The Right To Bear Arms

Looks like doctored videos to me.
Every time someone smacks Laky in her face with an indisputable video she cries "doctored". :lmao:'s time to remove the little tinfoil hat and simply accept reality. Nobody is using Hollywood CGI "magic" to "trick" you. These are real videos showing what really happened.
heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do....
Do I believe Dumbocrats are dumb enough to do that? Yes. Yes I do. And here is why: because you liberals are so stupid, so brainwashed, and so ignorant that you can't even form proper sentences. You actually just used the word hears when it should have been here's (hear is to listen, here's is a contraction of here is). You just illustrated how dumb you people are while proclaiming that Dumbocrats wouldn't be dumb enough to do something. The irony is fall down hilarious.
You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.
Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.
This is exactly the approach anti-gun loons such as yourself take with regards to gun control.
When we refuse to give you what you want, you cry about our unwillingness to "compromise".

The NRA has the right to support / not support whoever it likes; if you take exception to their tactics, you have the right to form an opposition group to counter it.
Good luck with that.

I don't need to form one, one exists and your attitude as well as the policy of the NRA makes gun controls future sanguine.

So your next step, disarm honest citizens while doing nothing about the guns owned by criminals. Then what?
I don't need to form one, one exists and your attitude as well as the policy of the NRA makes gun controls future sanguine.
It's always the same with libtards - control. Liberty scares the hell out of these small children. They grew up with parents thinking for them and providing for them and now that they are all grown up they still want someone in that role.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

The government has absolutely zero business restricting firearms. That right wasn't given to us by the government.

The NRA just looks out for us. Andi t is not the NRA, out killing people. You sure are uninformed, and have much vitriol aimed in the wrong direction.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

The government has absolutely zero business restricting firearms. That right wasn't given to us by the government.

The NRA just looks out for us. Andi t is not the NRA, out killing people. You sure are uninformed, and have much vitriol aimed in the wrong direction.

Yes, it's what a dumb ass Wry is. The NRA fights to keep honest citizens armed and also trains us to use guns effectively and safely.

Wry's like OMG, honest citizens armed and trained! That's just killing people! Only criminals should have guns! That would be so much safer
You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.
Exactly! Liberals never do. Lobbying is what conservatives do. Coercion is what liberals do through government at the barrel of a gun (ironic since they want to ban them).

Yes, don't you love it? Wry wants government to have guns, not citizens. You know, because we can trust cops, not citizens. Then he's all on how cops are killing black kids. The only consistency in Wry is hypocrisy
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

The NRA has done more for public safety than you ever have. Tens of thousands of kids have been saved from harm because of NRA safety programs. Your propaganda attack on them merely shows you to be the fascist you truly are.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.

Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.

Government is the only entity in the US with the power of coercion. That is a fascist tool, and look at you the fascist who wants to disarm the PEOPLE of the USA.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.

Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.

Government is the only entity in the US with the power of coercion. That is a fascist tool, and look at you the fascist who wants to disarm the PEOPLE of the USA.

Yes, leftists live in hysterical fear of CEOs who can't make them do anything, then they blindly trust government, the only entity that can compel you to do things against your own interest because only they can use guns to compel you to do it
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.

Vote as I say, or we will recruit and fund the campaign of someone who will, is coercion, and that is what the NRA does! It is extorting the vote of a member of a legislature, do my bidding or else.

Government is the only entity in the US with the power of coercion. That is a fascist tool, and look at you the fascist who wants to disarm the PEOPLE of the USA.

Yes, leftists live in hysterical fear of CEOs who can't make them do anything, then they blindly trust government, the only entity that can compel you to do things against your own interest because only they can use guns to compel you to do it

It is a particularly weird form of mental illness. That is for certain. It is astonishing that a thinking person would even attempt to label the NRA as a terrorist organization. They are for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals while fascists like wry here, is all for releasing violent criminals back out into society so that they can commit their terrible crimes. The only terrorist in this thread is wry catcher. And provably so.

The government has absolutely zero business restricting firearms. That right wasn't given to us by the government.

The NRA just looks out for us. Andi t is not the NRA, out killing people. You sure are uninformed, and have much vitriol aimed in the wrong direction.

These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats have absolutely no understanding of what "shall not be infringed" means. They think it means that the government can infringe or something.

However, I think the real truth is that they are not as stupid as we think they are. Nobody is really that stupid, not even these Libtards. They know what a Constitutional right is the same as we do. They know what "shall not be infringed" means the same as we do. They just don't like this country having that as a Constitutional Right because they are afraid of the people having the power to resist government oppression, which they like.

They hate the NRA because the NRA is an effective Constitutional Rights protection organization. Haters gonna hate.
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

The NRA has done more for public safety than you ever have. Tens of thousands of kids have been saved from harm because of NRA safety programs. Your propaganda attack on them merely shows you to be the fascist you truly are.

LOL, my opinion is and remains that the NRA enables criminals, the insane, addicts and all around haters easy access to guns. Your little ad hominem does not refute my claim.

There is no doubt safety programs are good and prevent accidents, now the NRA needs to expand safety by figuring out a way to restrict guns to people who have taken such courses, have passed a comprehensive background check and can be denied access to guns and ammo if they commit any future act which would have made guns inaccessible to them, i.e. licensing and registration.
LOL, my opinion is and remains that the NRA enables criminals, the insane, addicts and all around haters easy access to guns. Your little ad hominem does not refute my claim.
And that's just it - it is just your opinions and they are uneducated opinions at that. The rest of us know that it is a reality that the NRA protects the 2nd Amendment, promotes and provides gun safety and proper gun use, and ensures that American's retain their right to defend themselves.

LOL, my opinion is and remains that the NRA enables criminals, the insane, addicts and all around haters easy access to guns. Your little ad hominem does not refute my claim.

There is no doubt safety programs are good and prevent accidents, now the NRA needs to expand safety by figuring out a way to restrict guns to people who have taken such courses, have passed a comprehensive background check and can be denied access to guns and ammo if they commit any future act which would have made guns inaccessible to them, i.e. licensing and registration.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The NRA is a Constitutional rights protection lobby and a gun safety organization. The largest gun safety organization in the world.

The NRA advocates adhering to all laws and regulations, especially the Constitution and using firearms for legal purposes.

It is not the fault of the NRA that some thug uses a gun in a crime. It is not the fault of the NRA that firearms are used in an illegal or irresponsible manner.

You Moon Bats never seem to understand the concept of personal responsibility so you are always looking to blame somebody else for your sorriness.

That is one of the reasons we ridicule you so much for being shitheads. You never get it right.
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The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

The NRA has done more for public safety than you ever have. Tens of thousands of kids have been saved from harm because of NRA safety programs. Your propaganda attack on them merely shows you to be the fascist you truly are.

LOL, my opinion is and remains that the NRA enables criminals, the insane, addicts and all around haters easy access to guns. Your little ad hominem does not refute my claim.

There is no doubt safety programs are good and prevent accidents, now the NRA needs to expand safety by figuring out a way to restrict guns to people who have taken such courses, have passed a comprehensive background check and can be denied access to guns and ammo if they commit any future act which would have made guns inaccessible to them, i.e. licensing and registration.

Note again all you propose is restricting gun access to honest citizens. Not one of your proposals has anything to do with criminals who just buy them illegally. That's why you keep ignoring responses to your stupid ideas

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