The Right To Bear Arms


When will the confusing, poorly worded Second Amendment be updated to reflect modern reality?

I have a suggestion for rewording the 2nd reflect modern reality.....

"The Right to Keep and Bear arms is absolute.....and cannot be stopped by either local or federal government, and just because there are people who pretended to not understand the first iteration of this Amendment......let us be clear......people can own, carry and defend themselves with pistols and rifles, especially those used by the current military, but not excluding any others......and no treaties with foreign nations will stop this right......oh......and for those gun grabbers who will try to be clever.....ammo and equipment needed to operate pistols and rifles are off limits as well.....they carry the same protection as the pistols and rifles.....oh.......and again......for those who pretended not to understand the first attempt at this.........this does not mean for a is an absolute individual right.....get it......."

There....that may need some work, since the gun grabbers will weasle around just about anything you try to do to stop them....but we'll start with this....

So you want people to have machine guns?

anything civilian police have other civilians should be able to buy with nothing more than a background check. same with the standard issue individual infantry weapon. when we get to crew served heavy machine guns we are nearing the limit of arms that individuals KEEP and BEAR

So then you do think people should have fully automatic weapons? Just limit at heavy machine guns? Now that is remarkably stupid. Like criminals aren't already doing enough damage with semi autos and hi cap magazines. You want to give them machine guns. Our machine gun laws now work great. The gun nuts can get them but they are practically gone from crime. Only a real dope would want to change that.
Most of the U.S. does not carry because they know they will never need a gun.

And Brain....if you figure out a way to determine which Americans need their guns each day and which don' would be a wealthy man......until is better that each individual decide for themselves.....

And the French have fewer gun murders because their criminals don't use guns to murder is really as simple as that....since these three terrorists decided to murder people, went out, got illegal millitary rifles.....and murdered people.....gun control only works for those who decide to obey the law....and those who are caught breaking will never work like Tom Cruise and the movie "minority report..."

Yes individuals should decide.

The French also have a much lower homicide rate. And like I said what happened there could happen here despite all our guns. Companies don't let employees carry.

Companies don't let employees carry.

some do some dont

Yes some small do. But name some large companies that do.

dont be absurd

there are tons of them

almost every state has laws preventing employers

from banning employees bring firearms in their vehicles

on the company site

When will the confusing, poorly worded Second Amendment be updated to reflect modern reality?

I have a suggestion for rewording the 2nd reflect modern reality.....

"The Right to Keep and Bear arms is absolute.....and cannot be stopped by either local or federal government, and just because there are people who pretended to not understand the first iteration of this Amendment......let us be clear......people can own, carry and defend themselves with pistols and rifles, especially those used by the current military, but not excluding any others......and no treaties with foreign nations will stop this right......oh......and for those gun grabbers who will try to be clever.....ammo and equipment needed to operate pistols and rifles are off limits as well.....they carry the same protection as the pistols and rifles.....oh.......and again......for those who pretended not to understand the first attempt at this.........this does not mean for a is an absolute individual right.....get it......."

There....that may need some work, since the gun grabbers will weasle around just about anything you try to do to stop them....but we'll start with this....

So you want people to have machine guns?

anything civilian police have other civilians should be able to buy with nothing more than a background check. same with the standard issue individual infantry weapon. when we get to crew served heavy machine guns we are nearing the limit of arms that individuals KEEP and BEAR

So then you do think people should have fully automatic weapons? Just limit at heavy machine guns? Now that is remarkably stupid. Like criminals aren't already doing enough damage with semi autos and hi cap magazines. You want to give them machine guns. Our machine gun laws now work great. The gun nuts can get them but they are practically gone from crime. Only a real dope would want to change that.
1) yes-select fire carbines, machine pistols, and sub machine guns.

2) you are too stupid to understand that full automatic is usually less dangerous than semi auto

3) there has been NO crimes with legal machine guns in 80 years, banning ones made after May 19, 1986 was spiteful, unconstitutional and not base on any legitimate reason

4) if cops have them, that means Other civilians should have them

tell us moron

why do cops need machine guns?
Most of the U.S. does not carry because they know they will never need a gun.

And Brain....if you figure out a way to determine which Americans need their guns each day and which don' would be a wealthy man......until is better that each individual decide for themselves.....

And the French have fewer gun murders because their criminals don't use guns to murder is really as simple as that....since these three terrorists decided to murder people, went out, got illegal millitary rifles.....and murdered people.....gun control only works for those who decide to obey the law....and those who are caught breaking will never work like Tom Cruise and the movie "minority report..."

Yes individuals should decide.

The French also have a much lower homicide rate. And like I said what happened there could happen here despite all our guns. Companies don't let employees carry.

