The Right To Destroy Jewish History

t was against this backdrop that Amin al-Husseini held a March 4, 1961, press conference in Beirut. The Mufti, CIA cables reveal, “categorically denied any connection with the persecution of Jews in Germany during the Second World War.” He claimed that “all allegations in this respect were baseless and they were prompted by Zionists’ enmity toward him and the Palestinian national movement.”

The Mufti also distributed a statement in response to a recent book on Eichmann by the American journalist Quentin Reynolds, which alleged that Husseini had several contacts with the SS officer and had toured Nazi death camps. Husseini “said that he did not know Eichmann and that he had no connection whatsoever with him.” Further, “neither he nor any other Arab had plans in the past or at present to annihilate any race, Jews or others.” Husseini closed out the press conference by asserting that “what the Jews have done” in Israel “is similar to what the Nazis did to them in Germany” — a libel that is still echoed by antisemites today.

Husseini’s press conference was replete with lies.

Husseini was well aware of Hitler’s plans for European Jewry. Indeed, he hoped to replicate them in the Middle East.

In his own memoirs, the Mufti recorded a November 28, 1941, meeting with Hitler: “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews.”

“The answer I got was: ‘The Jews are yours.’”

Many apologists, journalists, and academics spent decades denying that Husseini visited concentration camps, but in 2017, conclusive photographic evidence emerged showing Husseini touring the Trebbin camp near Berlin.

“The photographs,” the historian Wolfgang Schwanitz wrote in Tablet magazine, “provide irrefutable proof” that Husseini “had precise knowledge of the fate of Jews in Hitler’s Germany.” It is also possible that the Mufti visited other camps while in Poland.

Husseini’s claim about Eichmann was similarly a lie.

As Schwanitz and the late historian Barry Rubin detailed in “Nazis, Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East,” on December 4, 1941, Eichmann took Husseini “into the map room at the Reich Main Security Office’s Jewish Affairs division to explain how Germany would solve the Jewish question.” This, it should be noted, was before the Wannsee Conference, which officially determined the fate of European Jewry. Husseini even “asked Eichmann to send an expert — probably Dieter Wisliceny — to Jerusalem to be his own personal adviser for setting up death camps and gas chambers once Germany won the war and he was in power.”

Indeed, Husseini had begun his outreach to Germany shortly after the Nazis came to power. And, on October 2, 1937, the Nazis dispatched a then-obscure official to Haifa to meet Husseini. His name was Adolf Eichmann. The British were suspicious, and Eichmann was put on a ship to Egypt, but he nonetheless managed to meet with Husseini’s representatives and aides in Cairo.

Husseini even came to Eichmann’s aid after World War II. As Schwanitz and Rubin note, “Husseini sent his emissary, Husain Haurani, in October 1949 to give Eichmann’s wife, Veronica, money so she and their children could join her husband in Argentina.”

This fact illustrates the depths of Husseini’s hubris: he not only knew Eichmann, but he played a key role in helping the Nazi war criminal.

Eichmann himself would be executed by Israel in 1962. Hitler’s Mufti, however, would escape justice, dying in 1974. But his legacy of virulent antisemitism lives on.

(full article online)

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Just what do the Schytinas have to do with Ancient Israel and horses being around other times, and with a region called Palestine?

"Modern day descendants are the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Tajik people most probably, even though they are admixed to an extent and not 100% Scythian genetically, but they are the closest."


Scythians were Gog and Magog. Not many horses in Palestine. Some Roman officers had horses. What made the Scythians so dangerous is they were excellent riders and could shoot bow and arrow from horseback..

That made them swift and silent ... like locusts.

Pashtuns believe they are descended from the tribe of Benjamin.

Temple Mount has been the Haram al Sharif for 1300 years,
t was against this backdrop that Amin al-Husseini held a March 4, 1961, press conference in Beirut. The Mufti, CIA cables reveal, “categorically denied any connection with the persecution of Jews in Germany during the Second World War.” He claimed that “all allegations in this respect were baseless and they were prompted by Zionists’ enmity toward him and the Palestinian national movement.”

The Mufti also distributed a statement in response to a recent book on Eichmann by the American journalist Quentin Reynolds, which alleged that Husseini had several contacts with the SS officer and had toured Nazi death camps. Husseini “said that he did not know Eichmann and that he had no connection whatsoever with him.” Further, “neither he nor any other Arab had plans in the past or at present to annihilate any race, Jews or others.” Husseini closed out the press conference by asserting that “what the Jews have done” in Israel “is similar to what the Nazis did to them in Germany” — a libel that is still echoed by antisemites today.

