The rightwing has now embraced Keynesian economics

Nothing like partisan hypocrisy at work. Its not the policy, but which team is calling the plays.

Deficits don’t matter unless the opposition is the one running them...
Nothing like partisan hypocrisy at work. Its not the policy, but which team is calling the plays.

Deficits don’t matter unless the opposition is the one running them...
They hit the gas peddle of a global reset and nothing more.........The currency will be replaced by electronic currency in time..........which is what the Globalist want.
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.
It is astounding how people are this ignorant for such a remarkably stupid post.
Good Lord.

Democrats be like... Republicans are so stupid, they use Democrat ideas... derp...
How come every time a republican is in charge the guberment has to send everyone money to keep us from having an official recession?
We shouldn't have listened to you...........You cooked the books and were part of creating too big to fail.........Sallie ring a bell........nothing to worry about.............Clinton signed it.............THE ESTABLISHMENT BOTH SIDES WANTED IT............BOOM 2008.

Now we MUST OBEY AND SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY for a virus.........DNC were the worst on rules........and then they blame everyone else................

The Globalist from both sides did this and are destroying small business on a MASSIVE SCALE......which was the purpose of this nonsense.
At least I can explain just how stupid you are. You’ve got nothing but insults.
As a canadian you are beneath my notice on topics that are none of your business

but I will answer your insults with insults if thats how you want to play the game
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.

Reagan convinced conservatives and most centrists that it is the billionaires' prosperity that drives the economy, and that consumer spending is irrelevant. Factual data contradicts this major principle of Reaganomics, but when have Reagan devotees ever accepted facts over Reagan's snake oil?


LOL, that's way too funny. Consumer spending is relevant, where did those consumers get that money to spend? Before you say something stupid like "they got it from their jobs", who provides those jobs...dumbass.
Democrats be like... Republicans are so stupid, they use Democrat ideas... derp...
How come every time a republican is in charge the guberment has to send everyone money to keep us from having an official recession?
We shouldn't have listened to you...........You cooked the books and were part of creating too big to fail.........Sallie ring a bell........nothing to worry about.............Clinton signed it.............THE ESTABLISHMENT BOTH SIDES WANTED IT............BOOM 2008.

Now we MUST OBEY AND SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY for a virus.........DNC were the worst on rules........and then they blame everyone else................

The Globalist from both sides did this and are destroying small business on a MASSIVE SCALE......which was the purpose of this nonsense.

Nobody did this to you but yourselves.

Those of us who live in the rest of the world shut our countries down and tested tested tested. We still haven’t fully reopened. Our active cases are less than 1/5 of our closed cases.

Not only are we still wearing masks and social distancing but our bars and gyms and restaurants are still closed. Patio service only. Our swimming pools are opening next week.

Meanwhile in the USA you’re setting records on the numbers of sick and dying. Your active cases are more than you’re closed cases and you’re active cases are going up by tens of thousands every single day.

At this point your president seems determined to allow the virus to run free and pretend it’s not happening at all. That’s because Trump and his billionaire buddies are all making out like bandits on this thing.

$70 billion in increased wealth has gone to the top 10% wealthiest Americans and corporations during this pandemic. Working people? Sick, broke, and unemployed again.

And with the loss of thousands of small and medium businesses there will be fewer jobs to go back to that aren’t owned by mega corporations paying shit wages.
Nobody did this to you but yourselves.

Those of us who live in the rest of the world shut our countries down and tested tested tested. We still haven’t fully reopened. Our active cases are less than 1/5 of our closed cases.
You defined the deaths different and nothing more........I've posted many times the new definition here of a COVID DEATH........utter BS...........and how they encouraged it by hospitals getting more money from Medicare and Medicaid for Covid...........and how they put positive patients in with negative patients and so on.............ALL FOR GREED............and nothing more.......Oh.....uninsured get a big check also for Covid......

Meanwhile in the USA you’re setting records on the numbers of sick and dying. Your active cases are more than you’re closed cases and you’re active cases are going up by tens of thousands every single day.
We are now testing more than anyone else........and they are cooking the books.....We have relatives that went to get tested ..........they were waiting for a long time and left the office.....they LEFT WITHOUT BEING TESTED.............They received a call............YOU ARE POSITIVE FOR THE VIRUS....

