The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

Or will they unknowingly be carrying the virus with them, as they go from infected homes to uninfected homes, touching door knobs and spraying mucus while talking to people?
I'm sure they'll be well protected.
"Strike Force"?? Will they have bullet-proof vests or just flyers with vaccination info?
I think someone decided to use the term 'strike force' to identify the response teams that will go to high infection areas to help coordinate efforts to track infections and get as many people vaccinated as possible. The anti-vaxers have portrayed this into fear mongering scenario of black helicopters with masked men forcing their way into your home to hold you down while they vaccinate you.
I found your second paragraph very thought-provoking. You stated some ideas that I have never heard before.

I am glad that you were allowed to post those comments here.

I hear that at places like Facebook and Twitter (both of which I have never visited), your comments might be considered "misinformation" and thus prohibited.
Be careful. He just rattled off a bunch of unverified, unsupported ideas that are, to say the least, a minority opinion (to say the most, life-threatening quackery), and you seem to have accepted it with no question, and then criticized others for limiting its reach. I encourage you to insist on science.
Yes, I answer the door. I also have my vaccine passport in hand.
You sound quite chuffed with yourself. Tell me something... if Trump had been re-elected and it was HIS CDC and NIH that was putting out feelers to see the public mood for vaccine mandates, would you still be cheerfully waiting to comply when they said:
Zeig mir deine Papiere! ?

If these canvassers knock on my door I will greet them courteously and briefly explain that their time will be spent more productively, somewhere else.
I encourage you to insist on science.

I would encourage your group to actually provide a scientific record of any kind.

In fact, what is never mentioned in mainstream media in the West or almost anywhere in the world is the scientific record of the major global vaccine making pharmaceutical giants.

To say our CDC director has been in her field for twenty years isn't what we'd all call a scientific record, but does routinely seem to be the fallback response when asked for the scientific record.

So. That said. "The Science"

Where is it? What is it? What is the science?

Do you even understand the very nature of science itself?

Given the stark reality that the very nature of science emands that there are always more questions to be askerd, it seems to me, and anyone with an ounce of common sense, that there is no such thing as "the science". It's being used as nothing more than a catch phrase by what are effectively tenured political scientists.

The only real thing they're a acomplishing in that is bastadizing genuine science and driving people to lose trust in genuine science.

Anyway. Placing all of this aside, which doesn't by any means forward the notion that I'm done with those terms of controversy, I'll ask again.

Please provide for the group the scientific record of the major global vaccine making pharmaceutical giants.

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These people are absolutely petrified of needles, imagined commies and darker-skinned immigrants.

It's a state of perpetual paranoia, courtesy of talk radio and their internet.
Versus those other people whom are too emotional and too ignorant to know they should be "petrified" of experimental vaccines, people in power pushing/supporting commie shit and dark ILLEGAL immigrants whom destroy EVERY place they inhabit?
Versus those other people whom are too emotional and too ignorant to know they should be "petrified" of experimental vaccines, people in power pushing/supporting commie shit and dark ILLEGAL immigrants whom destroy EVERY place they inhabit?
Oh, hey, it's Mac.

Mac, will you provide for the group the scientific record of the major global vaccine making pharmaceutical giants?

He can' he won't ofcourse.
But his extreme case of FEELZ tells him he should follow Father Governments orders on this one....right Mac1958 ?
The door to door thing is not armed gov't agents forcing anyone to get the vaccine.

It is volunteers putting out information, and possibly offering the vaccine. Talk about making mountains out of molehills. This kind of fear mongering is disgusting.
The door to door thing is not armed gov't agents forcing anyone to get the vaccine.

It is volunteers putting out information, and possibly offering the vaccine. Talk about making mountains out of molehills. This kind of fear mongering is disgusting.

I'm afraid it's a tad deeper than that, WB.

In fact, it's almost as if it's an election canvassing campaign, judging by some of the questions. That's a bit of a different discusion, but it is directly germane here since we have political scientists functioning in the name of science.

For the moment, however, I'm content to keep the topical relevant to the former rather than the latter.
I can see this turning bad due to the fear mongering.

Volunteers going around knocking on doors trying to convince people to get vaccinated. No armed gov't agents, just volunteers. And the work is to convince people, not force them.

But some lunatic will end up shooting one of these volunteers. And the real shit will start.
The door to door thing is not armed gov't agents forcing anyone to get the vaccine.

It is volunteers putting out information, and possibly offering the vaccine. Talk about making mountains out of molehills. This kind of fear mongering is disgusting.
That's an awfully myopic perspective....just the way Father Government likes it I'm sure.
He can' he won't ofcourse.
But his extreme case of FEELZ tells him he should follow Father Governments orders on this one....right Mac1958 ?
I don't know why you guys are so pissy, when I support your right to not get vaccinated and I'm against mandates.

You're terribly sensitive.

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