The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

I don't know what you mean.

And why would I do whatever that is, precisely?
Playing stupid again I see...I'll play along
He's asking you to share the reports from the completed clinical trials from the vaccine makers?
I mean, only a rat would volunteer to be a lab rat...right?
I pray to God that you are right.

And this is why the DHS is worried about violence from Trump supporters without having any specific intel to supports it.

Praying to God that there will be people shooting at volunteers trying to convince people to get the vaccine???
And this is why the DHS is worried about violence from Trump supporters without having any specific intel to supports it.

Praying to God that there will be people shooting at volunteers trying to convince people to get the vaccine???
I'm hoping for anything to incite the clash that needs to happen, that has to happen.
Playing stupid again I see...I'll play along
He's asking you to share the reports from the completed clinical trials from the vaccine makers?
I mean, only a rat would volunteer to be a lab rat...right?
I support your right to not get vaccinated, and I'm against mandates.

Anything else? Or you do want to keep pretending that I'm fighting you on something?
I've been spending a great deal of time researching the history, and in some cases literal crimes, of these pharmaceutical companies lately.

I'm likely going to outline these some time in the near future. Oh, it's gonna be a real hoot. Oh yes indeed!

But in the mean time, did you all know that Moderna, unlike J&J or Pfizer, has yet to be sued for illegal practices?

True story.

The fact of the matter is that before its EUA for its mRNA experimental vaccine, in its entire ten years existence since 2010, Moderna has failed to get FDA approval to market a single medicine, despite repeated failed attempts.


Moderna and Fauci’s NIAID have collaborated on development of vaccines using Moderna’s mRNA platform and NIAID of Fauci on coronaviruses including MERS, since at least November, 2015.

On January 13, 2020, before the first case of a supposed Wuhan, China “novel coronavirus” was even detected in the United States, Fauci’s NIAID and Moderna signed an updated cooperation agreement which described them as co-owners of a mRNA based coronavirus and that they had finalized a sequence for mRNA-1273, the vaccine now being given to millions for supposedly averting the novel coronavirus. That means that Fauci’s NIAID and perhaps Fauci personally (it’s allowed in the US) stood to reap huge financial benefits from emergency approval of the Moderna jab, yet Fauci has never admitted to the conflict publicly when he was Trump corona adviser, nor as Biden’s.

Ten days later on January 23, 2020 Moderna announced it was granted funding by CEPI, a vaccine fund created by Bill Gates’ foundation along with Davos WEF among others, to develop an mRNA vaccine for the Wuhan virus.

Which brings us back full circle to President Trump's Mr. Operation Warp Speed.

Or should we rather refer to it as Operation Foreknowledge?

Here's why...

Up to its receiving EUA approval for its covid mRNA product in December 2020 Moderna had only made losses since its founding. Then curiously, following a March 2020 personal meeting with then-President Trump where Bancel told the president Moderna could have a vaccine ready in a matter of months Moderna luck changed.

On May 15, Trump announced creation of Operation Warp Seed to rollout a COVID-19 vaccine by December. The head of the Presidential group was a 30-year R&D veteran of the large UK drug firm GSK, Moncef Slaoui. In 2017 Slaoui had resigned from GSK and joined the board of none other than Moderna. Under Slaoui’s Warp Speed, some $22 billion of US taxpayer money was thrown at different vaccine makers. Moderna was a prime recipient, a brazen conflict of interest but nobody seemed to care. Slaoui funneled some $2 billion in government funds to his old company, Moderna, to develop the mRNA covid vaccine. Only under public criticism did Slaoui sell his stock in Moderna, making millions in profit from Moderna’s role as a covid vaccine leading candidate. Shortly after resigning at the end of the Trump presidency, Slaoui was fired by his old firm GSK from a company subsidiary following charges of sexual harassment of a female employee.

In February 2020 Trump Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) to exempt Moderna, Pfizer, J&J and any future covid makers from any and all liability arising from damage or death caused by their vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus. The legal protection lasts until 2024. If the vaccines are so good and safe, why is such a measure needed?

Here's a link for that , btw... And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?
I support your right to not get vaccinated, and I'm against mandates.

