The Right To Bear Arms

I never and nobody else said it did. You assholes take things to the extreme. It is a part of the lawfare you advocate to help destroy this country.

The second amendment says a right to bear arms not guns

That would include all available arms
Where does the Second Amendment ever say what type of arms?
It talks about militias
Wouldn't militias need strategic arms?
Sure they would.

Sounds like you're arguing that every town should have a well-stocked armory complete with rocket launchers, grenades and every other weapon a well-supplied militia would need. Of course, since it would take too long to make the citizens of the town muster in the town square to use them, those armaments should be distributed to all and sundry who live in the area, to be kept in their homes ready for use. The militia would not make its member or armament list known to Washington, of course, because it is specifically formed to PREVENT Washington from meddling with it. It would be a local concern only.

How conservative of you.
Where does the Second Amendment ever say what type of arms?
It talks about militias
Wouldn't militias need strategic arms?
Naval vessels were excluded from what states were allowed to own at that time those were the only strategic assets a nation had and the second is understood to mean individual arms.
Extremist positions on the part gun addicts is going to ruin things for the reasonable majority of firearm owners.
I still have yet to hear of a gun that hopped off the shelf and shot someone. Maybe it has something to do with the purchaser, or the thief that stole it, or the individual that purchased it on the black market:/.
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. People with premeditated intent that use a gun, knife, car, or whatever, to kill should be treated like a mad dog. Hang em high! Think of it as a late term abortion.

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