Husseini’s press conference was replete with lies.

Husseini was well aware of Hitler’s plans for European Jewry. Indeed, he hoped to replicate them in the Middle East.

In his own memoirs, the Mufti recorded a November 28, 1941, meeting with Hitler: “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews.”

“The answer I got was: ‘The Jews are yours.’”

Many apologists, journalists, and academics spent decades denying that Husseini visited concentration camps, but in 2017, conclusive photographic evidence emerged showing Husseini touring the Trebbin camp near Berlin.

“The photographs,” the historian Wolfgang Schwanitz wrote in Tablet magazine, “provide irrefutable proof” that Husseini “had precise knowledge of the fate of Jews in Hitler’s Germany.” It is also possible that the Mufti visited other camps while in Poland.

Husseini’s claim about Eichmann was similarly a lie.

As Schwanitz and the late historian Barry Rubin detailed in “Nazis, Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East,” on December 4, 1941, Eichmann took Husseini “into the map room at the Reich Main Security Office’s Jewish Affairs division to explain how Germany would solve the Jewish question.” This, it should be noted, was before the Wannsee Conference, which officially determined the fate of European Jewry. Husseini even “asked Eichmann to send an expert — probably Dieter Wisliceny — to Jerusalem to be his own personal adviser for setting up death camps and gas chambers once Germany won the war and he was in power.”

Indeed, Husseini had begun his outreach to Germany shortly after the Nazis came to power. And, on October 2, 1937, the Nazis dispatched a then-obscure official to Haifa to meet Husseini. His name was Adolf Eichmann. The British were suspicious, and Eichmann was put on a ship to Egypt, but he nonetheless managed to meet with Husseini’s representatives and aides in Cairo.

Husseini even came to Eichmann’s aid after World War II. As Schwanitz and Rubin note, “Husseini sent his emissary, Husain Haurani, in October 1949 to give Eichmann’s wife, Veronica, money so she and their children could join her husband in Argentina.”

This fact illustrates the depths of Husseini’s hubris: he not only knew Eichmann, but he played a key role in helping the Nazi war criminal.

Eichmann himself would be executed by Israel in 1962. Hitler’s Mufti, however, would escape justice, dying in 1974. But his legacy of virulent antisemitism lives on.

(full article online)

The Mufti was appointed by the British.. Palestine had already sheltered 600,000 European Jews doubling the population in the 1920s and 30s.
When Shlaim published an “Updated and Expanded” edition of The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World (W. W. Norton & Co.) in 2014, he once again, and still without offering a source, included a story (pp. 3-4) featuring the phrase “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.” He made, however, one change. Shlaim now, without explanation, referred to it as “an apocryphal story”: “After the Basel Congress, according to an apocryphal story, the rabbis of Vienna decided to explore Herzl’s ideas and sent two representatives to Palestine.” Even so, Shlaim went on to discuss the story as though it were factual and not apocryphal.

And as for Marrouchi’s 2011 article “Cry No More for Me, Palestine—Mahmoud Darwish,” which has been retracted by College Literature for plagiarism, Marrouchi still proudly mentions it among his “several works of literary criticism” in the third-person biography presented on his website.

Such is the state of scholarship, journalism, and filmmaking on Jewish and Israeli history.

Many Jews were aware in the early years of the Zionist movement that there was a significant, although small, Arab population in the Land of Israel/Palestine relative to its then Jewish population. Moreover, Zionists realized that much of the Arab population did not want Jews to immigrate to the Land of Israel/Palestine or to reestablish a Jewish state there. Believing the land to be their national heritage, and the Jews its indigenous people, they were undeterred. There is no need to resort to contrived tales in order to demonstrate those points.

Nonetheless, the anti-Zionist potential inherent in stories containing the phrase “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man” makes them irresistible to many historians, journalists, and filmmakers, and accounts for much of the stories’ enduring popularity, despite an apparent lack of historical veracity. Historians, journalists, and filmmakers have been willing to put aside basic scholarly standards in attempting to advance their anti-Zionist arguments.

