The Right To Destroy Jewish History

[ Was Capital of Palestine????? No History books have ever referred to Jerusalem as the Capital of a place called Palestine, which makes you the biggest liars on the Planet. Nothing new. ]

I was not going to start a new thread on the forums, but this one seems to be a must.

I know that there are many well meaning people on these threads who want to see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like Coyote and many others. And then, there are those who are very ill meaning and do nothing but bash Israel and Jews over everything.

I believe that any and all, need to be reminded that this is Jewish land. It has been Jewish land for over 3000 years, and never contested by any one of its invaders and conquerors until the "dreadful day" when the Jews assumed that they could legally regain sovereignty over it and the Balfour Declaration happened and the Mandate for Palestine was to give the Jews their ancient homeland back.

We all know what has happened since 1920.

But what many do not know and do not seem to be aware of is what the people who have been calling themselves Palestinians since 1964 have been doing to ancient places they should have been claiming as their own, for after all, do they not say that they have been on the land as the Ancient Palestinians for the past 5000, no - 6000, no - 10000 years?

Aren't these ancient places and artifacts in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria part of the Palestinian History? Then why are they destroying any and all of it?

This is what has been going on for decades. Why are the "Palestinians" destroying their alleged history?

Palestinians destroying ancient Herodian and Hashmonean antiquities - literally bulldozing Jewish history ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

We've discussed the The Temple Mount Sifting Project before:
The Temple Mount Sifting Project (formerly known as the Temple Mount Salvage Operation) is an Israeli archaeological project begun in 2005 dedicated to recovering archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of topsoil removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf during the construction of the underground el-Marwani Mosque from 1996 to 1999.[1] The project is under the academic auspices of Bar Ilan University and until 2017 was funded by the Ir David Foundation and Israel Exploration Society.The destruction of so many tons of property from the Temple Mount was the biggest archaeological crime in history.

The project webpage is now warning of other large-scale destruction of Jewish history by Palestinians, ISIS-style.
In full view of people passing on the highway 90, Palestinians are using bulldozers and other heavy equipment to destroy Second Temple-era Jewish settlements in order to build a new village.

This is all happening in Area B, under Palestinian administrative control.

Moreover, it looks like Palestinian antiquities thieves are working in the area at night to steal whatever ancient artifacts they can find to sell on the market.

The article notes that similar destruction has recently begun in the area of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho.

Give Area C and the former Jewish Quarter and the Temple Mount to the invading Arabs who are now calling themselves the ancient inhabitants of the land, who should be protecting their ancient history and making tourism out of it?

Which one of you would dare do so?

Does the UN have any say on the Arabs destroying other people's ancient places?
Where has UNESCO been all of this time? What is their position about the endless destruction of Jewish History? Have they not complained about ISIS destroying antiquity?

Oh, wait......they have been giving Palestinian Status to Jewish places like the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, and many other places.

I guess if the UN is in on it, then there is no hope for the Jewish people to ever get their ancient lands back, much less be allowed to freely visit those places, which is true when it comes to the Cave and the Tombs, etc, where Jews can only visit if they have a military escort.


How can peace be achieved with the PA, the alleged partner for Peace, when it is the PA itself which allows such destruction to happen?

How can peace be achieved when destroying Israel is still in the Hamas and PLO, and Fatah charters and is taught on a daily basis to all Arabs who live in Gaza and areas A and B, and C and even in Israel?

What in the world is going to be done about the endless destruction and the want to destroy all which is Jewish on the Land of Israel, which does include all of Judea and Samaria which is the land of the Jewish People.
(I will not eve speculate what may already have been done to Jewish history in Jordan and Gaza )

DO the Arabs have the right to destroy any and all Jewish History they find and never have to answer to the rest of the world, much less to the Jewish People?

The Arabs, both Christian and Muslim, protected the sites of the patriarchs for 1400 years.

Did Muslims and Christians protect the sites or did they decide that they owned those sites, especially Muslims, as the Jews were a minority and under Islamic "protection".

