The Right To Destroy Jewish History

I am just surprised that you think Christian parents are threatening you over Santa Claus.
If you ever, and I do mean E V E R, bother to read an article in its entirety an discuss what is written in are more than welcome to come discuss it.

Instead, of course, you do nothing but write cheap shots about anything that does not make sense to you, although I do believe that you do know very well what goes on in some Christian countries in relation to how Jews have been and are being treated there.

Let us see you discuss what that article says, now.
There is far more to the history of Palestine and the Levant than Jewish history even without the borrowed myths and population exaggerations.

The question remains,
if there is far more to the history of the Levant,
then why the insistence to frame it in rejection to Jewish history?

Maybe there's a much deeper recognition lurking in your collective unconscious,
after all, those who reject Israel claim to also be Israel in some way or another...
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The question remains,
if there is far more to the history of the Levant,
then why the insistence to frame it in rejection to Jews history?

Maybe there's a much deeper recognition lurking in your collective unconscious,
after all, all who reject Israel pertain to also be them in some way or another...

Oh that's nonsense.. The Jews suffered terribly in Europe and in Russia and turned into bullies once they found sanctuary in Palestine. Its something they should fix instead of trying to justfy,
Oh that's nonsense.. The Jews suffered terribly in Europe and in Russia and turned into bullies once they found sanctuary in Palestine. Its something they should fix instead of trying to justfy,
You have zero proof to any of what you just wrote, just the narrative the Muslims and Christians have been dishing since Israel survived an attack from 7 Arab countries.

If they cannot destroy Israel with military force, they decided to do it by creating a whole new history for the region.

And how you have fallen for it.
Oh that's nonsense.. The Jews suffered terribly in Europe and in Russia and turned into bullies once they found sanctuary in Palestine. Its something they should fix instead of trying to justfy,

See you can only address Jewish history outside the Levant,
and frame the history of the Levant in rejection of Jewish history.
Usually, when there's something you're so afraid to talk about - what does it suggest?

Same, why are Muslims, so afraid of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount,
because they think it's false, or they don't feel at home?
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My vision for Palestine is one that...doesn't exclude religious communities, doesn't white people out. My vision for Palestine is what Palestine was! It's not a false hypothetical situation in the future: it's one that existed! People dignified and held high! That's the Palestine that I want.

So don't come to me with your present reality of ethnically cleansing Palestinian Muslims and Christians and saying we have to do this because if we cede to these barbaric people then they will wipe us off the planet. That's not true and we have a history that is older than seven[ty] years.

He sounds so tolerant!

Unfortunately for him, this vision is a whitewash of the reality of Jews and Christians under Muslim rule over the centuries, and today as well. After all, we only have to see how Christianity has dwindled under Muslim rule even in the past few decades to see how tolerant Muslims have been - let alone the ethnic cleansing that Jews have suffered under Muslim rule only seventy years ago.

The Palestine that he wants to return to is one where Jews would be beaten if they dared walk past the seventh step of the Tomb of the Patriarchs, where Jews would be killed if they entered the Temple Mount, where Jews would be attacked if they brought folding chairs to the Western Wall to pray. The Palestine that he envisions is one where Jews and Christians know their place is to be humble supplicants from their Muslim masters - or else.

What was it like to be a Jew in Palestine under Muslim rule? James Finn, the British consul to Jerusalem in the mid 19th century, describes it:

In times gone by these native Jews had their full share of suffering from the general tyrannical conduct of the Moslems, and, having no resources for maintenance in the Holy Land, they were sustained, though barely, by contributions from synagogues all over the world. This mode of supply being understood by the Moslems, they were subjected to exactions and plunder on its account from generation to generation(individuals among them, however, holding occasionally lucrative offices for a tune). This oppression proved one of the causes which have entailed on the community a frightful incubus of debt, the payment of interest on which is a heavy charge upon the income derived from abroad.

... The Jews are humiliated by the payment, through the Chief Rabbi, of pensions to Moslem local exactors, for instance the sum of 300£. a year to the Effendi whose house adjoins the ' wailing place,' or fragment of the western wall of the Temple enclosure, for permission to pray there; 100£. a year to the villagers of Siloam for not disturbing the graves on the slope of the Mount of Olives ; 50£ a year to the Ta'amra Arabs for not injuring the Sepulchre of Rachel near Bethlehem, and about 10£ a year to Sheikh Abu Gosh for not molesting their people on the high road to Jaffa, although he was highly paid by the Turkish Government as Warden of that road. All these are mere exactions made upon their excessive timidity, which it is disgraceful to the Turkish Government to allow to be practised. The figures are copied from their humble appeals occasionally made to the synagogues in Europe. Other minor impositions were laid upon them which they were afraid to discontinue to pay, such as, to one man (Moslem) for superintending the slaughtering of cattle by themselves for food, to see that it is performed by the Sephardi Eabbi who has purchased his license to do it. Periodical presents likewise of sugar, etc., to the principal Moslems at their festivals.

The Hebron Jews were more exposed than even those in Jerusalem to rough usage from the natives, and they had suffered greatly from the tyrannies of the brutal ' Abderrahhman el 'Amer.
This barely scratches the surface.

