The Right To Bear Arms

Organize more militia until we have no more security problems in our free States.

When you hire someone to protect your security, who protects your security from the one you hired? Strongmen throughout history have been plagued with this dilima.
that doesn't apply to the militia. the People are the Militia.

No, the People are what the Militia draws from.
No, the People are the militia; you are either well regulated or unorganized.
Organize more militia until we have no more security problems in our free States.

When you hire someone to protect your security, who protects your security from the one you hired? Strongmen throughout history have been plagued with this dilima.
that doesn't apply to the militia. the People are the Militia.

No, the People are what the Militia draws from.
No, the People are the militia; you are either well regulated or unorganized.

Well organized is by the state. Unorganized is by your fantasy.
The right to bear arms is the basic human right to self defense
Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not self-defense.

Like the other side, you need a better speech writer. No one should take away your ability or right to self defense ever. What the real question is, what are the limits to the methods allowed for self defense. When does it go from justified to unjustified.
Organize more militia until we have no more security problems in our free States.

When you hire someone to protect your security, who protects your security from the one you hired? Strongmen throughout history have been plagued with this dilima.
that doesn't apply to the militia. the People are the Militia.

No, the People are what the Militia draws from.
No, the People are the militia; you are either well regulated or unorganized.

Well organized is by the state. Unorganized is by your fantasy.
why do you say that? Right wing bigotry, you have no superior argument.
The right to bear arms is the basic human right to self defense
Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not self-defense.

Like the other side, you need a better speech writer. No one should take away your ability or right to self defense ever. What the real question is, what are the limits to the methods allowed for self defense. When does it go from justified to unjustified.
Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not the whole and entire concept of individual rights.
The right to bear arms is the basic human right to self defense
Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not self-defense.

Like the other side, you need a better speech writer. No one should take away your ability or right to self defense ever. What the real question is, what are the limits to the methods allowed for self defense. When does it go from justified to unjustified.
Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not the whole and entire concept of individual rights.

Are you typing it or do all you have to is cut and paste it?
By Peter Weber

That's the opinion of Rupert Murdoch's conservative New York Post. And it's not as far-fetched as it may seem.

Well, let's read the text of the Second Amendment, says Jeffrey Sachs at The Huffington Post:

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It's astonishingly clear that "the Second Amendment is a relic of the founding era more than two centuries ago," and "its purpose is long past."

As Justice John Paul Stevens argues persuasively, the amendment should not block the ability of society to keep itself safe through gun control legislation. That was never its intent. This amendment was about militias in the 1790s, and the fear of the anti-federalists of a federal army. Since that issue is long moot, we need not be governed in our national life by doctrines on now-extinct militias from the 18th century.​

"Fair-minded readers have to acknowledge that the text is ambiguous," says Cass Sunstein at Bloomberg View. Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in Heller, was laying out his interpretation of a "genuinely difficult" legal question, and "I am not saying that the court was wrong." More to the point: Right or wrong, obsolete or relevant, the Second Amendment essentially means what five justices on the Supreme Court say it means. So "we should respect the fact that the individual right to have guns has been established," but even the pro-gun interpretation laid out by Scalia explicitly allows for banning the kinds of weapons the shooter used to murder 20 first-graders. The real problem is in the political arena, where "opponents of gun control, armed with both organization and money, have been invoking the Second Amendment far more recklessly," using "wild and unsupportable claims about the meaning of the Constitution" to shut down debate on what sort of regulations might save lives.

More: Is the Second Amendment obsolete? - The Week

I support every LAW ABIDING NON FELON CITIZENS right to own pistols, rifles and automatic rifles/pistols

I believe any citizen who wants to purchase these weapons should be at least X years old (X equals ?)
Should be trained by a licensed government professional (police or military)

I have no problem with any person owning multiple weapons.

In fact, I encourage it! Especially antique pistols and rifles. Neat stuff.

Besides sport, hunting and gun collecting I support a person's right to self-defense and to protect their home and family.
The right to bear arms is the basic human right to self defense
Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not self-defense.

Like the other side, you need a better speech writer. No one should take away your ability or right to self defense ever. What the real question is, what are the limits to the methods allowed for self defense. When does it go from justified to unjustified.
Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not the whole and entire concept of individual rights.

Are you typing it or do all you have to is cut and paste it?
it depends. this time i typed it all out.
840 pages of fAiL....if one is a gun grabber. Talk about an exercise in futility....of all the issues discussed in this forum, this issue is the most hopeless so why even bother debating when winning is so out of reach?

Congress is never going to vote for massive civil unrest. Doy
840 pages of fAiL....if one is a gun grabber. Talk about an exercise in futility....of all the issues discussed in this forum, this issue is the most hopeless so why even bother debating when winning is so out of reach?

Congress is never going to vote for massive civil unrest. Doy
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
I believe any citizen who wants to purchase these weapons should be at least X years old (X equals ?)
Should be trained by a licensed government professional (police or military)
I support this.

I will ALWAYS support efforts to properly train citizens in the safe use of arms.

It should be MANDATORY in high school.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
I believe any citizen who wants to purchase these weapons should be at least X years old (X equals ?)
Should be trained by a licensed government professional (police or military)
I support this.

I will ALWAYS support efforts to properly train citizens in the safe use of arms.

It should be MANDATORY in high school.

muster the militia until we have no security problems.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
Q: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
A: Repeat.
I don't ignore our supreme laws of the land, like the right wing.

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