Once Jews became sovereign of part of their ancient homeland that protection seems to have been revoked not only for the humans but also for all the sites as proven by endless destructions of he Tombs of Rachel and of Joseph.

How many times has the Cave of the Patriarchs been attacked?

Why is the Cave of Patriarchs called a mosque now when it was not before 1948?

Why is the Temple Mount called a mosque now, when it was not before 1948?

Why this?

There is only respect and protection for Jewish sites if they are TOTALLY under Islamic control.
Did Muslims and Christians protect the sites or did they decide that they owned those sites, especially Muslims, as the Jews were a minority and under Islamic "protection".

Once Jews became sovereign of part of their ancient homeland that protection seems to have been revoked not only for the humans but also for all the sites as proven by endless destructions of he Tombs of Rachel and of Joseph.

How many times has the Cave of the Patriarchs been attacked?

Why is the Cave of Patriarchs called a mosque now when it was not before 1948?

Why is the Temple Mount called a mosque now, when it was not before 1948?

Why this?

There is only respect and protection for Jewish sites if they are TOTALLY under Islamic control.

Muslims revere the patriarchs too. Solomon's stables?

There is no temple mount. It was the city dump when Omar arrived.

It's been called Al Aksa mosque and Haram Al Shariff for 1400 years.
What the Nazis did during WWII, the Arabs did between 1948 and 1967 in Judea and Samaria:

 An intact Jewish tombstones recovered in Gora Kalwaria in Poland. (From the Depths)

An intact Jewish tombstones recovered in Gora Kalwaria in Poland. (From the Depths)

Digging his hand into the dirt, Daniels also showed fragments and other pieces of tombstones still stuck in the ground that were “literally used to pave the road.”

“This is one of the craziest cases I’ve heard of, it really is quite shocking,” he said. “Just to see so many, to see that this is just a small area that we’ve looked at - this is what we’ve found in just a few minutes.”

The gravestones were apparently taken from the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, and repurposed for construction, during the 1960s, when Jordan controlled east Jerusalem. postulates the archaeologist handling the salvage dig, Ya'acov Billig for the Israel Antiquities Authority. Jordan wanted to expand the road and build a gas station on the mountain, he explains – though the project ultimately fell through because of the Six-Day War.


The investigation was launched following a complaint from City Councilman Arieh King. The suspect denies the charges.

One Segev follower, Shai Lourie, tweeted that if such a thing had happened in Europe it would have opened all the news editions, but on Mount Olives it barely generates a yawn.

During the Jordanian rule (1948-1967), the Mount Olives Jewish cemetery suffered systematic damage to gravestones and tombs. As early as the end of 1949, Israeli observers stationed on Mount Zion reported that Arab residents began uprooting tombstones.

In 1954, the Israeli government filed a formal complaint with the UN General Assembly regarding the further destruction of graves and plowing in the area. In the late 1950s, the Jordanian army used tombstones to build military camps.

According to historian Mordechai Sofer, dozens of tombstones were completely transferred to the “tomb camp,” a Jordanian Legion military camp established in nearby al-Eizariya, where they were used as floors in tents and toilets.

The Hotel Inter-Continental Jerusalem was built on top of Mount Olives, and the access road to it was paved on top of graves, while the tombstones were shredded to gravel for use as raw material. When the Jordanians extended the road to Jericho, they demolished six rows of graves and threw the bones with the soil towards the lower, Sephardic section of the cemetery. Even after sorting out some of the bones, a large pile of earth remained.

Ancient tombstones that stood around the tomb of Zechariah were removed from the area in order to expand the access road to the village of Silwan. In his book “Against the Closed Wall,” Meron Benvenisti writes that tombstones were also transferred to the courtyard of the Citadel of David, where they were smashed and their fragments were used as markers for a parade ground.

Muslims revere the patriarchs too. Solomon's stables?

There is no temple mount. It was the city dump when Omar arrived.

It's been called Al Aksa mosque and Haram Al Shariff for 1400 years.
I will mark an appointment for you with your Psychiatrist. You will soon hear from them.
I will mark an appointment for you with your Psychiatrist. You will soon hear from them.

