The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

You obviously have no respect for people who don't want your morals imposed upon them. I understand that you want to be in control of women's bodies and reproductive organs.
You should apply your morals to yourself and your own life ... and keep your nose out of other people's private lives. The government is not in charge of procreation.

You have so little respect for a significant portion of humanity that you will not defend their very most basic and essential right, which is the right not to have their lives summarily taken without just cause.

Of course it should be no surprise that one who wishes for innocents to be slaughtered in cold blood will also wish that decent people will “keep their nose out of it”, rather than stand up in behalf of these innocents. All criminals, all tyrants, all doers of violence, destruction, and evil, wish for the good people to leave them be. As Einstein observed, the greater threat is not from those who actively do evil, but from those who just sit by and allow it to happen unopposed.

The problem in the US is that loads of people clamor to save the unborn, but as soon as they are born, then they seem to forget all about them.

Education is unfairly biased towards the rich, even in state education. The US essentially breeds criminals out of those children they "saved".
I'm sure if a fetus could be determined in utero to be gay some christians would have no problem with aborting them.
You're sure huh? Just wow and disgusting how you use the unborn human being. the perfect example of the intolerant liberal

Clearly you are using them, and I'm going to go tell my mum on you, and you'll be in trouble........
You selectively edited my post and made an unfounded accusation against me.

What did I falsely accuse you of exactly? And how did I 'selectively edit' your post? The only thing you posted was a challenge. I answered that challenge. There was nothing to edit. Making false accusations, aren't we?

By the way, you never answered my question. Why are members of Christianity the only ones to suffer your wrath when it comes to opposing homosexuality? Why did it take me to make you see that Islam carries out far worse punishments than Christianity against homosexuals?

I explicitly stated that I don't want to be ruled by someone's interpretation of biblical verses in the Old Testament the same as I don't want to be ruled by someone's interpretation of the Koran. I don't want Kim Davis as the leader of the morality police, and I don't want ISIS as the leader of the morality police.

Then go live in a cave. Because this world is rife with religion and diverse beliefs, even undesirable ones. If you can't handle that reality, lock yourself in a closet and assume the fetal position... that or find your nearest safe space. Because that isn't going to change. And miss, nobody's trying to "rule" you. The only thing "ruling" you is fear.

ISIS wants to kill people who support homosexuality or are homosexual. Consider yourself lucky that Kim Davis is all you have to worry about. ISIS will kill you for the opinion you stated just now. Consider yourself lucky that you live in America. I can think of far worse places to live.


I stated that we need to be wary of people who believe they are anointed by God to enforce his word because they don't tolerate dissent

"Considerable evil is committed in God's name" you said. You didn't say what type of people they had to be. Don't mistake me for a fool, milady. I'm far from one.

... they drag you to the public square and chop off your head.


Of the things you listed, what proof do you have that I ignored those things? You're offensive and insulting.

Simply by reading your accusations against Christianity. You disregard the idea that there are religions out there that are more intolerant, more barbaric towards gay people than Christianity. It's easy to see, and hard to ignore.

And, I am sorry if I offended you. No... I'm sorry if the truth offended you. Only liberals who cannot tolerate dissent will find such dissent offensive and insulting.
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You obviously have no respect for people who don't want your morals imposed upon them. I understand that you want to be in control of women's bodies and reproductive organs.
You should apply your morals to yourself and your own life ... and keep your nose out of other people's private lives. The government is not in charge of procreation.

You have so little respect for a significant portion of humanity that you will not defend their very most basic and essential right, which is the right not to have their lives summarily taken without just cause.

Of course it should be no surprise that one who wishes for innocents to be slaughtered in cold blood will also wish that decent people will “keep their nose out of it”, rather than stand up in behalf of these innocents. All criminals, all tyrants, all doers of violence, destruction, and evil, wish for the good people to leave them be. As Einstein observed, the greater threat is not from those who actively do evil, but from those who just sit by and allow it to happen unopposed.

The problem in the US is that loads of people clamor to save the unborn, but as soon as they are born, then they seem to forget all about them.

Education is unfairly biased towards the rich, even in state education. The US essentially breeds criminals out of those children they "saved".
I'm sure if a fetus could be determined in utero to be gay some Christians would have no problem with aborting them.

And how would you know that to be the case?

Think about it... if homosexuality is in fact a genetic predisposition, it can be detected while the child is in utero, and it can be fixed without resorting to such barbarity.
You obviously have no respect for people who don't want your morals imposed upon them. I understand that you want to be in control of women's bodies and reproductive organs.
You should apply your morals to yourself and your own life ... and keep your nose out of other people's private lives. The government is not in charge of procreation.

You have so little respect for a significant portion of humanity that you will not defend their very most basic and essential right, which is the right not to have their lives summarily taken without just cause.

