The Right To Destroy Jewish History

(Where have I read these sayings before? )

Unite members backing Steve Turner, who is standing to be elected general secretary of Britain’s largest trade union, have shared hundreds of Facebook posts riddled with conspiracy theories and inflammatory language about Israel and Zionism.

The posts, passed to the JC by the Twitter activist Gnasher Jew, include cartoons likening Israel to the Nazis.

Many feature conspiracy theories while others brand Israel a “terrorist state”, “evil” or “genocidal maniacs”.

In one post, Unite Branch Secretary Joanne Harris accused Jews of seeking to “play the victim” whilst being the “oppressor”. Ms Harris is the vice chair of United Left, the group supporting Assistant General Secretary Steve Turner’s bid for the top job.

In 2016, she defended Palestinian suicide bombers, saying their murderous acts were “born out of desperation and a will to reclaim the land which was stolen from them”.

She also praised a colleague who railed against “antisemitic nonsense” and likened Israel to the Nazis.

The colleague said that “Israel’s leaders do the same to the Palestinians as what Hitler did to the Jewish. Today Israel is the same with what Hitler did, he was a fascist … Israel does a fascist work”.

In response, Ms Harris declared: “Very well said.”

She also liked an offensive post that said that “Zionists have always wanted control of all humanity”.

In another post, Ms Harris stated: “I am no Holocaust denier nor am I a Jew hater.

“I abhor what the Nazis did to the Jews in WW2 but that does not give them the right to do what they are doing to the Palestinians.” She branded Israel an “apartheid” state, engaged in “racism on a grand scale”.

(full article online)

The first day of the festival had sessions on LGBTQ+, wind energy and Greek history. The second day featured the Palestinian envoy to Greece to give an anti-Israel speech.

The speech by Marwan Toubassi was filled with clear lies and incitement against Israel as well as pure antisemitism.

He said:

Literally every word is a lie, and the use of the word "holocaust" is by any definition antisemitic.

But the Jew-hatred doesn't end there.

Toubassi is quoting Mahmoud Abbas' book saying that the Jews aren't a people and they should not have a state.

Denying Jewish peoplehood is antisemitism, and in this case it is part of a demand that Jews in the Middle East always remain as second class citizens under Muslim rule.

(full article online)

You might want to look up the Ottoman census of 1870. Arabs were the majority (and they didn't count the Bedouin) The Christians were a much smaller group and the Jewish population was tiny by comparison.
You might want to look up the Ottoman census of 1870. Arabs were the majority (and they didn't count the Bedouin) The Christians were a much smaller group and the Jewish population was tiny by comparison.
This is a false response as to who are the indigenous people of the land.

Indigenous people are not counted by how many there are, and especially who the majority of people living on the land at the time are. (Just look at the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc )

You copy and paste the very same paragraph time and again, and it has absolutely no value in determining who the indigenous people anywhere in the world are.

Jews are indigenous of Judea.

Arabs are indigenous of Arabia.

That was known before WWI, and it has not changed.
Though Palestinian Sheikh Jarrah ‘activist’ Mohammed el-Kurd claims he has no problem with Jews, as we’ve previously demonsrated, the record shows he’s a racist ideologue in every sense of the term.

During an interview with MSNBC that he retweeted, he argued that all Israelis are the same, ‘they’re all terrorists’. He’s written that Jews who live across the Green Line are “psychotic” and “rabid dogs”. He’s also peddled the historically lethal lie that Jews are threatening to destroy al-Aqsa, and even claimed there’s no archaeological evidence that the 1st and 2nd Temples existed.

On Twitter, he said it’s “psychotic” to ask Palestinians to refrain from violence, praised a PFLP terrorist, compared Israeli actions to that of the Nazis, characterised Zionism as inherently genocidal and retweeted (and praised as ‘eloquent’) a video of the late Kwame Ture accusing Zionism of being a “Satanic movement”.

As reports made clear, Smotrich didn’t “barge into” his family’s house. He merely visited the neighborhood. Even the pro-Hamas site MEMO didn’t claim that Smotrich “barged into” Kurds house.

Then, mirroring the rhetoric of extremists who reject Israel’s existence, even within 1949 boundaries, Kurd characterises the situation in Sheikh Jarrah as “a perfect illustration of settler colonialism.. across 73 years of Zionist rule”.

