The Right Politicizing a Tragedy.

And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

How is protecting ones loved ones from violent bigotry bigoted?

If I didn't have to fear a Radical Muslim blowing up my family in cold blood, there wouldn't be any issue at all.
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

You have a better idea? It's obvious whatever that jackass Obama is doing isn't working now is it?
I'm Belgian and I know open borders had nothing to do with this. If you think closed borders have a chance against ppl who are already in country you have a weird sense of direction. It's not refugees commiting these acts, it's 2th or 3rd generation immigrants. And the solution isn't as straightforward as politicians would want you to believe.

You KNOW? Are you a terrorist? Then how the fuck would 'you know'?
Wow took only 5 min before somebody suggested I'm a terrorist. How I know. Because refugees wouldn't have had the chance to get explosives, imbed themselfs in deep enough to pull of an coordinated attack like that. That and the fact that we have had alot of problems with 2th and 3rd generation imigrant youngsters going over to Syria.
"The central figure in Belgian militant Islamism is Fouad Belkacem, a 33-year-old preacher and founder of the group Sharia4Belgium. He was born in Belgium to Moroccan parents, and is a disciple of the British radical Islamist Anjem Choudary."

"Born in the UK on 18 January 1967,[5] Anjem Choudary is the son of a Welling market trader and is of Pakistani descent.[6][7] He attended Mulgrave Primary School, in Woolwich.[8] He enrolled as a medical student at the University of Southampton, where he was known as Andy, but failed his first-year exams. Responding to claims that he was a "party animal" who joined his friends in "getting stoned", in 2014 Choudary commented "I admit that I wasn't always practising... I committed many mistakes in my life."[8][9] He switched to law and spent his final year as a legal student (1990–1991) at Guildford, before moving to London to teach English as a second language. He found work at a legal firm and completed his legal qualifications to become a lawyer."
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

You have a better idea? It's obvious whatever that jackass Obama is doing isn't working now is it?
I wouldn't keep on doing something that isn't working.
You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

You have a better idea? It's obvious whatever that jackass Obama is doing isn't working now is it?
I wouldn't keep on doing something that isn't working.

Well what Obungles is doing isn't working, let's try Putin's game, that seems to work very well. Just kill the Muzzies, kill anyone supporting them, level any village harboring them....soon enough the "moderates" will say uncle
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

You have a better idea? It's obvious whatever that jackass Obama is doing isn't working now is it?
I have no easy ideas. I have given it alot of thaught believe me and the only thing I can figure , is try to catch them before they do anything. Report as little as you can when they do do something, to not make the population more scared then nessecary, since thats's the ultimate goals of terrorism. try to involve the Muslim community into stopping them, taking away their ability to hide. None of it will stop it but unless your willing to kill every single Muslim in the world ,it's the best you can do
You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

You have a better idea? It's obvious whatever that jackass Obama is doing isn't working now is it?
I have no easy ideas. I have given it alot of thaught believe me and the only thing I can figure , is try to catch them before they do anything. Report as little as you can when they do do something, to not make the population more scared then nessecary, since thats's the ultimate goals of terrorism. try to involve the Muslim community into stopping them, taking away their ability to hide. None of it will stop it but unless your willing to kill every single Muslim in the world ,it's the best you can do

At least you're honest...with that said something has to give, enough is enough.
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
Nobody said it wasn't relevant... The post was about hypocrisy

That a politician comments on a political event with a political solution isn't politicizing.

The problem I have with politicizing a mass shooting isn't that there is a discussion about it, it is that the solution presented are almost invariably wrong. The left pushes Universal Background Checks the day of a mass shooting...only to discover that the perpetrator PASSED a background check, or stole the firearm, or had a family member buy is for them.

They have to get their bullshit out BEFORE that truth is revealed, totally undercutting their argument.

This, I think we can all agree, is pretty clear cut. We know that ISIS has claimed responsibility, we know that the perpetrators were likely Radical Islamic terrorists. We have strong circumstantial evidence that the influx of millions of Muslim refugees played a part...especially due to the timing. Are we not to discuss it?
In your opinion it is wrong... Others see violence and want their leaders to take action so there is nothing wrong with evoking the discussion to find solutions. The Right attacks the Left every time they respond to gun violence with a gun control discussion. Whether you agree with the ideas or talking points makes no difference to this discussion. Now the script has flipped and the Right is doing the same thing to advance their agenda. Again, I say there is nothing wrong with that, however, there is blaring hypocrisy.
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.
I'm Belgian and I know open borders had nothing to do with this. If you think closed borders have a chance against ppl who are already in country you have a weird sense of direction. It's not refugees commiting these acts, it's 2th or 3rd generation immigrants. And the solution isn't as straightforward as politicians would want you to believe.

You KNOW? Are you a terrorist? Then how the fuck would 'you know'?
Wow took only 5 min before somebody suggested I'm a terrorist. How I know. Because refugees wouldn't have had the chance to get explosives, imbed themselfs in deep enough to pull of an coordinated attack like that. That and the fact that we have had alot of problems with 2th and 3rd generation imigrant youngsters going over to Syria.

You said 'I KNOW'...the only way you could know is if you knew exactly who the terrorists are...and at this point, the only people who know that with certainty are the terrorists.

