The rightwing has now embraced Keynesian economics

The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.
Republicans are not Conservatives.
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The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.

So, you are just noticing that Trump is not a right wing ideologue?

Mmm, well better late than never I guess.
Every dollar spent on the economy creates a profit for the economy. Therefore the revenue dollar lost is gained by a $1+ in the economy.
Thats like snorting coke for short term high

if interest rates go up the debt will be unsustainable
The debt is sustainable as you might have noticed even if it isn’t ideally.

Its not sustainable and trillions will be wiped out in favor of a world currency. Its coming quickly. We'll never recover.
Both sides of the party of one have always embraced Keynesian economics versus free-market economics.

Well...since 1913 when we got the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and its collection wing, the IRS. In 1971 they went straight fiat.
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The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.
First off the 2 situations aren’t even remotely comparable. I shouldn’t have to mention this you dumb fucks. But alas, on one hand you have lenders and banks making FUBAR business decisions giving out subpar loans knowing full well the people they’re lending too have little to no means of paying them back. Why did they do this? Because they knew they could turn around and sell the loans right away to government and government backed entities, because the left said it would be racist not to do it. Granted multiple parties are to blame in this situation, including the republicans who were ok with this process.....that being said the blame is not at all spread evenly. Obviously a crash resulted, but instead of letting free market capitalism take over and allow this business practice, and the bloated non-profitable business that were relying on them naturally die off, we decided to unnaturally prop them up and give them trillions of dollars, much to the chagrin of basically everyone on the right and left not in DC or Wall Street. Despite it being an absolutely bonkers business practice where the only obvious progression would be a crash.

The other situation is the government literally telling businesses they cannot operate indefinitely. Are you seeing the difference yet? That doesn’t mean it’s a good policy. It is for sure creating bubbles. But if there’s ever a time to unnaturally prop up businesses and markets, it’d most certainly be the when government is unnaturally shutting a vast proportion of them down. The 2 aren’t even close to comparable situations. One would give you a crash in a specific, granted have effects on other markets, but then free up money for business not practicing bat-shit crazy practices to take their place, instead of propping up already dying and unprofitable business models for many years after they should be buried and gone. The other situation without aid would produce an all out crash of many different markets, all intertwined and linked with basically everything else. So which do you want, the crash across the board/markets, or another bubble that will hopefully slowly deflate?
Ugh you’re so fucking stupid. You don’t know what the hell youre saying. This is all about a boost to unemployment benefits. All that other bullshit you’re saying is irrelevant. Stop pretending you know what you’re talking about. You’re just making shit up.
What did I make up? What’s irrelevant? Boosting unemployment benefits is artificially propping up the economy, is it not? It also incentivizes low skill younger people with lower wages, that need to work in order to expand their skills for better wages, to stay home instead of looking for a job, does it not? So you pump money into a system that wasn’t earned, and then incentivize a labor shortage......and what do you get as a result? A bubble! This is why the age of “The Great Moderation” is absolute dog shit policy. It pours money into markets that wouldn’t have that money otherwise, encouraging businesses to use very risky practices knowing they’ll get bailed out, encourages people to stay at home instead of developing skills and experience, encourages people to spend outside of their means, accumulate debt, and live pay check to pay check because they can get a loan for whatever they desire, because that bank is just going to sell that loan off immediately and not have to deal with the responsibility of loaning to people that can pay. Then when something like a pandemic happens, all that comes crashing down. Now nobody, both wealthy and not, has rainy day savings to help them through this. Now fewer people have developed skills in blue collar jobs that are desperate for help. Now business are overextended and need to drop or freeze their low skilled positions. This has been the economic policy since the 90s. Trump just did it better that bush or Obama. That doesn’t make it a good policy, just means Trump is far less of an idiot doing it than Obama. We didn’t change anything after 08, just re-inflated the bubble.
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.
Trump was a hyper-Keynesian long before the virus hit.

He signed and applauded a massive government spending increase. He turned a blind eye to the NY Fed pouring $1.5T into short term credit markets to grease the system. He said nothing about the 72% crash of the 10-year Treasury yield.

He made Keynes himself look like a freakin' libertarian.
Trump was a hyper-Keynesian long before the virus hit.

He signed and applauded a massive government spending increase. He turned a blind eye to the NY Fed pouring $1.5T into short term credit markets to grease the system. He said nothing about the 72% crash of the 10-year Treasury yield.

He made Keynes himself look like a freakin' libertarian.

Mac, you've come a long way since I first came arond this hole in wall.

I remember a few years ago you laughed at the very thought of someone explaining the woes of Keynesian economics.
Trump was a hyper-Keynesian long before the virus hit.

He signed and applauded a massive government spending increase. He turned a blind eye to the NY Fed pouring $1.5T into short term credit markets to grease the system. He said nothing about the 72% crash of the 10-year Treasury yield.

He made Keynes himself look like a freakin' libertarian.

Mac, you've come a long way since I first came arond this hole in wall.

I remember a few years ago you laughed at the very thought of someone explaining the woes of Keynesian economics.
I'm not sure what that means.
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.
The government shut down the economy, so now it's time for the government to take care of the people they made unemployed. If you can't see the difference, you're an idiot.
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.
republicans are leftwing not right wing in this country,,,and this just proves it,,,
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.

I'm certainly not going to defend the Republicans and spending, but government shut down the economy. Calling this "Keynesian Economics" is just ignorant.

Democrats really need to stop talking about economics until you learn something about it
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.
It does seem to work in the short run

but its all borrowed money - borrowed against our childrens future

future generations are going to curse you and every borrow and spend lib, democrst or republican
Every dollar spent on the economy creates a profit for the economy. Therefore the revenue dollar lost is gained by a $1+ in the economy.

No it doesn't, that's just stupid.

The only way to grow the economy is when companies make a profit. A profit means the sum of the returns is greater than the investment. Government spending destroys value because they take the dollar from profitable companies and spent it on non-profit generating transactions.

If your roof leaks and you pay a repair man to fix it, that didn't make you wealthier any more than government paying people to dig ditches and paying other people to fill them in
The government benefits provided by the CARES act has boosted consumer spending and helped dull the GDP recession. Hell Fox News is acknowledging this shit.

Remember when Obama extended unemployment benefits and republicans said it did nothing to help the economy? They were wrong then because it helped reverse the Bush recession. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

We liberals were ahead of the curve on this. We said boosting consumer spending was key to a good economy all along.

Reagan convinced conservatives and most centrists that it is the billionaires' prosperity that drives the economy, and that consumer spending is irrelevant. Factual data contradicts this major principle of Reaganomics, but when have Reagan devotees ever accepted facts over Reagan's snake oil?


And this angry and hate filled skewing of history has been brought to you by the Marxist party of America, the Democrat party. Bringing hate to a city near you!

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