Of course it should be no surprise that one who wishes for innocents to be slaughtered in cold blood will also wish that decent people will “keep their nose out of it”, rather than stand up in behalf of these innocents. All criminals, all tyrants, all doers of violence, destruction, and evil, wish for the good people to leave them be. As Einstein observed, the greater threat is not from those who actively do evil, but from those who just sit by and allow it to happen unopposed.

The problem in the US is that loads of people clamor to save the unborn, but as soon as they are born, then they seem to forget all about them.

Education is unfairly biased towards the rich, even in state education. The US essentially breeds criminals out of those children they "saved".
I'm sure if a fetus could be determined in utero to be gay some christians would have no problem with aborting them.
You're sure huh? Just wow and disgusting how you use the unborn human being. the perfect example of the intolerant liberal

Clearly you are using them, and I'm going to go tell my mum on you, and you'll be in trouble........
be real dear. she's using them and homosexuals for her political hate and intolerance of religious people
You selectively edited my post and made an unfounded accusation against me.

What did I accuse you of exactly? And how did I 'selectively edit' your post? The only thing you posted was a challenge. I answered that challenge. There was nothing to edit. Making false accusations, aren't we?

By the way, you never answered my question. Why are members of Christianity the only ones to suffer your wrath when it comes to opposing homosexuality? Why did it take me to make you see that Islam carries out far worse punishments than Christianity against homosexuals?

I explicitly stated that I don't want to be ruled by someone's interpretation of biblical verses in the Old Testament the same as I don't want to be ruled by someone's interpretation of the Koran. I don't want Kim Davis as the leader of the morality police, and I don't want ISIS as the leader of the morality police.

Then go live in a cave. Because this world is rife with religion and diverse beliefs, even undesirable ones. If you can't handle that reality, lock yourself in a closet and assume the fetal position... that or find your nearest safe space. Because that isn't going to change. And miss, nobody's trying to "rule" you. The only thing "ruling" you is fear.

ISIS wants to kill people who support homosexuality or are homosexual. Consider yourself lucky that Kim Davis is all you have to worry about. ISIS will kill you for the opinion you stated just now. Consider yourself lucky that you live in America. I can think of far worse places to live.


I stated that we need to be wary of people who believe they are anointed by God to enforce his word because they don't tolerate dissent

"Considerable evil is committed in God's name" you said. You didn't say what type of people they had to be. Don't mistake me for a fool, milady. I'm far from one.

... they drag you to the public square and chop off your head.


Of the things you listed, what proof do you have that I ignored those things? You're offensive and insulting.

Simply by reading your accusations against Christianity. You disregard the idea that there are religions out there that are more intolerant, more barbaric towards gay people than Christianity. It's easy to see, and hard to ignore.

And, I am sorry if I offended you. No... I'm sorry if the truth offended you. Only liberals who cannot tolerate dissent will find such dissent offensive and insulting.
Their hatred of Christianity may be as simple as they are bigots. On the Left, bigotry toward Christians is acceptable. They are propagandized at an early age to hate Christians and appease Muslims.
These alleged Christian merchants are twisting faith to serve a vile purpose. The Taliban does the same.

It's a matter of degree so far as their reprisals go, but the dogmatic interpretations are the same.

Christian store merchants don't kill people who don't believe the way they do.

There is no discernible comparison. You are simply being childish now.

Do these supposed Christian merchants morally vet all their customers for fear of their mortal souls? Do they cater a Mafia princess' wedding? The marriage of an OB/GYN's daughter who has had an abortion?

You don't seem to mind vetting those people which you consider to be Christians. That task is not up to you.

Or is their precious and jealously guarded bigotry restricted to same sex couples?

So, when you demand that someone give up their beliefs in order to serve same sex couples... who is it that's being jealous? Them?

Or you?

so it's ok when christian preachers say that gays should be stoned to death and christian terrorists shoot up planned parenthoods, blow up federal buildings and assassinate doctors?
These alleged Christian merchants are twisting faith to serve a vile purpose. The Taliban does the same.

It's a matter of degree so far as their reprisals go, but the dogmatic interpretations are the same.

Christian store merchants don't kill people who don't believe the way they do.

There is no discernible comparison. You are simply being childish now.

Do these supposed Christian merchants morally vet all their customers for fear of their mortal souls? Do they cater a Mafia princess' wedding? The marriage of an OB/GYN's daughter who has had an abortion?

You don't seem to mind vetting those people which you consider to be Christians. That task is not up to you.

Or is their precious and jealously guarded bigotry restricted to same sex couples?

So, when you demand that someone give up their beliefs in order to serve same sex couples... who is it that's being jealous? Them?

Or you?

so it's ok when christian preachers say that gays should be stoned to death and christian terrorists shoot up planned parenthoods, blow up federal buildings and assassinate doctors?

