The Right To Destroy Jewish History

You hang on to that victimhood to justify Israel's choices.


The Semitic Migrations from Arabia – Arabic newspaper ...
Jan 19, 2021 · As for the history of these migrations and the names of the groups that carried them, the theorists believe that the first half of the third millennium BC witnessed the departure of three human waves from the Arabian Peninsula, two of them towards the Mesopotamian valley, and they are the Akkadian wave that settled in the southern region and mixed with the Sumerian elements. There, the Assyrian wave that settled in the northern regions, and the third wave, …

"You hang on to that victimhood to justify Israel's choices."

You truly do not know a Antisemitic saying when you write it. Nothing new about how you feel about Jews in general and Israel, specifically.
A religious extremist Christian who hates Jews. Any Jews. And Israel is the Nation of the Jews.
Googled “spitting on Christians
I got About 42,200,000 results (0.55 seconds) . Can you guess who the spitter's were/are? As a Christian does this

spitting on Christians - Google Search
Spitting update Reality is at your door. Muslims do not do the following & now you know who does
Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them a few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window.
Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

Oct 12, 2004 - Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them. A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window.

DL: Spitting at Christians a 'repulsive act'
Jewish group calls on Israel's Chief Rabbinate to denounce decades-old ultra-Orthodox practice of spitting at Christian clergymen on the street. 'This is a hateful act of persecution against another faith group,7340,L-3443,00.html

Traditional Christians in Israel today who increasingly find themselves under assault, especially those living in or near orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. Last month, two churches were painted with slogans such as “Jesus is dead” and “Death to Christianity.” Many priests (Rabbis) are daily spat upon when walking on the streets in Jerusalem.

I don’t always see eye-to-eye with Abe Foxman of the Jewish Antidefamation League (ADL), but I want to give him his props on a recent statement issued by the ADL.
According to a press release,
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has called on the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to publicly denounce the repulsive decades-old practice by ultra-Orthodox Jews of spitting at Christian clergymen they encounter in the street.

Has the US news ever reported the above?
NO, not even once
One must wonder why?
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"You hang on to that victimhood to justify Israel's choices."

You truly do not know a Antisemitic saying when you write it. Nothing new about how you feel about Jews in general and Israel, specifically.

I don't have a problem with Jewish people or their religion at all. I think Israel is in the wrong and spending waaaay too much time defending what they have done in Palestine.

Why don't you just slow down and read A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation?

Many of us are on your side.. Don't be afraid to read it.

The point is that Jewish history is NOT the only history in the region.
You hang on to that victimhood to justify Israel's choices.


The Semitic Migrations from Arabia – Arabic newspaper ...
Jan 19, 2021 · As for the history of these migrations and the names of the groups that carried them, the theorists believe that the first half of the third millennium BC witnessed the departure of three human waves from the Arabian Peninsula, two of them towards the Mesopotamian valley, and they are the Akkadian wave that settled in the southern region and mixed with the Sumerian elements. There, the Assyrian wave that settled in the northern regions, and the third wave, …

Can you find the same results about migration from the Arabian Peninsula in a non Arab source?

And why continue to assume that all who left the Arabian Peninsula were Arabs?

Are all from Europe German, or British, etc, etc.? There were hundreds of tribes in each continent who eventually combined their forces and formed Nations, and eventually what can be called modern Countries.

Do you understand the difference I am referring to?

Let me focus on some sentences from that article:

"As for the history of these migrations and the names of the groups that carried them, the theorists believe"

"Although the arguments of the theory of sublime migrations have become old and outdated, and that Western researchers use it with all scientific caution, this theory has remained in control of historical research in our Arab East,"

My questions would be:

The whole article comes from theories?
Are there no archeological proof for any of those theories?
What is the purpose of writing any article based on theories?

How does that disprove any Jewish claim of sovereignty to their ancient Homeland?
I don't have a problem with Jewish people or their religion at all. I think Israel is in the wrong and spending waaaay too much time defending what they have done in Palestine.

Why don't you just slow down and read A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation?

Many of us are on your side.. Don't be afraid to read it.

The point is that Jewish history is NOT the only history in the region.
You have been missing Israel's relationships with Christian and Arab countries, especially with the Arab ones lately. And to allege that Israel does nothing to help Palestinians, comes exactly from the sources you read, which have clearly left you with the idea that Israel is a destroyer and not a builder, a bad idea and not the most successful country in the Middle East so far, a country so many Arab countries and Palestinians, look up to.
I don't have a problem with Jewish people or their religion at all. I think Israel is in the wrong and spending waaaay too much time defending what they have done in Palestine.

