The Right Politicizing a Tragedy.

Haha you make me laugh dude. A terrorist attack by definition is a political event.
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.
Spinning a terrorist attack to promote immigration policy is politicizing, similar to promoting gun control after a mass shooting. The OP is pointing out the hypocrisy of the Rights criticism of the left for politicizing gun control with this recent event... Do you really not understand his point? It's not very complicated.

Criminals don't obey gun laws, it's why they are referred to as criminals. It would be as if referring to gangsters as being an honest group of individuals, that believed in having the highest respect for their government in their efforts to become productive law abiding members of society.

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, the French government in conducting an investigation have uncovered intelligence that revealed terrorist extremists had "slipped in" among a group of refugees to enter the country. So how should a government take measures to prevent further exploited breeches from occurring? Should we not want Islamic extremists to be kept from killing any more innocent civilians?
Every time a mass shooting occurs, the right always hammers the left that they are "politicizing a tragedy" and how horrible they are.

So the terror attacks happen in Brussels, so what does the right do? Politicize the tragedy.

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Of course, the hypocritical right puts standards and rules on the Democrats that they themselves NEVER FOLLOW. They are frauds and will always be.

By accusing them of politicizing it, you just politicized it. Have a seat, hypocrite.
I live in Europe and am an EU citizen and I'm damned proud they want nothing to do with the scum of the third world here. Czechs aren't the wussies of liberal West Europe.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?
Your enemy thanks you for understanding and not judging.....don't let haters ruin your diverse culture.....
If I hate I empower them. I am perfectly willing to do everything in my power to stop those responsible for this lunacy. I am not prepared to become them to stop them though. So many ppl have died getting us to the point in western society where reason beats hate. I refuse to betray them because a minority of a religion thinks it has a right to kill ppl.
You keep on doing nothing then and letting more in secure in the knowledge that you are so much better than us......that's what your attitude has led to.....permanent inaction in the face of evil which if one wants to be honest is promotion of evil.
It has nothing to do with moral superiority. The more bigotted I become, the larger the pool of discontented ppl groups like ISIS can draw from. Iraq had no terrorists until the US invaded to give an example. Every time a bomb killed an Iraque. Terrorist could claim 'See it's a war against Islam'. They get more powerfull the harder you push. These are not regular armies. They can not match us bomb for bomb. So they do what all combatants do who face overwhelming force. they become Guerillas, they make it a war of atrition. Think of it this way. Today a handfull of ppl succeeded in shutting down large parts of my country, they got the entire world in a frenzy. And they know that almost certain the reaction to that will get them many more recruits then the handfull they lost. I feel that the best way to combat that is to not react. And just so you know, I'm incredibly pissed and sad and I would like nothing better then eat their livers with a spoon, but if I do, they win.
yes it does.....doing nothing will get you more.....they are so confident in your surrender they fought the police over the arrest of the terrorist in the streets. You have a duty to protect the innocents among who are too young to influence things instead of being smug in your indolence
Haha you make me laugh dude. A terrorist attack by definition is a political event.
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.
Spinning a terrorist attack to promote immigration policy is politicizing, similar to promoting gun control after a mass shooting. The OP is pointing out the hypocrisy of the Rights criticism of the left for politicizing gun control with this recent event... Do you really not understand his point? It's not very complicated.

Immigration policy?!? We are looking at the consequences of open border policies in Europe! How can open borders NOT be germane to that discussion???
I'm Belgian and I know open borders had nothing to do with this. If you think closed borders have a chance against ppl who are already in country you have a weird sense of direction. It's not refugees commiting these acts, it's 2th or 3rd generation immigrants. And the solution isn't as straightforward as politicians would want you to believe.

Had you not let them in in the first place you wouldnt have the problem.
And as far as a politician saying the solution is straight forward? I havent heard anything but keep letting them in.
Haha you make me laugh dude. A terrorist attack by definition is a political event.
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.
Spinning a terrorist attack to promote immigration policy is politicizing, similar to promoting gun control after a mass shooting. The OP is pointing out the hypocrisy of the Rights criticism of the left for politicizing gun control with this recent event... Do you really not understand his point? It's not very complicated.

Criminals don't obey gun laws, it's why they are referred to as criminals. It would be as if referring to gangsters as being an honest group of individuals, that believed in having the highest respect for their government in their efforts to become productive law abiding members of society.

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, the French government in conducting an investigation have uncovered intelligence that revealed terrorist extremists had "slipped in" among a group of refugees to enter the country. So how should a government take measures to prevent further exploited breeches from occurring? Should we not want Islamic extremists to be kept from killing any more innocent civilians?
We should absolutely work to try and prevent attacks... Nobody is saying that we shouldn't
Every time a mass shooting occurs, the right always hammers the left that they are "politicizing a tragedy" and how horrible they are.

So the terror attacks happen in Brussels, so what does the right do? Politicize the tragedy.

View attachment 68548

Of course, the hypocritical right puts standards and rules on the Democrats that they themselves NEVER FOLLOW. They are frauds and will always be.
That is a fact, couldn't have said it better.
They didnt slip in among the refugees,....they told you they were coming and you let them in and have the audacity to claim to have vetted anyone.....
Immigration policy?!? We are looking at the consequences of open border policies in Europe! How can open borders NOT be germane to that discussion???
I'm Belgian and I know open borders had nothing to do with this. If you think closed borders have a chance against ppl who are already in country you have a weird sense of direction. It's not refugees commiting these acts, it's 2th or 3rd generation immigrants. And the solution isn't as straightforward as politicians would want you to believe.

Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium

You know fucking nothing about Europe... Fucking nothing....

