The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

Twisting faith to provide a false moral aegis is what is common between the Taliban and the alegded Christian bigots.

Stop. Now.

You have no right to compare Christians to terrorists. It is such weak argument. Very weak. You think your argument is morally superior, but no morally superior argument creates a twisted dichotomy like yours. Why do you think it is okay to compare people who believe in traditional marriage to murderers, who do far worse to gay people than these so called "alleged Christian bigots?"

My friend, if you think that simply not supporting gay marriage is bigoted, I'd like to introduce you to the hundreds of thousands of gay people who are being openly oppressed and systematically exterminated in many Muslim theocracies in the Middle East.

Think before you speak.

I'm not vetting these shallow minded merchants for their left handed Christianity, they are showing the world how they regard Christianity by their actions and pseudo outrage.

You are using Christianity to justify what it clearly calls a sin. It is also you who are trying to distort the teachings of Christianity. Spare me.

Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. And lets ignore the whole "they shall be put to death" part.

Despite that, and unless God's will changed from one testament to the other, he stated explicitly his contempt for homosexuality. That's it. God is unchanging, therefore his will has not changed here. You are in the wrong, not them.

Your argument rests on the idea the Christians are mean and enact the same policies and directives towards gay people that the Taliban does. You have subsequently invalidated the rest of your argument, and furthermore such an argument in this regard is puerile and overtly bigoted.

If you truly operated by Christian teachings, surely this would apply to you as well:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38-39

You want them to turn the other cheek. Why won't you?
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Fundamentalist Christians who call for the death of gay people, (Uganda, for instance), really aren't that different from the Taliban.
Phillip Kayser is among the several speakers joining Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa this weekend, and as we've reported, he, along with the conference's chief organizer, Kevin Swanson, has called on the government to execute gay people. Kayser's views are so extreme that back in the 2012 election, Ron Paul's campaign tried to cover up his endorsement.

However, it seems that in today's GOP, calling for the execution of gay people isn't beyond the pale.

At the conference, where he is giving two speeches on how local officials and others can defy the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision, Kayser distributed the very pamphlet calling for the death penalty for gay people that caused a stir back when he endorsed Paul.

In the pamphlet, “Is The Death Penalty Just?,” Kayser unsurprisingly concludes that the death penalty is in fact just, and lists homosexuality among the offenses deserving of capital punishment.

- See more at: 'Death Penalty For Gays' Literature At Right-Wing Conference
How different is this from the Taliban?

A Christian pastor in Arizona is publicly calling for gays to be stoned to death, and is angry that other pastors are not following God’s command “to kill the gays.”
In a recent sermon Pastor David Berzins of Word of Truth Baptist Church condemned all those who would refuse to endorse God’s call to kill the gays. In particular, Berzins was angry with a fellow pastor who had refused to endorse far-right pastor Steven Anderson’s call for death to LGBT people.
Bezrin and Anderson both argue that Christians should follow God’s command, as stated in Deuteronomy, that gays be put to death.
- See more at: Arizona pastor publicly supports death by stoning for homosexuals
Fundamentalist Christians who call for the death of gay people, (Uganda, for instance), really aren't that different from the Taliban.

Sure. What if I told you I was a Fundamentalist Christian? Now, what if I told you that what you're doing is stereotyping each and every one of us in to the same group of those who "call for the death of gay people?"

Of the billion or so Christians in this world, how many of them actually call for the death of gay people? Moreover, how many Christians have you seen trying to kill gay people? Only the Ugandans? Anyone who claims to be a Christian who sets out telling people to kill gay people are not Christians. At all.

Phillip Kayser and a Christian Pastor have only words, and no means to carry out such a philosophy. They are misrepresenting God's heart. And if you believe for one moment that they represent all of us, you are sorely mistaken.
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Fundamentalist Christians who call for the death of gay people, (Uganda, for instance), really aren't that different from the Taliban.

Sure. What if I told you I was a Fundamentalist Christian? Now, what if I told you that what you're doing is stereotyping each and every one of us in to the same group of those who "call for the death of gay people?"

I have never seen so much blanket reasoning....
You're the fellow who said there is no comparison between Christians and the Taliban. I'm merely showing you that SOME Christian fundamentalists are as radical as the Taliban.

Sorry, if I personally offended you. It was not my intent.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuals or it being anti Christian or wrong.
Someone is misrepresenting christanity [sic] .is it you or Jesus.

The Bible is quite clear enough about God's moral standards regarding sexual activity. Why would you require Jesus to repeat it, in order to consider it valid? Jesus didn't come to give us a picky list of dos and don'ts, restating what God had already made clear.
And, not everyone is a Christian. Not every Christian elevates the "sin" of homosexuality above all others.
As someone who waited 25 years to legally marry, it saddens me that anyone would consider that level of committment [sic] to the woman I love a 'sick mockery of what is sacred'.

I won't apologize for speaking the plain truth. Your “marriage” is not a marriage at all, and it is a sick mockery of genuine marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman; not between two men or between two women.

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As someone who waited 25 years to legally marry, it saddens me that anyone would consider that level of committment to the woman I love a 'sick mockery of what is sacred'.

