The Rise of Intolerant Liberals


Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.
False the republican congress then would be considered by the new reich as Communists
Nothing they did can be claimed by today's republicans.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuals or it being anti Christian or wrong.
Someone is misrepresenting christanity [sic] .is it you or Jesus.

The Bible is quite clear enough about God's moral standards regarding sexual activity. Why would you require Jesus to repeat it, in order to consider it valid? Jesus didn't come to give us a picky list of dos and don'ts, restating what God had already made clear.
Oldest bullshit rationalization for persecution of gays.

Yeah, don't use the bible for something like that. Simply point out scientifically how aberrant homosexual behavior is.
But it's not and science proves it.

Ah but it is. Do you not know what Aberrant means?
Ah yes I do and it's no more aberrant then your need to cover yourself in cheese and wear fins while having sex.

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.
False the republican congress then would be considered by the new reich as Communists
Nothing they did can be claimed by today's republicans.

That has been debunked so many times it isn't even worth trying anymore. The fact is the democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act....overwhelmingly

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.

Every Southern Republican in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act.

The kind of Republicans who voted for it are the kind that conservatives hate.

So did your idol the Democrat KKK member Robert Byrd.
Ohhhh no! not the democrats and the Klan ploy again!
The Guardian helped peddle a thoroughly discredited book alleging that Matthew Shepard was murdered in a drug-related incident, even though lawyers and investigators involved in the case have denounced the book as "fictional."

On October 25, The Guardian published an article by columnist Julie Bindel titled "The truth behind America's most famous gay-hate murder." The report focuses on the widely discredited 2013 book The Book of Matt, in which author Stephen Jimenez attempts to make the case that Matthew Shepard's brutal murder in 1998 was drug-related and not, as it is widely believed, motivated by anti-gay hate.

The book has been criticized for relying on shoddy sources and omitting key facts about the case, prompting the Matthew Shepard Foundation to condemn the book for being based on rumors and innuendo.

Jimenez's book has been described as "fictional" by the lead detective in the case. People familiar with the murder - including one of the killer's appellate attorneys, Albany County Sheriff Dave O'Malley, and Albany County Undersheriff Robert Debree - have condemned the book as factually challenged.

The problem goes beyond Jimenez's book contradicting the testimony of people intimately involved in Shepard's case. He relies on rumors, innuendo, and wild assumptions to support his theories. The Book of Matt reads more like a mystery novel than a serious investigation into Shepard's death.
The Guardian Promotes Discredited, Debunked Book About Matthew Shepard's Murder

Matthew Shepard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The murder continued to attract public attention and media coverage long after the trial was over. In 2004, the ABC News news program 20/20 aired a report quoting claims by McKinney, Henderson, and Kristen Price, the prosecutor and a lead investigator, that the murder had not been motivated by Shepard's sexuality but rather was primarily a drug-related robbery that had turned violent.[15]

Gay advocacy organizations charged that the 20/20 report, which featured interviews with McKinney and Henderson, was sensational, misleading, and downplayed or ignored evidence of homophobia as a motivation for the crime.[61][62][63][64]

By contrast, in an essay in LGBT publication The Advocate, Aaron Hicklin wrote that after years of investigation the show's producer Jimenez interviewed over 100 people and had "amassed enough anecdotal evidence to build a persuasive case that Shepard's sexuality was, if not incidental, certainly less central than popular consensus had led us to believe."[65]

Dave O'Malley, the Laramie police commander over the investigations division at the time of Shepard's murder,[66] said "I feel comfortable in my own heart that they did what they did to Matt because they had hatred towards him for being gay." The prosecutor in the case, however, stated there was ample evidence that drugs were at least a factor in the murder[67] and Officer Waters told British journalist Julie Bindel "I believe to this day that McKinney and Henderson were trying to find Matthew’s house so they could steal his drugs. It was fairly well known in the Laramie community that McKinney wouldn’t be one that was striking out of a sense of homophobia."[41] Homicide detective Ben Fritzen, who had interviewed Price, said that those "closely involved with investigating the case.... Initially agreed [this wasn't a hate crime but] as time went on, some became politically involved".[35]...

