The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

Jesus never said anything about homosexuals or it being anti Christian or wrong.
Someone is misrepresenting christanity [sic] .is it you or Jesus.

The Bible is quite clear enough about God's moral standards regarding sexual activity. Why would you require Jesus to repeat it, in order to consider it valid? Jesus didn't come to give us a picky list of dos and don'ts, restating what God had already made clear.
Oldest bullshit rationalization for persecution of gays.
Liberals and liberalism is a passed fad, soon to be discarded.
Conservatives have been spewing that steaming pile of propaganda since the terms liberal and conservative were invented.

Why would conservatives be so busy supressing voting in as many states as they can? Its because conservatism on the national scale, because of demographics, is slowly ebbing away.
Why are progressives control freaks??
Coming from a member of an idology that's whole existent is based on controlling or attempting to control everything that's a fucking ironic thing to say.

^^^ projection, liberals are massive control freaks. Fortunately we can point to the Constitution and tell them to go to hell.
Fantasize much?
Jesus never said anything about homosexuals or it being anti Christian or wrong.
Someone is misrepresenting christanity [sic] .is it you or Jesus.

The Bible is quite clear enough about God's moral standards regarding sexual activity. Why would you require Jesus to repeat it, in order to consider it valid? Jesus didn't come to give us a picky list of dos and don'ts, restating what God had already made clear.
Oldest bullshit rationalization for persecution of gays.

Yeah, don't use the bible for something like that. Simply point out scientifically how aberrant homosexual behavior is.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?

How many gays have Muslims in America killed?

Fact...some Christians and some Muslims want to kill gays. some countries Muslims and Christians kill gays. Fact, we live in America where we're not killing each other over this shit.

Hmmm...could it be more cultural than religious you think?
Not entirely true. They killed Matthew Shephard.

The idea that the murder of Shephardt was a hate crime was based on the defense case put forth by his killers.

IMO, it is not very convincing.

It seems far more like a drug related robbery that went bad.
No, it was more that Shephard thought the men were picking him up for sex and then they beat him to death because he was homosexual.
Not so surprising that one of the most notorious hate crimes against a gay man would be questioned by someone who denies that gays are persecuted.
I'm not Christian. You'd like to impose your religion over mine. I don't find that easy to relate to.

Back to a point I made earlier. You don't want me to impose my morality on you, but you will gladly impose your immorality on others.
Every time you talk shit about Dhara's marriage you are forcing your "morality on her and by extension anyone else who doesn't buy your bullshit.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?
Directly or indirectly?
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?

How many gays have Muslims in America killed?

Fact...some Christians and some Muslims want to kill gays. some countries Muslims and Christians kill gays. Fact, we live in America where we're not killing each other over this shit.

Hmmm...could it be more cultural than religious you think?
Not entirely true. They killed Matthew Shephard.

The idea that the murder of Shephardt was a hate crime was based on the defense case put forth by his killers.

IMO, it is not very convincing.

It seems far more like a drug related robbery that went bad.
No, it was more that Shephard thought the men were picking him up for sex and then they beat him to death because he was homosexual.

IF you believe the story the murderers told.

As opposed to premeditated murder which could have got them the death penalty.

Not like that's a motive to lie or anything...
The Guardian helped peddle a thoroughly discredited book alleging that Matthew Shepard was murdered in a drug-related incident, even though lawyers and investigators involved in the case have denounced the book as "fictional."

On October 25, The Guardian published an article by columnist Julie Bindel titled "The truth behind America's most famous gay-hate murder." The report focuses on the widely discredited 2013 book The Book of Matt, in which author Stephen Jimenez attempts to make the case that Matthew Shepard's brutal murder in 1998 was drug-related and not, as it is widely believed, motivated by anti-gay hate.

The book has been criticized for relying on shoddy sources and omitting key facts about the case, prompting the Matthew Shepard Foundation to condemn the book for being based on rumors and innuendo.

Jimenez's book has been described as "fictional" by the lead detective in the case. People familiar with the murder - including one of the killer's appellate attorneys, Albany County Sheriff Dave O'Malley, and Albany County Undersheriff Robert Debree - have condemned the book as factually challenged.

The problem goes beyond Jimenez's book contradicting the testimony of people intimately involved in Shepard's case. He relies on rumors, innuendo, and wild assumptions to support his theories. The Book of Matt reads more like a mystery novel than a serious investigation into Shepard's death.
The Guardian Promotes Discredited, Debunked Book About Matthew Shepard's Murder
Jesus never said anything about homosexuals or it being anti Christian or wrong.
Someone is misrepresenting christanity [sic] .is it you or Jesus.

The Bible is quite clear enough about God's moral standards regarding sexual activity. Why would you require Jesus to repeat it, in order to consider it valid? Jesus didn't come to give us a picky list of dos and don'ts, restating what God had already made clear.
Oldest bullshit rationalization for persecution of gays.