(full article online)

(Reasons why the British appointed Al Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. And it was not because they liked him or saw him as a good leader )

In April 1920, the victorious Allied powers convened in San Remo, Italy, to negotiate a peace treaty with Turkey, which had fought on the defeated Axis side during the First World War. As a direct result, Britain was handed the mandate for Palestine, previously a domain of the Ottoman Empire, with the understanding that London would now make good on its commitment to a “Jewish national home” as underlined by the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.​

However, British military officers in the field were already casting an anxious eye on Palestine’s Arab inhabitants. While one leading Jerusalem clan, the Nashashibis, was in favor of a more conciliatory policy, their main rivals, the al-Husseinis, were agitating for violent conflict with both the Jewish community and the British.

In 1919, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a prominent scion of the clan, began organizing small groups of terrorists to harass and attack Palestine’s Jews. One year later, as the Allies were deliberating at San Remo, al-Husseini instigated anti-Jewish riots in Jerusalem during the intermediate days of the Passover festival. Six Jews were murdered and more than 200 wounded during an orgy of destruction.

Given al-Husseini’s role in encouraging the violence, the British arrested him. But one year later, newly-installed British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel, eager to dampen down tensions, pardoned al-Husseini and appointed him to the post of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. This act, Samuel said, would ensure “that the influences of his family and himself would be devoted to tranquility.”

Samuel could not have been more wrong. As a direct consequence of Britain’s empowerment of him as Mufti, al-Husseini was emboldened in pursuing the aim of violently removing the Jewish presence in Palestine. Over the following two decades, al-Husseini’s hardened anti-Semitic worldview, together with his determination to extinguish any prospect of the Balfour Declaration’s promise from being realized, made him a natural Middle Eastern ally of Germany’s Nazi regime once it launched its war of conquest and genocide in 1939.

(full article online)

The first day of the festival had sessions on LGBTQ+, wind energy and Greek history. The second day featured the Palestinian envoy to Greece to give an anti-Israel speech.

The speech by Marwan Toubassi was filled with clear lies and incitement against Israel as well as pure antisemitism.

He said:

I come from a land where 100,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948 and 1 million Palestinians have been imprisoned in Israel since 1967 and 1.5 million have been displaced from their homes and land. I come from a country where more than 60 organized massacres have taken place since the founding of the colonial state of Israel.

I come from a country that suffers from an ongoing holocaust.

Literally every word is a lie, and the use of the word "holocaust" is by any definition antisemitic.

But the Jew-hatred doesn't end there.

On this occasion, I would also like to mention some excerpts from the book by the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, entitled "The Zionist Movement in Lenin's Writings", the first edition of which was published in 1979 and the second in 2011.

"Lenin believed that the continued exploitation of the Jewish question was in the interest of colonialism and that it achieved the goals of the Zionist movement, which feeds on this issue, moves it and benefits from it."

He goes on to say, "If world leaders had followed Lenin's example in their assessment and handling of the Jewish question, there would have been no Zionist movement and no colonial state of Israel, because, in short, Lenin believed that Jews they are not a nation and they do not have the components of a nation and they should live in the societies in which they existed hundreds or even thousands of years ago. "Lenin did not accept the declaration of separation between colonialism and imperialism on the one hand, and the Zionist movement on the other. "
Toubassi is quoting Mahmoud Abbas' book saying that the Jews aren't a people and they should not have a state.

Denying Jewish peoplehood is antisemitism, and in this case it is part of a demand that Jews in the Middle East always remain as second class citizens under Muslim rule.

(full article online)


t was against this backdrop that Amin al-Husseini held a March 4, 1961, press conference in Beirut. The Mufti, CIA cables reveal, “categorically denied any connection with the persecution of Jews in Germany during the Second World War.” He claimed that “all allegations in this respect were baseless and they were prompted by Zionists’ enmity toward him and the Palestinian national movement.”

The Mufti also distributed a statement in response to a recent book on Eichmann by the American journalist Quentin Reynolds, which alleged that Husseini had several contacts with the SS officer and had toured Nazi death camps. Husseini “said that he did not know Eichmann and that he had no connection whatsoever with him.” Further, “neither he nor any other Arab had plans in the past or at present to annihilate any race, Jews or others.” Husseini closed out the press conference by asserting that “what the Jews have done” in Israel “is similar to what the Nazis did to them in Germany” — a libel that is still echoed by antisemites today.

Husseini’s press conference was replete with lies.

Husseini was well aware of Hitler’s plans for European Jewry. Indeed, he hoped to replicate them in the Middle East.

In his own memoirs, the Mufti recorded a November 28, 1941, meeting with Hitler: “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews.”