...Some police officials interviewed after Jimenez's book's publication disputed certain claims made in the book while others praised it. O'Malley noted Shepard's slight build and said the idea that Shepard was "a methamphetamine kingpin is almost humorous. Someone that would buy into that certainly would believe almost anything they read." Rob Debree, lead sheriff's investigator at the time, said the book contains "factual errors and lies", and deemed Jimenez's claim that Shepard was a drug dealer "truly laughable".[66] However Matthew Shepard's former lover and long-term friend, Ted Henson, said the book is “nothing more than the truth”[41] and Cal Rerucha, who prosecuted the case, stated that Jimenez was one of the only people "that really looked through the files" of the case. He called the book "fair" saying Shepard's friends "were on a mission" to make the crime out as a hate crime. Rerucha also disputed Debree's claim that Jimenez lied by claiming that someone had shot through Rerucha's window. He said that someone had indeed shot through his window

I assume you are aware of the massive problem with meth in the Gay Community, correct?
The Guardian helped peddle a thoroughly discredited book alleging that Matthew Shepard was murdered in a drug-related incident, even though lawyers and investigators involved in the case have denounced the book as "fictional."

On October 25, The Guardian published an article by columnist Julie Bindel titled "The truth behind America's most famous gay-hate murder." The report focuses on the widely discredited 2013 book The Book of Matt, in which author Stephen Jimenez attempts to make the case that Matthew Shepard's brutal murder in 1998 was drug-related and not, as it is widely believed, motivated by anti-gay hate.

The book has been criticized for relying on shoddy sources and omitting key facts about the case, prompting the Matthew Shepard Foundation to condemn the book for being based on rumors and innuendo.

Jimenez's book has been described as "fictional" by the lead detective in the case. People familiar with the murder - including one of the killer's appellate attorneys, Albany County Sheriff Dave O'Malley, and Albany County Undersheriff Robert Debree - have condemned the book as factually challenged.

The problem goes beyond Jimenez's book contradicting the testimony of people intimately involved in Shepard's case. He relies on rumors, innuendo, and wild assumptions to support his theories. The Book of Matt reads more like a mystery novel than a serious investigation into Shepard's death.
The Guardian Promotes Discredited, Debunked Book About Matthew Shepard's Murder

Matthew Shepard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The murder continued to attract public attention and media coverage long after the trial was over. In 2004, the ABC News news program 20/20 aired a report quoting claims by McKinney, Henderson, and Kristen Price, the prosecutor and a lead investigator, that the murder had not been motivated by Shepard's sexuality but rather was primarily a drug-related robbery that had turned violent.[15]

Gay advocacy organizations charged that the 20/20 report, which featured interviews with McKinney and Henderson, was sensational, misleading, and downplayed or ignored evidence of homophobia as a motivation for the crime.[61][62][63][64]

By contrast, in an essay in LGBT publication The Advocate, Aaron Hicklin wrote that after years of investigation the show's producer Jimenez interviewed over 100 people and had "amassed enough anecdotal evidence to build a persuasive case that Shepard's sexuality was, if not incidental, certainly less central than popular consensus had led us to believe."[65]

Dave O'Malley, the Laramie police commander over the investigations division at the time of Shepard's murder,[66] said "I feel comfortable in my own heart that they did what they did to Matt because they had hatred towards him for being gay." The prosecutor in the case, however, stated there was ample evidence that drugs were at least a factor in the murder[67] and Officer Waters told British journalist Julie Bindel "I believe to this day that McKinney and Henderson were trying to find Matthew’s house so they could steal his drugs. It was fairly well known in the Laramie community that McKinney wouldn’t be one that was striking out of a sense of homophobia."[41] Homicide detective Ben Fritzen, who had interviewed Price, said that those "closely involved with investigating the case.... Initially agreed [this wasn't a hate crime but] as time went on, some became politically involved".[35]...

...Some police officials interviewed after Jimenez's book's publication disputed certain claims made in the book while others praised it. O'Malley noted Shepard's slight build and said the idea that Shepard was "a methamphetamine kingpin is almost humorous. Someone that would buy into that certainly would believe almost anything they read." Rob Debree, lead sheriff's investigator at the time, said the book contains "factual errors and lies", and deemed Jimenez's claim that Shepard was a drug dealer "truly laughable".[66] However Matthew Shepard's former lover and long-term friend, Ted Henson, said the book is “nothing more than the truth”[41] and Cal Rerucha, who prosecuted the case, stated that Jimenez was one of the only people "that really looked through the files" of the case. He called the book "fair" saying Shepard's friends "were on a mission" to make the crime out as a hate crime. Rerucha also disputed Debree's claim that Jimenez lied by claiming that someone had shot through Rerucha's window. He said that someone had indeed shot through his window

I assume you are aware of the massive problem with meth in the Gay Community, correct?

So THAT is why Richard Simmons dropped out of sight!

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.

