The Right To Bear Arms

The security of a free State, is the primary mission of the militia.
...and the primary mission of the 2A is to preserve the right of the people, so that a militia can be effective.
Muster the militia until our security problems go away.

Tried and failed at Kent State.
A lack of adequate training. The militia must be able to ensure the security of our free States.
The security of a free State, is the primary mission of the militia.
...and the primary mission of the 2A is to preserve the right of the people, so that a militia can be effective.
Muster the militia until our security problems go away.

Tried and failed at Kent State.

A lack of adequate training. The militia must be able to ensure the security of our free States.

Do you mean the militia must be as defined in Art. I, Sec. 8 in this manner:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions"; and,

"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress"

In re Kent State:

Seems the governor of Ohio overreached in calling forth the militia, sense the protest by students didn't meet the criteria in the first clause above;

And, the H. or Rep. as well as the Governor of Ohio failed in the training as well as the State Governor.
Tell the truth, you go to bed dreaming of using your gun in a movie theater, a grocery store or another public place to shoot and kill a threat to the public.
I don't.

I carry to protect myself and my family ONLY. I am not responsible for the protection of anyone else UNLESS government fails and we are all trying to repel an invasion.

In re Kent State:
Seems the governor of Ohio overreached in calling forth the militia, sense the protest by students didn't meet the criteria in the first clause above;
Unsupportable nonsense. The governor is not limited by the clause you mentioned when calling up the militia for state service.
And, the H. or Rep. as well as the Governor of Ohio failed in the training as well as the State Governor.
The federal government trains the national guard as part of its reserve component mission.
New Zealand Prime Minister Promises Tighter Gun Laws : NPR

Good for New Zealand.


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