The Right Politicizing a Tragedy.

Everything is political to the left. In fact it was a high profile democrat who coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste". When lefties talk about "politicizing" an issue they are talking about "blame", specifically blame aimed at republicans regardless of the incident. It's interesting that the low information anti-American left apparently takes the side of ISIS when they are sensitive to blame (politicizing) after a horrific terrorist attack.
I live in Europe and am an EU citizen and I'm damned proud they want nothing to do with the scum of the third world here. Czechs aren't the wussies of liberal West Europe.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?
Your enemy thanks you for understanding and not judging.....don't let haters ruin your diverse culture.....
Everything is political to the left. In fact it was a high profile democrat who coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste". When lefties talk about "politicizing" an issue they are talking about "blame", specifically blame aimed at republicans regardless of the incident. It's interesting that the low information anti-American left apparently takes the side of ISIS when they are sensitive to blame (politicizing) after a horrific terrorist attack.

This was politicized and the Republiscum making it about borders was exploiting a tragedy.

The rest of your post is utter bullshit. Please die soon.
'The Right Politicizing a Tragedy.'


It was the left who coined the phrase 'Never let a tragedy go to waist', meaning they needed to exploit every one of them to their benefit.

It is the left that rushes to mass shootings like an lawyer after an ambulance on the way to an accident to politicize the tragedy...while ignoring the daily record-setting gun violence going on in Chicago.

Pot meet kettle....Hypocrisy meet the Liberals. Oh that's right, you both know each other already. :p
You think if you come here as a refugee we just let you fill in some forms and send you on your way. You are vetted and searched and referenced and watched even after all that, you can't smuggle in a suitcase full of explosives from Syria I do KNOW that. You are right, I don't know for certain that it weren't refugees. But considering all available information I have, it's by far the most logical deduction.

Then where is all this high power military weaponry coming from? It is our own unsecured borders that allow millions of pounds of illicit drugs to flow across our borders. Isn't the same issue allowing black market automatic weapons, RPGs and explosives to cross yours?

I read today...well, I'll just C&P it here:

The officials described Brussels, especially the Molenbeek neighborhood, as an explosive mix of highly capable foreign fighters trained by ISIS and sympathetic locals who are unknown to authorities but eager to help in attacks.

They noted that when Abdeslam was arrested last week, authorities found a huge cache of weapons, prompting Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders to warn of other imminent attacks.

"He was ready to restart something in Brussels," Reynders said at the German Marshall Fund's Brussels Forum. Besides discovering "a lot of weapons, heavy weapons," Reynders said, "we have found a new network around him in Brussels."

Belgians 'Know They're Sitting on a Time Bomb': Official
I live in Europe and am an EU citizen and I'm damned proud they want nothing to do with the scum of the third world here. Czechs aren't the wussies of liberal West Europe.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?
Your enemy thanks you for understanding and not judging.....don't let haters ruin your diverse culture.....
If I hate I empower them. I am perfectly willing to do everything in my power to stop those responsible for this lunacy. I am not prepared to become them to stop them though. So many ppl have died getting us to the point in western society where reason beats hate. I refuse to betray them because a minority of a religion thinks it has a right to kill ppl.
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Every time a mass shooting occurs, the right always hammers the left that they are "politicizing a tragedy" and how horrible they are.

So the terror attacks happen in Brussels, so what does the right do? Politicize the tragedy.

View attachment 68548

Of course, the hypocritical right puts standards and rules on the Democrats that they themselves NEVER FOLLOW. They are frauds and will always be.
A criminal asshole of the first order. Typical.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

How is protecting ones loved ones from violent bigotry bigoted?

If I didn't have to fear a Radical Muslim blowing up my family in cold blood, there wouldn't be any issue at all.
The odds of one of your family members dying at the hands of a crazy Muslim are less than the odds of a family member dying at the hands of a crazy Christian.

Complete unadulterated bullshit
Look it up
Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?

Get along, blend in, live among others peacefully. Instead they turn areas into like they have Dearborn

Islam is way more than a religion and a culture. It it counter to all human values.
You obviously do not understand Islam. Stick to what you know I think there is a Duck Commander marathon on TV right now.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

How is protecting ones loved ones from violent bigotry bigoted?

If I didn't have to fear a Radical Muslim blowing up my family in cold blood, there wouldn't be any issue at all.
The odds of one of your family members dying at the hands of a crazy Muslim are less than the odds of a family member dying at the hands of a crazy Christian.

Complete unadulterated bullshit
Look it up

I don't have to, I know better, go sell your left loon bat shit elsewhere
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?

Get along, blend in, live among others peacefully. Instead they turn areas into like they have Dearborn

Islam is way more than a religion and a culture. It it counter to all human values.
You obviously do not understand Islam. Stick to what you know I think there is a Duck Commander marathon on TV right now.

Oh we get it, you're an Islamapologist...your name Achmed by chance?
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

How is protecting ones loved ones from violent bigotry bigoted?

If I didn't have to fear a Radical Muslim blowing up my family in cold blood, there wouldn't be any issue at all.
The odds of one of your family members dying at the hands of a crazy Muslim are less than the odds of a family member dying at the hands of a crazy Christian.

Complete unadulterated bullshit
Look it up

I don't have to, I know better, go sell your left loon bat shit elsewhere
Sassy doesn't deal in reality, it's why she believes in Jesus...
The odds of one of your family members dying at the hands of a crazy Muslim are less than the odds of a family member dying at the hands of a crazy Christian.