An 1852 account describes how Jews had to hide any indication of owning property or goods, because the Arabs would steal them. Jews in Palestine suffered pogroms. - not just in 1929. The word "Jew" was (and remains) an epithet in the Arab world.

This is the life that Omar Suleiman wants Jews to return to.

(full article online)

You have zero proof to any of what you just wrote, just the narrative the Muslims and Christians have been dishing since Israel survived an attack from 7 Arab countries.

If they cannot destroy Israel with military force, they decided to do it by creating a whole new history for the region.

And how you have fallen for it.

Name the SEVEN Arab countries that attacked Israel.
He sounds so tolerant!

Unfortunately for him, this vision is a whitewash of the reality of Jews and Christians under Muslim rule over the centuries, and today as well. After all, we only have to see how Christianity has dwindled under Muslim rule even in the past few decades to see how tolerant Muslims have been - let alone the ethnic cleansing that Jews have suffered under Muslim rule only seventy years ago.

The Palestine that he wants to return to is one where Jews would be beaten if they dared walk past the seventh step of the Tomb of the Patriarchs, where Jews would be killed if they entered the Temple Mount, where Jews would be attacked if they brought folding chairs to the Western Wall to pray. The Palestine that he envisions is one where Jews and Christians know their place is to be humble supplicants from their Muslim masters - or else.

What was it like to be a Jew in Palestine under Muslim rule? James Finn, the British consul to Jerusalem in the mid 19th century, describes it:

This barely scratches the surface.

An 1852 account describes how Jews had to hide any indication of owning property or goods, because the Arabs would steal them. Jews in Palestine suffered pogroms. - not just in 1929. The word "Jew" was (and remains) an epithet in the Arab world.

This is the life that Omar Suleiman wants Jews to return to.

(full article online)

Idiot. The Bedouin stole from everyone..Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Name the SEVEN Arab countries that attacked Israel.
How many Arab countries attacked Israel in 1948?

five Arab nations

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948.
Who was involved in the 1948 war?

Image result

Immediately after Israel's Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948, the armies of six Arab countries - Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq - together with the local Arab militia forces attacked the nascent Jewish state from all directions.
The first war (1948–49) began when Israel declared itself an independent state following the United Nations’ partition of Palestine. Protesting this move, five Arab countries—Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria—attacked Israel.

Oh, yes, let us not forget that it was Israel the one who "attacked first" when it declared Independence.
Back in the 1920s and 30s everyone knew it was the Bedouin.. Meanwhile the zionists killed 500 British peacekeepers before statehood.
(And in 1852? What did they know then? SHow us the writings, news etc of the day which would tell us that.)

(And as you are at it, show us the writings, news, etc in the 1920s and 1930s which show that it was the Bedouins and not the Arabs who were attacking, raping, mutilating, etc the Jews in 1921, 1929, 1936 to 1939.

Are you telling us that it was also the Bedouins who are responsible for the 1948 war? )

An 1852 account describes how Jews had to hide any indication of owning property or goods, because the Arabs would steal them. Jews in Palestine suffered pogroms. - not just in 1929. The word "Jew" was (and remains) an epithet in the Arab world.
Back in the 1920s and 30s everyone knew it was the Bedouin.. Meanwhile the zionists killed 500 British peacekeepers before statehood.
And while you are at it, do name the Bedouin tribes responsible for all of those attacks on Jews, at any time in the 19th or 20th century.

The British meant to steal not only TransJordan, as they did for the Hashemites, but steal the rest of the Mandate for themselves.

They were not, to this day, the innocent participants you keep trying to make them be.

Peacekeepers keep peace, they do not allow Arabs to attack and kill Jews at any time and do NOTHING.
Nizar Hussain Rashid, writing in Rai Al Youm, attacks the exhibition with thinly-veiled antisemitism, saying that the exhibit "emanates from the Israeli bosom" and showcases, somehow, Israeli theft of Arab culture.

He makes the ridiculous argument that the name of the exhibition, Jews of the Orient or Jews of the East, is inaccurate because north African Jews are not from the East at all.

Somehow, since he considers Israelis to be Western colonialists, that makes this exhibition on Jews in Arab lands to be illegitimate.

Rashid repeats the lie that there is no history of Jews in Israel. "They toiled in digging and digging in the land of Palestine and did not find either a stone or a trace [of their history.] Where will the museum’s stones and sculptures come from then? Who are the forgers among the Professors of Archeology at the Hebrew University, for example? "

Rashid then goes on to deny that any Jews were forced out of Arab countries, claiming that they all left voluntarily from Egypt and Iraq and elsewhere, and then they found real discrimination when they reached Israel and regretted leaving their homes.

Which brings up the question - if that is true, when why didn't they go back?

The writer ends off by saying "In any case, the Arab World Institute is now standing naked of every virtue and on open ground, after it was infiltrated in this scandalous way."

Denying Jewish history. Saying that Jews are liars. Making clear that Jews never belonged in Arab countries as full citizens to begin with. Yeah, that's not "anti-Zionism."

(full article online)


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