Every Southern Republican in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act.

The kind of Republicans who voted for it are the kind that conservatives hate.

So did every democratic southern.

HIs point about the Republican Congress passing the Civil Rights Act is still true and you have not disputed it.

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.

Every Southern Republican in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act.

The kind of Republicans who voted for it are the kind that conservatives hate.

Don't you mean....Democrats?

I'm guessing you never bothered to actually look at who actually voted for it, as opposed to listening to someone else telling you how to think.

Civil Rights act....filibustered by...Democrats for some time.

Yes all 11 southern Republicans voted against it.....which of course was dwarfed by the 107 Southern Democrats who did. Did you miss that part?

81% of Republicans in Congres voted for it. Without them, despite super majorities in both houses it wouldn't have passed.

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.
False the republican congress then would be considered by the new reich as Communists
Nothing they did can be claimed by today's republicans.

That has been debunked so many times it isn't even worth trying anymore. The fact is the democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act....overwhelmingly
Debunked by whom ?
You spew that shit constantly but never supply any credible confirmation.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?

How many gays have Muslims in America killed?

Fact...some Christians and some Muslims want to kill gays. some countries Muslims and Christians kill gays. Fact, we live in America where we're not killing each other over this shit.

Hmmm...could it be more cultural than religious you think?

Name the countries that Muslims kill gays and name the countries that Christians are killing gays.

Saying you want to and actually doing it are not the same.
In a jailhouse tape recording played at his murder trial Thursday, Aaron McKinney told police he beat gay college student Matthew Shepard again and again while his accomplice stood by and laughed.

During the hourlong, muffled recording, McKinney said Shepard approached him and Russell Henderson in a bar. Shepard didn't make a pass at the two, McKinney said. "All he really did is ask for a ride home," McKinney said.

"We had really no intention of hurting this guy," McKinney told police. "It was to take him out and scare him and take his wallet and leave."

But in the pickup, Shepard made an aggressive sexual advance, and McKinney began to hit him. He continued the beating at a ranch a mile from Laramie and let Henderson tie Shepard to a fence. Though he thought Shepard would die there, McKinney didn't call an ambulance.
Jailhouse confession tells of gay student beating | | Amarillo Globe-News

And Lord knows he had no motive to lie, like avoiding the Death Penalty for premeditated murder....
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?
It doesn't matter. It starts with people like this calling for the execution of gay people. Uganda has such legislation. American Christians aided that outcome.

You have a link to American Christians aiding in such legislation?

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.
False the republican congress then would be considered by the new reich as Communists
Nothing they did can be claimed by today's republicans.

AT no point since then has the GOP platform been anti-civil rights.

The conversation has constantly been HOW MUCH to discriminate in favor of blacks and browns, not whether or not to actually do it.

Until very recently as anger over anti-white discrimination has grown.

Which is not the same as being against equality.

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.
False the republican congress then would be considered by the new reich as Communists
Nothing they did can be claimed by today's republicans.

That has been debunked so many times it isn't even worth trying anymore. The fact is the democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act....overwhelmingly

The Senate version:[20]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[20]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
...back to the barnyard, you daft cow.
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?

How many gays have Muslims in America killed?

Fact...some Christians and some Muslims want to kill gays. some countries Muslims and Christians kill gays. Fact, we live in America where we're not killing each other over this shit.

Hmmm...could it be more cultural than religious you think?
Not entirely true. They killed Matthew Shephard.

Two guys in Wyoming is now equated to Christians killing gays? Pretty stupid connection. So they left winger going in and killing people in a church means liberals are wanting to kill liberals?
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?
How many would matter to you? My guess is none.

Wow! Proving you are a bigger idiot than we thought. I don't believe in killing innocent people. Another liberal drama queen, how many can this board produce?
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals

How many gays have these pastors killed?
How many would matter to you? My guess is none.

Wow! Proving you are a bigger idiot than we thought. I don't believe in killing innocent people. Another liberal drama queen, how many can this board produce?
Proving you hate gays isn't difficult at all.

Actually this guy is lying through his teeth. It was a Republican Congress that overwhelmingly voted to pass the Civil Rights Act.
False the republican congress then would be considered by the new reich as Communists
Nothing they did can be claimed by today's republicans.

AT no point since then has the GOP platform been anti-civil rights.

The conversation has constantly been HOW MUCH to discriminate in favor of blacks and browns, not whether or not to actually do it.

Until very recently as anger over anti-white discrimination has grown.

Which is not the same as being against equality.

You want to walk that dog back, Correll?


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