The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

Annnd the libs keep proving the OP 100% correct.


They have no idea how to deal with truth. Just fucking hilarious.
The problem in the US is that loads of people clamor to save the unborn, but as soon as they are born, then they seem to forget all about them.

Education is unfairly biased towards the rich, even in state education. The US essentially breeds criminals out of those children they "saved".

An oft-repeated falsehood.

It is a proven fact that in general, conservatives are far more generous than liberals in giving what is rightfully theirs to give, in support of charitable causes, including those that help the poor and disadvantaged. Liberals seem to think that they can claim credit for being “charitable”, not by giving anything that is theirs to give, but by getting government to take it from someone else.

Speaking of oft repeated falsehoods. Your "conservatives are far more generous" is one of those.

What the MIT researchers did find, however, was that conservatives give more to religious organizations, such as their own churches, and liberals more to secular recipients. Conservatives may give more overall, MIT says, but that's because they tend to be richer, so they have more money to give and get a larger tax benefit from giving it. (One of the things that makes social scientists skeptical of the benchmark survey Brooks used, in fact, is that it somehow concluded that liberals are richer than conservatives.)

The degree of religious contribution is important, because a 2007 study by Indiana University found that only 10% to 25% of church donations end up being spent on social welfare purposes, of which assistance to the poor is only a subset. In other words, if you think of "giving" as "giving to the poor," a lot of the money donated by conservatives may be missing the target. [...]

The bottom line, according to the MIT study, was that "liberals are no more or less generous than conservatives once we adjust for differences in church attendance and income."

Who is More Charitable
You have so little respect for a significant portion of humanity that you will not defend their very most basic and essential right, which is the right not to have their lives summarily taken without just cause.

Of course it should be no surprise that one who wishes for innocents to be slaughtered in cold blood will also wish that decent people will “keep their nose out of it”, rather than stand up in behalf of these innocents. All criminals, all tyrants, all doers of violence, destruction, and evil, wish for the good people to leave them be. As Einstein observed, the greater threat is not from those who actively do evil, but from those who just sit by and allow it to happen unopposed.

The problem in the US is that loads of people clamor to save the unborn, but as soon as they are born, then they seem to forget all about them.

Education is unfairly biased towards the rich, even in state education. The US essentially breeds criminals out of those children they "saved".
I'm sure if a fetus could be determined in utero to be gay some christians would have no problem with aborting them.
You're sure huh? Just wow and disgusting how you use the unborn human being. the perfect example of the intolerant liberal

Clearly you are using them, and I'm going to go tell my mum on you, and you'll be in trouble........
be real dear. she's using them and homosexuals for her political hate and intolerance of religious people

No, let's be real here for a second, you're trying to get rid of arguments by trying to make out that people are disgusting.

So you try and stop debate like this, rather than actually debating. And it's not the first time, is it? Seems to be a usual tactic of yours.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?
Liberls have declared themselves the moral and intellectual authority and claim that if you don't go along, you are uncaring and just plain mean. Their beliefs are not up for debate. Once they declare something as fact, they will be vicious to anyone who doesn't embrace it without question. Anyone who doubts any part of the liberal ideology can expect to be called greedy, racist or a host of other derogatory names. Even when their ideas prove to be faulty, they believe that their stated intentions are so honorable that they shouldn't be criticized for failure.

Washngton liberals are mean spirited and their programs haven't helped the poor or the minorities in decades. In fact, they've made things worse and the last 7 years have all but undone the advances made in race relations. Liberals need victims and problems and they are experts are creating both just so they can pretend to run to the rescue. It's not really about helping people or we would have seen progress. The only progress being made is on their agenda, which seems to be going okay, thanks to useful idiots.

The left has declared that liberal groups, like BLM, all liberals whether rich or poor, and Muslims as groups that are off limits when it comes to any kind of criticism. They call it hate speech when you express how fed up you are with the terrorist attacks and vitriol from Islamic leaders. While the left preaches tolerance and claims to abhor nasty comments, they continually bash Republicans, people from the south and wealthy people (who don't cozy up to Dems). They say the most vile things and are unapologetic, yet when someone even suggests that we should be more careful letting refugees in or that we should get people back to work instead of being on welfare, the left has a fit and claims that is evil.