Why don't you just slow down and read A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation?

Many of us are on your side.. Don't be afraid to read it.

The point is that Jewish history is NOT the only history in the region.
"The point is that Jewish history is NOT the only history in the region."

Another learned sentence you seem to have the need to repeat, again and again and again?

Here are some threads for you to read every now and then, to get an idea of what else is happening in that part of the world:

Maybe, just maybe, you will find out that Israel and Israelis do know that they are not the only country in that area, that Palestinians, aka Arab citizens, do not hate Israel and prefer living there than in any Arab country, that they have rights in Israel they do not have in any Muslim country.
I don't have a problem with Jewish people or their religion at all. I think Israel is in the wrong and spending waaaay too much time defending what they have done in Palestine.

Why don't you just slow down and read A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation?

Many of us are on your side.. Don't be afraid to read it.

The point is that Jewish history is NOT the only history in the region.

"I think Israel is in the wrong and spending waaaay too much time defending what they have done in Palestine."

Unfortunately, it is the other way around.

It is Muslims and Christians attempting to destroy the only Jewish Nation on the planet simply because the Jews had the courage to say enough with the non enlightened ideologies of Christianity and Islam, which will always refuse to see the Jews as 100% humans. No different than how White supremacists view Blacks and there minorities.

The whole Mandate for Palestine, including TranJordan was part of the Jewish ancient homeland. It was never part of a Palestinian state, Empire, Caliphate or otherwise which would give those people an equal right to the land, as the Jews.

In any history book, including Muslim and Arab ones, before WWI......Palestine was the land of the ancient Israelites, of the Hebrew Scriptures, etc. They all acknowledge who were and are the indigenous people of that land.

Jews having the courage to go against what others have decided are not their rights, to have their own sovereign Nation, and stop living under Christian and Muslim powers as second citizens, is what has brought the attacks by Muslims since 1920.

There was a region called Palestine, not a country, because Herodotus called the Philistine coastal area Palestinea, and the Romans changed Judea's name to the region of the People who had once defeated the Israelites. And the British borrowed the humiliating name to the Mandate for the Jewish Homeland.

If you ever happen to go to that area again, try going to the Museums in Israel. There is a clear history there.

As I have posted before, there is Nothing, truly no history to be had for a Palestinian people, before Arafat and the KGB created that nationality.

And just like the idea of letting the Jews go from the Arab conquered countries, it was all an idea to help destroy Israel.

Arabs never had a Palestinian identity before 1964, because there were no Palestinians, only Arabs.

What has Israel done in Palestine?

Made it bloom. The Ottomans destroyed vast areas by removing all the trees.

And the Arabs for 500 years never fought the Ottomans, for any reason. As long as it was a Muslim power.

The Muslims fought the British, because they were Christians, and they fight Israel because it is a Jewish Nation ON its ancient homeland.

The Arabs never fought Jordan, which took 78% of Palestine. Because they are Muslims.

They will never fight for Jordan. Only for the 20% of the Mandate which is in Jewish Hands. As it should be. As the rest of it also should have been, had it not been for the British, and the extreme Muslims who could not accept a sovereign Jewish Nation.
Can you find the same results about migration from the Arabian Peninsula in a non Arab source?

And why continue to assume that all who left the Arabian Peninsula were Arabs?

Are all from Europe German, or British, etc, etc.? There were hundreds of tribes in each continent who eventually combined their forces and formed Nations, and eventually what can be called modern Countries.

Do you understand the difference I am referring to?

Let me focus on some sentences from that article:

"As for the history of these migrations and the names of the groups that carried them, the theorists believe"

"Although the arguments of the theory of sublime migrations have become old and outdated, and that Western researchers use it with all scientific caution, this theory has remained in control of historical research in our Arab East,"

My questions would be:

The whole article comes from theories?
Are there no archeological proof for any of those theories?
What is the purpose of writing any article based on theories?

How does that disprove any Jewish claim of sovereignty to their ancient Homeland?

Of course they were Arabs or Arabu.. They sure weren't Russians or French. They began leaving the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 years go as Arabia became more arid and savanna became desert.
I don't have a problem with Jewish people or their religion at all. I think Israel is in the wrong and spending waaaay too much time defending what they have done in Palestine.

