The Right To Bear Arms

Hillary won't take our guns.

She disagrees with you...

And here's one of her delegates affirming that philosophy....

are you cable of comprehension at all??? are you really this stupid??? to believe that she wants to take your guns away ??? did you even listen to what she was talking about ??? automatic weapons you fool not your hunting rifle, not your hand gun ... automatic weapons ,,, better back ground check ... keep the mental case from buying guns ... are you really this stupid that you feel she wants to take your guns away ... then I guess you're mother is your fathers sister ... thats the only way you could be this stupid
Hillary won't take our guns.

She disagrees with you...

And here's one of her delegates affirming that philosophy....

are you cable of comprehension at all??? are you really this stupid??? to believe that she wants to take your guns away ??? did you even listen to what she was talking about ??? automatic weapons you fool not your hunting rifle, not your hand gun ... automatic weapons ,,, better back ground check ... keep the mental case from buying guns ... are you really this stupid that you feel she wants to take your guns away ... then I guess you're mother is your fathers sister ... thats the only way you could be this stupid

Define ALL for the class, please.
Hillary won't take our guns.
its sad that these people would believe that every democrat in the house including hillary would be stupid enough to take your guns amazes me how stupid republicans are

No, what is sad is you can hear them actually make the statements that they do, and then you be so devoid of critical thinking that you are unable to add 2+2. That is sad.
heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...

First it's one type, than the next. And why is the Armalite 15 the posterchild for gun control? Because those for gun control, are trying to regulate shit, they know nothing about. Oohhh it's a black scary boogie man gun. As far as I'm concerned, I should have an M-16. The infringement has already went too far. Liberals will not stop, until we are limited to single shot musket loaders.
Hillary won't take our guns.

She disagrees with you...

And here's one of her delegates affirming that philosophy....

are you cable of comprehension at all??? are you really this stupid??? to believe that she wants to take your guns away ??? did you even listen to what she was talking about ??? automatic weapons you fool not your hunting rifle, not your hand gun ... automatic weapons ,,, better back ground check ... keep the mental case from buying guns ... are you really this stupid that you feel she wants to take your guns away ... then I guess you're mother is your fathers sister ... thats the only way you could be this stupid

Are you really this stupid?
Hillary won't take our guns.
its sad that these people would believe that every democrat in the house including hillary would be stupid enough to take your guns amazes me how stupid republicans are
We look on in fear, not about your desire to try and take our guns, but at the level of indoctrination you exhibit. Fixing this is probably the biggest threat America has ever faced......
Hillary won't take our guns.

She disagrees with you...

And here's one of her delegates affirming that philosophy....

are you cable of comprehension at all??? are you really this stupid??? to believe that she wants to take your guns away ??? did you even listen to what she was talking about ??? automatic weapons you fool not your hunting rifle, not your hand gun ... automatic weapons ,,, better back ground check ... keep the mental case from buying guns ... are you really this stupid that you feel she wants to take your guns away ... then I guess you're mother is your fathers sister ... thats the only way you could be this stupid

You are calling others stupid. But you think we can have automatic weapons. Semi auto is all we have.
Hillary won't take our guns.

Crooked Hillary will just use her filthy ass powers as President to enact "common sense" gun control measures that will keep the Second Amendment in place but take away all or many of the rights inherent in the amendment. Just like they do in the commie states.

It doesn't do you any good if you have the right to keep and bear arms if the fucking piece of shit oppressive government requires that you get permission from them to enjoy the right, like in background checks.

It doesn't do you any good if you have the right to keep and bear arms if the fucking piece of shit oppressive government restricts the types of arms that you can have.

It doesn't do you any good if you have the right to keep and bear arms if the fucking piece of shit oppressive government restricts the ammo that you can have.

It doesn't do you any good if you have the right to keep and bear arms if the fucking piece of shit oppressive government restricts the size of the magazines that you can have.

FHRC. Only an idiot would vote for her.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.

Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

They do? Actually, you murder innocent people by preventing them from defending themselves. The blood of people in Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Washington Navy Yard, Aurora, San Bernardino, Columbine, ... on your hands. You've done zero to take guns from criminals.

Hey, remember all the crap you spewed on this thread without ever an actual practical proposal to keep guns out of the hands of criminals? You're a joke.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals, what is your plan?

Your plan? Keep saying that gun laws work while the one thing we know is ... they don't
heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers. Hillary will take your guns away
Like Obama, Hillary will enact as many restriction on the rights of the law abiding as she can.
No one questions this, not even you.

...a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15
And so, you seek to ban them.
That is, you seek to ban guns.
You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.
Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.
This is exactly the approach anti-gun loons such as yourself take with regards to gun control.
When we refuse to give you what you want, you cry about our unwillingness to "compromise".

The NRA has the right to support / not support whoever it likes; if you take exception to their tactics, you have the right to form an opposition group to counter it.
Good luck with that.
You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.
Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.
This is exactly the approach anti-gun loons such as yourself take with regards to gun control.
When we refuse to give you what you want, you cry about our unwillingness to "compromise".

The NRA has the right to support / not support whoever it likes; if you take exception to their tactics, you have the right to form an opposition group to counter it.
Good luck with that.

I don't need to form one, one exists and your attitude as well as the policy of the NRA makes gun controls future sanguine.

They do? Actually, you murder innocent people by preventing them from defending themselves. The blood of people in Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Washington Navy Yard, Aurora, San Bernardino, Columbine, ... on your hands. You've done zero to take guns from criminals.

Hey, remember all the crap you spewed on this thread without ever an actual practical proposal to keep guns out of the hands of criminals? You're a joke.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals, what is your plan?

Your plan? Keep saying that gun laws work while the one thing we know is ... they don't

The only plan these stupid Moon Bats have is to nullify the Second Amendment through very oppressive requirements.

The Moon Bats really don't give a crap about preventing crime. In fact the areas where they have the most political support are the highest crime areas in the US like Chicago.

Their plan is to take the power away from the people to resist government oppression because they think somehow they benefit from the government oppression. Dumbasses!
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You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.
Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.
This is exactly the approach anti-gun loons such as yourself take with regards to gun control.
When we refuse to give you what you want, you cry about our unwillingness to "compromise".

The NRA has the right to support / not support whoever it likes; if you take exception to their tactics, you have the right to form an opposition group to counter it.
Good luck with that.
I don't need to form one, one exists
There is? Who? I need a good laugh.

and your attitude as well as the policy of the NRA makes gun controls future sanguine.
Only in your wildest fantasies -- you know, the ones about you living in prison.
Since you refuse to offer compromise, there's no reason for the NRA or anyone else to give an inch.

I don't need to form one, one exists and your attitude as well as the policy of the NRA makes gun controls future sanguine.

You are really an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

The NRA is a grassroots advocate for Constitutional rights with over five million members that is also the largest gun safety organization in the owrld.

Only you filthy ass shithead Libtards hate organizations that promote safety and Constitutional rights.
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