The Right Politicizing a Tragedy.

If only Obama had bowed a little deeper.

If only He had sucked a little harder.

Then all the world would love America and Americans.

See, it's just another of His failings.

Every time a mass shooting occurs, the right always hammers the left that they are "politicizing a tragedy" and how horrible they are.

So the terror attacks happen in Brussels, so what does the right do? Politicize the tragedy.

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Of course, the hypocritical right puts standards and rules on the Democrats that they themselves NEVER FOLLOW. They are frauds and will always be.
Democrats require extra rules because of how ignorant they can be. For instance you just equated the fight over the 2nd amendment to a scumbags rights to own & detonate a weapon of mass destruction.
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.

You just explained the problem perfectly!!!
Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.
Spinning a terrorist attack to promote immigration policy is politicizing, similar to promoting gun control after a mass shooting. The OP is pointing out the hypocrisy of the Rights criticism of the left for politicizing gun control with this recent event... Do you really not understand his point? It's not very complicated.

Criminals don't obey gun laws, it's why they are referred to as criminals. It would be as if referring to gangsters as being an honest group of individuals, that believed in having the highest respect for their government in their efforts to become productive law abiding members of society.

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, the French government in conducting an investigation have uncovered intelligence that revealed terrorist extremists had "slipped in" among a group of refugees to enter the country. So how should a government take measures to prevent further exploited breeches from occurring? Should we not want Islamic extremists to be kept from killing any more innocent civilians?
We should absolutely work to try and prevent attacks... Nobody is saying that we shouldn't

How do you determine from a massive group of people if someone's view of religion is extreme? Not all Muslins believe in killing, and I support those who wish to peacefully express their faith, however we are also talking about the existence of an extremist group who is determined to kill those who don't share and accept their faith. What measures do we take to protect innocent civilians in this country so they don't have to succum to this extremist view of genocide?

Those who are honest with themselves know there is only one solution.
I'm Belgian and I know open borders had nothing to do with this. If you think closed borders have a chance against ppl who are already in country you have a weird sense of direction. It's not refugees commiting these acts, it's 2th or 3rd generation immigrants. And the solution isn't as straightforward as politicians would want you to believe.

Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium

You know fucking nothing about Europe... Fucking nothing....

You want to crawl over the death bodies today to make your point today... You have no sense of decency...

DO you fucking live in Belguim?

It's pretty obvious they let muslims immigrate and now you have a bunch of dead people.
Dont see how it could be any clearer.
Hasn't there always been a bunch of dead people ?
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium

You know fucking nothing about Europe... Fucking nothing....

You want to crawl over the death bodies today to make your point today... You have no sense of decency...

DO you fucking live in Belguim?

It's pretty obvious they let muslims immigrate and now you have a bunch of dead people.
Dont see how it could be any clearer.
Hasn't there always been a bunch of dead people ?

Are you retarded?
Haha you make me laugh dude. A terrorist attack by definition is a political event.
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.

STFU dumb fuck, the Rethulicunts are using it for political gain. They should be beaten to death for that.

When you support terrorist being allowed into your country how is it you can blame the people who dont?
Who supports terrorism? Don't be a dumbshit
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium

You know fucking nothing about Europe... Fucking nothing....

You want to crawl over the death bodies today to make your point today... You have no sense of decency...

DO you fucking live in Belguim?

It's pretty obvious they let muslims immigrate and now you have a bunch of dead people.
Dont see how it could be any clearer.
Hasn't there always been a bunch of dead people ?

Are you retarded?
Not that I know of... Your statements are sounding like a handicapable may be writing them though
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.

You just explained the problem perfectly!!!
Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?
"Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?"

Ah, there's your problem right there...
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.
I think you are totally disconnected from reality if that's really what you think liberals believe in
Nobody said it wasn't relevant... The post was about hypocrisy

That a politician comments on a political event with a political solution isn't politicizing.

The problem I have with politicizing a mass shooting isn't that there is a discussion about it, it is that the solution presented are almost invariably wrong. The left pushes Universal Background Checks the day of a mass shooting...only to discover that the perpetrator PASSED a background check, or stole the firearm, or had a family member buy is for them.

They have to get their bullshit out BEFORE that truth is revealed, totally undercutting their argument.

This, I think we can all agree, is pretty clear cut. We know that ISIS has claimed responsibility, we know that the perpetrators were likely Radical Islamic terrorists. We have strong circumstantial evidence that the influx of millions of Muslim refugees played a part...especially due to the timing. Are we not to discuss it?
In your opinion it is wrong... Others see violence and want their leaders to take action so there is nothing wrong with evoking the discussion to find solutions. The Right attacks the Left every time they respond to gun violence with a gun control discussion. Whether you agree with the ideas or talking points makes no difference to this discussion. Now the script has flipped and the Right is doing the same thing to advance their agenda. Again, I say there is nothing wrong with that, however, there is blaring hypocrisy.