Solomon's stables in Megiddo we're built by King Jeroboam, not Solomon. The stable in Jerusalem was a storehouse briefly used by the Crusaders as a stable. There just weren't many horses in Israel.
[ Can Surada rewrite the history of all of these sites being destroyed by Arabs? At least, when it comes to destroying in Saudi Arabia, it looks like they are making more space for tourists, pilgrims and other necessary things (wink) ]

[Not even early Islamic history gets any respect ]

Destroyed sites[edit]​

Below is a complete list of destroyed sites:


Cemeteries and tombs[edit]​

Historical religious sites[edit]​

Historical military structures[edit]​

[ Can Surada rewrite the history of all of these sites being destroyed by Arabs? At least, when it comes to destroying in Saudi Arabia, it looks like they are making more space for tourists, pilgrims and other necessary things (wink) ]

[Not even early Islamic history gets any respect ]

Destroyed sites[edit]​

Below is a complete list of destroyed sites:


Cemeteries and tombs[edit]​

Historical religious sites[edit]​

Historical military structures[edit]​

Legend has it that Adam and Eve were reunited and forgiven 130 years after the Fall in Mecca but Eve was finally buried in Jidda . The tomb was very narrow and 90 feet long. Goes along with the legend that they were 90 feet tall. Haven't you ever seen the tomb?
Legend has it that Adam and Eve were reunited and forgiven 130 years after the Fall in Mecca but Eve was finally buried in Jidda . The tomb was very narrow and 90 feet long. Goes along with the legend that they were 90 feet tall. Haven't you ever seen the tomb?
We are talking of destroying Jewish history and you come up with a stupid post Muslim era rewriting of Adam and Eve.

It took you this long, from your last post, to call your friends to come up with that?

Everything about Islam is a rewriting of Jewish History.

Amazing how Arabs cannot find their own history before Islam, which is totally borrowed from Judaism, if their lives depended on it.
We are talking of destroying Jewish history and you come up with a stupid post Muslim era rewriting of Adam and Eve.

It took you this long, from your last post, to call your friends to come up with that?

Everything about Islam is a rewriting of Jewish History.

Amazing how Arabs cannot find their own history before Islam, which is totally borrowed from Judaism, if their lives depended on it.

I have known the legend for 50 years. Everything about Christianity is a rewrite of Jewish history..

Look how the Jews borrowed from Sumer, Egypt and the Ugarit tablets..
I have known the legend for 50 years. Everything about Christianity is a rewrite of Jewish history..

Look how the Jews borrowed from Sumer, Egypt and the Ugarit tablets..

As in borrowing the Hiroshima story from Japan?

It's a strange definition of history you have.
Last edited:
What on earth are you talking about?

When using the term 'borrowing' to undermine
the validity of Hebrew texts, it is similar to claiming,
that apples didn't fall until Newton found the rule of gravity.

Meaning, that when you come from the position that they mustn't
be authentic or relevant, you actually point to the very facts that confirm
the validly of these texts in the context of similar records by various civilizations.
Muslims revere the patriarchs too. Solomon's stables?

There is no temple mount. It was the city dump when Omar arrived.

It's been called Al Aksa mosque and Haram Al Shariff for 1400 years.
No Temple Mount?

Muslims disagree with you

[ Jewish Newspapers need to stop using the term West Bank ]

The term “West Bank” was used by Jordanian occupiers. The real name for these areas is Judea and Samaria. Anything else is flat out wrong.

There is probably no better claim to a parcel of land than the Jewish claim to Judea and Samaria. But instead, the big lie was created, that somehow, the State of Israel is occupying so-called “Palestinian” land. This is a big lie for multiple reasons.

First of all, there is no Arab ethnic entity historically that were ever known as “Palestinians.” It all started as a propaganda push around the time of 1967-1973 in order to discredit Israel’s huge gains in it’s defensive war against three Arab countries that joined up to fight her in the Six Day War.