Hypocrisy runs rampant through the Dem party. They cried foul when Palin had targets on a campaign map and claimed that promoted violence, yet they laughed at a movie about the assassination of Bush and said it was art. They ignored the violence in the OWS protests. They ignored the violence in Ferguson and other places. They had a fit when a Republican had a photo taken with a gun, but loved it when Beyonce had bullets on her arms during the Super Bowl show as she paid homage to some violent groups. The Black Panthers are responsible for killing a lot of cops over the years, but the left refuses to call them up on that or their intimidation at the polls. BLM has directly called for cops to be killed and too many members answered that call, yet Obama just praised them for their work. Libs had made comments about Palin and her daughters that are too vulgar to repeat, yet said it was wrong to mention Michelle Obama's weight when she was pointing her finger at our 'fat' country and telling us how to eat.

It seems that "truth" is whatever they say it is and that can change from day to day. They even talk about creating more hate speech laws that are designed to stop any criticism of their programs (wealth redistribution under the guise of saving the planet), their pet groups and their transformation of this country. We've seen this before in other countries and we all know how it ends. Unless we want America to eventually turn into a liberal wasteland, we need to fight against those who are practicing the Alinsky methods of shaming and ridiculing their political opponents. It's about silencing people who see through their bullshit and understand the real motivation behind their supposed benevolence. With the help of biased media, who selectively report and exaggerate some things and completely ignore others, they have some people afraid to speak their mind for fear of retribution. Neighbors of the San Bernardino terrorists felt that fear and never came forward with info that may have stopped the attack. Suspecting Muslims of being terrorists, no matter what actions you observe, is politically incorrect and likely to get you accused of profiling. People are slowly being trained to remain silent and it's all because of a growing fear of government. We fear punishment from government for merely exercising our rights. This is the very definition of tyranny.

"Why have liberals become so intolerant? They think nothing of denying someone as prominent as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from speaking on a college campus. They embrace activists who shut down speakers. They publicly shame people for the slightest deviation from liberal orthodoxy.

For them everything from science to the law is "settled" once they get into power. Progress is a one way street. Their mindset is the very definition of closed-mindedness.

The short answer is that it pays. A lot of people in and out of government benefit. Liberalism also makes people feel good. Whether you are politician dispensing government benefits or the citizen receiving them, liberalism hides the self-interest and sometimes even greed that motivate people.

But the devolution of liberalism into something now openly illiberal has causes far more complex than these familiar explanations provide.

For one thing, liberalism is no longer mainly about ideas but power—as in who has it and who doesn’t. Believing they already know the answers to all questions, liberals view politics and governing as mopping up operations."

The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

Post isn't long enough, it would only stretch half-way to the moon. Work on it.

Not sure why anyone thinks looooooong posts like this get read on a message board. If you cut it down by 3/4 I will have a read, otherwise negative.
Guess it doesn't suit someone with a short attention span.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?

How many gays have Muslims in America killed?

Fact...some Christians and some Muslims want to kill gays. some countries Muslims and Christians kill gays. Fact, we live in America where we're not killing each other over this shit.

Hmmm...could it be more cultural than religious you think?
You obviously have no respect for people who don't want your morals imposed upon them. I understand that you want to be in control of women's bodies and reproductive organs.
You should apply your morals to yourself and your own life ... and keep your nose out of other people's private lives. The government is not in charge of procreation.

You have so little respect for a significant portion of humanity that you will not defend their very most basic and essential right, which is the right not to have their lives summarily taken without just cause.

Of course it should be no surprise that one who wishes for innocents to be slaughtered in cold blood will also wish that decent people will “keep their nose out of it”, rather than stand up in behalf of these innocents. All criminals, all tyrants, all doers of violence, destruction, and evil, wish for the good people to leave them be. As Einstein observed, the greater threat is not from those who actively do evil, but from those who just sit by and allow it to happen unopposed.

The problem in the US is that loads of people clamor to save the unborn, but as soon as they are born, then they seem to forget all about them.

Education is unfairly biased towards the rich, even in state education. The US essentially breeds criminals out of those children they "saved".
I'm sure if a fetus could be determined in utero to be gay some christians would have no problem with aborting them.
You're sure huh? Just wow and disgusting how you use the unborn human being. the perfect example of the intolerant liberal
Right. You'd have wiped out human beings with my way of thinking if you could.
You obviously have no respect for people who don't want your morals imposed upon them. I understand that you want to be in control of women's bodies and reproductive organs.
You should apply your morals to yourself and your own life ... and keep your nose out of other people's private lives. The government is not in charge of procreation.

You have so little respect for a significant portion of humanity that you will not defend their very most basic and essential right, which is the right not to have their lives summarily taken without just cause.

