The Right To Bear Arms

The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that
The NRA liberal ideology is the spirit of Anti-Christ.
I corrected your mistake for you...

You actually "altered" a quote - which is against the rules.
You clearly don't grasp the spirit of that rule. Go ahead and report it - watch the mod's laugh at you...

(Psst...if you admit you are "altering" and then make it clear which part you altered - you are not actually "altering" but simply indicating that you believe it needed corrections)
The NRA liberal ideology is the spirit of Anti-Christ.
I corrected your mistake for you...

You actually "altered" a quote - which is against the rules.
You clearly don't grasp the spirit of that rule. Go ahead and report it - watch the mod's laugh at you...

(Psst...if you admit you are "altering" and then make it clear which part you altered - you are not actually "altering" but simply indicating that you believe it needed corrections)

Not if you leave it in the quote box along with the originator's name. You need to quote it OUTSIDE the quote box - separate from the originator's name.
frigidweirdo wrote: You have to love it when people pick and choose their facts.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... some people are bad `bout dat."
heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...

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