“The answer I got was: ‘The Jews are yours.’”

Many apologists, journalists, and academics spent decades denying that Husseini visited concentration camps, but in 2017, conclusive photographic evidence emerged showing Husseini touring the Trebbin camp near Berlin.

“The photographs,” the historian Wolfgang Schwanitz wrote in Tablet magazine, “provide irrefutable proof” that Husseini “had precise knowledge of the fate of Jews in Hitler’s Germany.” It is also possible that the Mufti visited other camps while in Poland.

Husseini’s claim about Eichmann was similarly a lie.

As Schwanitz and the late historian Barry Rubin detailed in “Nazis, Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East,” on December 4, 1941, Eichmann took Husseini “into the map room at the Reich Main Security Office’s Jewish Affairs division to explain how Germany would solve the Jewish question.” This, it should be noted, was before the Wannsee Conference, which officially determined the fate of European Jewry. Husseini even “asked Eichmann to send an expert — probably Dieter Wisliceny — to Jerusalem to be his own personal adviser for setting up death camps and gas chambers once Germany won the war and he was in power.”

Indeed, Husseini had begun his outreach to Germany shortly after the Nazis came to power. And, on October 2, 1937, the Nazis dispatched a then-obscure official to Haifa to meet Husseini. His name was Adolf Eichmann. The British were suspicious, and Eichmann was put on a ship to Egypt, but he nonetheless managed to meet with Husseini’s representatives and aides in Cairo.

Husseini even came to Eichmann’s aid after World War II. As Schwanitz and Rubin note, “Husseini sent his emissary, Husain Haurani, in October 1949 to give Eichmann’s wife, Veronica, money so she and their children could join her husband in Argentina.”

This fact illustrates the depths of Husseini’s hubris: he not only knew Eichmann, but he played a key role in helping the Nazi war criminal.

Eichmann himself would be executed by Israel in 1962. Hitler’s Mufti, however, would escape justice, dying in 1974. But his legacy of virulent antisemitism lives on.

(full article online)

In recent years its become very popular for Zionists to blame the Mufti rather than Hitler and the German people.. They think it justifies what they have done to the Palestinians. Between 1920 and 1935 600,000 European Jews moved to Palestine where the organize terror groups, carried out false flag operations like the bombing of the king David hotel and killed British peacekeepers.
In recent years its become very popular for Zionists to blame the Mufti rather than Hitler and the German people.. They think it justifies what they have done to the Palestinians. Between 1920 and 1935 600,000 European Jews moved to Palestine where the organize terror groups, carried out false flag operations like the bombing of the king David hotel and killed British peacekeepers.
And your Nazi source for this half truths would be.... something like the other source which had a Nazi SS officer's name as its writer?
And your Nazi source for this half truths would be.... something like the other source which had a Nazi SS officer's name as its writer?

The Mufti wanted to slow the flood of immigrants to Palestine .. same as we would object to 100 million foreigners who hated our culture coming to America.

You all have a long, long history of rewriting history.
The Mufti wanted to slow the flood of immigrants to Palestine .. same as we would object to 100 million foreigners who hated our culture coming to America.

You all have a long, long history of rewriting history.
And still, you are incapable of showing where you borrowed these ideas.

Because in the end, these are not your words, these are not your experiences.

The Mufti, whose family moved to Palestine in the 10th century was as much a foreigner to the land of Israel, as all the other Arabs who moved there from the 7th century on.

Their land, is wherever Islam has conquered it.

Your comparison is pathetic considering that FOREIGNERS invaded the American continents and took away lives and cultures from their indigenous people.

"Americans" are not the indigenous people of North America, anymore than Arabs, or even now called Palestinians, can be considered indigenous to Ancient Canaan, Israel, Judea, Palestine.

Keep running away from logic.
And still, you are incapable of showing where you borrowed these ideas.

Because in the end, these are not your words, these are not your experiences.

The Mufti, whose family moved to Palestine in the 10th century was as much a foreigner to the land of Israel, as all the other Arabs who moved there from the 7th century on.

Their land, is wherever Islam has conquered it.

Your comparison is pathetic considering that FOREIGNERS invaded the American continents and took away lives and cultures from their indigenous people.

"Americans" are not the indigenous people of North America, anymore than Arabs, or even now called Palestinians, can be considered indigenous to Ancient Canaan, Israel, Judea, Palestine.

Keep running away from logic.