At the moment it is in my country. I have no choice but to take my chances with the crazies already here. That in no way reduces the risk of importing homicidal Islamic Radicals embedded in an influx of refugees.
They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?

Get along, blend in, live among others peacefully. Instead they turn areas into like they have Dearborn

Islam is way more than a religion and a culture. It it counter to all human values.
You obviously do not understand Islam. Stick to what you know I think there is a Duck Commander marathon on TV right now.

Oh we get it, you're an Islamapologist...your name Achmed by chance?
In Islam, unlike that faith for pussies by Jesus, they kill their enemies. You should switch sides, you'd like that part, Burka Bitch...
I live in Europe and am an EU citizen and I'm damned proud they want nothing to do with the scum of the third world here. Czechs aren't the wussies of liberal West Europe.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?
Your enemy thanks you for understanding and not judging.....don't let haters ruin your diverse culture.....
If I hate I empower them. I am perfectly willing to do everything in my power to stop those responsible for this lunacy. I am not prepared to become them to stop them though. So many ppl have died getting us to the point in western society where reason beats hate. I refuse to betray them because a minority of a religion thinks it has a right to kill ppl.
You keep on doing nothing then and letting more in secure in the knowledge that you are so much better than us......that's what your attitude has led to.....permanent inaction in the face of evil which if one wants to be honest is promotion of evil.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

How is protecting ones loved ones from violent bigotry bigoted?

If I didn't have to fear a Radical Muslim blowing up my family in cold blood, there wouldn't be any issue at all.
The odds of one of your family members dying at the hands of a crazy Muslim are less than the odds of a family member dying at the hands of a crazy Christian.

Complete unadulterated bullshit
Look it up

I don't have to, I know better, go sell your left loon bat shit elsewhere
Spoken like a true moron... Have fun in your fantasyland
You think if you come here as a refugee we just let you fill in some forms and send you on your way. You are vetted and searched and referenced and watched even after all that, you can't smuggle in a suitcase full of explosives from Syria I do KNOW that. You are right, I don't know for certain that it weren't refugees. But considering all available information I have, it's by far the most logical deduction.

Then where is all this high power military weaponry coming from? It is our own unsecured borders that allow millions of pounds of illicit drugs to flow across our borders. Isn't the same issue allowing black market automatic weapons, RPGs and explosives to cross yours?

I read today...well, I'll just C&P it here:

The officials described Brussels, especially the Molenbeek neighborhood, as an explosive mix of highly capable foreign fighters trained by ISIS and sympathetic locals who are unknown to authorities but eager to help in attacks.

They noted that when Abdeslam was arrested last week, authorities found a huge cache of weapons, prompting Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders to warn of other imminent attacks.

"He was ready to restart something in Brussels," Reynders said at the German Marshall Fund's Brussels Forum. Besides discovering "a lot of weapons, heavy weapons," Reynders said, "we have found a new network around him in Brussels."

Belgians 'Know They're Sitting on a Time Bomb': Official
How do you suggest you stop smuggling? It's not like ppl here can buy a AK47 right of the rack. Smuggling by definition is clandestine. We have open borders within Europe. But we TRY to secure our borders outside Europe. I do say Try because we have all the problems you would have, and the added problems that we are different countries and cultures. Thinking you can stop everything from coming in is in my opinion simple falacy. I have to conceed your point that open borders don't help the situation, but I have to say. You cannot close a border.
I live in Europe and am an EU citizen and I'm damned proud they want nothing to do with the scum of the third world here. Czechs aren't the wussies of liberal West Europe.
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?
Your enemy thanks you for understanding and not judging.....don't let haters ruin your diverse culture.....
If I hate I empower them. I am perfectly willing to do everything in my power to stop those responsible for this lunacy. I am not prepared to become them to stop them though. So many ppl have died getting us to the point in western society where reason beats hate. I refuse to betray them because a minority of a religion thinks it has a right to kill ppl.
You keep on doing nothing then and letting more in secure in the knowledge that you are so much better than us......that's what your attitude has led to.....permanent inaction in the face of evil which if one wants to be honest is promotion of evil.
It has nothing to do with moral superiority. The more bigotted I become, the larger the pool of discontented ppl groups like ISIS can draw from. Iraq had no terrorists until the US invaded to give an example. Every time a bomb killed an Iraque. Terrorist could claim 'See it's a war against Islam'. They get more powerfull the harder you push. These are not regular armies. They can not match us bomb for bomb. So they do what all combatants do who face overwhelming force. they become Guerillas, they make it a war of atrition. Think of it this way. Today a handfull of ppl succeeded in shutting down large parts of my country, they got the entire world in a frenzy. And they know that almost certain the reaction to that will get them many more recruits then the handfull they lost. I feel that the best way to combat that is to not react. And just so you know, I'm incredibly pissed and sad and I would like nothing better then eat their livers with a spoon, but if I do, they win.
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They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?

Get along, blend in, live among others peacefully. Instead they turn areas into like they have Dearborn

Islam is way more than a religion and a culture. It it counter to all human values.
You obviously do not understand Islam. Stick to what you know I think there is a Duck Commander marathon on TV right now.

Oh we get it, you're an Islamapologist...your name Achmed by chance?
No, its Chris... You can asama lama lick my ballz
How is it a "tragedy" anyway. It's a freaking crime against humanity. The question is whether the left will be able to politicize it and "blame Bush" (or Trump).

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