You want to crawl over the death bodies today to make your point today... You have no sense of decency...

DO you fucking live in Belguim?

It's pretty obvious they let muslims immigrate and now you have a bunch of dead people.
Dont see how it could be any clearer.
Every time a mass shooting occurs, the right always hammers the left that they are "politicizing a tragedy" and how horrible they are.

So the terror attacks happen in Brussels, so what does the right do? Politicize the tragedy.

View attachment 68548

Of course, the hypocritical right puts standards and rules on the Democrats that they themselves NEVER FOLLOW. They are frauds and will always be.

The right wing has never had anything positive to offer. All they have is hate, lies and ignorance.

We want them gone,you dont.
Clear enough for you?
Haha you make me laugh dude. A terrorist attack by definition is a political event.
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.

STFU dumb fuck, the Rethulicunts are using it for political gain. They should be beaten to death for that.

When you support terrorist being allowed into your country how is it you can blame the people who dont?
I live in Europe and am an EU citizen and I'm damned proud they want nothing to do with the scum of the third world here. Czechs aren't the wussies of liberal West Europe.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

Since when is telling the enemy they arent welcome bigotry?
You're a complete dolt.
Liberals hate guns and violence and religion. But they identify with ISALM? How does that work? People that outlaw freedom of religion, attack free speech and use violence ( guns, bombs) to promote their ISLAMIC brand of hate, that is OK? How does that work? That is a total disconnect from reality.
STFU dumb fuck, the Rethulicunts are using it for political gain. They should be beaten to death for that.
And there you have it, the left calling for violence and hate, offering nothing positive.

Calling for violence against fellow citizens that want nothing more than for the killing to stop.
These people are no better than the terrorist.
Nobody said it wasn't relevant... The post was about hypocrisy

That a politician comments on a political event with a political solution isn't politicizing.

The problem I have with politicizing a mass shooting isn't that there is a discussion about it, it is that the solution presented are almost invariably wrong. The left pushes Universal Background Checks the day of a mass shooting...only to discover that the perpetrator PASSED a background check, or stole the firearm, or had a family member buy is for them.

They have to get their bullshit out BEFORE that truth is revealed, totally undercutting their argument.

This, I think we can all agree, is pretty clear cut. We know that ISIS has claimed responsibility, we know that the perpetrators were likely Radical Islamic terrorists. We have strong circumstantial evidence that the influx of millions of Muslim refugees played a part...especially due to the timing. Are we not to discuss it?

None of the Muslim attacks here had anything to do with border security. Now consider killing yourself liar.

So the so called vetting of the San Bernardino bimbo has nothing to do with border security?
You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

You have a better idea? It's obvious whatever that jackass Obama is doing isn't working now is it?
I have no easy ideas. I have given it alot of thaught believe me and the only thing I can figure , is try to catch them before they do anything. Report as little as you can when they do do something, to not make the population more scared then nessecary, since thats's the ultimate goals of terrorism. try to involve the Muslim community into stopping them, taking away their ability to hide. None of it will stop it but unless your willing to kill every single Muslim in the world ,it's the best you can do

How about you tell muslim citizens that if the attacks continue they will all be jailed?
Nobody said it wasn't relevant... The post was about hypocrisy

That a politician comments on a political event with a political solution isn't politicizing.

The problem I have with politicizing a mass shooting isn't that there is a discussion about it, it is that the solution presented are almost invariably wrong. The left pushes Universal Background Checks the day of a mass shooting...only to discover that the perpetrator PASSED a background check, or stole the firearm, or had a family member buy is for them.

They have to get their bullshit out BEFORE that truth is revealed, totally undercutting their argument.

This, I think we can all agree, is pretty clear cut. We know that ISIS has claimed responsibility, we know that the perpetrators were likely Radical Islamic terrorists. We have strong circumstantial evidence that the influx of millions of Muslim refugees played a part...especially due to the timing. Are we not to discuss it?
In your opinion it is wrong... Others see violence and want their leaders to take action so there is nothing wrong with evoking the discussion to find solutions. The Right attacks the Left every time they respond to gun violence with a gun control discussion. Whether you agree with the ideas or talking points makes no difference to this discussion. Now the script has flipped and the Right is doing the same thing to advance their agenda. Again, I say there is nothing wrong with that, however, there is blaring hypocrisy.

Last time I checked terrorism wasnt a Constitutional right.
Haha you make me laugh dude. A terrorist attack by definition is a political event.
True, but a political event and politicizing an event are two very different things. You funny. :banana:

You can't politicize something that is already political. That's like saying don't politicize the election. Nice try though.
Spinning a terrorist attack to promote immigration policy is politicizing, similar to promoting gun control after a mass shooting. The OP is pointing out the hypocrisy of the Rights criticism of the left for politicizing gun control with this recent event... Do you really not understand his point? It's not very complicated.

Criminals don't obey gun laws, it's why they are referred to as criminals. It would be as if referring to gangsters as being an honest group of individuals, that believed in having the highest respect for their government in their efforts to become productive law abiding members of society.

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, the French government in conducting an investigation have uncovered intelligence that revealed terrorist extremists had "slipped in" among a group of refugees to enter the country. So how should a government take measures to prevent further exploited breeches from occurring? Should we not want Islamic extremists to be kept from killing any more innocent civilians?
We should absolutely work to try and prevent attacks... Nobody is saying that we shouldn't

How do you determine from a massive group of people if someone's view of religion is extreme? Not all Muslins believe in killing, and I support those who wish to peacefully express their faith, however we are also talking about the existence of an extremist group who is determined to kill those who don't share and accept their faith. What measures do we take to protect innocent civilians in this country so they don't have to succum to this extremist view of genocide?

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