Come now. Don't be stupid. You are confusing Arabs with Muslims. Arabs have been in Palestine since before Abraham came out of Ur near Haran.. The Akkadians were from the Arabian peninsula and they were all over Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia ad the Levant before Judaism existed.. They had a written. language by 3100 BC
Come now. Don't be stupid. You are confusing Arabs with Muslims. Arabs have been in Palestine since before Abraham came out of Ur near Haran.. The Akkadians were from the Arabian peninsula and they were all over Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia ad the Levant before Judaism existed.. They had a written. language by 3100 BC
Come now. You know that I am not stupid.

I started a whole thread for you to show me how a mass invasion of Arabs happened before Abraham, and so far.....nothing.

The Akkadians were not Arabs.

Stop repeating things which are not true, and learning things which are true.

I show Nazi propaganda to you, you dismiss it.
Anything which does not agree with your rosy love for Arabs and Islam, you promptly dismiss.

Read fewer, if none Nazi sources.
Read fewer, if none....Israel hating sources.
Read fewer, if none.....Jew hating sources.

There are way too many out there.

Here are some of them ( The Imam and the Interior minister, that is ) :

Jew hatred is a disease followed by too many Christians and Muslims.

Many have gotten rid of that disease.

Good luck (in getting rid of it, too )
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( A book, for those who deny the link between Al Husseini and the Nazis, and his role in how many Jews ended up dying through his and Nazi hands from 1920 to 1948 )


Amin al-Husaini is undeniably one of the key figures of the 20th century. He was the religious head of the Palestinian Muslims for 16 years, their political leader for 30 years, and, for a time, he was the most important representative of the Arab world. Now available in paperback, this book examines the time that Amin al-Husaini spent in Nazi Germany from 1941 to 1945. It looks at what the Mufti was hoping to gain politically and ideologically while he was there. The book is directed primarily at the four years which the Mufti of Jerusalem, with his staff of some 60 persons and a secret service of his own, spent in Berlin as a guest and at the expense of the Third Reich. Although seen as only a four year period of time, even today, this period continues to poison the Israeli-Arab relationship. Al-Husaini cooperated eagerly with the Nazis to prevent Jews emigrating from Europe to Palestine. Aware of what was happening, he wanted to see the Jews destroyed. He also expected a high position for himself in the Arab world after the Nazis had won World War II. Germany's enemies became his enemies and he waged a campaign of hate against the British and the Americans, who were, he claimed, pawns of the Jews. This began the path towards anti-Americanism and the struggle against 'Western depravity' in the name of Islam. The book shows how Amin al-Husaini used murder, terrorism, intrigue, extortion, and the abuse of religion to obtain his goals. His broadcasts to the Muslims in North Africa during World War II were appeals for martyrdom in order to help the Germans, as that would guarantee Paradise. After the war, he continued to act in precisely the same manner. His greed for wealth, hunger for power, despotism, ruthlessness, and intransigence were all factors that brought disaster upon his people and have, unfortunately, set a standard that remains valid in Palestinian politics today.

*** "It is to be desired that politicians and journalists read this book, in which, based on German primary source files, Klaus Gensicke proves that Haj Muhammad Amin al-Husaini, Mufti of Jerusalem since 1921, participated in the murder of European Jews and his anti-Semitism contributed to the outbreak of the futile war against Israel in 1948." -- Karl Pfeifer ***

Amazon product ASIN 0853038546
For example, Choudhary argues that there have been “forceful evictions” from the eastern Jerusalem neighbourhood of Shimon HaTzaddik/Sheikh Jarrah, which social media has highlighted. Tragically, misinformation surrounding this issue has spurred violence from the Palestinians. In reality, a group of non-paying tenants in a building owned legally by a string of Jewish owners for 140 years have refused to pay rent, though the ownership of the building is without a doubt, and has been proven in court, even with the acknowledgement of Arab tenants. And, in a country governed by the rule of law, the owners sought to legally evict their law-breaking tenants, which was granted by a district court, though not yet followed through with.

Nevertheless, back in the spring, spurious claims – not dissimilar from the ones made by Choudhary – began spreading that Israel is evicting tenants for some unfounded reason, and that was enough for Hamas, the terrorist group which rules the Gaza Strip with an iron fist, to sense an opportunity. In short order, propaganda began spreading, and the “Tik Tok Intifada” was born, leaving death and destruction for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

During that same conflict, one image quickly went viral around the world. In it, a tree atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was ablaze, and in the Western Wall Plaza below, jubilant Israelis danced. The rumours thus began: Israeli Jews celebrate while the Al Aqsa Mosque burns.

