rock, he sure went a long way to ram those people.

The driver of the car was triggered because the he hates liberals. Hates them so much he wanted to kill them. It's called "terrorism".
Thank you Doctor Brothers.

and, do you have anything but your opinion to back this up?

I love how when it's a Muslim terrorist you can't wait to call it terrorism but when it is obvious white supremacist hate, like the Batist Church terrorist, the Portland train stabbings, you deny the terrorist label.

Hate drives all terrorism. Hatred of Americans drives Middle East based terrorism. It has nothing to do with Muslim, and everything to do with hating Americans. Quite frankly, if you'd stayed the hell out of the Middle East in the first place, you wouldn't have a terrorism problem. No guarantees on the refugee problem but a good likelihood that no problem there either. It all goes back to the Shah of Iran.
but when it is obvious white supremacist hate,
have to agree with there, dragon lady.

if it wasn't for the hate of the white supremists that showed up to protest the removal of the statue, there would have been little or no violence.
If no one, White supremacists or anti-fascists had weapons or protective gear, the worse that would happen would be fist fights.

Are you saying that white supremacists are such a bunch of pussies that can't handle a fist fight with a bunch of liberals?

No one has a constitutional right to gather as an armed mob - regardless of which side they're on.
Wasn't the driver of the car triggered by someone throwing a rock?
I don't know, but a report on an a British site, possibly "The Mirror" said so. I linked it in a post yesterday. Never heard anything else about it. But from the video, even if he was hit by a rock, he sure went a long way to ram those people.

The driver of the car was triggered because the he hates liberals. Hates them so much he wanted to kill them. It's called "terrorism".
Thank you Doctor Brothers.

and, do you have anything but your opinion to back this up?

I love how when it's a Muslim terrorist you can't wait to call it terrorism but when it is obvious white supremacist hate, like the Batist Church terrorist, the Portland train stabbings, you deny the terrorist label.

Hate drives all terrorism. Hatred of Americans drives Middle East based terrorism. It has nothing to do with Muslim, and everything to do with hating Americans. Quite frankly, if you'd stayed the hell out of the Middle East in the first place, you wouldn't have a terrorism problem. No guarantees on the refugee problem but a good likelihood that no problem there either. It all goes back to the Shah of Iran.
The situations are different.
Apparently these Antifa fuckers started beating on his car.
He freaked.......that's why they announced that 2nd Degree murder charges would brought against him.
If it was terrorism....they would have called it per-meditated murder....murder one.
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees:

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

When watching the videos of yesterday's protest and counter protest, a large number of the people at the protest were armed - many had helmets and shields as well as various weapons ranging from clubs to pepper spray to guns.

It's apparent that these people were at best anticipating violence, and may have intended to incite violence.
The Constitution does NOT have a right to violent protest. It does note cite a right to gather as an armed mob.

The violence at yesterdays protest would probably have been a whole lot less if no one on either side had weapons of any type, and if they did not any protective gear.

Even wearing protective gear shows that they are anticipating violence. Anyone who foes to a protest while anticipating violence has no right to go to that protest.

It seems that protest groups go far beyond their Constitutional right - if they intend to incite violence or even anticipate violence, they are no longer within their Constitutional rights.

In the future, if anyone shows up at a protest or counter protest with weapons or protective gear, they should immediately be arrested. If a sizable number have weapons or protective gear, the police should use whatever means necessary to end the protest!
Weapons do not make people violent... shit for brains
Wasn't the driver of the car triggered by someone throwing a rock?
I don't know, but a report on an a British site, possibly "The Mirror" said so. I linked it in a post yesterday. Never heard anything else about it. But from the video, even if he was hit by a rock, he sure went a long way to ram those people.

The driver of the car was triggered because the he hates liberals. Hates them so much he wanted to kill them. It's called "terrorism".
Thank you Doctor Brothers.

and, do you have anything but your opinion to back this up?

I love how when it's a Muslim terrorist you can't wait to call it terrorism but when it is obvious white supremacist hate, like the Batist Church terrorist, the Portland train stabbings, you deny the terrorist label.

Hate drives all terrorism. Hatred of Americans drives Middle East based terrorism. It has nothing to do with Muslim, and everything to do with hating Americans. Quite frankly, if you'd stayed the hell out of the Middle East in the first place, you wouldn't have a terrorism problem. No guarantees on the refugee problem but a good likelihood that no problem there either. It all goes back to the Shah of Iran.
The situations are different.
Apparently these Antifa fuckers started beating on his car.
He freaked.......that's why they announced that 2nd Degree murder charges would brought against him.
If it was terrorism....they would have called it per-meditated murder....murder one.
It would not surprise me if the charge was reduced.
Yeah but it wasn't a demonstration sponsored or defended by the White House. What the hell would republicans have to gain by this mess? The Nazis used similar tactics to gain power in Germany and blame it on Jews.
I was with you until:

No guarantees on the refugee problem but a good likelihood that no problem there either. It all goes back to the Shah of Iran.

Our unprovoked attack on Iraq was engineered by Israel. Nothing to do with Iraq. Our troublemaking in Syria is thanks to Israel. Nothing to do with Iran. The only answer is to end Jewish ownership of Western media, or we will continue to dance to their bloodlust.Pure. And. simple.
Wasn't the driver of the car triggered by someone throwing a rock?
I don't know, but a report on an a British site, possibly "The Mirror" said so. I linked it in a post yesterday. Never heard anything else about it. But from the video, even if he was hit by a rock, he sure went a long way to ram those people.

The driver of the car was triggered because the he hates liberals. Hates them so much he wanted to kill them. It's called "terrorism".
Thank you Doctor Brothers.

and, do you have anything but your opinion to back this up?

I love how when it's a Muslim terrorist you can't wait to call it terrorism but when it is obvious white supremacist hate, like the Batist Church terrorist, the Portland train stabbings, you deny the terrorist label.

Hate drives all terrorism. Hatred of Americans drives Middle East based terrorism. It has nothing to do with Muslim, and everything to do with hating Americans. Quite frankly, if you'd stayed the hell out of the Middle East in the first place, you wouldn't have a terrorism problem. No guarantees on the refugee problem but a good likelihood that no problem there either. It all goes back to the Shah of Iran.
but when it is obvious white supremacist hate,
have to agree with there, dragon lady.

if it wasn't for the hate of the white supremists that showed up to protest the removal of the statue, there would have been little or no violence.

They should be hated.
The irony is that these white supremacists are gathering in hopes of preserving the last vestiges of their forefathers who were defeated 152 years ago. Talk about being behind the times.

Fucking pathetic.
The left would like to and intends to prevent all gatherings of white people. To be white is to be a nazi, kkk. That means the wedding, birthday party, even the family picnic in the park is a gathering of white supremacists because they, the left, says so.

Maybe Rent A Center can start renting black face.
The alt right arrived ready to bash people, which they did. They were armed, crying long guns, ready to shoot people. Thankfully, they didn't but there's only reason they arrived at a "peaceful" protest carry clubs and guns.

Heather and other counter protesters were not carrying baseball bats, clubs, knives and guns.

Heather and other counter protesters obeyed the law. They hurt no one. They had the right to be there, as guaranteed by the US Constitution.

As Richard-H said, the constitution does not give the alt right thugs the right to to beat up and murder people but that's what they do.

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