Describing Israel, since its rebirth in 1948, as a “settler colonial state”, implies that all Israelis are “settlers”, and falsely suggests that Jews have no historical connection to the land – an assertion, we noted earlier, Kurd himself tweeted – and that Zionism is racist and morally illegitimate. It also negates the historical reality that most pre-state Zionists arrived as refugees, escaping racism and mass murder in Europe – not, as Kurd would have you believe, as conquerors seeking to extend their (of course, non-existent) territory.

(full article online)

An anti-Zionist is by definition a racist piece of shit.
You might want to look up the Ottoman census of 1870. Arabs were the majority (and they didn't count the Bedouin) The Christians were a much smaller group and the Jewish population was tiny by comparison.
Who removed the Jews from their homeland? If you learn the history, the list includes Arabs and Turks.
  • The destruction of the Jewish Temple is a “myth” - PA TV’s “Israeli affairs expert”

  • Jewish history in Jerusalem “has no basis other than in their heads that are full of legends and fantasies” - PA TV

  • “No archaeological existence of their alleged Temple has been proven” – PA TV

  • “The Israel Antiquities Authority… put together a story and invented a narrative that suits their lies” – PA TV

  • “[Jews have] no religious, historical, or legal right over any inch of occupied Jerusalem,” – Abbas’ advisor on Islam

  • “[Jews’ visiting the Temple Mount] is dragging the region into a religious war that will burn the entire region,” - Abbas’ spokesman

(full article online)

The only reason I can perceive for NOT replacing the usurper Al-Aqsa shack with a rebuilt Jewish Temple is that the Muslims of the world will react violently. Was it an accident that Arabs built that mosque right on the most sacred Judaic site? Sure, and it was accidental that so many mosques in India are on the site of usurped temples. And Erdogan just made the Hagia Sophia into a mosque again. This seems to be a pattern with Islamoimperialists.
No such place ever existed

(Gen 45:21 KJV) And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.

(Gen 47:1 KJV) Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father [ISRAEL] and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen.

(Gen 47:3 KJV) And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers.

If that is a threat, stick it :)-
You are an antisemitic lying propagandist, and as such, you are being surveilled, including by Mossad, I'm quite sure. Is that a threat to you? Good... you're vile racist scum and deserve whatever they do to you. I'll applaud it. Cram THAT, bitch.
Who removed the Jews from their homeland? If you learn the history, the list includes Arabs and Turks.

Nope. By the time of Christ most Jews lived outside of Palestine in Persia, Iraq, Elephantine Island, Alexandria, Aleppo, Damascus, Rome, North Africa and all round the Mediterranean Sea.

The Roman wars caused many more to leave until Omar invited them to return to Jerusalem.

Read Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela... There were very few Jews in Palestine even in the 11th century AD.
You mean when the Temple was destroyed? Many new Christians had fled to Pella to avoid the tribulation. The population of all of Palestine ever exceeded more than 600,000.
And you continue to confuse the invaders with the indigenous people.

And you would never say that any of the indigenous people of the Americas, Australia or New Zealand, would never have the right to reconstruct their sovereign nations, ON their ancient homelands.

Only the Jews.
Only because the invaders who mostly stayed all over Asia Minor and North Africa were Arabs. Arab Muslims.

There is no other reason why you would not recognize the Indigenous Jewish people of the land.

Yes, of course you were told that the Khazars converted to Judaism and that these European Jews are really Indigenous Europeans.

Not a thought that Jews have migrated to Europe centuries before the Khazars allegedly converted, and that there were thousands of Jews already living in Europe, and staying in Europe and those Jews were the ones being expelled first from England, and than all the other European Countries till the final expulsion in 1492.

Don't think about the above.

Keep believing that the number of Indigenous people matters less than the fact that they ARE the indigenous people of the land with full rights to reclaim their homeland at any time.
And you continue to confuse the invaders with the indigenous people.

And you would never say that any of the indigenous people of the Americas, Australia or New Zealand, would never have the right to reconstruct their sovereign nations, ON their ancient homelands.

Only the Jews.
Only because the invaders who mostly stayed all over Asia Minor and North Africa were Arabs. Arab Muslims.

There is no other reason why you would not recognize the Indigenous Jewish people of the land.

Yes, of course you were told that the Khazars converted to Judaism and that these European Jews are really Indigenous Europeans.

