The right to work (for less) laws

As well the Unions should. However, it should still be the choice, of any workplace, whether or not to unionize.

There are massive issues in a split representation department. It creates significant problems that have to be dealt with on a daily basis at times. It can be a nightmare.

My son's mother works at a Japanes, non-Unionized shop. If they Unionized, the plant would leave. The plant was non-Union even before the RTW referendum. Plants like this one were one of the reasons why the RTW referendum passed. Foreign corporations and non-unionized workplaces were killing competition anyway.

This is why we shouldn't be allowing foreign corporations in the US, but that's a separate issue.

Stores like Kroger and Meijer, they are all Union. Walmart? Not so. So why not have a RTW law? It lessens the power of cross union pressure of industries that, for what ever reason, aren't unionized across the board, making competition unfair. This increases competition, gives workers a true voice on whether they want their work place unionized, and brings in more business.

It provides options. No company is forced to allow unions and never has been. They may deal with consequences for not unionizing but there's no law forcing them to allow it.

This wasn't a law passed by the politicians, this was a law, passed by the people, in the State where unions were born. What else is there to say? Unions are still respected, and still powerful. They are still loved. But they need to EARN their respect. They need to stay legitimate, and cut ties with organized crime if they want to maintain the respect and support of the people now.

People gave taken the actions of a few bad apples and applied it to every union out there. There are bad apples in every group. Always have been and always will be. We can't let them spoil the reputation of everyone else.

That is all there is to this issue. We are sick of the waste and the corruption.

The Companies are just as rife with stupidity, waste and corruption. My Department is currently fighting our boss to keep him from making a massive MISTAKE regarding how work is assigned. Just as we told them their "Transformation" project wasn't a good idea in 2009. It failed in every department but one across the entire company and they've had to undo almost all of it.

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