Why don't you just slow down and read A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation?

Many of us are on your side.. Don't be afraid to read it.

The point is that Jewish history is NOT the only history in the region.

Amazon product ASIN B00GXFNWCY
Amazon product ASIN 1626982600

Please explain what these books, and others like them, written by very religious Christians, actually have to do with what the Palestinians decisions have been since 1920?

Muslim Arabs chose violence against Jews in order to keep them from reconstructing their nation on their Ancient homeland. Many Arab Christians helped them on that. Many Arab Christians were also victims of Muslim Arab violence.

Muslims and Christians and other religions have freedom of religion in Israel , something they did not have during the Ottoman rule, or even the Jordanian rule over Jerusalem.

What.....has Israel done to Palestine, but to free people to worship the way they want to worship and allow Jews and Christians to pray at their most important sites?
Of course they were Arabs or Arabu.. They sure weren't Russians or French. They began leaving the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 years go as Arabia became more arid and savanna became desert.
You keep assuming that all who came out of the Arabian Peninsula were Arabs. They could not have been. Just as in the Americas, people created nations, had different languages and cultures.

You have the tendency of putting them all under one umbrella. As Arabs.

There is no archeological evidence of "waves" of people leaving the Peninsula 10,000 years ago. You are merely repeating was has been alleged recently about the 10,000 years idea. I posted about it.

Jews have lived everywhere since migrating from Israel after Judaism was founded. They are still indigenous to the land, it does not matter if they moved back to Israel from Malta, Spain, Brazil, anywhere in Asia, Europe or the Americas. Greenland, Iceland, Australia.

Jews are indigenous of the Land of Israel, ancient Canaan, and they have every right to return there without Christians and Muslims telling them that they should not, and endless attempts to keep Jews from having their Nation, which was legally acquired.

Unlike all the invaders all the way up to the British, the Jewish people are the only people with historical, cultural and extended presence on the land.
“During the 1948 war,” says letter-writer Bob Holden of Los Angeles, “the Israelis expelled more than half the Palestinian population (some 700,000) and seized their land and businesses without compensation.”

The Israelis expelled them? News to me and many others, including historians. The question of what happened to the Arabs living in Palestine in 1948, when five Arab armies swooped in to drive the Jews into the sea, has become muddled in recent years. Accusing Israel of forcing out most or all of the Palestinian Arabs is among numerous lies peddled by advocates for the Palestinians in recent years.

People like Holden usually neglect to mention that the Arabs started the war. If he did, he would probably resort to the justification in his letter: “You can’t come back after 1,700 years and destroy the peace of the current occupants merely because you want their stuff.”

Palestinians have spent 73 years languishing in refugee camps: It was not necessary. There were more than enough homes available in Arab countries. During Israel’s early years, these countries kicked out 800,000 Jews who were then taken in by Israel. This meant that these 800,000 Jews left behind dwellings that the Palestinians could have moved into, and the oil-rich Arab countries could have paid all expenses.

What Bennis and Holden neglect to mention is that the settlement-building could have ended long ago – especially when Prime Minister Ehud Barak proposed an independent state for the Palestinians during a summit in 2000 with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at Camp David. Arafat refused, and the killing on both sides continued. Barak’s successors took advantage of their interim control to expand settlements in the 'West Bank'.

Refugees should be allowed to return to Israel: The Israel government will not allow this because it will upset the demographic balance. If they left voluntarily or for other reasons that resulted from the Arab invasion, why should Israel allow them to return? Perhaps their resettlement should be administered by those who created the problem – like the Arab leadership.
Bruce Ticker is correct to challenge letter writer Bob Holden’s claim that “during the 1948 war Israel expelled more than half the Palestinian population (some 700,00),”. In fact, the proof — as documented by contemporaneous Muslim and Arab journalists — is that the overwhelming percentage of Arabs who left their homes (not all did) did so at the urging of Arab leadership who anticipated a quick genocide of the Jewish people.

Even a cursory glance at contemporaneous Arab and Muslim newspapers and other Muslim media makes clear that it was Arab leaders who commanded the local Arab population to “flee” their homes in anticipation of the genocide of the Jews:

  • On April 3, 1949 the Near East Arabic Broadcasting Station reported: “It must not be forgotten that the Arab Higher Committee encouraged the refugees’ flight from their homes in Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem”.
(full article online)

Historians have long commented how to the West, Serbia promotes Jasenovac as part of the Jewish Holocaust, but in the Balkans, Jews have been removed from the Holocaust altogether and replaced with Serbs.