It was a logical deduction based on your certainty of knowledge.

If you are NOT a terrorist, that undercuts your decree that 'you know'.

As to the rest...are you fucking kidding me???

How about they brought it in a suitcase from Syria?

Embed themselves? They walked into a Subway Station. Even that imbecile TeaBagger couldn't fuck that up, and he can barely articulate a cohesive thought in his native language.

I'm not saying it's possible they were not refugees...I'm saying IMO it is likely based on timing, open border policies were a factor. You are refusing to entertain likelihoods based on political ideology.

If you are honest in your assessment, you would conclude that it is highly likely that open border policies contributed to this terror attack. Any reasonable, objective observer would.
You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
Eloquent, since you obviously are an expert in Europe and the country I LIVE in. Pease share your wisdom why it is bulshit?

You are your nation (and Europe) have invited this disaster with your coddling of those that wish to have your heads. Europe...hasn't learned a damn thing in a millennium
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
There is not much difference between Islam and Christianity... Its how the extremists chose to interpret and react. You are a moron if you think declaring war on an entire religion is a smart idea.
Last edited:
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

How is protecting ones loved ones from violent bigotry bigoted?

If I didn't have to fear a Radical Muslim blowing up my family in cold blood, there wouldn't be any issue at all.
The odds of one of your family members dying at the hands of a crazy Muslim are less than the odds of a family member dying at the hands of a crazy Christian.
As a continent which has a very long and bloody history with religious intolarance we are a bit more inclined to try to get along first. Second unless ppl learn to walk on water the US has a somewhat easier time to keep ppl who want your head out. this is a very complex, historical, cultural and religious problem. Trying to fit it on a bumpersticker does more harm then good. And this comes from a guy 30 miles from the bombing and someone who had to pass a military roadblock to come home from work today.

How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?
And as the fact that I'm a pussy. I ask you what takes more courage. Cuddling in a corner yelling, your not welcome. Or standing in front of idiots and saying, you can't scare me into becoming a bigot?

How is protecting ones loved ones from violent bigotry bigoted?

If I didn't have to fear a Radical Muslim blowing up my family in cold blood, there wouldn't be any issue at all.
The odds of one of your family members dying at the hands of a crazy Muslim are less than the odds of a family member dying at the hands of a crazy Christian.

Complete unadulterated bullshit
How's that "getting along" working out for ya? You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass. Get in touch with GW Bush he knows how...or try Putin, he's pretty good also but stay away from Obama, that dumbass thinks ISIS is contained
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?

Get along, blend in, live among others peacefully. Instead they turn areas into like they have Dearborn
I'm Belgian and I know open borders had nothing to do with this. If you think closed borders have a chance against ppl who are already in country you have a weird sense of direction. It's not refugees commiting these acts, it's 2th or 3rd generation immigrants. And the solution isn't as straightforward as politicians would want you to believe.

You KNOW? Are you a terrorist? Then how the fuck would 'you know'?
Wow took only 5 min before somebody suggested I'm a terrorist. How I know. Because refugees wouldn't have had the chance to get explosives, imbed themselfs in deep enough to pull of an coordinated attack like that. That and the fact that we have had alot of problems with 2th and 3rd generation imigrant youngsters going over to Syria.

You said 'I KNOW'...the only way you could know is if you knew exactly who the terrorists are...and at this point, the only people who know that with certainty are the terrorists.

It was a logical deduction based on your certainty of knowledge.

If you are NOT a terrorist, that undercuts you decree that 'you know'.

As to the rest...are you fucking kidding me???

How about they brought it in a suitcase from Syria?

Embed themselves? They walked into a Subway Station. Even that imbecile TeaBagger couldn't fuck that up, and he can barely write a cohesive sentence in his native language.

I'm not saying it's possible they were not refugees...I'm saying IMO it is likely based on timing, open border policies were a factor. You are refusing to entertain likelihoods based on political ideology.

If you are honest in your assessment, you would conclude that it is highly likely that open border policies contributed to this terror attack. Any reasonable, objective observer would.
You think if you come here as a refugee we just let you fill in some forms and send you on your way. You are vetted and searched and referenced and watched even after all that, you can't smuggle in a suitcase full of explosives from Syria I do KNOW that. You are right, I don't know for certain that it weren't refugees. But considering all available information I have, it's by far the most logical deduction.
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?

Get along, blend in, live among others peacefully. Instead they turn areas into like they have Dearborn

Islam is way more than a religion and a culture. It it counter to all human values.
" You'd be wise to go American and stick a boot up some Muzzie ass."
Of course...because that's worked out so well in the past.

Muslims need to be made to feel unwelcome in the non Muslim world and we need to employ a lot of strategies and a boot in the ass would be one of them.

Islam is the enemy of all humanity and that being the case it is time to drop the political correctness and declare war on Islam as they have declared war on us. Since these last terrorists who attacked in Brussels were known they should have been killed long ago. That is how you treat the enemy.
I think exactly the opposite.
The Muslims need to be engaged and encouraged by their new country.
The community needs to feel that they have too much to lose to allow radicals to come in and fuck everything up for them.

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.
What do you mean by 'assimilate'?

Get along, blend in, live among others peacefully. Instead they turn areas into like they have Dearborn
Every country in the world has Muslims living peacefully with everyone else.

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