I won't apologize for speaking the plain truth. Your “marriage” is not a marriage at all, and it is a sick mockery of genuine marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman; not between two men or between two women.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
You're the fellow who said there is no comparison between Christians and the Taliban.

That I am.

I'm merely showing you that SOME Christian fundamentalists are as radical as the Taliban.

And in that respect, I would agree. They are not Christians at all. They act in defiance of how God wants us to treat our fellow men.

Sorry, if I personally offended you. It was not my intent.

No worries. I bear you no ill will. :)
In reading the OP, it is obvious to me that Conservatives are victims. Also, everyone knows that they are a minority. Therefore, I am pleased to inform conservatives that we Liberals will include you in our struggle to give all oppressed minority victims the justice that they deserve!
You're the fellow who said there is no comparison between Christians and the Taliban.

That I am.

I'm merely showing you that SOME Christian fundamentalists are as radical as the Taliban.

And in that respect, I would agree. They are not Christians at all. They act in defiance of how God wants us to treat our fellow men.

Sorry, if I personally offended you. It was not my intent.

No worries. I bear you no ill will. :)
Thank you. It's good to remember there are people like you who call themselves Christian and who do not bear others ill will. As you can see from the thread, there are varied Christian positions.
As someone who waited 25 years to legally marry, it saddens me that anyone would consider that level of committment [sic] to the woman I love a 'sick mockery of what is sacred'.

I won't apologize for speaking the plain truth. Your “marriage” is not a marriage at all, and it is a sick mockery of genuine marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman; not between two men or between two women.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

It's not about any way that I “feel”. “Feeling” is what liberals and criminals and degenerates do to avoid facing the hard plain truth. “Feeling” is what you do instead of thinking. It is, at least in part, what leads into exactly the wickedness and madness that you have embraced.
There is nothing wicked or crazy about my life. It's pretty normal. Working, raising kids etc.
Here's where I find Chrisitanity confusing. What happened to the loving Christ? How can you express such ill will toward perfect strangers?
Do these supposed Christian merchants morally vet all their customers for fear of their mortal souls? Do they cater a Mafia princess' wedding? The marriage of an OB/GYN's daughter who has had an abortion?

Or is their precious and jealously guarded bigotry restricted to same sex couples? Is their bigotry really driven by Biblical mandate, or good old fashioned Gay bashing? Is it driven by faith in a loving and forgiving God, or by fears, superstitions and ignorance?

Intentionally, I suppose, you ignore the distinction between merely judging a person, and refusing to participate in that person's misconduct.

If I were in a catering-related profession, what my customers did outside of any interactions with me would have little bearing on my dealing with them.

That a bride may be a “mafia princess” would not be my concern, if I were asked to cater her wedding. If her father asked me to cater an event celebrating the murder of a rival gang leader, I would refuse.

If the bride's father was an abortionist, that's have little bearing on me catering her wedding. I would not, however, cater an event celebrating her father's murderous profession, or any accomplishment therein.

Homosexuality is immoral. “Gay marriage” is a sick mockery of that which I hold to be sacred. Under no circumstances would I willingly participate in a celebration of this evil.

Being loving and forgiving, in perfect accordance with Christian values, does not mean, nor even faintly imply, an obligation to participate in, support, or celebrate that which one knows to be wrong.
As someone who waited 25 years to legally marry, it saddens me that anyone would consider that level of committment to the woman I love a 'sick mockery of what is sacred'. There are many religions practiced in America and we don't all share the same ideas on what is considered to be misconduct.

Here is the teaching that I uphold:

"Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I undertake to cultivate responsibility and learn ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families, and society. I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without love and a long- term commitment. To preserve the happiness of myself and others, I am determined to respect my commitments and the commitments of others. I will do everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to prevent couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct."

Nonetheless, it is not a barrier to me to relate to you as another human being. I trust you mean well. Obviously, I disagree with your position on marriage equality. I am happy to have the right to marry and raise children in the country of my birth.

As for "forcing you" to do something you don't want to do, such as celebrate a family's happiness, most of us aren't in the slightest bit interested in having a wet blanket of close mindedness present for our family celebrations.

What's everyone's hang up with sexuality. It's a private preference and a non political issue....human, but non political....Jeez....Scum that commit perverted sex crimes should be strung up by their balls, but how's that a political issue?
Oh you poor conservatives :itsok:

you do know that the POS in the picture was not a conservative right? you do understand that the republican voters couldn't wait for that asshole to be removed as speaker of the house. He was no different than the hag pelosi
Liberals and liberalism is a passed fad, soon to be discarded.
Conservatives have been spewing that steaming pile of propaganda since the terms liberal and conservative were invented.

Why would conservatives be so busy supressing voting in as many states as they can? Its because conservatism on the national scale, because of demographics, is slowly ebbing away.
Why are progressives control freaks??
Coming from a member of an idology that's whole existent is based on controlling or attempting to control everything that's a fucking ironic thing to say.

^^^ projection, liberals are massive control freaks. Fortunately we can point to the Constitution and tell them to go to hell.

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