As Dr. Lea David, professor of Holocaust Studies at the University of Haifanoted, “The Serbian political elite then hijacked the images and symbols of the Holocaust in order to equate Serbian victims with Jewish victims, and promote Serbian righteous victimhood as enduring throughout the 1990s wars.

“Having established Serbs as victims of the Holocaust, the Serbian government then moved to sideline the roles of Serbian Communist partisan fighters and to rehabilitate quisling Chetnik members and other right-wing figures,” she says.

As the University of Otago’s David McDonald also noted in Globalizing the Holocaust: A Jewish “Useable Past” in Serbian Nationalism: “Holocaust imagery pushed the envelope, allowing Serbian nationalist goals to gain wider, more universal appeal. It could resonate with domestic Serbs and those in the Diaspora, as well as with Jews and non-Jews... where myths of Serbian and Jewish suffering were interwoven, providing a new series of national myths.”

As for the US Holocaust Museum, on its website, it admits “Determining the number of victims… for Jasenovac is highly problematic, due to the destruction of many relevant documents, the long-term inaccessibility to independent scholars of those documents that survived…”

So why quote figures if they are “highly problematic,” especially considering the museum is aware Yad Vashem throughout the 1990s repeatedly tried obtaining the original Jasenovac documents from Serbia but has been flat-out refused to this day? Just as puzzling was Yugoslavia’s decades-old assertion that more victims’ remains are “to be discovered,” yet during its 47-year rule of the site, it never bothered once to try and locate these mysterious “missing” remains.

Those who have conflated the only wartime concentration camp without any verifiable data with scientifically proven Holocaust facts have done immeasurable harm to Jewish history.

In this era of hyper-antisemitism and a world of increasing hatred of all things Jewish, it’s high time that everyone – especially Jews – stopped collaborating with malign actors to mock the Holocaust.

The author is an Australian writer and freelance journalist and director of the, a site dedicated to exposing Nazi collaborators and neo-Nazis living Down Under.

(full article online)

(It is not only Jewish History the Palestinians are trying to destroy. The British cannot be happy about this claim )

"If someone is doing this deliberately — knowing the history of the Holocaust, knowing that Jews almost uniformly would look at this as anti-Semitic — then this is no longer a conversation about vaccination, this is no longer a conversation about the right to protest or free speech. This is entirely a conversation about hate," said Rabbi Moishe Steigmann of the Congregation Cnesses Israel in Green Bay.

The First Amendment declares, among other things, that citizens of the United States have the right "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." These rights did not exist for the 6 million Jewish people and 11 million additional people systematically murdered, he said.

"You are championing here your right to protest. Jews and other people murdered in the Holocaust had no voice, they had no rights. They had everything taken away from them," Steigmann said. "To use that as an analogy for requiring vaccinations diminishes the history of the Holocaust. It makes insignificant those 6 million lives."

"These sorts of comparisons, invoking the Holocaust and applying it to different events and different facets of life has gotten pretty common," Abramson said. "It's very frustrating for those of us in the field who are trying to expand public knowledge of the Holocaust."

"It's not only offensive to the Holocaust victims, but it paints a very inaccurate picture of what the Holocaust was. It misrepresents both the Holocaust history and all the issues we are facing in today's world," Abramson said.

(full article online)

The BBC’s reporting on the Gaza conflict this year typifies its long-term bias against Israel. It constantly drew moral equivalence between Israel, a Western liberal democracy, and Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, both proscribed terrorist organizations whose status I never saw mentioned in BBC reports. There was no acknowledgement that the conflict had been initiated by these groups that openly seek the destruction of Israel or that without their violent actions, no Palestinians in Gaza or civilians in Israel would have died. Instead, the BBC maintained the fiction — pushed by the Palestinian side — that Israel’s actions in Jerusalem were the cause.

Nor did they mention that Hamas misappropriated millions of dollars of international aid to construct tunnels, rockets and other engines of war to attack Israeli civilians.

This biased journalism was crowned by commentary direct from Jeremy Bowen, whose report from Gaza at the end of the conflict looked more like pro-Hamas propaganda than objective reporting. This was true to form. In an article written by Bowen after the last major conflagration in Gaza in 2014, he said: “I saw no evidence… of Israel’s accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields.”