Yeah, don't use the bible for something like that. Simply point out scientifically how aberrant homosexual behavior is.
But it's not and science proves it.
Twisting faith to provide a false moral aegis is what is common between the Taliban and the alegded Christian bigots.

Stop. Now.

You have no right to compare Christians to terrorists. It is such weak argument. Very weak. You think your argument is morally superior, but no morally superior argument creates a twisted dichotomy like yours. Why do you think it is okay to compare people who believe in traditional marriage to murderers, who do far worse to gay people than these so called "alleged Christian bigots?"

My friend, if you think that simply not supporting gay marriage is bigoted, I'd like to introduce you to the hundreds of thousands of gay people who are being openly oppressed and systematically exterminated in many Muslim theocracies in the Middle East.

Think before you speak.

I'm not vetting these shallow minded merchants for their left handed Christianity, they are showing the world how they regard Christianity by their actions and pseudo outrage.

You are using Christianity to justify what it clearly calls a sin. It is also you who are trying to distort the teachings of Christianity. Spare me.

Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. And lets ignore the whole "they shall be put to death" part.

Despite that, and unless God's will changed from one testament to the other, he stated explicitly his contempt for homosexuality. That's it. God is unchanging, therefore his will has not changed here. You are in the wrong, not them.

Your argument rests on the idea the Christians are mean and enact the same policies and directives towards gay people that the Taliban does. You have subsequently invalidated the rest of your argument, and furthermore such an argument in this regard is puerile and overtly bigoted.

If you truly operated by Christian teachings, surely this would apply to you as well:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38-39

You want them to turn the other cheek. Why won't you?
If there were no Christian terrorists then you might have a point but there are and you don't.

As far as I know every single act of anti-abortion terrorism in this country to the extent we know the perpetrator's motive,

was motivated by Christian beliefs.
Twisting faith to provide a false moral aegis is what is common between the Taliban and the alegded Christian bigots.

Stop. Now.

You have no right to compare Christians to terrorists. It is such weak argument. Very weak. You think your argument is morally superior, but no morally superior argument creates a twisted dichotomy like yours. Why do you think it is okay to compare people who believe in traditional marriage to murderers, who do far worse to gay people than these so called "alleged Christian bigots?"

My friend, if you think that simply not supporting gay marriage is bigoted, I'd like to introduce you to the hundreds of thousands of gay people who are being openly oppressed and systematically exterminated in many Muslim theocracies in the Middle East.

Think before you speak.

I'm not vetting these shallow minded merchants for their left handed Christianity, they are showing the world how they regard Christianity by their actions and pseudo outrage.

You are using Christianity to justify what it clearly calls a sin. It is also you who are trying to distort the teachings of Christianity. Spare me.

Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. And lets ignore the whole "they shall be put to death" part.

Despite that, and unless God's will changed from one testament to the other, he stated explicitly his contempt for homosexuality. That's it. God is unchanging, therefore his will has not changed here. You are in the wrong, not them.

Your argument rests on the idea the Christians are mean and enact the same policies and directives towards gay people that the Taliban does. You have subsequently invalidated the rest of your argument, and furthermore such an argument in this regard is puerile and overtly bigoted.

If you truly operated by Christian teachings, surely this would apply to you as well:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38-39

You want them to turn the other cheek. Why won't you?
If there were no Christian terrorists then you might have a point but there are and you don't.

As far as I know every single act of anti-abortion terrorism in this country to the extent we know the perpetrator's motive,

was motivated by Christian beliefs.
True but any moment now any one of our resident bible thumpers will declare the perps were not "true"Christians.
In a jailhouse tape recording played at his murder trial Thursday, Aaron McKinney told police he beat gay college student Matthew Shepard again and again while his accomplice stood by and laughed.

During the hourlong, muffled recording, McKinney said Shepard approached him and Russell Henderson in a bar. Shepard didn't make a pass at the two, McKinney said. "All he really did is ask for a ride home," McKinney said.

"We had really no intention of hurting this guy," McKinney told police. "It was to take him out and scare him and take his wallet and leave."

But in the pickup, Shepard made an aggressive sexual advance, and McKinney began to hit him. He continued the beating at a ranch a mile from Laramie and let Henderson tie Shepard to a fence. Though he thought Shepard would die there, McKinney didn't call an ambulance.
Jailhouse confession tells of gay student beating | | Amarillo Globe-News
Jesus never said anything about homosexuals or it being anti Christian or wrong.
Someone is misrepresenting christanity [sic] .is it you or Jesus.

The Bible is quite clear enough about God's moral standards regarding sexual activity. Why would you require Jesus to repeat it, in order to consider it valid? Jesus didn't come to give us a picky list of dos and don'ts, restating what God had already made clear.
Oldest bullshit rationalization for persecution of gays.

Yeah, don't use the bible for something like that. Simply point out scientifically how aberrant homosexual behavior is.
But it's not and science proves it.

Ah but it is. Do you not know what Aberrant means?

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