Lol. Standard retort. My answer will always be no, it is never okay for Christians to carry out such acts of violence or call for the death of anyone. If you have me pegged for one of those people, you have crossed the line.
These alleged Christian merchants are twisting faith to serve a vile purpose. The Taliban does the same.

It's a matter of degree so far as their reprisals go, but the dogmatic interpretations are the same.

Christian store merchants don't kill people who don't believe the way they do.

There is no discernible comparison. You are simply being childish now.

Do these supposed Christian merchants morally vet all their customers for fear of their mortal souls? Do they cater a Mafia princess' wedding? The marriage of an OB/GYN's daughter who has had an abortion?

You don't seem to mind vetting those people which you consider to be Christians. That task is not up to you.

Or is their precious and jealously guarded bigotry restricted to same sex couples?

So, when you demand that someone give up their beliefs in order to serve same sex couples... who is it that's being jealous? Them?

Or you?

so it's ok when christian preachers say that gays should be stoned to death and christian terrorists shoot up planned parenthoods, blow up federal buildings and assassinate doctors?

Lol. Standard retort. My answer will always be no, it is never okay for Christians to carry out such acts of violence or call for the death of anyone. If you have me pegged for one of those people, you have crossed the line.

it's "standard" because it's fact. i am not saying you subscribe to it. i'm saying you're ignoring it.... blindly talking about one group of terrorists (who are disgusting) and waving off any concerns about the other (who are also disgusting).

let me know when you choose to speak to it.
so it's ok when christian preachers say that gays should be stoned to death

Now keep in mind you said "preachers," plural, so find us more than one example... of course I won't hold my breath... I know you're full of shit.

Of course it's all fine and dandy for those muslim imam's all you progtards adore and protect so much to say homos should be killed... right...
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it's "standard" because it's fact.

No, it is a sign of your intolerance, jillian.

i'm saying you're ignoring it

No, I'm not. You have no idea what I ignore. Well, you probably know by now that I ignore the great majority of what you post or say to me. In fact you've been on my ignore list for a year and a half now. But I'm pretty bored this morning so I thought I'd play with the trolls for a while.

blindly talking about one group of terrorists (who are disgusting) and waving off any concerns about the other (who are also disgusting).

Actually, one is far more disgusting than the other. But you want it to be Christians, not Muslims.

"No! They couldn't possibly be worse than those nasty Christians! Oh the humanity!"

Debra and Nosmo could only focus on Christians, while ignoring Islam. Perhaps you should give that lecture to them.

I'm a Christian, I pay attention to what goes on in my faith. If I ignored what people did in my faith, I wouldn't be a proper Christian, now would I?
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Jilly believes with all her heart and damaged brain, that Christians baaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddd.....and Muslims gooooooooooooddddd.
it's "standard" because it's fact.

No, it is a sign of your intolerance, jillian.

i'm saying you're ignoring it

No, I'm not. You have no idea what I ignore. Well, you probably know by now that I ignore the great majority of what you post or say to me. In fact you've been on my ignore list for a year and a half. But I'm pretty bored this morning so I thought I'd play with the trolls for a while.

blindly talking about one group of terrorists (who are disgusting) and waving off any concerns about the other (who are also disgusting).

Actually, one is far more disgusting than the other. But you want it to be Christians, not Muslims. No, they couldn't possibly be worse than those nasty Christians! Oh the humanity!

Debra and Nosmo could only focus on Christians, while ignoring Islam. Perhaps you should give that lecture to them.

I'm a Christian, I pay attention to what goes on in my faith. If I ignored what people did in my faith, I wouldn't be a proper Christian, now would I?

we have an idea of what people choose to speak up about. since 9/11 (which admittedly is a big deal but no bigger than bush saying he kept us safe (after 9/11, of course)) more people have been killed on our soil by home grown terrorists than by muslim terrorists.

"Since Sept. 11, 2001, nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, antigovernment fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims: 48 have been killed by extremists who are not Muslim, including the recent mass killing in Charleston, S.C., compared with 26 by self-proclaimed jihadists, according to a count by New America, a Washington research center."

Last Sunday, Brainerd Baptist Church Senior Pastor Robby Gallaty told his large congregation that Christians should never stop discriminating against homosexuals, claiming that gays could choose to be straight if they only accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Gallaty explained why gays should be put to death:

God said that the sins of the people had infected the very land in which they live. So what happens to people who engage in this activity, this sexual immoral activity? Go to Leviticus 20, God gives us the punishment for engaging in these sins… ‘If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman, they have both committed a detestable thing. They must be put to death. And their blood is on their own hands.’
Megachurch Pastor says ‘gays must be put to death’

The organizer of the “National Religious Liberties Conference” in Des Moines, Iowa, announced today that Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal have committed to speaking at the summit, which will take place next month. One speaker at the conference, Iowa radio host Steve Deace, has said that Ben Carson has also RSVP’d for the event, although Carson’s name was not included in today’s press release.