Companies don't let employees carry.

some do some dont

Yes some small do. But name some large companies that do.

dont be absurd

there are tons of them

almost every state has laws preventing employers

from banning employees bring firearms in their vehicles

on the company site

You didn't name any or provide a link supporting your claim.
Don't get me wrong. I'm licensed for CCW and I carry a gun from time to time. So I'm not opposed per se to the notion that guns do more good than harm. What I do oppose is constructing an argument for either position out of whole cloth, and John Lott has been stitching together his argument for longer than he should.

Do Guns Protect Us? Violence Policy Center Says No

The gun debate should be an honest one.

If you want an honest discussion why do you use such an overtly biased organization? There is nothing balanced about anything they do. You say one thing and then do the exact opposite.

Hard to take anyone seriously who is that screwed up.

Well, sparky, it's better than listening to Ted Nugent and the NRA.

No, it's every bit as biased which makes it every bit as worthless as what they say. It's a shame your so dishonest you can't see that.

When will the confusing, poorly worded Second Amendment be updated to reflect modern reality?

I have a suggestion for rewording the 2nd reflect modern reality.....

"The Right to Keep and Bear arms is absolute.....and cannot be stopped by either local or federal government, and just because there are people who pretended to not understand the first iteration of this Amendment......let us be clear......people can own, carry and defend themselves with pistols and rifles, especially those used by the current military, but not excluding any others......and no treaties with foreign nations will stop this right......oh......and for those gun grabbers who will try to be clever.....ammo and equipment needed to operate pistols and rifles are off limits as well.....they carry the same protection as the pistols and rifles.....oh.......and again......for those who pretended not to understand the first attempt at this.........this does not mean for a is an absolute individual right.....get it......."

There....that may need some work, since the gun grabbers will weasle around just about anything you try to do to stop them....but we'll start with this....

So you want people to have machine guns?

anything civilian police have other civilians should be able to buy with nothing more than a background check. same with the standard issue individual infantry weapon. when we get to crew served heavy machine guns we are nearing the limit of arms that individuals KEEP and BEAR

So then you do think people should have fully automatic weapons? Just limit at heavy machine guns? Now that is remarkably stupid. Like criminals aren't already doing enough damage with semi autos and hi cap magazines. You want to give them machine guns. Our machine gun laws now work great. The gun nuts can get them but they are practically gone from crime. Only a real dope would want to change that.
1) yes-select fire carbines, machine pistols, and sub machine guns.

2) you are too stupid to understand that full automatic is usually less dangerous than semi auto

3) there has been NO crimes with legal machine guns in 80 years, banning ones made after May 19, 1986 was spiteful, unconstitutional and not base on any legitimate reason

4) if cops have them, that means Other civilians should have them

tell us moron

why do cops need machine guns?

Do cops have machine guns?

Do explain how a full auto is less dangerous than a semi auto. Maybe you can tell that to the guy training the young girl with the uzi...

Always with the name calling turtle. Why so childish all the time?

When did you become so pro criminal? They would love to have easy access to machine guns.
I am also a gun lover, but the 2nd Amendment will be changed. It's just a matter of time...

When it is, the gulags and mass graves will be right around the corner.

That is just silly.

And, historically correct.

Really mass graves? There is a long list of countries where very few people have guns. They don't have mass graves. Sorry but it is silly. You obviously aren't looking at modern history.

When will the confusing, poorly worded Second Amendment be updated to reflect modern reality?

I have a suggestion for rewording the 2nd reflect modern reality.....

"The Right to Keep and Bear arms is absolute.....and cannot be stopped by either local or federal government, and just because there are people who pretended to not understand the first iteration of this Amendment......let us be clear......people can own, carry and defend themselves with pistols and rifles, especially those used by the current military, but not excluding any others......and no treaties with foreign nations will stop this right......oh......and for those gun grabbers who will try to be clever.....ammo and equipment needed to operate pistols and rifles are off limits as well.....they carry the same protection as the pistols and rifles.....oh.......and again......for those who pretended not to understand the first attempt at this.........this does not mean for a is an absolute individual right.....get it......."

There....that may need some work, since the gun grabbers will weasle around just about anything you try to do to stop them....but we'll start with this....

So you want people to have machine guns?

anything civilian police have other civilians should be able to buy with nothing more than a background check. same with the standard issue individual infantry weapon. when we get to crew served heavy machine guns we are nearing the limit of arms that individuals KEEP and BEAR

So then you do think people should have fully automatic weapons? Just limit at heavy machine guns? Now that is remarkably stupid. Like criminals aren't already doing enough damage with semi autos and hi cap magazines. You want to give them machine guns. Our machine gun laws now work great. The gun nuts can get them but they are practically gone from crime. Only a real dope would want to change that.