Excuse me.................THEY NEVER GOT TESTED.......LOL

The numbers are FEAR MONGERING.......Death rates are the MEDIA and you are running out of SCARY STATS FOR PEOPLE........TOO DANG BAD.

And with the loss of thousands of small and medium businesses there will be fewer jobs to go back to that aren’t owned by mega corporations paying shit wages.
By design of the globalist who brought us this shit storm and shut us down........NOT THE PEOPLE........Spare me the BS.
The rightwing has now embraced Keynesian economics...........

...........until there's another Dem in the WH.
You stupid stupid man.
Fuck off bitch

At least I can explain just how stupid you are. You’ve got nothing but insults.

And you deserve each and every one of them.

I know how much you fools hate to have your deeply held beliefs challenged. Facts, charts, graphs, statistics and science are not your friends in any economic arguments.
Economic arguments..........LOL...

Govt shuts down the fucking country.......40 million lost jobs.....and then they go we are the problem and should wear masks.

How about a nice Fuck you to the North of us Mrs. Canada........LOL
You stupid stupid man.
Fuck off bitch

At least I can explain just how stupid you are. You’ve got nothing but insults.

And you deserve each and every one of them.

I know how much you fools hate to have your deeply held beliefs challenged. Facts, charts, graphs, statistics and science are not your friends in any economic arguments.
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.
"We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along."

Well duh.

Question.... If borrowing and printing money is such a great idea why not borrow and print enough for us all to live from now on?

Jobs are the key to a great economy and democrats are killing those.
Nobody did this to you but yourselves.

Those of us who live in the rest of the world shut our countries down and tested tested tested. We still haven’t fully reopened. Our active cases are less than 1/5 of our closed cases.
You defined the deaths different and nothing more........I've posted many times the new definition here of a COVID DEATH........utter BS...........and how they encouraged it by hospitals getting more money from Medicare and Medicaid for Covid...........and how they put positive patients in with negative patients and so on.............ALL FOR GREED............and nothing more.......Oh.....uninsured get a big check also for Covid......

Meanwhile in the USA you’re setting records on the numbers of sick and dying. Your active cases are more than you’re closed cases and you’re active cases are going up by tens of thousands every single day.
We are now testing more than anyone else........and they are cooking the books.....We have relatives that went to get tested ..........they were waiting for a long time and left the office.....they LEFT WITHOUT BEING TESTED.............They received a call............YOU ARE POSITIVE FOR THE VIRUS....

Excuse me.................THEY NEVER GOT TESTED.......LOL

The numbers are FEAR MONGERING.......Death rates are the MEDIA and you are running out of SCARY STATS FOR PEOPLE........TOO DANG BAD.

And with the loss of thousands of small and medium businesses there will be fewer jobs to go back to that aren’t owned by mega corporations paying shit wages.
By design of the globalist who brought us this shit storm and shut us down........NOT THE PEOPLE........Spare me the BS.

It’s not the “globalists” who are bringing you down. It’s the Trump cult.

What is happening in the USA is not happening in the rest of the world. You are testing more than anywhere else because you have more illness and death than anywhere else.

The rest of the world didn’t slow down testing to reduce our number of cases. We slowed down testing because fewer and fewer people were getting sick. And when they did, we contact traced and shut the virus down.

The USA continues to do the most testing because you’re cases are increasing, not decreasing. And you STILL don’t have adequate testing, PPE’s, or quick test results.

Trump’s pandemic response has been negligent homicide. He’s letting people die and he doesn’t care.
It’s not the “globalists” who are bringing you down. It’s the Trump cult.
The called..........was you lose.

What is happening in the USA is not happening in the rest of the world. You are testing more than anywhere else because you have more illness and death than anywhere else.
And you will now sell me a car that was driven by a Grandma, garage kept , and only driven to church.

The rest of the world didn’t slow down testing to reduce our number of cases. We slowed down testing because fewer and fewer people were getting sick. And when they did, we contact traced and shut the virus down.
The rest of the world didn't cook the books.........and give a definition that was guaranteed to spike the numbers..........and the rest of the world was just so much better at masking and OBEYING......sure.....sure.......nice story ......maybe you can find a sucker to buy it.

Trump’s pandemic response has been negligent homicide. He’s letting people die and he doesn’t care.
deaths mainly in Nursing homes in DNC run areas........shifting the blame.

Here...take a good long look at the epicenter of the deathcenter in New Yourk.

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