Kevin Swanson, the conference’s chief organizer, is a far-right pastor and host of the “Generations Radio” program, on which he has frequently claimed that the government should put gay people to death, warned that the Girl Scouts and the movie “Frozen” turn girls into lesbians and blamed natural disasters on gay people and women who wear pants. (Update: Swanson is not the only activist speaking at the conference who backs the death penalty for homosexuality).

We have documented Swanson’s radical record in great detail, including his tirades against William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln, Desmond Tutu and Taylor Swift.

Swanson on homosexuality:

- See more at: Cruz, Huckabee And Jindal Will Join Pastor Who Wants Gays Put To Death

These folks are not representative of all of Christianity. These are hard core little fundies.
These alleged Christian merchants are twisting faith to serve a vile purpose. The Taliban does the same.

It's a matter of degree so far as their reprisals go, but the dogmatic interpretations are the same.

Christian store merchants don't kill people who don't believe the way they do.

There is no discernible comparison. You are simply being childish now.

Do these supposed Christian merchants morally vet all their customers for fear of their mortal souls? Do they cater a Mafia princess' wedding? The marriage of an OB/GYN's daughter who has had an abortion?

You don't seem to mind vetting those people which you consider to be Christians. That task is not up to you.

Or is their precious and jealously guarded bigotry restricted to same sex couples?

So, when you demand that someone give up their beliefs in order to serve same sex couples... who is it that's being jealous? Them?

Or you?

so it's ok when christian preachers say that gays should be stoned to death and christian terrorists shoot up planned parenthoods, blow up federal buildings and assassinate doctors?
You fucking libs are just so fucking pathetic.

But but but Christians!!!

As predictable as rain. Not worth one ounce of fucking respect. Not one fucking ounce. You are all such pieces of shit. You all suck.
it's "standard" because it's fact.

No, it is a sign of your intolerance, jillian.

i'm saying you're ignoring it

No, I'm not. You have no idea what I ignore. Well, you probably know by now that I ignore the great majority of what you post or say to me. In fact you've been on my ignore list for a year and a half. But I'm pretty bored this morning so I thought I'd play with the trolls for a while.

blindly talking about one group of terrorists (who are disgusting) and waving off any concerns about the other (who are also disgusting).

Actually, one is far more disgusting than the other. But you want it to be Christians, not Muslims. No, they couldn't possibly be worse than those nasty Christians! Oh the humanity!

Debra and Nosmo could only focus on Christians, while ignoring Islam. Perhaps you should give that lecture to them.

I'm a Christian, I pay attention to what goes on in my faith. If I ignored what people did in my faith, I wouldn't be a proper Christian, now would I?

we have an idea of what people choose to speak up about. since 9/11 (which admittedly is a big deal but no bigger than bush saying he kept us safe (after 9/11, of course)) more people have been killed on our soil by home grown terrorists than by muslim terrorists.

"Since Sept. 11, 2001, nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, antigovernment fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims: 48 have been killed by extremists who are not Muslim, including the recent mass killing in Charleston, S.C., compared with 26 by self-proclaimed jihadists, according to a count by New America, a Washington research center."

And ummm what does this have to do with what we're discussing?
it's "standard" because it's fact.

No, it is a sign of your intolerance, jillian.

i'm saying you're ignoring it

No, I'm not. You have no idea what I ignore. Well, you probably know by now that I ignore the great majority of what you post or say to me. In fact you've been on my ignore list for a year and a half. But I'm pretty bored this morning so I thought I'd play with the trolls for a while.

blindly talking about one group of terrorists (who are disgusting) and waving off any concerns about the other (who are also disgusting).

Actually, one is far more disgusting than the other. But you want it to be Christians, not Muslims. No, they couldn't possibly be worse than those nasty Christians! Oh the humanity!

Debra and Nosmo could only focus on Christians, while ignoring Islam. Perhaps you should give that lecture to them.

I'm a Christian, I pay attention to what goes on in my faith. If I ignored what people did in my faith, I wouldn't be a proper Christian, now would I?

we have an idea of what people choose to speak up about. since 9/11 (which admittedly is a big deal but no bigger than bush saying he kept us safe (after 9/11, of course)) more people have been killed on our soil by home grown terrorists than by muslim terrorists.

"Since Sept. 11, 2001, nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, antigovernment fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims: 48 have been killed by extremists who are not Muslim, including the recent mass killing in Charleston, S.C., compared with 26 by self-proclaimed jihadists, according to a count by New America, a Washington research center."

And ummm what does this have to do with what we're discussing?

the fact that you can't discern your double standard

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