I do. I have 10 machineguns. They're a blast to shoot, and my friends love to come up from California on the 4th of July and shoot them. Just so you know, the only legally held machinegun ever used in a crime was a Mac-10 that a cop used to try and murder someone. The only thing the machinegun laws have done is make them super expensive so the average person can't afford them. The criminals who want them still get them and the values just keep going up and up. My first MG cost less than the tax stamp that accompanies the paperwork. Those days are long gone.
I have a suggestion for rewording the 2nd reflect modern reality.....

"The Right to Keep and Bear arms is absolute.....and cannot be stopped by either local or federal government, and just because there are people who pretended to not understand the first iteration of this Amendment......let us be clear......people can own, carry and defend themselves with pistols and rifles, especially those used by the current military, but not excluding any others......and no treaties with foreign nations will stop this right......oh......and for those gun grabbers who will try to be clever.....ammo and equipment needed to operate pistols and rifles are off limits as well.....they carry the same protection as the pistols and rifles.....oh.......and again......for those who pretended not to understand the first attempt at this.........this does not mean for a is an absolute individual right.....get it......."

There....that may need some work, since the gun grabbers will weasle around just about anything you try to do to stop them....but we'll start with this....

So you want people to have machine guns?

anything civilian police have other civilians should be able to buy with nothing more than a background check. same with the standard issue individual infantry weapon. when we get to crew served heavy machine guns we are nearing the limit of arms that individuals KEEP and BEAR

So then you do think people should have fully automatic weapons? Just limit at heavy machine guns? Now that is remarkably stupid. Like criminals aren't already doing enough damage with semi autos and hi cap magazines. You want to give them machine guns. Our machine gun laws now work great. The gun nuts can get them but they are practically gone from crime. Only a real dope would want to change that.
1) yes-select fire carbines, machine pistols, and sub machine guns.

2) you are too stupid to understand that full automatic is usually less dangerous than semi auto

3) there has been NO crimes with legal machine guns in 80 years, banning ones made after May 19, 1986 was spiteful, unconstitutional and not base on any legitimate reason

4) if cops have them, that means Other civilians should have them

tell us moron

why do cops need machine guns?

Do cops have machine guns?

Do explain how a full auto is less dangerous than a semi auto. Maybe you can tell that to the guy training the young girl with the uzi...

Always with the name calling turtle. Why so childish all the time?

When did you become so pro criminal? They would love to have easy access to machine guns.

Most people can't hit the inside of a barn when they shoot a fully automatic weapon. The person taking rapid single shots is far more deadly. If you weren't such an ignorant twit you would know that.
I am also a gun lover, but the 2nd Amendment will be changed. It's just a matter of time...

When it is, the gulags and mass graves will be right around the corner.

That is just silly.

And, historically correct.

Really mass graves? There is a long list of countries where very few people have guns. They don't have mass graves. Sorry but it is silly. You obviously aren't looking at modern history.

Name them.

When will the confusing, poorly worded Second Amendment be updated to reflect modern reality?

I have a suggestion for rewording the 2nd reflect modern reality.....

"The Right to Keep and Bear arms is absolute.....and cannot be stopped by either local or federal government, and just because there are people who pretended to not understand the first iteration of this Amendment......let us be clear......people can own, carry and defend themselves with pistols and rifles, especially those used by the current military, but not excluding any others......and no treaties with foreign nations will stop this right......oh......and for those gun grabbers who will try to be clever.....ammo and equipment needed to operate pistols and rifles are off limits as well.....they carry the same protection as the pistols and rifles.....oh.......and again......for those who pretended not to understand the first attempt at this.........this does not mean for a is an absolute individual right.....get it......."

There....that may need some work, since the gun grabbers will weasle around just about anything you try to do to stop them....but we'll start with this....

So you want people to have machine guns?

anything civilian police have other civilians should be able to buy with nothing more than a background check. same with the standard issue individual infantry weapon. when we get to crew served heavy machine guns we are nearing the limit of arms that individuals KEEP and BEAR

So then you do think people should have fully automatic weapons? Just limit at heavy machine guns? Now that is remarkably stupid. Like criminals aren't already doing enough damage with semi autos and hi cap magazines. You want to give them machine guns. Our machine gun laws now work great. The gun nuts can get them but they are practically gone from crime. Only a real dope would want to change that.

I do. I have 10 machineguns. They're a blast to shoot, and my friends love to come up from California on the 4th of July and shoot them. Just so you know, the only legally held machinegun ever used in a crime was a Mac-10 that a cop used to try and murder someone. The only thing the machinegun laws have done is make them super expensive so the average person can't afford them. The criminals who want them still get them and the values just keep going up and up. My first MG cost less than the tax stamp that accompanies the paperwork. Those days are long gone.

When was the last time you heard of them being used in the crime? Last time I checked they are almost never used.

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