Last time I checked terrorism wasnt a Constitutional right.
So what? That has nothing to do with it. You paranoids out there think any talk about gun control means erasing the 2nd amendment and taking everybodies guns away. Even the most finatical gun nut would probably agree that we shouldn't be handing guns out to criminals when they walk out of jail, or to elementary school kids. Although these are extreme examples they show that all support some level of control and restriction when it comes to guns. So gun control is not a perfectly valid discussion to have when we have such a large problem with gun violence.
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Haha you make me laugh dude. A terrorist attack by definition is a political event.
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.

STFU dumb fuck, the Rethulicunts are using it for political gain. They should be beaten to death for that.

When you support terrorist being allowed into your country how is it you can blame the people who dont?
Who supports terrorism? Don't be a dumbshit

If you support bringing muslim immigrants into the U.S. you support terror.
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.

You just explained the problem perfectly!!!
Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?
"Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?"

Ah, there's your problem right there...

So you dont have an explanation either?
Nobody said it wasn't relevant... The post was about hypocrisy

That a politician comments on a political event with a political solution isn't politicizing.

The problem I have with politicizing a mass shooting isn't that there is a discussion about it, it is that the solution presented are almost invariably wrong. The left pushes Universal Background Checks the day of a mass shooting...only to discover that the perpetrator PASSED a background check, or stole the firearm, or had a family member buy is for them.

They have to get their bullshit out BEFORE that truth is revealed, totally undercutting their argument.

This, I think we can all agree, is pretty clear cut. We know that ISIS has claimed responsibility, we know that the perpetrators were likely Radical Islamic terrorists. We have strong circumstantial evidence that the influx of millions of Muslim refugees played a part...especially due to the timing. Are we not to discuss it?
In your opinion it is wrong... Others see violence and want their leaders to take action so there is nothing wrong with evoking the discussion to find solutions. The Right attacks the Left every time they respond to gun violence with a gun control discussion. Whether you agree with the ideas or talking points makes no difference to this discussion. Now the script has flipped and the Right is doing the same thing to advance their agenda. Again, I say there is nothing wrong with that, however, there is blaring hypocrisy.

Last time I checked terrorism wasnt a Constitutional right.
So what? That has nothing to do with it. You paranoids out there think any talk about gun control means erasing the 2nd amendment and taking everybodies guns away. Even the most finatical gun nut would probably agree that we should be handing guns out to criminals when they walk out of jail, or to elementary school kids. Although these are extreme examples they show that all support some level of control and restriction when it comes to guns. So gun control is not a perfectly valid discussion to have when we have such a large problem with gun violence.

Democrats are constantly trying to take away our 2nd Amendment rights.
For you to deny that makes further conversation with you pointless.....
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.

STFU dumb fuck, the Rethulicunts are using it for political gain. They should be beaten to death for that.

When you support terrorist being allowed into your country how is it you can blame the people who dont?
Who supports terrorism? Don't be a dumbshit

If you support bringing muslim immigrants into the U.S. you support terror.
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.

You just explained the problem perfectly!!!
Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?
"Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?"

Ah, there's your problem right there...

So you dont have an explanation either?
No, I thought it was too obvious to have to explain.
You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.

STFU dumb fuck, the Rethulicunts are using it for political gain. They should be beaten to death for that.

When you support terrorist being allowed into your country how is it you can blame the people who dont?
Who supports terrorism? Don't be a dumbshit

If you support bringing muslim immigrants into the U.S. you support terror.

So how did one of the San Bernardino shooters get into the country?
Until you stop muslim extremism we need to shut the door and get a handle on the ones currently here.
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.

You just explained the problem perfectly!!!
Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?
"Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?"

Ah, there's your problem right there...

So you dont have an explanation either?
No, I thought it was too obvious to have to explain.

So you have a reason for hating American Christians more than muslim terrorist?
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.

You just explained the problem perfectly!!!
Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?
"Liberals hate religion and Christians yet they love muslims and the koran.
Can you explain this because I dont get it myself?"

Ah, there's your problem right there...

So you dont have an explanation either?
No, I thought it was too obvious to have to explain.

So you have a reason for hating American Christians more than muslim terrorist?
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.

STFU dumb fuck, the Rethulicunts are using it for political gain. They should be beaten to death for that.

When you support terrorist being allowed into your country how is it you can blame the people who dont?
Who supports terrorism? Don't be a dumbshit

If you support bringing muslim immigrants into the U.S. you support terror.
Perhaps to a simpleton. Others have the intent of helping those in need. It's a humanitarian thing. I'm surprised you don't understand that.

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