Of course it should be no surprise that one who wishes for innocents to be slaughtered in cold blood will also wish that decent people will “keep their nose out of it”, rather than stand up in behalf of these innocents. All criminals, all tyrants, all doers of violence, destruction, and evil, wish for the good people to leave them be. As Einstein observed, the greater threat is not from those who actively do evil, but from those who just sit by and allow it to happen unopposed.

The problem in the US is that loads of people clamor to save the unborn, but as soon as they are born, then they seem to forget all about them.

Education is unfairly biased towards the rich, even in state education. The US essentially breeds criminals out of those children they "saved".
I'm sure if a fetus could be determined in utero to be gay some Christians would have no problem with aborting them.

And how would you know that to be the case?

Think about it... if homosexuality is in fact a genetic predisposition, it can be detected while the child is in utero, and it can be fixed without resorting to such barbarity.
Well, I think Christians who hate gays want to eliminate them. Even if they otherwise oppose abortion.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?
It doesn't matter. It starts with people like this calling for the execution of gay people. Uganda has such legislation. American Christians aided that outcome.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?

How many gays have Muslims in America killed?

Fact...some Christians and some Muslims want to kill gays. some countries Muslims and Christians kill gays. Fact, we live in America where we're not killing each other over this shit.

Hmmm...could it be more cultural than religious you think?
Not entirely true. They killed Matthew Shephard.
Bullshit.....more bullshit from the right, er, I mean from the wrong. As usual, they project.

It’s been the Republicans, in their Republican-controlled states, who have stepped in the way of “woman’s health care” and taken away “people’s right to vote.” Standing in line for “hours” to vote, which happened in Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina and Florida to name a few, were all controlled by Republicans. That is not freedom to vote.

Shutting down to one precinct in a whole county in Florida, which had 11,000 registered voters (normally 2,000 to 3,000 voters per precinct), is not protecting a voter’s freedom.

Forcing doctors to do procedures or read statements to their patients is not freedom.

Forcing people off the voting rolls because a governor says they are illegal, with no evidence, and the elections department’s officials fight to keep their names from being removed because they are legal voters is not freedom.

And the one that hits home the best is when a Republican Sheriff Joe Arpaio had his sheriff’s deputies following people around who were collecting signatures for a recall election, and his deputies harassed the people who signed the petition. That one got Old Joe pulled into court. How much freedom did the people who signed the petition have?

Smith’s letters are an excellent example of that great American statesman and Republican Colin Powell who said, “My party has a dark vein of intolerance.”

The “Grand Old Party” had long since drifted away from the very basis of good government and freedom for all, and intolerant Republicans with sharp pens, such as Mr. Smith, are a prime example.

Intolerant Republicans
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?
How many would matter to you? My guess is none.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?

How many gays have Muslims in America killed?

Fact...some Christians and some Muslims want to kill gays. some countries Muslims and Christians kill gays. Fact, we live in America where we're not killing each other over this shit.

Hmmm...could it be more cultural than religious you think?
Not entirely true. They killed Matthew Shephard.

The idea that the murder of Shephardt was a hate crime was based on the defense case put forth by his killers.

IMO, it is not very convincing.

It seems far more like a drug related robbery that went bad.
Twisting faith to provide a false moral aegis is what is common between the Taliban and the alegded Christian bigots.

Stop. Now.

You have no right to compare Christians to terrorists. It is such weak argument. Very weak. You think your argument is morally superior, but no morally superior argument creates a twisted dichotomy like yours. Why do you think it is okay to compare people who believe in traditional marriage to murderers, who do far worse to gay people than these so called "alleged Christian bigots?"

My friend, if you think that simply not supporting gay marriage is bigoted, I'd like to introduce you to the hundreds of thousands of gay people who are being openly oppressed and systematically exterminated in many Muslim theocracies in the Middle East.

Think before you speak.

I'm not vetting these shallow minded merchants for their left handed Christianity, they are showing the world how they regard Christianity by their actions and pseudo outrage.

You are using Christianity to justify what it clearly calls a sin. It is also you who are trying to distort the teachings of Christianity. Spare me.

Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. And lets ignore the whole "they shall be put to death" part.

Despite that, and unless God's will changed from one testament to the other, he stated explicitly his contempt for homosexuality. That's it. God is unchanging, therefore his will has not changed here. You are in the wrong, not them.

Your argument rests on the idea the Christians are mean and enact the same policies and directives towards gay people that the Taliban does. You have subsequently invalidated the rest of your argument, and furthermore such an argument in this regard is puerile and overtly bigoted.

If you truly operated by Christian teachings, surely this would apply to you as well:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38-39

You want them to turn the other cheek. Why won't you?
If there were no Christian terrorists then you might have a point but there are and you don't.

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