Secondly, the Arab leadership has made it crystal clear, endlessly, that they object to the entire existence of the State of Israel. They do not have a minor claim for the areas of Judea and Samaria. They dispute Israel’s very existence. The “West Bank” term is merely a fiction that was coined in order to fool the world into thinking that the Jewish connection is weak to the areas that are termed the “West Bank” of Jordan.

In truth, the part of the State of Israel that Israel has the deepest connection with are specifically the areas in Judea and Samaria. Beth-El, Shilo, Hebron, Shechem. These are all places that the forefathers of the Jewish people walked through, lived in, purchased, and died in – more than 3,500 years ago. Is there any stronger claim to a Land than that?

(vide video online)

However, secret documents released by the Israeli archives and reviewed by Palestinian Media Watch, provide a unique opportunity to expose the authentic and official “status quo” instituted in 1967.

On August 15, 1967, to mark the day which Jews commemorate as the day of the destruction of both temples (the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av) then IDF Chief Rabbi Major General Shlomo Goren arranged that Jews would go up to the Temple Mount to conduct prayers.

A meeting of the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Safeguarding of the Holy Places convened, on August 13, 1967, to discuss Rabbi Goren’s plans . The committee specifically rejected a suggestion to ban Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, preferring to instruct the head of the committee to meet with Rabbi Goren and inform him that he should desist arranging prayers. A similar instruction was given to Minister of Defense Dayan to convey to Rabbi Goren through the IDF Chief of Staff. Interestingly the written summary of the decision made in the meeting is dated August 16, 1967. The original protocol of the decisions of the meeting and its translation appear below.

Reneging on pre-election promises of former Prime Minister Menachem Begin, to allow Jews to openly pray on the Temple Mount, no change was made.

For certain periods of time, the Temple Mount was entirely closed to Jews, predominantly during and after spouts of Arab violence and terror. In contrast, the site is almost never closed to Muslims, except in exceptional circumstances, such as in July 2017, when the mount was closed for a few days, after terrorists murdered two Israeli policemen on patrol on the site.

While no Israeli government ever ratified Dayan’s agreement, to this day, the “status quo” on the Temple Mount is that the internal part of the site is run by the Waqf and Israel is responsible for the external security and maintaining public order. Muslims are allowed to freely visit the site, in unlimited numbers, subject to fine tuning to take into account safety and security precautions. Jews are only permited to enter the site for limited hours of the day, and in limited numbers and are mostly not allowed to conduct individual or communal prayers.

Since its creation, the Palestinian Authority has continuously and consistently used the Temple Mount as a means to inflame religious fervor and as a rallying call for violence and terror. Repeatedly claiming that Israel is planning to destroy the “Al-Aqsa Mosque” which it deceivingly defines as being 144 dunams in size - i.e. the entire area of the Temple Mount - the PA misleads the Palestinians, and indeed the entire Muslim world, into falsely believing that “Al-Aqsa is in danger.”

While documents and 55 years of reality clearly demonstrate that Israel has no intention to even undermine, let alone destroy, any part of the site, the PA still claims, as shown by PMW, that “Since the June War (i.e., the Six-Day War in 1967) – we are talking about its 55th anniversary – there are [Israeli] intentions to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the alleged Temple.” [Official PA TV, June 6, 2022]. For the PA, which has no say whatsoever regarding the manner in which the site is run, allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount would be no less than declaring World War III. Similar empty rantings were also made by the PA before the US moved its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Since 1967 a lot has changed. Over the last decades, most western societies have developed and adopted a much more heightened sense and value of personal freedoms and rights, including freedom of religion and religious practice. The idea that the decision of one person alone –Dayan - could prevent all Jews from praying at Judaism’s most holy site would, today, be inconceivable. At the same time, over the years, the desire and willingness of Jews to enter the Temple Mount has increased dramatically.

Since it is now unreasonable to believe that Muslims are inherently incapable of recognizing the legitimate rights of Jews to pray on the Tempe Mount and expressing the religious tolerance required, maybe the time has come for Israel’s government to finally clarify, what exactly the “status quo” on the Temple mount was, is, and should be.

(full article online)


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