Not a thought that Jews have migrated to Europe centuries before the Khazars allegedly converted, and that there were thousands of Jews already living in Europe, and staying in Europe and those Jews were the ones being expelled first from England, and than all the other European Countries till the final expulsion in 1492.

Don't think about the above.

Keep believing that the number of Indigenous people matters less than the fact that they ARE the indigenous people of the land with full rights to reclaim their homeland at any time.

The Akkadians were Arabs from the Arabian peninsula .. They had a written language by 3600 BC before Abraham ever left Ura near Haram.

I don't care about Khazar conversions or Berber or Yemeni conversions or Edomite Conversions. They called themselves Jews which is fine, but the Arabs were already there.
Who removed the Jews from their homeland?
The Jews never had a “homeland”, they were shepherds grazing their sheep on the open plains.

The Jews did however live a long time in Egypt where at one point the ruler over Egypt was a Jew

(Gen 42:25 KJV) Then Joseph [a Jew] commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way:

(Gen 45:20 KJV) Also regard not your stuff; for the good of all the land of Egypt is yours.

See above, they abandon the land of Canaan and move to Egypt

(Gen 45:21 KJV) And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.

(Gen 47:1 KJV) Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father [ISRAEL] and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen.

(Gen 47:3 KJV) And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers.

(Gen 47:4 KJV) They said moreover unto Pharaoh, For to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen.

(Gen 47:5 KJV) And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy father [ISRAEL] and thy brethren are come unto thee:

(Gen 47:6 KJV) The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell: and if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle.

(Gen 47:11 KJV) And Joseph placed his father [ISRAEL] and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded.

As a side note, the only reason the Jews leave Egypt is because Moses murders a man in the street for all to see. The Pharaoh sought to punish Moses for this murder, but Moses and his clan flee before he could be caught.

the truth will set you free
The Akkadians were Arabs from the Arabian peninsula .. They had a written language by 3600 BC before Abraham ever left Ura near Haram.

I don't care about Khazar conversions or Berber or Yemeni conversions or Edomite Conversions. They called themselves Jews which is fine, but the Arabs were already there.
(There were those who were Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula, and then there were those who were not.)

Eventually, the Sumerians would have to battle another peoples, the Akkadians, who migrated up from the Arabian peninsula. The Akkadians were a Semitic people, that is, they spoke a Semitic language related to languages such as Hebrew and Arabic.

(They did not speak Arabic, therefore were not Arabs.
It is possible for other than Arab people to have come from the Arabian Peninsula, as they did )

Akkad, ancient region in what is now central Iraq. Akkad was the northern (or northwestern) division of ancient Babylonia. The region was located roughly in the area where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (see Tigris-Euphrates river system) are closest to each other, and its northern limit extended beyond the line of the modern cities of Al-Fallūjah and Baghdad. The early inhabitants of this region were predominantly Semitic, and their speech is called Akkadian. To the south of the region of Akkad lay Sumer, the southern (or southeastern) division of ancient Babylonia, which was inhabited by a non-Semitic people known as Sumerians.

(Some Arabs being there does not make them INDIGENOUS of the land. The Jews and a few others were indigenous of the area.

Not the Arabs, no matter how many there were , history cannot consider any of those, be they Arabs, or Greeks, or Romans, or Akkadians to be INDIGENOUS of the Ancient land of Canaan.

It is about who is the rightful owner of the land, via how long they lived there continuously, how they kept their history, culture, language, interaction with any and all groups who passed through their land.

The Jewish People are the only People of that area who can show any evidence of it, through each and every one of the invading, conquering groups who came through the land, from the Philistines, to the British.
you are being surveilled, including by Mossad, I'm quite sure. Is that a threat to you? Good... you're vile racist scum and deserve whatever they do to you. I'll applaud it. Cram THAT, bitch.
Mossad can kiss my ass

I’m speaking to you. Sinajuavi, aka-Turd blossom

Sinajuavi; Oh, poor baby; if I have hurt your feelings, please forgive me.

If on the other hand you do not like the verses I posted you should take your feeble complaints to the authors, not me.

Sweet pee

My reaction is to not even bother looking back to see to which post you refer, as you clearly state nothing, but simply to comment to you that you can cram your snarky little infantile condescending attempts to insult right back from the stank orifice from which they were withdrawn.

Want to start quoting verses? I'll include various surah and also the NT. You won't like it.

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