The rightwing has now embraced Keynesian economics

Democrats be like... Republicans are so stupid, they use Democrat ideas... derp...
How come every time a republican is in charge the guberment has to send everyone money to keep us from having an official recession?
We shouldn't have listened to you...........You cooked the books and were part of creating too big to fail.........Sallie ring a bell........nothing to worry about.............Clinton signed it.............THE ESTABLISHMENT BOTH SIDES WANTED IT............BOOM 2008.

Now we MUST OBEY AND SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY for a virus.........DNC were the worst on rules........and then they blame everyone else................

The Globalist from both sides did this and are destroying small business on a MASSIVE SCALE......which was the purpose of this nonsense.

Nobody did this to you but yourselves.

Those of us who live in the rest of the world shut our countries down and tested tested tested. We still haven’t fully reopened. Our active cases are less than 1/5 of our closed cases.

Not only are we still wearing masks and social distancing but our bars and gyms and restaurants are still closed. Patio service only. Our swimming pools are opening next week.

Meanwhile in the USA you’re setting records on the numbers of sick and dying. Your active cases are more than you’re closed cases and you’re active cases are going up by tens of thousands every single day.

At this point your president seems determined to allow the virus to run free and pretend it’s not happening at all. That’s because Trump and his billionaire buddies are all making out like bandits on this thing.

$70 billion in increased wealth has gone to the top 10% wealthiest Americans and corporations during this pandemic. Working people? Sick, broke, and unemployed again.

And with the loss of thousands of small and medium businesses there will be fewer jobs to go back to that aren’t owned by mega corporations paying shit wages.
America isn’t so bad when democrats are in charge but even when we’re in charge the rich control our politicians and courts still. Just not as bad as when republicans are in charge. Remember haloburton made a fortune in iraq. That was dick Chaneys company. And these idiots re elected that idiot, who they today admit they think he was an idiot. So this proves republicans will back their presidents no matter how bad things are going. Bush caused a Great Recession they wanted to let his buddy McCain take over. Hell bush lied us into Iraq and they elected him to a second term..

Even candidate trump admitted bush lied and there were no wmds. He wouldn’t say that today but he said it when he was running. One thing that to me made him better than all the other presidents. This is what trump won doing. He wasn’t exactly a republican. He even said he would raise taxes on the rich. So he said things I liked that no other republican would say. I just knew he was lying. Trump supporters really still believe him. And they like it that he offends Asians, blacks, Muslims and mexicans.

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