But once again, the facts were nowhere to be seen.

The truth is very different. The tree in question was set ablaze by errant firecrackers, fired from Palestinian rioters on the Temple Mount, towards Israeli police. And in the Western Wall Plaza, concurrently but unrelated, celebrations were already taking place for Jerusalem Day, when the city was liberated from Jordanian occupation in 1967.

But social media rarely captures nuance, and so the truth became secondary to scandalous – yet fake – rumours.

If Choudhary sees social media as an effective tool to spread truth about an event, it would be important to first set the record straight, and stop peddling misinformation.

(full article online)

( It was never about Israel. It has always been about Jews. 1300 years of a bad habit of keeping Jews as second class citizens )

Richard Pollack writes in JNS:

I recently stumbled upon a photography book shot by the acclaimed Life magazine wartime photographer John Phillips. The large, innocuous-looking book was simply titled, A Will to Survive. After flipping through the pages, I realized I entered a time capsule that memorializes the Arab destruction of Jerusalem’s ancient Jewish Quarter in 1948.

Not only is it a dramatic firsthand account of the fall of the Jewish Quarter in 1948, but it documents the Arab Legion’s scorched-earth tactics that razed and burned to the ground every structure there, including all its synagogues and yeshivahs. The Arabs expelled all of the city’s residents, mainly defenseless, old Orthodox Jews. They were given about an hour to vacate homes that most extended families had lived in for centuries.

And there never has been a reckoning by any international body about the Arab Legion’s barbaric actions after it captured the Quarter.

To get his shots in May 1948, Phillips posed undercover in Jerusalem as a British officer in the Arab Legion. He also smuggled out his photos to avoid Arab censors who were eager to keep the sacking of the Jewish Quarter secret.

Phillips faced personal danger to do the shoot. He entered the Middle East undercover and wore the uniform of the Arab Legion, a British-created Arab army led by British officers, many of whom stayed on with their units to fight the Jews. “Mistaking me for a British officer, the Arab populace left me alone,” he wrote.

He was appalled about the Arab censorship. “Aware that the sack of the Jewish Quarter would shock the western world, Arab authorities across the Middle East tried to prevent the news from leaking out. Jerusalem could not be mentioned under any circumstances,” he wrote.

“I knew my pictures of the agony of the Jewish Quarter would end up in a censor’s wastepaper basket. I did not want this to happen and decided to smuggle them out of the Middle East.”

I found a copy of the book online. The photographs in the book are stunning.

Of course, most importantly, Hitler and the Nazi propaganda machine used the main theme of the Protocols – evil Jewish power – to turn the German people from merely not liking the Jews to seeing them as a grave threat to Germany. Hitler explicitly invoked the Protocols, his regime mass distributed the book, and ultimately the Protocols served as part of what has been called the Nazis’ “warrant for genocide,” culminating in what we all know as the horrors of the Holocaust.

In more modern times, much of the Arab world continues to circulate the Protocols as part of a long-time effort to delegitimize the state of Israel and seeing inherent Jewish insidiousness as the underlying nature of the Jewish state.

And most recently, ADL uncovered the fact that the newly elected president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, had overseen a project in Iran several years ago that presented the Protocols in a fifty-episode film series, shown on public TV and distributed in hardcopy to pilgrims visiting Iran, as if the document was an accurate description of Jewish power and intentions in the world.

It is important to understand why the Protocols has had such an influential and long life, however pernicious. The creators of the document understood that millions of people around the world had been inculcated for centuries with the idea that Jews were secretly all-powerful and destructive. This was the core and unique element of antisemitism. They realized that if they could create a document that would confirm these sentiments, people would believe them to be authentic.

Which is exactly what happened, as evidenced by an incident in Bern, Switzerland in 1935. Due to the Graves refutation and the horrific violence against Jews based on the Protocols, the Swiss government had passed a law making it illegal to distribute the Protocols. Two individuals were being prosecuted for exactly that. At the trial, a slew of witnesses testified to the fraudulent nature of the Protocols, citing Graves’ work. Finally, one of the defendants came to the docket and was asked about how he thought about things in light of all these testimonies. He said, none of that bothers me because I see in everyday life all around how the Protocols is an accurate description of reality, that the Jews are all-powerful and trying to take over the world!

(full article online)


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