This despite universally recognised evidence that human shields are Hamas’s consistent tactic against Israel, as proudly admitted on more than one occasion by Hamas leader Fathi Hamad and confirmed again in May in a speech to the UN Security Council by Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland.

Why so much emphasis on Bowen’s role? Because all BBC reporting on the Israel-Palestinian conflict for more than 15 years has been driven, above all, by his editorial influence. According to British newspaper The Independent:
I do not blame Bowen for the influence he wields, I blame the BBC executives that allow him, with his history, to hold a position that dominates the coverage of the world’s largest broadcast media corporation. But of course he fits well into an organization infected with such a blatantly biased agenda on Israel. During the 2021 Gaza conflict, according to the UK’s Jewish Chronicle, following complaints the BBC had to issue corrections eight times in their Arabic news coverage alone.

Over the years, many BBC staff have betrayed their own bias both in their reports and on social media. For example, this year the BBC was forced to fire journalist Tala Halawa after a tweet she had written before being hired by the BBC was brought to their attention by media watchdog Honest Reporting. She wrote: “Israel is more Nazi than Hitler! Oh, Hitler was right, IDF go to hell.”

Senior BBC producer Alaa Daraghme recently shared a video on Twitter about “an Israeli settler ramming a Palestinian man near the Lions’ Gate” in the Old City of Jerusalem. In fact, the video showed a car being driven onto the sidewalk after an attempt by Palestinians to lynch the driver, who then lost control. There are many other such cases of bias and distortion among BBC staff.

There is little likelihood, without firm intervention by the British government, that the BBC will relinquish its leadership of the global anti-Israel movement that has contributed to so much suffering, misery and bloodshed. As British journalist Melanie Phillips writes: “It is no exaggeration to say that when it to comes to Israel, the issue is not BBC bias. It is BBC incitement to baseless hatred.”

(full article online)

(Hebron, where there has been Jewish presence for over 3000 years, except from 1929 to 1967 when Jews were massacred and then expelled "belongs" to the Palestinians )

Members of the Joint List party, headed by Ayman Odeh, met on Saturday with Hebron Mayor Tayseer Abu Sneineh and discussed with him the Israeli activity in the "Ibrahimi Mosque" (the Islamic name for the Cave of the Patriarchs) which, according to a report by the Palestinian Authority’s official Wafa news agency, is meant to change the historical characteristics of the site.

At the meeting, Abu Sneineh noted that the visit of the Knesset members of the Joint List sends a message about the unity of the homeland and the people in all the Palestinian territories, and claimed that the "occupation" began to implement the “Judaization plans” of the site through the work to make the place accessible to the disabled.

According to the report in Wafa, the Joint List MKs said that "this entire land and what is in it belong to the Palestinian people" and that the current phase requires a "serious position of the (Arab) public".

(full article online)


But the Haret el-Yahud neighborhood had already spread through Hret al-Sharaf during the 19th century as more Jews moved into the Old City.

But modern antisemites hate Jews so much that they refuse to admit that there was a Haret el-Yahud, and you can find webpages showing absurd things like these:

As it was, there were plenty of Jews who lived outside the Jewish quarter. 32% of Jewish families lived in the Muslim quarter, and at least one of the neighborhoods of that quarter - the al-Wad neighborhood to the northwest of the Temple Mount - was majority Jewish in the 1905 census.

(full article online)

both proscribed terrorist organizations whose status I never saw mentioned in BBC reports.
It was the Israelis who coined the phrase “terrorists”.
These Zionists were the first to---

  • Assassinate political leaders
  • Haganah terrorists threw bombs murdered anyone who resisted them
  • Blew up the King David Hotel
  • Israel Defense Force (IDF) assassinated children using IDF snipers
  • Irgun gang toss bombs into buses and homes.
The above is just the tip of the iceberg, they were and remain terrorists, coining the phrase.
It was the Israelis who coined the phrase “terrorists”.
These Zionists were the first to---

  • Assassinate political leaders
  • Haganah terrorists threw bombs murdered anyone who resisted them
  • Blew up the King David Hotel
  • Israel Defense Force (IDF) assassinated children using IDF snipers
  • Irgun gang toss bombs into buses and homes.
The above is just the tip of the iceberg, they were and remain terrorists, coining the phrase.

The above is just the tip of the iceberg,
of just how pathetic is the anti-Israel propaganda.

But I guess if they hanged gays in the main square you call them freedom fighters.
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