Anything else? Or you do want to keep pretending that I'm fighting you on something?
Playing coy?
I may be seeing things but I thought you just said this:
"These people are absolutely petrified of needles, imagined commies and darker-skinned immigrants.
It's a state of perpetual paranoia, courtesy of talk radio and their internet."

Are you not inferring that one is petrified if they don't partake in a lab experiment?
It seems the other way around to me....only a petrified individual would willingly take an experimental vaccine...right?
I don't know what you mean.

And why would I do whatever that is, precisely?

Of course, you don't.

It's why it's so disturbing when armchair political pundits pop off about "the science' around here.

And don't worry about why you would or wouldn't do that?

Reason being is that you can't. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

I just wanted the group to see that you had no idea what the scientific record actually meant in relation to the critical nature of the topical.

Thanks, Mac! You're swell!
Myopic? I am going by the articles I have read. "Armed agents" is not mentioned.
Government is force!

We want as little of it ass possible.

The Founders agree.

In fact, they wrote it down as the very model for our Republic's heathy existence.

"Strictly limited"
Playing coy?
I may be seeing things but I thought you just said this:
"These people are absolutely petrified of needles, imagined commies and darker-skinned immigrants.
It's a state of perpetual paranoia, courtesy of talk radio and their internet."

Are you not inferring that one is petrified if they don't partake in a lab experiment?
It seems the other way around to me....only a petrified individual would willingly take an experimental vaccine...right?
Of course, you don't.

It's why it's so disturbing when armchair political pundits pop off about "the science' around here.

And don't worry about why you would or wouldn't do that?

Reason being is that you can't. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

I just wanted the group to see that you had no idea what the scientific record actually meant in relation to the critical nature of the topical.

Thanks, Mac! You're swell!
You're so welcome!

And I still support your right to not get vaccinated and I'm still against mandates, too!
Is it? I have seen nothing from any reputable source saying that the people going door to door will be armed gov't agents. Do you have a reputable source that says that?

Yeah. In time. At the moment, they're scrambling because the questions got out to some of our senators and congressmen. I guess they thought they were just gonna do wha tthey wanted and that nobody was going to question them about it.

So let's wait and see what they end up keeping and tossing, now that the question has been proposed to them why they're asking those specific questions.

I wouldn't post anything unless the sources were accurate, WB.
Government is force!

We want as little of it ass possible.

The Founders agree.

In fact, they wrote it down as the very model for our Republic's heathy existence.

"Strictly limited"

And you think having volunteers come around to TALK to people about getting vaccinated is making the gov't bigger???

I am all for smaller gov't too. But fear mongering about volunteers going around trying to convince people to get vaccinated is just pitiful.
Oh believe me it does....Core Americans want their country back from the filthy fucks in power who are working against them and their interests.

So you want American citizens to die because they volunteered to go door to door to talk about vaccinations? And you have the audacity to call anyone else "filthy fucks"?

Yeah, I know what you want. I am also willing to bet that you want someone else to start it, so you can stand by and see how it goes before you commit to it.

I am not a fan of most of the elected officials in DC. But I will stand against ANY one who thinks opening fire on volunteers is a good thing. I will also happily weapon and stand against a coup by the lunatic fringe.
But I will stand against ANY one who thinks opening fire on volunteers is a good thing
I never said it was a "good thing".
Look, I'm thoroughly convinced that some crazy-ass chaotic shit has to happen in order to force change...I don't know what that may be, but I know good, real Americans are fed the fuck up...they're backed in the corner and ready to take a by any means necessary approach to this shit. Keep your popcorn close.
Sooo, going around house to house combatting misinformation and asking people to get vaccinated is a "strike force"? Somebody's been watching a few too many action movies. :)
Here's the bottom line. You have individual rights. However, those rights, essentially end at the tip of your nose. As has been pointed out
multiple times, you don't have the individual right to spread a virus and infect and affect your fellow citizen. Plus, you should be all in on
getting the vax because it will allow you to get back to the "normal" you knuckleheads have been bitching about for the last 1.5 years.
House to house is an intrusion upon privacy. One simply needs to place a NO TRESSPASSING sign up to make legal action possible. Unless of course the legislators decide to give the canvassing body the same type of immunity that the postal carriers have.....somehow I doubt that will happen.


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